Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

NorCo Corrections Officer Admits Troubled Past

Yesterday, I told you that Northampton County employs a corrections officer with quite an interesting history. I call her Madame X. She failed to disclose her work history between 1989 and 1996, and for good reason. During much of that time, she was a stripper at various local bars like The Fox and Erv's, as well as at clubs in Jersey and New York. She also posed for biker magazines. In some instances, she is unclothed. After being hired in January 2014, she began to disclose her past to various people.

In addition to her work in the adult entertainment industry, Madame X also got mixed up in various drugs. One of those is heroin. Northampton County has a policy that anyone who has used heroin is automatically disqualified as a corrections officer. So is anyone who is less than completely honest on his or her job application.

In the course of searching her then public Facebook page, I found even more reason to be concerned. She has posted anti-Muslim remarks, and insists on repeatedly posting pictures of the Confederate Battle Flag. She is both religiously intolerant and a bigot. Many of the people in her care are black Muslims, and if a family member happened to see one of her rants, that could endanger both her and other guards.

Madame X changed the settings on her Facebook yesterday. But before doing so, she posted this comment.
I love when people try to make you look bad when they are the ones that did wrong.I'm not proud of my past but I'm not ashamed of it.when your a single mom and you can't get help.you are forced into doing whatever it takes to feed your kids no, I was never a hooker.and being concerned about terrorism and our government is everyone's concern.I am not racist.never was.but some people try to make you look that way..if that's what you got to do to make me look bad.then shame on you..so I think some jokes are funny ..sure..it's a joke...and if it happened to be a bit distasteful and I laugh or share it..so what.it doesn't mean I'm racist..I started my turn to Christianity about 13 yrs ago and it's been a tough road..it's not easy being a Christian,but I am getting better although I have a long way to go because I am human and all humans are not perfect.God said so.so the ones that are skimming my Facebook and putting it out there that I'm all kind of a bad person..good for you...I actually laughed when I read the blog..you need to get your story straight...if you want to know about me.I'll tell you all about me to your face..you don't need to get stories from people who don't know me..and feeding you lies..but my God is bigger than you...and we will all stand in judgement...btw...I will pray for you...
She denies ever having been a hooker. She does not specifically address the accusation that she posed for biker magazines or worked as a stripper, although there is photographic evidence. She does not address her prior drug use. She admits she is not proud of her past and did what she had to do. She also equates her opposition to Syrian refugees with a post in which she attacks a woman simply because she is a Muslim. She denies being a racist, but I can think of no other reason for her repeated use of the Confederate Battle Flag or her "joke" about shooting a Mexican and an Arab.

She admits to being an imperfect Christian, with which I'll agree. She's also an imperfect corrections officer, and I think she needs to find other employment at the county. She is too much of a risk in her current position.


  1. Just a few months ago you complained about people trying to make a big deal about the confederate flag, now you are riding it like a pony. Why are you so intent on destroying this poor woman? Your past is really a horrible thing and you are the moral judge? Who ordered you to do this hit piece?


  2. You are dishonest. I complained about refusing to sell it at the Gettysburg museum, where it has historical significance. I would also be fine with historic re-enactments. But someone who keeps posting it on Facebook is a racist trying to get a rise. You are not interested in this issue, only your hatred for me.

  3. Hope Kimmie Y has the opportunity to be on the other side of the Norco Jail bars when you inevitably go in for an extended stay, surely as a good Christian she will treat you fairly even if the other inmates don't as they are not fond of your ilk in a correctional setting.

  4. Why is it when people catch you in your bullshit you play your fallback card? You claim the comments are not about the topic but hate for you. Sadly, you are not worth that much hate. In fact it is the issue. You are continuing to go after this poor woman with wanton character assassination, obviously as retribution for something someone put you up to.

    You use things against her that you have defended for others in the past. Why not tell people your true motives instead trying to deflect by playing the victim.

  5. I applaud her for changing her life around and trying to support herself and her family. Its better than hitting the streets to make a quick buck by selling drugs etc.

  6. Is that really this person's punctuation? That's depressing that people are that uneducated.

    By the way, Madame X, god does not exist.

  7. 7:58, I give her credit for turning her life around, but she should not be a corrections officer. Too many red flags.

  8. Comments at 2:47 and 4:03 are from Mezzacappa, who has her own demons. ONeBlockDown is one of the false identities she assumes at LVL. She is not interested in anything, and is onlt fantasizing about me going to jail.

