Bill is wrong.
Let's lay out some of the facts here. The newspaper is a shadow of its former self. Having gone corporate, it has seen many of its best reporters and editors cast adrift, in favor of those more willing to keep their heads down and do as they're told. It's also headquartered inside the MIZ, and presumably will benefit from all the pretty buildings.
Bill White's Pro-Pawlowski Pal
I find it ironic that the very first person White references in his column is a former reporter known for his pro-Pawlowski bias. This friend also worked briefly for Fed Ed's campaign manager, Miked Fleck. Since he's looking for work, I will refrain from identifying him here by name. But as a former Morning Call reporter, this friend was already slanting coverage towards Pawlowski when he first ran for Mayor. Later, as a paid Pawlowski operative, he did manage to spin a few stories out of the Morning Call that were critical of Whitehall Mayor Ed Hozza, one of Fed Ed's rivals.
I know this because he tried to spin me, too.
Stories Critical of Pawlowski
White goes on to cite several stories that were highly critical of Pawlowski's pay-to-play practices. Fed Ed's shoddy campaign finances, which were first reported here, became a series of pay-to-play pieces. These were picked up and expanded upon by two very aggressive and hard-hitting reporters, Darryl Isherwood and Jarrett Renshaw. They did incredible work, as White correctly boasts.
Neither of them stayed with The Morning Call.
Ever wonder why?
I know for a fact that reporters assigned to cover Allentown had as much trouble getting editors to agree to publish a critical story as they did in doing the research for their investigatory efforts. Editors have gone along with Pawlowski's attempt to create a false image of Allentown's "rebirth" or "renaissance" (Japanese call this tatemae) instead of showing Allentown exactly as it appears (Japanese call this honne).
While patting the paper on the back, perhaps Bill can explain the real reason why the Abe Atiyeh land deal was completely missed last year, when blogger Michael Molovinsky first wrote about it. Perhaps he can explain why it was the last news outlet to report that Fed Ed paid him $1.4 million for land the City's own appraiser only valued at $580,000. Its first real story occurred 16 days after mine., and a year after Molovinsky.
Is that an example of being thorough and fair?
Morning Call Missed Discriminatory Gentrification
The paper refused to cover Fed Ed's discriminatory gentrification attempts in the downtown, where he began sweeping the poor out of the way in 2007 to make room for the pretty people. At that time, his solution to Allentown's many problems was, of all things, fine dining. Johnny Mañana's (with an ñ, damn it!). The paper did ultimately write a few pieces when the MIZ began to take shape, but this is something that Michael Molovinsky and I had already been writing about for three years.
Fed Ed's Abuse of Code Enforcement
The paper also failed to pick up on Fed Ed's abuse of code enforcement to punish political enemies and reward his pals, a point made in the Haddad prosecution. He unleashed his goons on a building owner who dared sport a digital billboard that featured an ad from Lou Hershman. Fed Ed even set them after 75 year-old Zee Weikel, for daring to have an occasional yard sale so she could go out with her lady friends once in a blue moon.
For his pals, things were different. A hedge funds manager, who needed the city's blessing for some in ground pool he wanted at his mansion, is an example. Managing Director Francis Dougherty fired off an email to one of his underlings, demanding quick action. "This is a favor for tim holt. Our action on tim's behalf means money from air products later."
The paper never looked into uneven code enforcement, not even when Michael Molovinsky wrote about how Fed Ed used that and jail to essentially steal the Neuweiler building from its rightful owner.
Tatemae v.honne
The Morning Call has presented us with tatemae. The Strata flats story, for example, "reports" that nearly all the apartments have been rented out. But there is no way that could be known without actually seeing the rental agreements. It chose to rely on the landlord, who would be a fool to admit he's having trouble.
Basically, the paper provided free advertising.
The attempt to portray Fed Ed as the innocent victim of Evil Miked Fleck is similarly nauseating. Last time I checked, innocent victims don't sweep their offices for bugs or buy burner phones.
The paper has an obligation to present honne, the way things are. It largely succeeds, but not in Allentown.
