Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

NorCo Retiree Luncheon Draws County Candidates

About 200 of Northampton County's 1,170 retirees feasted on ham and chicken during their semi-annual luncheon on Tuesday at the Northampton Community Center. They had reason to be happy. John Stoffa, their representative on the Retirement Board, reported that their pension is standing tall at $333 million. It is also 84% funded, which is better than in most counties or municipalities. John Brown's proposed 2016 Budget makes no changes that could adversely affect them. Retirees are still forming a nonprofit corporation to be prepared if the need arises. "We want to make sure we protect ourselves," explained former Executive Gerald E. "Jerry" Seyfried. But there was no protection from the candidates and one bottom-feeding blogger. They came, not for the chicken or the ham, but for votes.

Frank Flisser (L) with Glenn Reibman (R)
Three former County Executives were at this get-together. Aside from Jerry and Stoffa, Glenn Reibamn attended. He suggested that minutes of the Retirement board should be posted online, and Stoffa is going to pitch for it at the next meeting. He was sitting with Northampton County Council's recently retired Clerk, Frank Flisser, who scooted early to work on his drones. John Brown, the current County Executive, along with all Council members, receive invitations to these luncheons. But Brown and most Council members were unable to attend.

See that empty seat next to judicial candidate Vic Scomillio? That's where I sat my fat ass, right at the main table with all the candidates. I ate the fruit cocktails intended for both Jerry and Stoffa,and also short-stopped Scomillio and Controller Steve Barron when the meat tray was passed around. They need to lose weight. In addition to stealing their food, I also had an opportunity to get some free counseling from Lori Heffner, who is running to succeed Lamont McClure against some stiff competition from John Cusick.

Lori is a psychotherapist, and I think everyone agrees that Northampton County Council could use one of those. "I did love my mom," Sam Murray assured her before she could probe him with any questions. I asked her to write me a prescription for Valium or medical marijuana, but she's not that kind of psychotherapist. Mainly, the small talk focused on the Ten Commandments that keep disappearing from the wall at County Council.

Barron blamed Ron Angle, but my money's on God. I think he took one look at the three foot thick employee policies manual and decided to add several thousand commandments. He should have it back to Mat Benol in a month or two.

After lunch, candidates who were there were given the opportunity to say a few words about themselves.

Vic Scomillio kept his remarks brief. He told retirees he has practiced law for 18 years and has tried ten homicide and death penalty cases, which require a special certification. He's a former President of the NorCo Bar Association, was the County Solicitor and ia a partner in the Holzinger, Harak and Scomillio law firm in the City of Bethlehem. He, his wife Molly and son live in Palmer Township, where he is active in scouting and coaches youth sports, including lacrosse. He attends St. Jane's Catholic Church, and would like to extend Northampton County's problem solving courts to veterans.

In contrast to Vic, Sam Murray has been practicing law for 32 years, and has spent the last ten of those years as a judicial officer in Northampton County Juvenile Court. "I actually felt like I made a difference," he said of that experience, which he now wants to continue as a judge. He said he was gratified to see so many of the people he worked with in Easton, and called county workers the "front line" for people in need of human services, from Children and Youth to the Department of Aging. He described each of his four children , of whom he is rightfully very proud and then paused to admit, "I'm bragging about my kinds. Like Vic, Sam was heavily involved in youth sports and took a Lehigh Little League team to the National Regional finals in the world series. He, his wife Margie and his four children live in Hanover Township.He attends Notre Dame Church in Bethlehem.

Scott Parsons is finishing his first term on Northampton Council. He represents the northern tier, which is very nearly the entire northern half of the County. Last year, he won the Northampton County workhorse award from this blog for his near 100% attendance record at both Council and Committee hearings. He called himself a :"working class guy." He described county government as a service industry. "The people in this room made that happen," he said of the retirees, but added that under Executive John Brown, "We've had some trying times."

Parsons' Republican opponent, Matt Dietz, was not at the luncheon. He may have been unaware of the event or that he was welcome, so his absence should not be considered a slight.

Lori Vargo Heffner is a political newcomer, and I threw her off when i started snapping pictures of her as she spoke. She actually has two master's degrees, one in counseling and the other in organizational development. She is a strong advocate of keeping Gracedale, the County-owned nursing home, in public hands. "We need to protect what's good in the County," she said, alluding to a recent push by Republicans to study privatization.

Two weeks ago, Republican Seth Vaughn introduced a resolution to study the privatization of Gracedale, but quickly pulled it without explanation.

