Local Government TV

Monday, December 14, 2015

Updated: LVIA Exec Director Uses Airport Tahoe To Load up on Booze

From Secret Agent 102: This afternoon, I was at the Wine and Spirits store at Northampton Crossings. I was in the checkout line when I noticed that the person in front of me looked strikingly like Lehigh Valley International Airport Executive Director Charles Everett. He (and the gray-haired woman with him) bought more than a case of wine and booze.

I didn't think anything of it until I got to the parking lot when I saw them entering a late model Chevy Tahoe with a yellow "flasher" on the roof. Sure enough, as they pulled out, I noticed the Tahoe had "MG" plates. This was Saturday afternoon at about 1:55.

Here's the vehicle pulling out of the parking lot (you can see Red Robin to the right and the Wegman's "tower" in the distance).

I have sent this email to Executive Director Everett:

Charles, Perhaps you can help me. You were spotted Saturday afternoon leaving Northampton Crossings with a rather large quantity of booze. To each his own, I say, but you were transporting this precious cargo in a Chevy Tahoe bearing Municipal Plate MG5255M. Can you please educate me whether this type of personal use is permitted in an official government vehicle with an amber flasher. Thanks. 

Updated 10:19 AM: Everett Responds! Booze Runs OK!
"I was enroute from the North Pole Express Charity Flight event at Lehigh Valley International Airport to my home. Incidental personal use of the vehicle is permitted. Thanks".


  1. Ooops, there it is!

  2. Nothing to see here. Big deal.

  3. Not to diminish the questionable nature over the use of the vehicle, but vehicles that drive on roads, runways, or taxiways inside the airport are required to have the amber light. Sounds like the vehicle may be a perk to the job.

  4. Hmm. That's a 2015 or 2016 Tahoe, which even with no options and government pricing has to be at least $45k. I thought the airport was broke? Shouldn't he be driving a 20 year old pickup or similar? I wonder what the WBF Associates investors and their attorney think of this?

  5. Looks like Bernie falling off the wagon again. Unless he buys soda at a State store.

  6. Seperateing pepper from flysh*t.

  7. Could be gifts for staff? Official business? Good luck getting a reply Bernie!

  8. He was buying Christmas Gifts for his staff or maybe it was for the next "Executive Session" at the Airport. The way those guys operate they must be on something. If it isn't drugs then it must be alcohol. By the way Bernie, what were you doing by the Liquor Store?

  9. Private party @ Platinum+ (Erv's).

  10. Not to worry. The. Department heads in the city of Bethlehem who are not residence of the city use the city cars for their own personal use at taxpayers expense When they are caught like the economic director getting a parking ticket in Phila. And paying for it out of economic development funds, which was brought up at a council meeting, nothing was done about it, Who cares it's only taxpayers money.

  11. New must be slow to blog about this!!

  12. This is why ABE needs a Duty Free liquor shop!

  13. "Nothing to see here. Big deal."

    Are you kidding me? Big deal? Using a tax payer owned vehicle and fuel for personal errands? I think it is a big deal. While we are at it, shouldn't the public demand that tax payer provided vehicles cost a bit less than that big, fancy gas guzzler? Thank goodness there is a place that citizens can report this kind of abuse. Nice work.

  14. I am more concerned about this bloggers propensity to stalk people, photograph them, and demand explanations like anyone gives a shit what your latest personal vendetta is about....how is it that Ms. Allen will tolerate scum like O'Hare outside her home? Sheriff's as well. Anyone else would be charged with harassment and stalking by now. Let's ask Mr. Morganelli why not....

    Mr. Morganelli, WHY NOT?

  15. The Director's response seems OK to me, if it is true. Incidental use would be stopping while driving past.

  16. Still very inappropriate especially for an embattled airport director. Even if he was in the general area was his purchase of booze on company time? Alcohol as presents to company staff has been taboo for years. And let's hope that Everett did not use an airport credit card to buy the booze. That would be inexcusable.

  17. " By the way Bernie, what were you doing by the Liquor Store?"

    This was not me, but one of my readers who forwarded his sighting. Secret Agent 102. But I have visited state stores since I quit drinking to purchase bottles of booze as gifts for friends.

  18. "how is it that Ms. Allen will tolerate scum like O'Hare outside her home?"

    I once went to dinner with a friend and we had to pass by Allen's house to get there. He pointed out the house.

