Local Government TV

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Allen High School Student Speaks Out Against Walkout

Nicole [redacted] is proof that there's hope for all of us. She's a 16 year-old student at William Allen High School. She won't be stepping into Nate Whips' stretch limo today or anytime soon. She also refuses to buy the bullshit burgers being sold by walkout organizer Michael Frassetto. Here's a message she sent to him via Facebook. 591 likes. 290 shares. The truth is a very powerful weapon.

A message to Michael Frassetto,
(If someone could tag him,I'd appreciate it)
Your intentions are being represented in the wrong way. You will never be taken seriously with the way you're trying to show your care for the students. If you GENUINELY cared about students, you would motivate them to sit in class, stay in school, and not promote 5 illegal absences. To tell your followers to sit on the steps of Allen in the morning, prohibiting kids who WANT to go to school and WANT to learn, is basically telling us our education is not important. I genuinely love William Allen high school. Blasting bull horns, and yelling at students "don't walk in if you don't want to get raped!17% of asd students get raped!" Is a disruption of my education and disgusting. Spewing lies and false statistics only to connive young high school students. To be honest, you should be ashamed of yourself for motivating students to skip school for a week and lying to them saying they won't get in trouble. Illegal absences are a thing buddy. You're allowing young kids to commit truancy. By also claiming "police and security guards are on our side," is FALSE. They're not supporting you, they're just not arresting you or kicking you out because your actions are not illegal-yet. Multiple times I have heard you say "No one learns at ASD." I've been in this school district my entire life, and I'm in fact an advanced and AP student,because anything is possible when you let your mind open to education and when you do not surround yourself with negative influences, like yourself. And to be quite honest, I feel bad for every single young person who has fed into your lies and influence. Let us not forget that you and your team were letting students drive in a limousine with you? Creepy and unprofessional. I recommend you stop making me, and other students uncomfortable while walking to school, and go back to teaching at your own school, and be the "great teacher" you want ASD to have. Act like your age and be a positive influence on this community.So, brb, I have homework to do, because you know, my teachers actually teach and care about their students.
A hard working student from Allen who loves their education.

Frassetto never answered Nicole. Nate Whips is repeating lies on Facebook, falsely claiming security attempted to lock students in and that the Superintendent installed a $100,000 home theater with school funds.


  1. Dreaming of JusticeOctober 1, 2015 at 2:11 AM

    Perfectly composed. If I were her teacher, I'd give her a A-she earned it.

  2. If we are to have a viable America, we need to have certain standards of good conduct and responsible citizens to follow them. Also needed are honesty, integrity, and respect for others. I am encouraged by these messages from a student and a mother. These are the kind of level-headed neighbors I want around me.

    Successful people WORK at achieving their goals. They don't deceive, shout over, nor bully their way to what they want. They EARN it by making civilized choices. This is not the jungle.

    I have NO respect for those who attempt to get what they want by intimidation and force. Never allow oneself to be influenced by crude behavior. That only fuels more of the same. Real adults rise above primitive tactics.

    This week's fizzled disobedience by a few misguided adults should demonstrate to young people there is a better way forward. ASD is doing the very best it can under difficult circumstances.

    Fred Windish

  3. If you think Frassetto has been TOO quiet lately I believe they have have switched over to cyph (an encrypted messaging service). To keep their next move secret. This is alluded to in the meme oñ one of his last Facebook posts. WWW.cyph.com

  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLqvjfJ0Qi4

    A voice of reason from an Allen Student.

  5. http://www.mcall.com/opinion/white/mc-bw-allentown-student-walkouts-20150930-column.html

    Bill White's excellent column today.

  6. Smart girl. Wish her much luck on a bright future.

  7. Good to see that at least one student realizes what is going on here and has not taken a sip of the Frassetto Kool Aid.

    I don't understand why there isn't some angle the police can work to get him arrested for his whole thing. Especially since in today's society you can get arrested for looking in the general direction of a minor.

    Bernie, can you please explain the Nate Whips connection here? I must have lost it in the 150+ comments on the other post. My recon shows he's a used car salesman with a bit of a criminal record, but what does he have to do with Frassetto or the walkout? He likes to give female Allen students limo rides or something?

  8. She is not the only Allen student calling out Frassetto. Here is a young man with a good perspective ...

    Bravo William!

