Local Government TV

Monday, October 19, 2015

Rich Fegley Mounting Write-In Campaign For Allentown City Council

From Rich Fegley's Facebook Page: I can skip the nomination process and beat the Pawlowski PACs by running for City Council as a "write-in". 
I don't need (much) money to win. I need trust, integrity and votes from people in my community that want me to represent them at City Hall.
If City Council will not investigate Mayor Pawlowski now, I'm ready to step in and become a member of City Council where I can officially ask for an investigation.
I think Councilwoman Jeanette Eichenwald is waiting to officially ask for this investigation because she knows that no other member of Council would second her suggestion to investigate Pawlowski.
Are you expecting to vote this year? We need you to vote in Allentown.

Two other candidates who are worthy of your vote are Lou Hershman, the City's former Controller and an outspoken advocate for fiscal restraint; and Roger MacLean, the City's former police chief.

Fed Ed's backed candidates include Candida Affa and Jeff Glazier, who need to return the pay-to-play money they received from Pawlowski PACs, just as Hillary did.


  1. I'll write in Fegley, what is the exact fully spelled out name to type in?

  2. This clown will really do a great job. Ever hear him at a meeting? Let's vote him in and watch the city come to a complete stop. P.S. Check his background and see how he go his money to build his shitty bar, yup tax funded, follow the money Fegley my boy, follow the money

  3. 7:22 -

    Fegley, Hershman & MacLean are FAR better than allowing any of the Pawlowski toadies to win.

    Glazier has proven himself to be a Pawlowski hack, and Affa was proudly running under the Pawlowski banner until the FBI arrived. Neither should be allowed to win, unless you think FBI investigations are good for the city.

    In addition, Affa is a board member of the Allentown Parking Authority, and we all know how transparent and responsive the Allentown Parking Authority is. I certainly don't need someone who's honed their skills at the Parking Authority to bring all the warmth and understanding of that organization to Allentown City Council.

  4. "We are all just slaves to the wealthy", the bar owner Fegley once lectured us all at Molovinsky's blog some time ago.

    Now this phony Populist wants my write in vote? Not a chance. I'd rather leave the corrupt Democrats in charge. Fegley can, however, have my congratulations on his recent wedding.

  5. i'm also supporting fegley as a write-in candidate, (anon 7:07, just type in fegley) along with hershman and maclean.

  6. Fegley pedals a legal but toxic product that results in a disease called alcoholism. Other than his old school beard there is nothing very remarkable about this dude. He would just be one more progressive Democrat to run the city into the ground.

  7. 8:47

    Sorry, but Fegley's been right on many issues like the Allentown Water Steal, Trash-to-Scheme, etc.

    That counterview, which put the residents of the City ahead of Pawlowski contributors, has been sorely lacking on City Council.

    Fegley's been vocal about those issues, and I don't think he'll clam up just because he's elected to council.

  8. Wow! A lot of hate for this guy from Fed Ed's anonymous cowards! He must scare the shit out of them. By the way9:19, under your reasoning, Candida Affa should not get a vote.

  9. 9:10 -

    And what business is Affa in?

  10. " Ever hear him at a meeting?

    I have. He is passionate, knowledgeable, articulate and independent.

  11. In response to comments above, the BrewWorks is definitely not a "sh***y bar." The food is very good. Second, Ms. Affa has owned a bar in Old Allentown for decades.

  12. Anon. 9:10: I've listened to Mr. Fegley at City Council meetings and I have to disagree, I'm impressed with his grasp of the issues, but most importantly I truly believe he is honest and sincere and will act independently of the current City hall machine.

    1. Richie Fugly has a big problem with his political ambition, the Mentor doesn't want him in. Remember when Alfundo Toad and Michael "DD" Donovan sought office?

      The Blanker

  13. Bernie,
    Fegley and Hershman not mrclean he is a hamilton hanna herion cohort now above allentown to infect a Brown Hole nue nue ReNue level¿ !($
    The two first have my vote as there forensic accounting abilities are verifiable facts and there data sheets are not on a hidden agenda¿!($ That said though will only come true if the once befreinded hamilton circlejerks are ostrisized and not even alloud to patranize fermented blue juice bar again¿!($
    Just maybe for four times the going price¿!($
    Posions pushed are in variable degrees of corrupt criminal ACTivities alloable under cover under colur of Law ommiting ACTing in official capCITY in any manner because of familia tie too hence RICO¿!($

    patent pending
    patent pending

  14. "Sleepy Jeff" Glazier was a hack on the school
    board and he's a hack on council.

    Affa spends most of her time in another state at her second home.

    1. Sleepy jeff as you call it is nothing more than a snake oil advertismental prop for the the notorious hamilton street gang o thugs hanna herion herpie hookup circlejerk enough said for affa just another circus act as well as mcclean¿!($ They all fall under the umbrella of LVHN formally the great allentown hospital circus freeks and geeks of the back midway of years past presently epicentralized downtown yet are subsects of the soul sale soctor subdiVISIONal tools team RePete formally of team elder abuse¿!($
      patent pending

  15. Gary W. Gorman opines:

    Wow, Rich...you "shaved". BTW, you should be on your honeymoon, not worrying about nonsense in city hall. jmho. but anyway, best of success in your write-in campaign. Allentownians will be much better off with you on their side.

  16. Mentor is a fucking joke. I wonder why he is going after Fegley now? Is he another one of your imagined people in league with your big-bag boogeyman DA?

  17. Allentown City Council needs to hang the 10 commandments in capital letters.

  18. We need somebody who will represent the people like Jeanette Eichenwald. I just received a notice my water rate is increasing 0 2.5%. Thanks Council....now can you explain where the windfall money went?

