Local Government TV

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Opinions Online, 10/31/15

Blogger's Note: Opinions Online is a regular Saturday feature. If you'd like to express your opinion on any topic, click on the Opinions Online button on my left sidebar. You can also call 385-325-2564. In addition to these submissions, I am taking some comments from throughout the week and re-publishing them here.


You have been quiet on the K. Kane investigation. What is your opinion of her. She is a bad example for the democratic party to say the least.
(Blogger's Reply - I have published numerous critical stories, have called on her to resign and support her removal.)


As I watch the Brown Administration unfold I am struck with an observation. John Brown is not an evil man; he does not deliberately hurt people. He is however the victim of "innocent ignorance" of how County government works. When people call for a business man for his position I shudder. County Government has evolved in complexity and is not in the profit business. This is not to be confused with his poor judgement or keeping dept. heads out of important meetings or disregarding union contracts. It is no accident that other than Brackbill all previous execs had years of county experience behind them.


If for some reason, there is an open date after the regular season and playoff schedule for the local high school football teams, I urge the athletic directors, administrators, school boards, Bishop, and who ever else can make a decision to have Easton Area High School's varsity football team play Notre Dame of Greenpond's varsity football team. Someone please make this happen!


anyone who doesnt vote on Tuesday should be ashamed of themselves living int he United States of America....furthermore you should not be able to complain about the politicians.


Bert Daday needs to finally hang it up and move on from the airport board, hopefully in favor of someone under age 85 with actual aviation experience.


Dennis Pearson: This was my campaign slogan for the County Commissioner election of 2011 ...

Dennis Pearson for Lehigh Commissioner - A Life Time of Preparation Ready to Serve You - Join the Mission

Please note --- I am not a on the ballot candidate this year for any elected City of Allentown, Lehigh County or Allentown School Board position nor am I a write-in candidate...

Therefore, I ask residents of Allentown and Lehigh County to vote on November 3 ... And this call also goes out to residents everywhere in their own communities ..Indeed, there are no perfect candidates. They, like all of us, are all flawed. But we must prayerfully examine the policies of the candidates, from those seeking the Oval Office to those seeking local offices, and go to the polls to support the men...


Bert Daday needs to finally hang it up and move on from the airport board, hopefully in favor of someone under age 85 with actual aviation experience.


Bernie, has Brown changed the Stoffa policy not to allow deputy sheriff's to keep county vehicles at their homes overnight? An NC Sheriff's vehicle has been spotted several times in a community in LEHIGH COUNTY. That doesn't seem right.



  1. Please add to my quote : and woman who best support your political and social values.

  2. See a new horse made it's debut in Bethlehem. Wonder when the Mayor and the DC&ED will make their debuts.

  3. County Sheriff's take vehicles home when they are on call in case they need to transport and they are allowed to live outside the county.

  4. Thank you for that explanation. When on call, it makes perfect sense.

  5. Sorry to say but Easton would kick the shit out of Notre Dame!

  6. Easton is a great team,, but I'd love to see them play ND.

  7. Feel free to delete this, just saw someone trying to impersonate you on LVL.

    Reported for TOS violation, lots of personal attacks directed at you. Sorry, didnt know how to reach you, the e mail link didnt work.


  8. Wow! I just went on the page and did not see any comments by anyone claiming to be me. I did see accusations from "Fireball1950", who is Tricia Mezzacappa, that I am EastonAreaRes. I flagged her comments. I also posted a comment under my name, clarifying that i only post as me, and the ET deleted it. I am tired of seeing the ET allow Mezzacappa to use their thread to attack me, and then refuse to let me post as me, defending myself and denying that i am the person she claims I am. I will be subpoenaeing the records of both fireball1950 and EastonAreaRes, and then I will sue Mezzacappa again. Bc the T is helping her to destroy my reputation, I will have to cnisder suing them, too.

  9. Good for you Bernie. I am Chilio on that site.

  10. That is what I meant- someone accusing someone else of being you. LOL..it's a twisted world when I can't even figure out what to call what I'm seeing.

  11. I'm really busy with the elections coverage and don't have time for nonsense from her or the ET right now. To be clear, was someone posting as me? Using my name? I get that Mezzacappa, posing as Fireball1950, accused me of being EastonAreaRes. Anything else? I intend to get the registration records for both Fireball1950 and EastonAreaRes, as well as all the comments that were deleted.

  12. That is all, and I noticed just now that many of the more outstanding examples of her accusing Easton Area Resident of being you are now erased.

  13. She also was using urls to point to articles about you, which had your name in the url/title of the article.

  14. The paper deleted some, but not all. The paper also deleted an explanatory comment from me, in effect preventing me from defending myself against defamation. I really don't have time for these junior high school games, especially this close to an election.

  15. Goes to show ET is able to monitor the comments section any time it has it's own interest at stake.

  16. I will deal with them once this election is over. I've had it with their nonsense.

  17. Sure the Exp Times? Are you serious? I think your success against some unhinged woman has gone to your head. Good luck with that.

    1. No you sackless POS, Bernie is one of the many exemplairy people that are not willing to stand for the necrophiles that infect public media outlets locally as a Browne Hole infecting every ASSpect of life in the entire triboro¿!($
      Many see beoned the circus trix of bankrupting communities and see the value of human life held in high re guard¿!($

      Now go back to your wrinkle cream, zitpharm cream and liepoosuction trying to be something you are not¿!($ Now thats just plain nasty and repulses many at the sight of such a reprehencible being working under colur of local circus law¿!($
      patent pending

  18. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act provides immunity for defamation hosted by a site that accepts comments from others, including mine. So it would be very difficult to sue the ET. But for every wrong, there is a remedy. The manner in which the ET handles its comments is horrid and abusive to its readers. I believe it is all about attracting online readers who are there to watch the flamethrowers.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.