  9. Only about 400 district students (and 100 charter school students) walked out. I don't know where you are getting numbers like 1000 or 850 from but neither are in any way accurate. Even the 500 or so who did actually show up left pretty quickly, the students you are drawing to this walkout aren't the students who want change, they're the students who are walking out to avoid going to school. Also walking out of school is illegal. It violates truancy laws and students who do take part can definitely be fined or sentenced to ATS. Even the ACLU is only there to ensure a safe protest, they can't do anything about you breaking federal law. The only good that is actually coming from this walk out is the halls being clear between periods now. All the kids who walked out today are the kids who normally don't go to class anyway and stand in the middle of the halls. The ASD is in need of change but this isn't the way to go about it. The United Youth Party seems to be handling this walkot very unprofessionally. You were outside of Allen today in sweatpants blasting an air horn, disrupting the kids who actually go to school to learn.

  10. Anon 10:06: Perhaps these will give you some Nate Whips background ...




    and of course the criminal history that can be looked up here under Nathan Markham


  11. https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xat1/v/t1.0-9/12088488_10207892514733492_7754062919130211262_n.jpg?oh=143387455335c141729c9fc4345e5fdf&oe=56A58C32

  12. https://ujsportal.pacourts.us/DocketSheets/CourtSummaryReport.ashx?docketNumber=CP-39-CR-0001381-2015

    One of Mr. Markham's docket sheets.

  13. If this clown is outside the school with a bullhorn he should be arrested for disturbing the peace. The city has noise ordinances and certainly a blaring bullhorn violates them if policed. No different if some clown set up loudspeakers in front of the school and blared music for an hour. These kids need some level of peace and quiet to learn.

  14. Fred at 508. You nailed it man and made a great case against Donald Trump.

  15. TAZE them, MACE them, beat them all, then bus them over to Parkland School District.

  16. I think we are giving our kids less credit than they deserve. We started out earlier this week by calling them "a mob and lemmings" when in fact they are young men and women and whether you like it or not, they ARE our future....

    And as for those who are deeming and judging, remember, we DID follow our supposed educated leadership for years and you see where that got us and the CITY of ALLENTOWN....

    And those who keep predicting violence and mayhem: They know more than we did at their age and many are not trying to end up in a jail cell. They see the limits it has had on their immediate and distant family members. Most are just trying to figure out and find a way to escape a life of poverty and want.

    And let's face it, most of the complainers have been blaming the kids for years for Allentown's problems and could care less if they obtained an education or not. Most just don't want these "savages" walking around the neighborhood freely causing the havoc and mayhem. SMH... If they truly cared, they would be doing more than giving commentary and actually taking action. Politicians, board members, etc have been talking for decades and then act surprised when these "Pied Pipers" lead the kids out for a lesson of protest and civil disobedience. While they tear down the organizers and lambast the event, what exactly were THEY doing to help the kids, the educational breakdown, or the process? This is why most "leaders" don't have anything to say about this situation, because they did NOTHING too.

    Lastly, to All those educated people calling the activists names and the kids "hopeless", please don't forget to mention how our esteemed "leaders" are making state employees, daycare centers, community programs, etc go without funding because, of course, their way of doing things is less disruptive and more refined... Who are the REAL undisciplined children here?

    - Alfonso Todd

  17. On Monday, on of these leaders was using a bullhorn to yell into Dieruff to try to convince students to leave school. ThatAtiyehCharterSchoolTeacher (who must not be named) posted the video on his facebook page.

  18. Alfonso, The FACT is that one of these so-called activists is a criminal thug whose most recent arrest was in February, and for corrupting the morals of a minor. These so-called activists bullied parents and students, and told outright lies. This was a real disservice to the students who need all the help they can get. So far as I know, no pone predicted violence and mayhem. But a lot of people predicted this would never last a week, and thankfully, it did not. I happen to know many of these kids bc my grandson is friends with lots of them and they are no savages. I would not allow people to call them savages here. And as this student demonstrates, there are plenty of good persons in that student body. The persons who think poorly of these students, and who tried to brain wash them are the so-called activists you admire so much. They are doing NOTHING to help the kids. In Frassetto's case, it's ego. In Nate Whips' case, he's trying to recruit car buyers and maybe pick up a few babes. ASD has its share of problems, but this is the worst way of drawing attention to them.

