Local Government TV

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Dietz Defeats Parsons in Landslide

Despite a bizarre endorsement from Mat Benol, a Republican Council member who lives in Palmer Tp, Scott Parsons was crushed by Matt Dietz in his bid for re-election as the norther tier's representative on NorCo Council. Parsons lost by ten percentage points.

He was running against a Republican in a Republican district. But what really hurt Parsons is that he refused to campaign while Dietz was everywhere. Parsons even took a vacation when he should have been knocking on doors.

Ironically, Scott is the hardest working member of Northampton County Council, and has tried to govern in a nonpartisan manner. His absence will hurt.


  1. Proves the theory that in 2011 Scott Parsons did not win, Ron Angle lost. The folks up their especially Republicans had had enough of the circus that was Angle.

  2. In a blue areas, Cusick really gave Hefner a thumping. She was not a very good candidate. The R's are on a roil.

  3. In 2011, the fake Rev. and the Gracedale cronies beat Angle.

  4. Just so This guy isnt a Brown noser. We need a check on John Brown and his illegal activities.

  5. Ron Angle beat Ron Angle in 2011 not the "little man" Parsons. When you can take a drunk out of Deitztys in Wind Gap and use him to beat Angle..... it shows how the Gracedale issue is what beat Ron and btw?? Angle is right as my taxes rise this year Gracedale loses 9 million.
    Anyway, put Barney Bumble Parsons back on his bar stool in Wind Gap and its all now good again. My taxes will skyrocket over time cause of Gracedale and Angle was right-

  6. It is one thing to disagree with Scott's policies, another to launch personal attacks based upon physical attributes. Do us all a favor, have the fortitude to say these things to Scotts face. My family holds him in a great deal of regard, as do many people. Always a keyboard warrior somewhere.........

  7. Barney Rubble belongs in fraggle rock not bedrock, dude's a total muppet.

  8. Feel free to degrade yourself further, it's a free country. I have said all that I am going to say.

  9. Scott Parsons is to be commended for the service he provided the citizens of Northampton County by defeating Ron Angle. He is a good man who worked hard for his district and represented it well. Angle lost because of a host of issues, Gracedale was just one of many. This is a Republican performing seat that has reverted back now that the R's nominated a sensible candidate.

  10. Parsons is a nice guy. But tax raisers in R districts run for re-election at their own peril. Parsons fought for a lower increase. But tax raisers ca't get away with being half pregnant. It's likely the reason Phillips lost. His support among Rs was soft because he voted to raise taxes. Phillips wasn't defeated by Ds. He was defeated by disgruntled Rs who were betrayed by him.

  11. Gracedale was sabotaged by the Angle/Stoffa administration and is still trying to fight back. People in the know, know that to be true. You keep drinking Bernie's koolaid

  12. I guess Mr. parsons now knows that he didn't beat Angle in 2011 that he was merely used to rid us of Angle. Any goof would have won. Sad but true. Its amazing that just by always showing up your thought by your bar stool friends as "doing a good job".
    The R's used Parsons to get rid of Angle cause he was naïve enough to run for the dem's and then they shoved him under the bus 4 years later
    Of course Parson is so full of himself, arrogant and cockey that he didn't campaign and even on vacation!
    Scott? how do we like you now? See what your District really thought of the job you did? Pitiful

  13. @1:25 - Republicans understood that Mr. Phillips received faulty information on the need for the tax increase and agreed with his vote and supported him…and voted for him. In my precinct, which leans Republican, Mr. Phillips received over 56% of the total votes cast.

    As for his pregnancy, he didn’t just talk about the pain, he showed you the baby.

    Neither party is or should be governed or judged by absolutes. I dislike taxes as much or more than anyone but I also understand that services paid for by taxes are necessary for a properly functioning society…as does Mr. Phillips…but there has to be a legitimate need. Mr. Phillips understands that and makes the tough choices without regard to any party stereotypes.

    I would also like to say that I have the greatest respect for Mr. Parsons. He is a gentleman and an asset to the community. I hope he will continue to work for the betterment of the county as he has done so far in his long and distinguished public career.

  14. Wonder if Mancini was crying in her beer at Parsons defeat party at Ditzi's last night. She was flying high when he won four years ago!

  15. I am sure Parsons took the loss in stride and was graceful in defeat. He took the job seriously and attempted to work with the both the Dems and the Republican Executive and majority on Council. He was not particularly partisan and always did what he thought was best for the County. The snide comments from the peanut gallery of idiots do nothing to detract from this fact.

  16. Scott did very well as a member of county council. He deserved a better fate but democracy can be cruel sometimes. Hit the golf courses and enjoy some much deserved time off. Thanks for all your work for the people of this fine county.

  17. Hey Paul Shore, DUDE, you are total jackoff yourself! tit for tat DUDE!


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