    Mezzacappa, you need to focus on paying off the judgment you owe to me.

  19. By the way, i don't think booze runs qualify as incidental personal use.

    1. Bernie,
      it just may be the two travelers needed there much needed belt before hurrying back from a work break¿!($
      I was told by a reader to give my meds to the pistol packing bacon peddler¿!($
      Snake oil salesmen one and all¿!($
      patent pending

  20. I agree, Bernie. He must not live very far from there. Why didn't he just park the company car and use his own vehicle to go shopping? It would appear that he justifies any kind of personal shopping as an appropriate use of a company (MUNICIPAL) vehicle. How would we feel if we saw a deputy sheriff load up a county sheriff's vehicle with booze and say that it was just an incidental use of a county vehicle. Everett has to have more sense than that. Where did he go after the booze run, to Target to buy Christmas gifts? This is a municipal vehicle paid for by the airport, which is a public authority. Not right.

  21. Drink much there Mr Everett?

  22. All these Government cars are incidental uses untill one crashs and it makes the news.

  23. You have recently blogged about vehicle use by Allen, Sheriff's and now Everritt. If you actually think you are fooling anyone that these "anonymous source sightings" at their houses or other places are all a "coinicdence" then I have a bridge to sell you. The only obvious fact is that we have a low life blogger whose rage and jealousy direct his daily infantile rants, and prove his inability to have any life, or function in a civilized society.....causing him to ride around stalking people for his own lack of any other activity. Again, where does a self appointed detective have the right to follow people in public without any consequences? Can Mr. Morganelli explain this one, or would he rather get creamed again in his next ploy for higher office?

    This has many downsides, doesn't it? Must suck to be such a petty, angry little nobody who is incessantly seeking attention for anyone who throws a bone?

  24. Mezzacappa, pay your judgment. You attribute your own lying behavior to others. When I say that this information was forwarded to me by a third party, it is because that is what happened. I do not make people up like you do. I tell the truth. You ought to try it sometime.

    I do believe the public has a right to know when a public official is abusing vehicle use policy, whether it is Allen or Everett. As for deputy sheriffs, that was a comment from a third party on my Opinions Online column. Once again, not me. And as i recall, there was no abuse in the case of deputy sheriffs.

    But if you wat to file a complaint, be my guest. It will be just one of countless times you have gone to different police agencies with false reports. You need to be charged for your own conduct, which is pure harassment.

  25. I do not see this as a big deal especially if his story checks out and he was working on a Saturday. It does not look good though.

  26. Forget about getting information on the Bethlehem Director's use of a city vehicle and a ticket in Phila. She gets a pass from O'Hare because he has a crush on her.So much for the public watchdog.

    Also no news of the public meeting being held tomorrow night at city hall by people concerned about the Mayor and Karner's activities regarding Martin Tower. The public is invited so we can "clean the air" about our concerns over this obvious screw job by insiders and the city Admisntration.

  27. Agree w/ 12:48 that it isn't a big deal, provided he was working on a Saturday and if it wasn't really out of his way. Many many people do the same thing. Seems silly for him to drive all the way home, and then take a different car 5-10 miles to the nearest store when he's already driving right past one. A better question is why is such an expensive vehicle necessary?

  28. @3:15 Boonie loves what he can't have, eventually he will turn on Alicia in a similar fashion to what happened with the Ridge St. stunner.

  29. As long as he claims the incidental use as personal mileage vs. business-related there's no problem here. Personal use of a business vehicle is a taxable benefit.

  30. Haw about a 1099 for use of a high line vehicle at tax payer expense. This vehicle was over 33,500 TO BUY and would cost somebody 700.00 a month to operate.

  31. Jim Gregory could make this better.

  32. "Haw about a 1099 for use of a high line vehicle at tax payer expense"

    Boy, I'd love to see how many zeroes would be on Obama's 1099.

  33. Air travel is without question the most inefficient, environmentally damaging form of transportation from the toxic jet fuel to the pureeing of migratory birds air travel is setting mother earth back each and every day. So it's no surprise that someone who represents these merchants of death drives a huge gas guzzling SUV and also uses it for frivolous trips to purchase poisonous ethyl alcohol which has destroyed more indigenous Americans than smallpox.