Heffner's opponent is former Council member John Cusick. He was absent, but like Dietz, may have been unaware of the event or that he was welcome.

Controller Steve Barron started his brief remarks by stating that I'd break my camera taking pictures of him. I offered to get my wide angle lens, and he correctly retorted that "I've lost more weight than you, buddy."  He stated that being Controller has been "the most wonderful experience of my life,:" but admitted to "wearing my passion on my sleeves sometimes." He has butted heads with Democratic Executive John Stoffa as well as Republican Executive John Brown, but stated that the people in that room should know he has always been "fair" and "professional" when he or his staff have conducted audits of their departments.

Barron's opponent, Council member Hayden Phillips, was definitely invited to this event, but obviously had a prior engagement. From what I've seen of him, I know he would have attended if he could..

In two weeks, you will have an opportunity to see these candidates yourselves in debates at both Gracedale and the courthouse.

Above you will see three of the plates of chicken and ham I consumed.

The man who puts this together twice every year is former Executive Jerry Seyfried, who really should be called Jerry Service.


  1. Gracedale workers coming on and off their shifts are amazed by all this. In talking to retirees they are not only amazed buy disgusted. How did John Stoffa the man who wanted to fire all Gracedale employees. The man who caused more disruption and fear amongst employees be the retiree representative for the county retirees. Was this an inside deal with his former boss Jerry Seyfried.

    Retirees said they never voted for him to represent them. Apparently his name was picked by of all people john Brown. Really??

    This is unbelievable. Stoffa encouraged the berating of not only Gracedale employees but the facility itself. He caused so much distress with residents and their families the repercussions are still being felt to day.

    How in the world does this man have the gall to claim to represent retirees when he showed his real feelings about county retirees during his disastrous dump Gracedale campaign. The one in which he enlisted you and Ron Angle to help him fight.

    People have not and will forget this mans duplicity. He should resign his position as he doesn't not represent retired employees. If he had any morals he would resign immediately but then again he has always loved the limelight while pretending not to.

  2. Who pays for this luncheon? How long do these past employees receive pension benefits?

  3. The food! So many hungry in our region. Plates piled to spilling over. No shame?

  4. Jerry Seyfried Replies;
    The Administrative code dictates that the "Northampton County Retirees Association" submit three names to the County Executive for consideration of appointment to the Retirement Board to represent the Retirees. The members in attendance at the 2015 Luncheon nominated three individuals to be considered (as the Code mandates) and John Brown picked the person he wanted.
    I will not defend John Stoffa on the Gracedale issue while he served as County Executive, However I will speak up for him as he represents retirees. As County Executive, Stoffa had funded the "OPEB" fund which is the fund that pays for retirees medical benefits. John Brown has continued that practice and Northampton County is the only County in Pennsylvania that fully funds that program. While Stoffa was County Executive he also proposed funding a Cost of Living Increase (COLA) for retirees and this was every year of his eight years in office. The Cola's stopped when Stoffa left office. The Retirees have benefited with having County Executives who were very sensitive to their needs and problems. We have also had very good representatives on the Retirement Board, the latest being John Weaver who also served us well and looked out for the retirees. I will not defend Stoffa and his position on gracedale as I personally supported keeping Gracedale in the public domain and will continue to do so, however when it comes to retirees, Stoffa has a very good record.
    As for who pays for these luncheons....The retirees pay for them. They pay $25.00 to attend. Many of them find it difficult to shell out that amount for a lunch so we hold the luncheons only twice a year. It is a time for them to get together with their friends from their working years and enjoy some excellent food.

  5. Stoffa haters gotta hate. Stoffa proposed selling Gracedale, which was the right thing to do. He did not hate the employees at Gracedale. He did what he thought was in the best interests of Northampton County voters and taxpayers. Once those voters rejected the sale, Stoffa bore no ill will towards the facility or its employees. Instead, he supported the new management group in implementing a variety of initiatives to help Gracedale's sustainability. He did not run the facility into the ground, which he could have done. He fixed the leaky windows, had a new chiller unit installed, removed asbestos, opened a new rehab wing, and admissions began to increase before he left office. You can disagree with his attempts to sell Gracedale, but don't claim he treated workers there unfairly.

  6. Parsons head looks like a pimple waiting to pop. He must have blood pressure issues. He also looks like he is going to a ho-down. As a candidate for office given the opportunity to speak to hundreds of voters the least he could have done was wear a nice shirt and sports coat!

  7. Great post, Bernie. Now get your fat ass back to work! Consumption of pig parts is over.

  8. "The food! So many hungry in our region. Plates piled to spilling over. No shame?"