  19. By the way, State legislators and State employees are still getting paid despite the lack of a budget deal. The human service non-profits are now laying off staff.

    ASD and other school districts are required to keep paying millions to the charter schools this year even though the state is not providing their funding. Bethlehem School District is refusing to pay.

    That budget debacle is going to get very painful very fast.

  20. Thanks for the lecture, Todd. If the kids that skipped classes Monday and Tuesday are our future, then we are in trouble. As a property owner in the city, I pay some of the highest school taxes in the valley. I believe I have a right to expect that these kids take their education seriously and attend classes. I also support many day care centers in the city, because I believe quality pre-kindergarten education helps prepare children to succeed in school. So many of us are doing what we can to help inner city kids succeed. But then along comes some charlatan making outrageous claims about the ASD superintendent, demanding that a million dollars of hard-earned taxpayer money be handed out to students for do-nothing summer jobs, and other ridiculous demands. Those of us who help pay for the education these lemming students so carelessly discard have an absolute right to be disgusted.

  21. For anyone who wants to CONSTRUCTIVELY address issues at Allen High School, the monthly meeting of the Allen Parent Teachers Student Association will be held this coming Monday (October 5) at 6:30 p.m. in the 9th Grade Cafeteria of Allen.

    Robert Smith, President of the School Board of the ASD, and other school officials will be present.

  22. Bernie, it first of all, is not about admiration, it's about asking all of the complainers, if not them then WHO? Everyone is totally OK with the school staying as it was and every year hundreds of drop outs and uneducated young men and women being placed into the streets and society. So, when they DO become a part of an element of crime, these same people are there to yell PROSECUTE them to the fullest extent of the law.

    The FACT is ASD has issues and our leadership and parents continue to blame each other for the lack of this and people not doing that. Meanwhile, taxes go up and the tax payers complain and people lose their homes. And WHO gets the blame? The kids because if it wasn't for them then maybe none of this would be happening. BUT since these "activists" galvanized these students to place some light on the issues, more people seem to be focused on them than the problems, which is called misdirection.

    Kill their reputations all you want in the press and in the court of public opinion but will someone please tell me WHO, WHAT and WHEN we can do something about the issues these kids are having in ASD becuse the Nates and Frassettos will come and go, but it seems the ASD discombobulation has yet to be solved.

    - Alfonso Todd

  23. Incarcerate them all now!
    Why wait?
    Who do these little punks think they are???

  24. Alfonso, Of course there are problems in the ASD, and if you really cared about them, the last thing you would want is a walkout. Why encourage students who already have a 40% drop out rate to ct classes for a week? Do you realize how incredibly stupid that is? And do you honestly think the problem is magically solved if mayo resigns? If kids are given shitty jobs art the arena for a few weeks? If they are illegally given a voting board member? These are not solutions. These are not even band aids. And yes, the leaders of this movement are pieces of shit. Frassetto is a Pied Piper who actively lied to students, who bullied both them and parents. Nate Whips, whose real name is Nathan Marhkham, is a criminal thug. This is the reality. Wake up! These assholes set the need for change in the wrong direction.

  25. The whole town is run by criminals.
    What do you expect?

  26. Fear the youth movement old man. You only want to hate on Nate. One sided. reporting man. You are a phony, old man.

  27. Return to apathy.....it's the Allentown way.

  28. Hey Bernie, did you see that the Feds issued another subpoena, this time for business union leader, Tony Iannelli. Maybe he will have to sell all his cufflinks to pay for his legal expenses.

  29. I have the story and rather than running a rumor I was trying to get confirmation. the morning call scooped me.

  30. 2:20, feel free to defend a criminal thug. Also, your discriminatory remarks against older people is noted. I guess that kind of bigotry is ok.

  31. Bernie, I do understand what you are saying and I do see what your past reports are saying regarding the organizers, the event, etc... My question, again, is this: When do we stop the name calling and actually DO something ? It's easy to go negative on the ones who organized something to get the attention of the public. Their job is done. What do we, the complaining and crticizing public, do to get involved with the schools in order to make them better for all students? I just want people to understand that demonizing the messengers may seem to justified, but we still never discussed the ASD problem, much less a solution.

