Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

NorCo Council and Controller Debate at Gracedale

In addition to the judicial debate on Thursday, October 29, the Northampton County league of Women Voters are hosting a debate in the Controller's race between Steve Barron and Hayden Phillips. There will also be a debate between the County Council candidates for District Three (John Cuisck v.Lori Heffner) and District Four (Matt Dietz v. Scott Parsons). The judicial debate will be at the courthouse, but this one is happening at Gracedale.

Speaking of Gracedale, Council member Seth Vaughn had proposed a resolution that would study the privatization of the County nursing home. He quickly pulled it after some Republicans complained that this might hurt their campaigns. So we don't know exactly what he was thinking or what the Republican majority will do next year. I think someone needs to ask them about their intentions. .


  1. Likewise, all candidates should be asked what their intentions are regarding Gracedale's mounting losses. The place has never run better and current projections show losses approaching $10 million.

  2. "The place has never run better and current projections show losses approaching $10 million."

    Great non-objective statement. An opinion followed by another opinion, stated as fact.

  3. Didn't Gracedale just receive its highest ever state rating? Isn't the census recovered to full or near full? Aren't increasing deficits projected for as far as can be forecast? Regardless of which side you're on (if you choose to be on a "side"), if candidates don't discuss their intentions to keep it in county hands - or not, and what to do with the bleak financials, they are not honestly discussing county business.

  4. Gracedale came in 1 and 1/2 million under budget for the first quarter. I do beleve.

  5. And it was budgeted to lose money and will still lose money.

  6. The people have spoken. They will not stand for Gracedale being sold. Mr. Barron has said he does not want to sell. He has my vote. John Cusick was a fence sitter, but could have brought a resolution to a vote to place the question on the ballot without the need for signatures and he did not do it. He will never get my vote. I don't trust Mr.Dietz as he is a tea party conservative. Mr. Phillips really really burns me up. Wants to charge me more for less services. He would sell Gracedale in a minute. All the more reason Barron has my vote.

  7. The people haven't yet been whacked by the tax bill required to pay for some $10 million (and growing with no end in sight) black hole. Gracedale is why bridges will fall down and roads will continue to deteriorate. Eventually, the people will speak again about the out of control cost of Gracedale. Defenders are comfortable with leaving a deteriorating infrastructure to the next generation. Just send the grandkids the bill.


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