    Blue Badger

  34. Blue Badger, I hesitate to tell you this, but Secret Agent 102 was following Everett in a Hummer, and also flicks cigarettes out his window.

  35. I didn't know that Abe Atiyeh was a smoker.

  36. karner is the 2 bit of bethlum

  37. We get it. You don't like Karner. We also get that you won't sign your name to your personal attacks.

  38. " ... pureeing of migratory birds ... "

    A Snowy White Owl can bring down an aircraft and kill every soul on board. That's why airports employ people to shoot them. Coyotes and foxes at airports make great targets, as well. These noble creatures should know it's kill or be killed out there. I support harassment and poisoning. But shooting them is a lot of fun.

  39. Incidentally. The anonymous assertion that Alicia Karner received a ticket in Philly and uses city funds to pay it is completely false. When people are anonymous, they can post reckless lies.

  40. I have always been amazed at the jealousy that people display when others have a 'perk' from their job. I happen to know that many officials at public agencies, particularly those were unforeseen emergencies may arise, are provided 'company' vehicles as part of their compensation. Trust me, if (God forbid) a major emergency happened at the airport we wouldn't want Mr. Everett stuck in his driveway with a SMART Car. It sure doesn't sound like a lug of an SUV with a yellow like on the roof is quite the status car that some here might suggest.

  41. 10:20 PM--Really ? I am more amazed at the waste fraud and corruption that occurs in tax payer funded entities.

    It has nothing to do with status. It is called wasting tax payer cash, for his own needs. Nice attempt in minimizing the real issue.

    Lets keep digging and we will see that the company credit card , vehicle and other items , you call perks,(but you forgot to mention who funds the perks) are being misused for mostly personal reasons.

    If you own a private company that does not use 1 penny of tax payer cash, you have the right to set up the rules of use, and the compensation package as you see fit.

    When you work for the govt and you cash comes from the tax payers, you have rules that must be followed, set up by that same govt.

    You and I both know more people who chose not to follow those rules and this is a case of that issue coming into play.

    Again, another robot who believes these perks are totally free. The sense of entitlement is disgusting.

    A wise man once said "Character is what people do when nobody else is looking".

  42. 8:51,

    BO actually it was t hanna that used to do that. Your good friend dana can verify that for you.

  43. The accusation was that Alicia did it, and the accusation is false. What Tony did or did not do is no basis for attacking karner.

  44. The question is did she receive a traffic type ticket while in Phila.?

  45. No the question is why you feel the need to attack her anonymously with information you just pull out of your ass.

  46. Gary W. Gorman writes:

    Ok, now I'm on trish's side. You're a nasty c*nt. who cares. there are more important things in life.

    Now look above at my next comment.

  47. Vulgar name calling. Proof of an argument lost. What, no accusations of Bernie being a Nazi?

  48. The executive director 's conduct speaks volumes of what is not appropriate for a government entity to do. Buy Booze as a govt. official. Shame on him. This airport's management leaves much to be desired unless you are Hooters Airlines then you can leave behind memories and an unpaid gas bill. Shame on this guy.

  49. Haw about a 1099 for use of a high line vehicle at tax payer expense. This vehicle was over 33,500 TO BUY and would cost somebody 700.00 a month to operate.

    This is the larger issue. WHY does this official require a tax payer funded vehicle. There are MANY, many government workers in local government and school districts who use their personal vehicles for official use and have absolutely no option otherwise. They get paid mileage which pays for the wear and tear and gas. Is this the same guy who had his meeting at Saucon? It's this kind of egregious bloated government that gives local districts and governments a bad name. They are all painted with the same brush. It's time that jokers like this guy and in Harrisburg become a bit more sensitive to how they spend tax dollars. (Yes, I chuckled when I wrote that.)

  50. I have always been amazed at the jealousy that people display when others have a 'perk' from their job. I happen to know that many officials at public agencies, particularly those were unforeseen emergencies may arise, are provided 'company' vehicles as part of their compensation. Trust me, if (God forbid) a major emergency happened at the airport we wouldn't want Mr. Everett stuck in his driveway with a SMART Car. It sure doesn't sound like a lug of an SUV with a yellow like on the roof is quite the status car that some here might suggest.

    Government jobs are not about "perks" - it is offensive to every school teacher and police officer to suggest that ANY tax funded government job requires perquisites.

  51. A government official should never purchase liquor in a government owned vehicle. What an abuse.


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