Local Government TV

Friday, October 02, 2015

NorCo's Ten Commandments Saga Continues

The mystery concerning a Ten Commandments plaque in Northampton County Council's chambers continues. This time, Council member Mat Benol is unable to get to it.

He first placed the Decalogue on a wall behind his seat on July 1, but noticed it was missing a month later.

This was the second time that has happened. When he was on Council, Ron Angle had hammered a plaque onto the wall behind his seat, but it vanished soon after he left office. Despite a $500 reward offered by Angle, it was never recovered.

Then Executive John Stoffa suggested that Moses must have it..

After Mat Benol's $100 plaque disappeared, he purchased another. He put it up before every meeting and when they ended, he locked it away in his own private courthouse cabinet.

But the wall was bare at the October 1 meeting. Someone smashed the lock Benol had placed on his personal Ark of the Covenant, making it impossible for him to retrieve any of the Commandments, to say nothing of all ten. The county's maintenance staff will break into this cabinet, but it's unknown whether the Decalogue is still there or has vanished again.

Though no one has been identified as a suspect, the Pope had a strange look on his face when he left Philly on Sunday.

Seth Vaughn was reportedly considering introducing an 11th Commandment banning selfies on county property, but pulled his ordinance when he learned of the latest mystery.

No word on whether DA John Morganelli has been asked to investigate. But I think it's time to haul the Pope in front of the Grand Jury.


  1. He looks stoned in that picture. The 420th commandment!

  2. Fucking sneaky and dishonest county employees. I don't think the plaque belongs there. But this isn't the way to handle it. Whoever did it is the same type who would enter a public place with a gun and line people up and ask their religion before murdering them.

  3. Yeah, it's the "same". Calm down there big guy!

  4. "Whoever did it is the same type who would enter a public place with a gun and line people up and ask their religion before murdering them."

    Alrighty then. You really should wait 'till Noon before you start drinking.

  5. the Ten Commandments do no belong in the council chambers. Benol is just trying to force his religious belief on everybody that goes to a council meeting or watches it online. He is as bad as the taliban when it comes to the preaching of his doctrine and the zero tolerance for people of other faiths.

  6. Bernie - is this story legit? Someone damaged the lock on the Benol's storage locker? Did he announce this in a council meeting?

  7. Jim Gregory is very upset about the disrespect being heaped upon the sacred tablet, he has a conference call with JC and Harvey at 1 PM a full report will follow.

  8. Well, my suspicions about the Pope are unfounded, but yes, someone damaged Benol's lock and made it impossible for him to get into his private cabinet to pull out his Ten Commandments plaque.

    I personally do not think a plaque is appropriate in Council chambers. The one in Courtroom One has historical significance, but no individual Council member should parade his or her religious beliefs in front of Council during a public meeting. This is why I oppose prayers by individual Council members, too. I have no problem with a preacher, but they are usually too lazy to line someone up.

    Having said that, I would not clandestinely bash Benol's lock. I refuse to participate in the charades they call public prayer, but do follow most of the Ten Commandments.

  9. LOL - Someone is REALLY pissed off about Benol's inappropriate display. Amazing. I'd watch out for that person - they could be capable of far worse.

  10. "Someone is toying with my the cabinets that the county provides me." Waaaaaaah. Sounds like 2nd grade.

    Ever notice that when Benol's plaque is discussed, Kraft and Parsons look down at papers in front of them?

  11. A county employee was sneaky and willfully damaged county property. It must a day that ends in "y." And employees on the public teet wonder why they're loathed and mistrusted?

  12. "but do follow most of the Ten Commandments."

    Now that was funny!! Thanks Bernie.

  13. Ten commandments don't belong there. I know it's the boonies but surely they've heard of separation of church and state?

  14. Why doesn't the boob just carry it in a briefcase? He could put it up before the meeting and remove it afterwards. That way he maintains custody at all times. It is that childish Kraft who is sabotaging Mat (with one t dammit!) Benol and his pious plaque. Everyone knows that. Council is populated with morons. Eighth grade cafeteria antics. Vote all of them out the next chance you have.

  15. I have no idea who the master criminal might be, but I would include Benol as a suspect. I would also include me.

  16. "Thou shall not steal."

  17. The really sad thing is that it appears one or more of these clowns will be running for county executive in 2017. Especially for the Democrats that probably means four more years of Brown. No real leaders up there now.

  18. If Kraftie runs we are all in trouble. He is a snarkie do nothing

  19. What kind of an idiot is this guy? I thought he was some sort of Libertarian who would understand the separation of church and state. Turns out he's just another Tea Party dope with a hidden agenda of Christian morality.


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