Local Government TV

Friday, October 16, 2015

Amy Trapp is NorCo's New HR Director

Amy Trapp, NorCo HR Drector
By a 7-2 vote, Amy Trapp was confirmed as Northampton County's new Human Resources Director at Council's October 15 meeting. This followed a chorus of support from many Allentown employees who worked with her when she ran their Human Resources Department. She left Allentown in March because Mayor Edwin Pawlowski's gubernatorial and senatorial ambitions "made me a little nervous." She also resigned several months before federal authorities raided City Hall.

A resident of Northampton, Trapp is a graduate of both Muhlenberg and Moravian College, where she ultimately acquired a Master's degree in Human Resources Management. She has held HR positions in both private and public sector, most notably in Allentown for the past 2 1/2 years.

At her confirmation hearing, five people spoke on her behalf. They included John Stribula, President of Allentown Firefighters (IAFF, Local 302). He told Council he never dreamed that one day he would be asking a governing body to confirm a human resources director, but felt that Northampton County was lucky to have this "extremely intelligent" and "very professional" personnel manager. Stribula's words were echoed by Michael Twining, an Allentown crime analyst who represents nonunion employees. He noted that a big problem in any municipal government is front line supervisors who are paid less money than the union workers they supervise. Trapp took the time to address that problem in Allentown, on a case-by-case basis. She also came highly recommended by Julio Guridy, Allentown's former City Council President.

Though all nine council members agreed that Trapp is "very qualified," Bob Werner and Scott Parsons complained about the $104,328 price tag. Noting that she took a $53,000 pay cut when she left the private sector to be closer to her daughter and husband, Trapp countered that the mean salary for a Human Resources Director in the Lehigh Valley is $126,000, and that she is only getting 70% of that sum.

Hayden Phillips stated that he came to the hearing inclined to vote against her over the salary issue, but "the quality of people speaking for you" and Trapp's own responses persuaded him.

Trapp said she was very gratified by those remarks, especially coming from a union President.

Ken Kraft, who chairs the Personnel Committee made clear that he is "behind her 100%."

Parsons and Werner were the sole No votes and they made clear their only concern was salary.

The only negatives? Her husband is a Cowboys' fan and she admitted she reads this blog.


  1. Ridiculously high salary to start. Flisser had to work 30 years to earn that much. Brown loves to overpay his staff. Most earn more than their predecessors in the Stoffa administration and aren't worth half of that.

  2. I'll disagree. You get what you pay for. Your thinking is what leads to ridiculously low salaries for other county employees. I believe Trapp will be worth what she is paid and then some.

  3. Hopefully her first order of business is to read the riot act to the Diva's of HR. It is one of the most employee unfriendly departments in the county.

  4. She will clean out the house like in a-town. Good luck norco to the definition of narcissistic. She was the first rat off the sinking ship. She was part of the pay to play.

    1. She's not an elected official or a political hack. Pay to play would not apply to her. Do you even know what you are talking about?

    2. 6:20 she hired BSI Corp benefits. They're on the list.

    3. BSI also happens to be a highly reputable benefits consulting firm, active with both SHRM and LVBCH.

    4. Who came to the city through legitimate reasons and SAVED a great deal of taxpayer money long before anyone ended up on any "list."

  5. That does not make her pay to play. Geez.

  6. "You get what you pay for"? Terribly insulting to directors under the Stoffa administration who were paid far less.

  7. Good looking woman.

  8. She was questioned about her independence in case, in all likelihood, Brown or his henchwoman Allen tried to interfere with HR policies. She indicated that she would hold her ground as an independent HR professional. Good luck with that!

  9. ""You get what you pay for"? Terribly insulting to directors under the Stoffa administration who were paid far less."

    It's no insult at all.Your mindset is to find every excuse you can to pay someone shitty wages. It is really short-sighted. John Stoffa, who I know pretty well, would be the first to agree his cabinet officials deserved more money. But he was not going to do it when Council would say no.

  10. You're full of crap, Bernie. Stoffa was a frugal man who even balked when council raised HIS salary. He was able to recruit quality people who understood that precious taxpayer dollars paid their salaries and that public service was as important as what they could earn working for Stoffa. Brown has consistently overpaid his staff, including Allen who with a HS education earns far more than her predecessor who had 20+ years as an administrator and a masters degree. How can you possibly consider that "you get what you pay for"?

  11. Bernie, this candidate seems like a very qualified individual. While I do not begrudge her the opportunity to earn a six-figure salary - that figure is not in line with this role in the PUBLIC sector.

    If she wants to earn $105,000 she should be looking for jobs in the PRIVATE sector. If she is as good as her qualifications and education indicate, she should have no problem commanding that salary but to bilk the citizens for a position that should pay in the $75-85K range is out of line.

    I am certain the $125K mean she quoted heavily leverages figures from the PRIVATE sector.

    1. In the private sector, a job of this magnitude and responsibility would garner between $150,000 to $170,000 PLUS a bonus. People are speaking without checking their facts. The information is readily out there.