  19. The "Blanker" is, of course, the Blog Mentor. and is currently at war with his own cousin because he had the gall to comment here. Unlike the Blog Mentor, he signs his name. BM is ripping Alfonso Todd, who did quite well as a first time candidate outside the Pawlowski circle. As an independent, Michael Donovan did quite well, too. The Blog Mentor attacked Donovan mercilessly when he discovered he had cancer, hoping that he would die. Of course, he's expressed similar sentiments about Lehigh County's DA. He lied to his facebook readers when he claimed he had scored a first round knock out in Martin's defamation case against him and Bobby Gunther Walsh. In reality, his attempt to dismiss the complaint was denied. He also attacked Donovan's own children and girlfriend. He now is attacking Fegley, whose family brought him some food when he lost his daughter. He is a sad and twisted sould who has become a pariah here in the LV.

  20. My wife says she sees Ms. Alfa walking her dogs in the neighborhood on a regular basis. She must not be spending that much time at a vacation home.

  21. Just deleted an any nous attack aimed at a reader who did ID himself.

  22. The Pimp Of Poverty , Allen Jennings was on Business doesn't Matter tonight. He stated that the Niz was good for Allentown and the people on the Niz Board are very good. He stated that people should not pay attention to the crazy people posting on the blogs.

    So there Bernie. So much for your pal.

  23. Jwnnings has told me several times that many of those who post here are crazy, and he's right. You're a perfect example. Your comment is off topic, you engage in a personal attack against a man whose name you can't even spell, and you are such a coward that you don't ID yourself. Ignorant people like you are why MM moderates his blog and you only succeed in making Jennings look better.

  24. Yes, I will be announcing a write-in campaign for Allentown City Council tomorrow. More details will follow.

    Some voters are currently submitting absentee ballots and I would like them to know that they can write me in before they submit their ballots. No time to spare.

    Rich Fegley for Allentown City Council

    I figure that announcing this on Lehigh Valley Ramblings will get the word out to all of the Super Voters in the Lehigh Valley. Everyone in-the-know in the Valley reads Bernie's blog, admit it.

  25. Affa needs to be asked in public wether she will commit to attend all scheduled CC meetings. Thats the only way to find out her plans.

  26. In the 11/2013 municipal election the lowest vote total to be elected was 5,912 votes(Julio Guridy). In 11/2011 it was 4,291(Frank Concannon). In 11/2009 it was 6,225(Julio Guridy). In 11/2007 it was 5,669(Michael Donovan). In 11/2005 it was 7,610(Michael D'Amore). In 11/2003 it was 5,537(David Busch). In 11/2001 it was 8,077(Gail Hoover)

    Translation: In the past 7 municipal elections the lowest vote total to be elected averaged 6,188 votes. No way in the world Rich comes even close to that number of write in votes. Especially when announcing his write candidacy 14 days prior to election day.

  27. It's ugly out here and some of us are definitely still in the trenches. Kudos to Fegley, Stevens and others who are willing to jump in the fray to improve Allentown...

    Alfonso Todd

  28. I apologize. I meant Steven Ramos.

    Alfonso Todd

  29. Waking up to "this" on a popular social media blog this morning. Apparently more "salt is being thrown into the game" by an "unidentified" social media troll. (Even when I am Undercover people have a need to speak about me, it seems... Years later.... SMH)
    "BM is ripping Alfonso Todd, who did quite well as a first time candidate outside the Pawlowski circle."

    - Bernie O'Hare, Founder of the blog, LEHIGH VALLEY RAMBLINGS

    Thanks for the rebutt Bernie!

    My response was actually given prior to this smear. I feel now the same way I felt before there was a NIZ, new infrastructure, a scandal, or a JB Reilly: As far as A-town is concerned, for the past 10 years, it has always had an omnious reputation. If you're from a "real" city or metropolitan then you know the percieved dangers and crime ridden streets that dwell in Allentown are over embellished. We do have the element, no doubt. People are getting shot, killed, drugs, etc but it's no where near the capacity of a Philly, Miami, or NYC. The problem has been that no one has ever stepped up to the plate and promoted Allentown as it is: an urban area full of people, culture and talent. City Hall and other hired firms keep trying to sell it as a Mayberry, blue skies and apple pies kind of location. But then when possible businesses and families visit, they see the reality and promptly turn around to Bethlehem or Easton. There is actually nothing wrong with Allentown,PA, we just need leadership that believes in the City just as much as some of us residents.

  30. Forgot to sign the above response ^^^^^ - Alfonso Todd

  31. AT3, well-said. This is a tangent, but related: I was thinking last night, what would folks in the Mayor's office or on Council say to young families who want to move into the City when it comes to the question "how well-funded is the school district?" The answer is "not very." "Well, there's always Sheridan," but that doesn't cut it if you want to live in Strata.

    Ray O'Connell cares a great deal about the School District, I'm quite sure. And I'm not saying others don't. But really, what can we do to get THAT part of Allentown successful? One thing is to keep Ce-Ce Gerlach on the Board. As far as the candidates who joined up with the PAC, well...

  32. Ce-Ce Gerlach is the school board candidate who refused to weigh in on the student walk out. She ducked an issue out of fear it might cost a few votes. She has grass roots support and will win, but she demonstrated a real lack of leadership on a quite important issue.

  33. @10:19

    She won't weigh-in on Charter Schools, property tax reform, merit pay, discipline policy, or a host of other issues either. Nor will candidate (Mark) Smith. Folks can say what they want, but when you ask Bob Smith or Scott Armstrong a question, you get a straight answer. And if you want more background and depth after they answer, you'll get that too.

    Long may they serve...

    - Jeffrey Anthony


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.