    Also, the demands they gave were ludicrous but we all know in the real world it's called NEGOTIATIONS. You start high and work your way down. No, Mayo is not going to resign; no they are not giving anyone a seat on the board; and no they aren't giving any summer jobs to the youth but if the school leaders would have at least met with them, maybe they could have spoken about equal dissemination of programs, scholarships, and intern opportunities; guidance counselor etiquette and how they can be utilized to their fullest extent; and even some sort of life planning (step by step) for those who have no clue abou their future, but still want to be productive members of society... But they didn't and now we may neve know.

    It's amazing, people are so hellbent on demonizing these two fellows and the students, they never investigated or mentioned the actual problems that were being presented regarding the ASD.

    It's one thing to say "We know there are problems at ASD", it's another to attempt to do something about it.

    And while many continue to say, "it takes time and Rome wasn't built in a day", the students will continue to drop out, be collateral damage, and not be served by a school system that is actually failing them.

    - Alfonso Todd

    P.S. - And I guess with Tony Ianelli, BUSINESS will really MATTER soon...

  32. I think perhaps that alfonso todd's greater message is cannot we as adults do something more educational and productive than just bash frassetto all week? as for bashing nate, that's just a total distraction from any useful "take away" from this situation. both those gentlemen will have to deal with consequences of their decisions, but what can we "add" to this week, instead of just condemnation? perhaps student ombudsmen could report to the school board with a new grievance mechanism

  33. You run with rumors when it is not one of your buddies. I guess you had hoped the Iannelli thing would have slipped under the rug. He is a sleaze and nothing but a court jester for local business. The guy who said business union leader is right. That is all the chamber is, just a union for businesses. I guess that makes Iannelli just another union thug. A subpoenaed one at that.

  34. Alfonso must know the teaching/learning process is really just a matter of GIVE and TAKE. One party provides guidance and knowledge, another party either agrees to receive, or not to receive.

    We can't expect a perfect path, but strive for an unbroken path between two points. The kids, and the families that support and encourage them, must be WILLING participants.

    For the majority of Allentown kids, this process continues to succeed. Despite increasing challenges from OUTSIDE the classroom.

    Fred Windish

  35. The protest leaders could have demanded more up-to-date textbooks, instead of demanding something that is a violation of state law (giving an unelected high school student full voting rights on the school board).

    Remember that Tuesday, the AtieyhCharterSchoolTeacher distributed video that he was going to keep holding walkouts "until all of his demands were met." The kids' education was saved by a hurricane.

  36. MM, I'll disagree with you here. Frassetto, Nate Whips and the other bullhorn blower deserve all the bashing they get. They were actively encouraging kids to cut classes, which is a crime. They misrepresented themselves. Before we can discuss any of these other questions, that must be recognized.

  37. How dare these students engage in political activities....and not fully understand the issues?
    Can you believe the nerve?
    A three day suspension is the only fitting punishment.
    Put them on the streets!

  38. @3:31

    The Chamber is hardly a "union for businesses" in that no business is forced to join it. Labor unions, on the other hand, force workers to, in essence, join by forcing them to pay "dues." Therefor, there is an enormous difference between Mr. Iannelli and your garden variety forced-membership union commissar.

    Jeffrey Anthony

  39. 3:31, I had no idea who was being named in the expanded investigation. I was giving it s few hours to see if someone at City Hall would get back to me. While waiting, the story broke. I would not have hesitated to mention Iannelli or anyone else.

  40. MM, with respect, I don't think Nate is being "bashed." I think calling it a distraction is rather dismissive of the welfare of the kids involved. Discussions of qualifications and leadership are certainly germane. Your point about adding to the discussion is valid. But if we don't acknowledge the treachery of the day, we'll not get to any productive takeaway.

  41. When I hear tgat middle school students were encouraged to participate in this exercise, my blood boils. I think a parent has a right to expect that any 11 year old he drops off at school will not be swept away by some bullhorn-toting demagogue or his criminal thug apprentice. Let's establish that this is not cool. That's no distraction. That IS a major issue.

  42. 4:34 is the Blog Mentor, and he has an ax to grind, as usual. He is pissed that school officials correctly decided against hiring his wife, so he will misreprent truancy under the guise of free speech.