  12. Stiffs was very frugal, I agree, and was slow to grant raises. But he would have been more willing to reward quality workers if he had a Council that was more willing to work with him. During his first six years in office, Council worked against him. He would never be able to pay people what he thought they were worth. I am a firm believer in paying people what they are worth. Trapp's salary is only 70% of the mean so I would want her paid more. But it does not step there. Many employees are paid far less than what they are worth. That needs to change. Ideally, it should start at the bottom, but it has to start somewhere. We now have an HR Director who recognizes that. The Exec's salary should be the same as the President Judge. Council members shoul be getting at least $30,000. The Controller's salary should be higher, too. None of this is politically popular. But it is the right thing to do. It is very shortsighted not to pay people well. So I have problems with the arguments advanced by Parsons and Werner. Just listening to Trapp is evidence enough that she will be worth every cent she is paid.

  13. "Stiffs" is Stoffa. Autocorrect got me again.

  14. You're lucky it didn't come out "stuffy"!

  15. Your proposal to pump up everyone's salaries in the county is NUTZ! Who the hell is going to pay for it? Overtaxed taxpayers? You are very generous with other people's money. Don't see a lot of turnover in the workforce. These folks are PUBLIC SERVANTS. They deserve a decent salary and benefits, which they already have.

  16. I did not say to pump up everyone's wages. I said people should be paid what they are worth. In some cases, no adjustments are necessary. But in others, they are. They are public servants,m but they are not public slaves and are netitled to a fair wage. Why should the private sector pay a living wage when the government does not? Like I said, it is time to stop being short-sighted.

  17. Private sector pays a "living wage"? You mean Walmarts, McDonald's, retail stores, restaurants, etc.? County jobs are full-time with benefits, good wages and for the most part job security. They are coveted by those treading water in the "private sector". The few comparable jobs in the private sector that pay more, i.e. HR professionals, are highly competitive. If someone is lucky enough to become HR Director at a large company like PPL, Air Products, Martin Guitars they will be compensated at the $150 + level. If Ms. Trapp were that gifted and well qualified then why wasn't she able to land one of those plum jobs after leaving Allentown? Because they are very, very competitive, unlike a county at-will position. So she should be happy to have been so lucky to land the county job at any salary above $90 K which is what she should have been offered.

    1. How do you know she hasn't had those offers? If you read the blog above BO says she took a $53k paycut when she left the private sector. How do you know she doesn't choose to do this? Maybe she likes government (I don't know why, but to each his own...). If you know HR at the county, it's broken and no one has fixed it yet. Maybe she can fix it.

  18. Gee, you just got done saying that Amy shoud not consider the private sector when considering the salary for an HR director bc they are too high. Now you are saying the salaries are too low and everyone wants to be in the public sector. Whichj is it? Can't argue with people who are not logical and who contradict themselves. I go back to what I have been saying all along. Whether is the private or public sector, people should be paid what they are worth.

  19. If the county finds enough money for unnecessary map makers and six figure salaries for staff I don't want to hear about how we need tax increases and can't afford things.

  20. Map makers are unnecessary? What planet are you on??

  21. Stiffs staff got what they deserved. None of them were real professionals.

  22. A person who can't sign his or her name is no example of professionalism.

  23. First of all, forget the private sector pay scales. Her pay is comparable with Lehigh and Berks HR directors salaries, check that if you want. It seems to me Scott Parsons the one of two dissenting votes is a small man with a big Napoleon complex. Bottom line if want experience and knowledge your going to have to pay for it.

    1. I'm not begrudging her her salary, but if we're comparing Northampton County salaries to other third class County salaries, then I'm due for a raise! My counterpart in Lehigh County earned $62k last year while I earned just $46k and I've been in my position longer than she's been in hers. Their benefits are better too!

    2. Is your education and experience the same as your Lehigh County counterpart? Do you have more certifications or credentials than that person? This is the problem with government pay scales. It is not pay for performance, but pay for tenure. That doesn't help any organization grow. This is how government workers get a bad wrap with entitlement mentality. If you have more experience, more education, and more certifications or credentials for your specific profession and are a solid employee with no conduct or performance issues, you are likely right and you should probably make more money.

  24. What is the tenure of Berks and Lehigh Count HR directors? I don't think they are at will so this folks could have been in their positions for 10+ years. Comparing a starting salary to a vested salary in other counties is ludicrous.

  25. As I said several times now, people should bepaid what they are worth. That is why job studies are so important.Government cannot expect private employers to pay a living wage if it pays its own employees poorly.

  26. Her biggest problem will be reading this blog. Either she or a relative is apparently debating 3every comment. For your own sanity stop. This is a political blog with a lot of whackos on it. You will be trolled just for a response.

    They have not called it Bernie's poison posse for nothing.

    Sorry Bernie but it is for her own good.

  27. Tricia Mezzacappa, Go take your drug cocktail. You are the biggest troll out there.

  28. So Mike Twining stood up for Trapp in saying that front line supervisors who made less then their Union employees were reviewed on a case by case basis? Really? It's interesting that Trapp got a nice raise right before she jumped ship and no supervisors were given raises. Oh except for the ones over in the streets dept that somehow managed to get raises every year.

  29. Her salary is only par to f her compensation. She will receive a hefty pension and also great benefits.

  30. Glad u mentioned salary studies, because when was last one??? Charter says every two years. Another joke. Raises for the good ol club while the rest of the workers get the shaft. Council is absent and sleeping behind the wheel like the one administrator in human services! Ever wonder why talent is leaving NorCo?


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