  9. How about your past Mr.Ohare..do you have a lot of skeletons in your closet..I bet you do..

  10. My past is well known, and is publicized here nearly every day. It is irrelevant to the question whether a former heroin user and stripper who failed to fill out a complete application should be hired as a CO. Had i applied for such a job I would expect my legal suspension to be an issue. If I lied about it or tried to hide it, I would expect to be disqualified.

  11. btw- God does exist!!!

  12. have you seen this women's application? how would you know what she put on it?what makes you think she did not tell them about her past? does being a stripper disqualify you from being a CO?

  13. Like I said, I have documentary evidence. You are a liar, and now are on her anonymously, telling more lies.

  14. In fairness to Dan Keen, he inherited all this issues from the previous Director, Warden ,a deputy and the administrator of personnel at the prison. Lets move on the right direction and address Madame x and the rest of individuals that were responsible for her hiring. Mr. Keen Has two good individuals working for him, Work release Deputy Warden and captain of operations. As long as Mr.keen addresses the players in a timely fashion, I think he has fulfill his obligation as Director. Best of luck to Mr. Keen

  15. sir, I don't know if you are calling me a liar or the women you wrote about but I am no liar!you must think I'm that CO, but no. in fact I don't even live in PA, I live in WV and have for the past 5 years but still read Lehigh valley news to see what is happening in my old neighborhood!

  16. Sherri, If you really were honest, you would sign all of your posts and take responsibility for what you write. So I don't feel particularly compelled to ferret out which comment you posted anonymously or why I found it troublesome. Be honest. Interestingly, Madame X has plenty of W Va. roots and at least one of her references is from there.

  17. I just figured everyone was writing anonymously so I would too! so are you saying everyone who writes anonymously is dishonest??? BTW, WV is a pretty big state!

  18. No, I am saying you are dishonest. I just checked my statcounter, and I have had no one from West Virginia visit this blog, at least not within the past several hours. I suspect you are Madame X. I don't know that, but you are definitely not from West Virginia. You are a lousy liar, just like Madame X appears to be. And yes, when a person does not say who he is, and hides behind a veil of anonymity, that takes a certain amount of dishonesty. It's fine for political discussion or to protect oneself from retaliation. But it is not fine when it is used to attack others.

  19. Bernie, the Brown administration new about Madame x since June 23, 2014 . it is sad that as result of your article they might address this issue finally. Everyone knows that this drama queen doesn't belong on the field of corrections. It has nothing to do with her background, but it has to do with her credibility, she is total disaster.

  20. so I thought these post were anonymous why are you telling people where they are from..thats why they mark anonymouse..are you going to expose peoples names next..or perhaps their addresses too!!! careful people..it must be the MOOD hes in..

  21. When a person blatantly lies, as you did, I reserve the right to expose you and have exposed anonymous liars in the past. If you don't want that to happen, try being honest.

  22. a dirty stripper can go home ,take a shower and wash off the dirt..but a dirty lawyer can go home and shower but never wash off the dirt.a person who blatenly lies..like you did Bernie..and to a black man..how racist..thats what the ugly truth about Bernie says..pot calling the kettle black..and you have the nerve to call people liars when your big liar oh..and a rasict..poor black guy you screwed..

  23. My past is irrelevant to this thread and is brought up inaccurately and anonymously by a coward who does not know how to spell.

  24. Wow, Unbelievable. It's funny, I do believe JR should receive his day in court. I also believe AC should have been fired for boozing up the juveniles, I also believe Madame X and/or KY should not be working at the prison. I know some of the actors in the Administration need to be re-evaluated to see if they are truly able to do the correct thing for all personnel at the Jail. I do know most of them, I do know what was and still is going on at the Jail. I know some of the panel and know they will do the right thing. I have seen many unfair things happen at the Jail, It needs to be written about and studied, not the staff...but the Captains and above to see how they really received their promotions. The Lt's are some of the best of our Corrections. It's a shame they are the ones who are the under fire most of the time.Someday it will all come out. I do hope. Bernie keep up, you are almost my hero....Thanks

  25. Karma, karma is coming for you.

  26. Madame x you are such loser that all your bs is catching up you ha-ha.

  27. Madame x you are such loser that all your bs is catching up you ha-ha.


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