Local Government TV

Friday, November 20, 2015

Scomillio Still Won't Concede

Though Sam Murray won by a fairly comfortable margin in the judicial race, opponent Vic Scomillio still refuses to concede. He's waiting for the official results, which might come as early as today.

Now maybe he thinks that four or five military ballots will push him over the top. Or maybe he's waiting for Sam to concede. I don't know.But his refusal to recognize the obvious is just more proof that he currently lacks the temperament to be a judge.

Plus, it's tacky.


  1. No its not, why should he?

  2. Murray is a very poor selection. Voters deserve confirmation before giving a robe to Murray. That's why we have elections and votes are actually counted.

  3. Keep making excuses and spewing sour grapes for what by all normal people would agree is a totally tacky and classless move.

  4. Scamilio is being the brat that he was as executive council Poor choice, no character

  5. How do you spell "Loser"?

  6. Scomillio may be a real loser, but he is not stupid. He very well knows if he does not concede when the official count is tallied, he will never be a judge in Northampton County. He is pushing the envelope now. A Judge candidate is held to much higher moral standards than any other candidate and his sense of fairness comes into play. If he cannot accept defeat in a political race, what kind of judge do you think he would make. He will never be elected judge. It would be very clear he would come off as "vindictive" nasty person whose unfit to serve in this position. He has almost assured the electorate that he will never be a Judge, he doesn't want to make it a 100% certainty.

  7. Scomillio will live with this LOSER title for the rest of his career. He certainly showed his lack of respect for this position. That ball and chain title of being a poor looser will get heavier should he decide to run again. Maybe Brown will hire him back.

  8. Does it surprise me? NO. As a life long republican I couldn't vote for the guy. He showed what his colors were when he worked by the Brown Administration and the nonsense. He wont get elected to any political office and he knows it an with this childish behavior he has shown that he is not mature period.
    Truly the right man for the job WON. Grow up Mr. Scomillo your embarrassing yourself!

  9. The Clown Administration claims another victim. Anyone hitching onto this guy has 25 1/2 months to pick the pockets of the taxpayers.

    Who will the Republicans run against the Brownstain in the 2017 primary? That is assuming he runs for re-election. Probably won't, he knows he won't win and doesn't really like the job anyway. Will announce he's running for gov.

  10. Gary W. Gorman writes:

    Wow! I even know when to accept defeat and walk away. Congratulations to Judge Murray for his well-deserved win.

  11. His loss should be a warning to others who have attached themselves to Brown. There are no coattails to benefit anyone who supports him. I think others who still support Brown and are smart enough to understand this defeat for Scomillio will slowly be turning away from Brownstain, as 2018 draws closer.

  12. "Who will the Republicans run against the Brownstain in the 2017 primary? That is assuming he runs for re-election. Probably won't, he knows he won't win and doesn't really like the job anyway. Will announce he's running for gov."

    Brown is going to run for Auditor General. So much for his love of Northampton County. When he loses that race, he will be back. I don't expect that what he did to the workforce will hurt him bc it appears that most people unfairly love to hate public sector workers. But his government by consultant, improper expenses, his posting of armed guards at a news conference, his disdain for the public and complete lack of transparency are going to take a toll. His poor employee decisions are going to cost the county millions (very bad arbitration on contracts, lost arbitration over health care, lost lawsuit over termination of one worker, Lt fired at jail for requiring COs to follow uniform policy). He has done some things right. (He is setting aside money to buy a human services building and for capital projects needed at gracedale). Some of his appointments have been pleasant surprises (Sheriff, Hunter, Trapp, Rugis), but others like Donaher and Allen have been disasters. He has defined himself as something of a distant, unfeeling bean counter with very little to show for his efforts. I believe he goes down in flames. But if he has deluded himself into thinking he can be elected auditor general, he has deluded himself into thinking he will be re-elected.

  13. Sad times, with the likes of Mr. Brown and Mr. Scomillo inserting themselves into the picture, when what we need is intelligent capable leadership for difficult times, both sides of the aisle. Competition is a good thing. But under current times-- remember the caliber of some who ran recently for Bethlehem Council -- there is no competition for ideas. Because some of the Democrats in office are lacking in good sense and leadership as well. Sadly, the Republican party has made itself a joke. And it was not always that way.

  14. There's certainly bitterness. Murray's acolytes waged a very nasty character assassination campaign against Scomilio. Murray should have distanced himself. He didn't. His lukewarm rating from the PBA indicates he's a poor choice, as well. There's no need to rush to be nice to a nasty little man like Murray. And who knows? Military personnel hate Democrats. Best to count all the votes first.

  15. What on earth are you talking about? There was no rating by the Pa Bar Ass'n. Your false statement is an indication of what Murray had to face.

  16. Who attended a fund raiser, given by a few attorneys, for Sam Murray a few weeks or so ago? In fact I think a rep from the Bethlehem Police Admin, was present as well?

  17. This doesn't surprise me! Scomilio continues his petulant behavior. His attachment to Brown, his poor legal judgement while solicitor, and the feckless manner in which he fired Mancini- no fan of mine- turned me off. Murray was by far, the better choice.

  18. 5:00 PM

    Correct! No surprises here. Murray was by far the better candidate, however Scomillio picked up a lot of undeserving votes because of the straight ticket Republicans.

  19. Why would ANYONE vote for a guy who fired someone via telephone a few days before Xmas and then get sued for violating the law and then have the tax payers of Northampton County pay his "stupiditity tab"?? LOL this guy is a joke and shouldn't even be an attorney after he showed his true colors.

  20. At first, I WAS going to post a long comment, starting with an inquiry to 12:29 p.m. about the "nasty character assassination campaign against Scomillio" by Mr. Murray's "acolytes" (sounds suspiciously similar to a robo call made by Mr. Scomillio's wife the night before the election), but we all know the truth. There was nothing that came out of the Murray camp except facts and, since the voters SHOULD be educated when making a decision between candidates, they did the right thing. The one question I do have, for 12:29 p.m. and others of that mindset is: With the facts disseminated by the Murray camp, who was it that actually assassinated Mr. Scomillio's character? Enough rhetoric; I think the point should be obvious.

    Fact is, notwithstanding his questionable decisions while serving as Mr. Brown's solicitor, I actually respected Mr. Scomillio before this campaign....now, not so much.


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