    What is your point? That people over 65 should not eat? Noe of that food was wasted, believe me!

  9. "Parsons head looks like a pimple waiting to pop."

    What is it about being anonymous that makes you think you can post ugly comments like that? I honestly don't think even Dietz supporters will appreciate that kind of hate. It makes him look bad and Scott look good.

    " As a candidate for office given the opportunity to speak to hundreds of voters the least he could have done was wear a nice shirt and sports coat!"

    When Parsons said he is a working class guy, he meant he is a working class guy. He does not always have the time to come from his job at a quarry and put on a nice suit and tie. This is the fate of those who work for a living. The people in that room understand that, unlike you. He had enough respect for the people to be there.

  10. Barney Rubble is a heart attack waiting to happen. For a working class guy he has yet to wear off the pounds. Nice guy - just sayin'

  11. This kind of anonymous slur comment reflects poorly on the Matt Dietz campaign. Just sayin'.

  12. Barron is correct that his staff has conducted themselves fairly and professionally. It is why they can't stand working for that clown. He is a political opportunist who has hardly conducted HIMSELF very fairly or professionally. From day one he refused to act impartially or without a political agenda. He has gone out of his way to gin up union issues and attack whichever administration is in charge. He stabbed Stoffa in the back more than once. Like a slimy snake he tried to dig up dirt on whoever the unions wanted to smear, including YOU Bernie! He has been behaving himself lately because he has a legitimate opponent in the race for Controller, and he doesn't want any bad press to cause him to lose votes. If elected though, he will resume his shenanigans much to the embarrassment of his staff and those dumb enough to vote for him.

  13. 2:55 we say Bullshit on your whole statement. Unless you are bold enough to sign your name and state that you actually work in his office and are speaking firsthand, not some rumor you heard at the bowling alley in Bangor

  14. Good call out anonymous union puke.

  15. Anon 3:05 is probably Barron von Footinmouth himself.

  16. epic waste of money. typical and expected from both parties and their so called supporters.

  17. They all lie , from both disgusting parties. that is all we know up to this point with these hacks or any of the other hacks from both parties. this has been the method of operation by both parties for decades and decades.

  18. 2:55, Your criticism of Barron is very valid. He has often been a political controller, and has used his job vindictively, like when he tried to suggest that John Stoffa and I had engaged in criminal activity, but went on to say he was making no request for a criminal investigation. I was outraged and blasted him that night. That night, I demanded him to go to the DA. But I believe he has matured and has stopped the political use of his office. He has been an effective check on John Brown. For example, he is the person who discovered that Brown and Allen were seeking illegal travel and meal expenses. He is also the person who discovered that Brown was giving out illegal raises. I believe Phillips is a man of integrity who would not hesitate to point out something he thinds is amiss. But I believe he is serving too important a role on Council to leave that seat open for a Brown rubber stamp.

  19. "epic waste of money."

    If you read the comments, you will see that the retirees pay for this luncheon themselves, at $25 per head. But the County should pay.

  20. Why should the county pay? That's nuts.

  21. I'd pay as a measure of respect and appreciation to people who dedicated their lives to the county. The County could make an annual contribution especially since many of those same employees volunteer at so many functions for the county. To its credit, I believe the County does supply the paper for newsletters.

  22. Oh please. Those retirees made decent pay and benefits for many years, thanks to county taxpayers. In fact at least one employee in your story was pulling in six figures of salary, more than probably 90% of county taxpayers. They also have pensions that are comparably higher than most employees in either the public or private sector. And they can't afford a $25 meal? You're nuts.

  23. And nearly everyone else was making shit wages, so let's not use one example to go on to conclude that all 200 retirees were making six figures. I may be nuts, but you're illogical. I'd rather be nuts.

  24. This is a great group of people and for you to ask "who pays"? Just shows what kind of miserable person you must be. I think the county should pay for one of these events a year. What could it cost? But I believe that the turnout is that good because they pay a little bit of money and that brings them out.
    Go tea-bag someone else and leave out our retirees in your hateful posts

  25. Bernie
    If you heard Jerry's remarks at the luncheon, you would have heard him say that the County only prints the newsletter that he sends out to all retirees. The retiree's pay for the paper, the envelopes, and the stamps. Again the County only pays for the ink to print the newsletter. All other costs are paid by us and comes out of that twenty five dollars.
    Since it is only twice a year, I feel it is cheap. Wouldn't it be nice if once a year the County would have a luncheon for the retirees at the Gracedale complex to show their appreciation for all those years of service. They could do that for pennies on the dollar.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.