  43. bernie@4:33, three days ago when you started frassetto was the pied piper, in a recent comment today you have him a "piece of shit." i think by this time your point of view has been "recognized"

    @4:40, i think that nate whips is a colorful character to whip, but lets be practical, how many students a day could he really transport to the MLK park in his limo?

    but gentlemen, don't let me interfere with the bashing party

  44. Alfonso, encouraging middle school students to become truants is not negotiation. It is a crime. You don't negotiate with criminals. Get that through your head. Before anything else, there has to be a firm message that this kind of terrorism is unacceptable. You have gone to great length to excuse criminal behavior. I won't do that. Not when young lives are at stake.

  45. MM, I've already indicated these pieces of shit deserve all the bashing they get. Parents, especially the parents of middle school students, should be outraged by their criminal behavior.

  46. Bernie, no one is excusing anything, but a message needed to be sent. Whereas you may be blinded by the tactics, the reality is that their job to draw attention to the problems in ASD has been accomplished. And while you all STILL continue talking about individuals that have no real relevance but to an event that has come and gone, we STILL have the issues at ASD that need to be addressed. Where is the outrage over the continued drop outs and lost futures? Where is the rage against those who are not learning, falling through the cracks, and becoming a part of the poverty stricken and element of crime?

    No, I see it's easier to focus on two inconsequential individuals than engage the problem itself. THEY are not the problem, the ASD is and yet no one wants to discuss this.

    The kids will be back in school on Monday, the status quo will be back as it was and everyone who is so enraged and disgusted will retuen back to their normal lives while the kids will still be in limbo.

    = Alfonso Todd

  47. @4:52

    You, I, and whomever else posted last night around 7 - 730ish really got under The Blog Mentor's (a.k.a. Attack Poodle's) skin. He even sent me an email threatening all sorts of defamatory mayhem on his little blog (thus confirming his identity in the process).

    Now, if I'm not mistaken, he's violating a court order by posting here, isn't he? Or does that only apply if he signs his posts like a man (something a coward would never do).

    Jeffrey Anthony

  48. Alfonso, I'm sorry, but you're not making that sale with me. The problems at ASD were well known before this criminal stunt. If anything, the need for change has been set back. It's really unfortunate, but that's reality. I would not engage in talks with any of these criminals, either.

  49. Guess we all learned it's okay to hate old white guys.

  50. Alfonso -

    You're way off base if you think this stunt had any positive effect.

    I happen to agree that there are problems in ASD that need to be solved.

    But many (myself included) have also seen this same show played out in cities across America. I'm not ready to turn the School District over to, or give in to demands of those who use criminals to further their message.

    Unfortunately, this week's stunt caused many to circle the wagons around ASD and set back the chance for any real reform. If there was any point to it all, it was poorly planned and poorly executed.

    If I had to give it a grade, it deserves an F.

  51. Michael Molovinsky said:

    "...perhaps student ombudsmen could report to the school board with a new grievance mechanism"

    Aren't there already (non-voting) student representatives to the School Board from Allen and Dieruff who are supposed to be doing that?

  52. Anon 3:31 said:

    " I guess you had hoped the Iannelli thing would have slipped under the rug. He is a sleaze and nothing but a court jester for local business."

    I doubt Ianelli did anything wrong other than having contact with the Mayor.

    Unfortunately, Pawlowski's continued denial and refusal to step down will only cause the probe to continue to widen. The FBI will look to add as much evidence as they can to their case against Pawlowski in order to make it air tight. That will surely bring closer scrutiny to anyone who's been in contact with Pawlowski.

    The longer he tries to hold on, the more people who will get swept up into his mess.

  53. Complete Race Card Failure, that is the only applicable headline that recaps this past week's 'protest'.

  54. A lesson from Reality to the poster at 4:35. A union is an association of individuals formed to advance their interests. The Chamber of Commerce is that. Definition, check. Also not every carpenter is a member of the Carpenter's Union, check.

    The chamber of commerce advocates for business owners, solicits funds to influence policy that is advantageous to business owners. In the end any law passed that helps member bushiness helps all business. They are not advocating for anyone but the business entities.

    So while it may offend Foxian blockheads like yourself, chambers of commerce are in fact no different than private unions for individuals. They are both trying to do the same thing.

    Please think beyond the boundaries of your individual prejudices and think more about the content of your thought then just seeing your name over and over again.

    The Voice of Reality!

  55. the voice of a partisan hack is more like it

  56. @7:21

    You're neglecting (in denial?) the fact that in non-Right-to-Work states, individuals who refuse to pay forced dues in a "closed shop" are summarily fired. On the other hand, businesses that do not join the Chamber are not shut down.

