Local Government TV

Monday, November 16, 2015

DA Morganelli Has Now Obtained 25 Murder 1 Convictions

Northampton County DA John Morganelli has set two Northampton County records as a prosecutor. On Friday, a jury convicted Gregory Graf of first degree murder in the killing and then sexual abuse of his step daughter's corpse. It actually did so in under six minutes. No one can remember any first degree murder case that was decided this quickly in Northampton County history.

That's John's first record.

The previous record was 15 minutes. Morganelli set that one, too.

The second record is a personal one. It is 25th successful first degree murder conviction since first being elected District Attorney in 1991. That's more than one a year.

Not bad for a kid from Bethlehem's South side.

You might think Morganelli would take some time off, but after the verdict, he went back to his office. He might have sneaked out 15 minutes early.


  1. Is 25 murder one convictions something one celebrates?

  2. Yes. Absolutely. There are bad guys out there. I would not celebrate executions.

  3. yet state dems won't support him for AG. Morons

  4. But in a way you are celebrating executions. Is this about justice or revenge? We need to think about that.

    1. This was not a death penalty case.

  5. No, I am celebrating a professional prosecutor who gets results very quickly and convincingly. It is about justice.

  6. no you are celebrating your personal man crush who will never be anything more than what he is now.

  7. He's a compiler. Hang around long enough and numbers build. He's the Mike Mussina of law. Lots of wins. Not a hall of famer.

  8. He is a nice man with a nice family who does good things for our community. To me, that's a hall of famer.

  9. I couldn't agree more, Andrew.

    - Jeffrey Anthony

  10. He left early as he's now preparing for the pot leaf air freshener case in Nazareth.

  11. How much time and effort has he wasted seeking a death penalty conviction that never gets carried out?

  12. John does his job and is doing it very well. More scum off the street for good.

  13. I see a reversal on appeal...6 minutes means that the jury did not even consider the defense of 3rd degree murder. Was it 6 minutes in the deliberation room, or 6 minutes total time spent walking the halls? The video obviously was prejudicial, and wiped out any possible speculation that this guy did just snap.

    Not that this guy deserves to walk free...he doesn't, but what kind of society are we when 12 people will not even spend a moment of time , when the penalty is life without parole?

    Maybe I am wrong, but isn't a jury supposed to deliberate? 6 minutes? Just handing out, and collecting the votes would have been 6 minutes

  14. There is no requirement of a
    "reasonable time" for deliberation. Likely, the Foreman asked for a vote out of the gate to get a poll of the jurors. When all voted guilty their job was done. None had a reasonable doubt.

  15. "Maybe I am wrong, "

    You are. But Graf can include that in his reasons for a new trial.

  16. 8:35, To those who believe in the death penalty as an appropriate sanction, he has wasted no time.

  17. Bernie,
    as your nemisis writes fluff and stuff that he has worked very hard for public parisites to even give consideration¿!($ You on the other hand write about the reel that the triburo has become at the hands of the browne hole economic growth circu¿!($
    Allentowns parks are a treasure that have been infected by this very circus element for too many years than can be put to print¿!($ Thanx go to MM for many many years of tireless work¿!($
    As for you writing this article this is the transient transplants that the true patriots have to deal with, its sickining¿!($ Than there are the conterparts epicentralized to this circus that have alloud and even incubated this very ill behaviors only to have facts negated and put to print by the locally complicite media outlets¿!($

    Last but far not least is the fact that the innocent indigent that have been caught up in this circus of glamm and glitz of the pussie boil zit, and all the while claiming the circus has some sort of moral value¿!($

    patent pending

  18. John deserves credit for all but an asterisk should go next to Graf's. I think I could have persuaded a jury on that one.


  19. It was a slam dunk. MacMahion is an excellenmt lawyer and everyone was waiting for some surprise. But there just was nothing that even Jack could do.

  20. "It was a slam dunk. MacMahion is an excellenmt lawyer and everyone was waiting for some surprise. But there just was nothing that even Jack could do."

    Then, with the death penalty off the table, why did he advise to put the victim's family through that horrific trial? That seemed shockingly ghoulish, even for a defense attorney.

  21. @6:42 Because McMahon was waiting for the surprise too. A guilty plea comes with no surprises, a trial may come with surprises. In short there was no incentive provided to Graaf to plead guilty.

  22. There would normally be a circus surprise working in the spinkter a little left of the hemrode of the pussie boil cist about to pop with the wamm bamm lightning slam palumpasized epicentralized¿!($ This circus sideshow will infect the entire triboro with the flip flopp bigtop sale that sells¿!($

    patent pending


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