    None of that has anything to do with Fox News as you try to say. It is just a simple fact of the labor laws in non-Right-to-Work states.

    Don't believe me? Stop paying your union dues (if you're in a close shop in PA) and see if you get fired...

  57. Folks, the topic here is the walkout.

  58. Alphonso,

    Your posts, reasoning and excuses making disappoint! Do you imagine for a moment that anyone involved in the ASD isn't aware of the problems the district is facing? Do you believe none of the involved are doing anything to remediate the problems? Do you honestly think those who work for and/or represent the district are satisfied with the status quo and are using district money to install sound systems in their homes?
    I have yet to see you you at a school board meeting yet you choose to be a champion of the nefarious characters who claim to be champions of the the ASD's best interests. It is the modus operandi of con men to tell us what we want to hear,make false claims, and offer simplistic solutions. It is up to us to judge their credibility. You have chosen badly and put it in writing. There really is no excuse for what just happened.Sometimes it is that simple.

    Scott Armstrong

  59. Sorry Scott, but this is NOT about me, so that is rejected and if leadership is "trying" to do all of this, including yourself, then maybe w need to take a closer look at THEM and YOU instead of trying to pinpoint blame on individuals that, perhaps in their odd way of thinking, were only trying to help. You all call it excuses but none know these men's hearts. You are only going by what you feel is right or wrong and that is still up for argument as well. We can agree to disagree and leave it at that, but in the end, when people tend to talk negatively and use vulgar and derogatory terms about anyone, then there is a bigger issue that needs to be addressed. There are ways to criticize without demonizing.

    And Scott you may have the luxury of living in a world where everything is black and white, but more often than not, it is NEVER that simple,

    Be well, Everyone,

    - Alfonso Todd

  60. Again you disappoint. Scott Armstrong

  61. The question whether middle school students should be encouraged to cut classes by an adult is very black and white to me. Quite frankly, this is corrupting the morals of a minor. I can't believe you would even try to defend this outrageous behavior, Alfonso, and i don't give a shit what is going on in their hearts. If they took your 11 year-old daughter out of school, you'd be a complete moron not to be concerned. This is not something to debate. This is something to condemn. I was at a meeting of Bethlehem's NAACP on Tuesday night, and no one was thrilled at what is going on in Allentown.

  62. I have to say, that even though I wholeheartedly disagree with this whole walkout, the school board and administration have sort of set themselves up. How?

    if I'm a student not fortunate to hit the lottery of the "wonderful opportunity" how am I supposed to feel when I am stuck with my "not so wonderful opportunity"? I think the administration and the school board have created the impression that the other schools are not so wonderful by putting all their chips down on Building 21.

    Like having twins and giving one a Yugo where the wheel keeps falling off and the other a brand new Cadillac. "But dad, the wheel fell off, again, on my way to work." "You still got there, didn't you?" "Now go support your sister and help her wash her Caddy. We can't have the neighbors looking at a filthy car. You did remember to park the Yugo around the block, didn't you?"

    Same tax dollars. Some buys the Yugo and repairs, some buys the Caddy.

  63. 10:25, Are you with the Pawlowski Pac?

  64. Alfonso does not scold those who use terms like "old hatin white guys" but has the guts to lecture about "criticizing without demonizing".

    No getting around the blatant hypocrisy; another massive Race Card failure in action.

  65. Frassetto put out another video where he repeats lies about the Allentown School District. Here's a response from ASD School Board President Robert Smith:

    I asked our finance director at our last board meeting about $20 million being lost. He stated for the record that it was not true. This is just one more lie coming out of this failed organizer, whose 15 minutes of fame is almost up.

    I was hoping this young man would change his ways in a positive manner to be a teacher that would be a role model for our students,not a law breaker and liar.

    He lied about students not getting in trouble. There is a code of conduct,and students on probation will suffer consequences.

    He lied about Dr. Mayo having a $100,000 theater system in his basement.

    He lied about Dr. Mayo's salary. He lied about drop out rate, and the most unforgiving lie was that 16 rapes occurred in our schools. This was the most reprehensible and unconscionable lie out of them all, and as a teacher he should be ashamed of himself.

    I will not stay silent when someone is slandering our district and I challenge him and his organization to show proof ..."


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