Salute to Bill White
I'll end this piece by saluting Bill White. This might annoy him right now, but he's a very large part of the reason why people began paying attention to this and other blogs. In our infancy, most "journalists", including Bill's former colleague Paul Carpenter, turned their noses up at blogs. Much of the criticism directed at people like myself, who have no training or editors, is completely justified. But Bill recognized that we actually do break stories and often connect the dots. Unhampered by space limitations or deadlines, we can go into detail that real journalists can only envy. Bill occasionally refers to interesting stories from Blogistan. His recurring "What is It?" feature, for example, is based on Kathy Frederick's Junk Drawer. Never full of himself, he was among the first real journalists to give credit where credit is due. More often than not, I find myself in agreement with him and especially like his humor. But not this time.
When a newspaper starts to play defense on the "fairness" of its reporting, it is tacit acknowledgment that its reporting has been judged to be unfair by those who matter. Memo to Bill White: the people who matter are the public whose pocketbooks are being savaged by the rapacious acts of Browne, Pawlowski and the NIZ developers.
ReplyDeleteOh please Bernie. You are deep sixing all the connections between Fed Ed/Jennings and Ross Marcus. You let people bray on about Nixon and other nonsense but when the story of Allentown insiderism gets into areas you don't want folks to know, you are quick to slant it your way or completely shut it down.
ReplyDeleteSo instead of hammering Bill White and the Morning Call, hammer yourself. You are just as guilty if not more so. They admit they may be wrong at times. You claim to only present the facts when you know that not to be the case.
You should do a little more soul searching and a bit less finger pointing.
Bernie, this tale is so much on target. Your analysis of White as well. You have a great historical mind.
ReplyDelete@12:22 the reason O'Hate protects his little man crush Ross Marcus is because Marcus is responsible for the ousting of Jim Gregory from Human Services. Oh and he is a Stoffa stooge/crony unworthy of any private sector work.
ReplyDeleteCuckoo. That was the last OT comment. You gave yourself away, and now I will delete your attempts to deflect, just like the MC is deflecting attention away from Pawlowski.
ReplyDeleteLet’s not forget the Morning Call also published a run-for-cover article shortly after the FBI raid attempting to shield Pawlowski operatives. You could still smell the exhaust from the Fleck moving van when the paper was delivered. Sure hope Fleck kept the “pat down” shirt. It would be a great addition to the Lehigh County Museum when the book is closed on this dark episode in Allentown history. It would look nice next to a burner phone and fundraiser invitation.
ReplyDeleteMy reaction to Bill White's piece was very much in line with yours. And I was angry, because White was an enabler.
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting to look at how vitriolic White has been to other public figures, but in this case he seems to be very much buying the story that the Mayor is the real victim here. (Imagine, you can't even plot a bribery shakedown scheme these days without having to worry if your partner in crime is wired.)
Should we feel sorry for the Mayor, Mr. White? Are we to believe he is an Icarus-like figure, who dared fly too close to the NIZ sun?
Perhaps the time has come for Mr. White to dedicate himself more fully to his pursuits of rating Christmas light displays and the greasiness of various Fair foods?
Why would anyone expect a private news outlet to be fair and balance in the first place? It's there more to influents you, not inform you.
ReplyDeleteJust as posts and comments here are subject to the owner's whims I expect nothing less from the fish wrap The Call puts out.
I do believe Jim Gregory resigned and retired from the county. He was not fired. Get your facts straight.
ReplyDeleteThe recent Bill White piece was an attempt at serious journalism?
ReplyDeleteAnd here I thought it was brilliant satire.
Pawlowskis got another former MC reporter as a paid flack. Joe McD. is a bootlicking butt kisser of the first order.
ReplyDeleteI forgot about that one.
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Isn't the Jennie mentioned in the Tim Holt swimming pool story Mike Flecks sister in law?
ReplyDeleteI can't be sure. I thik this may have been before her time.
ReplyDelete^ That's worth a fact check. I'm inclined to think Jennie is Mrs. Flecks sister who worked for Rich Young at the time.
ReplyDeleteIrrespective of that, the place is rotten deep into middle management, especially Codes.
Dougherty's name is going to be popping up more and more in the next few weeks.
ReplyDeleteIt's difficult to overstate his role in the unfolding scandal.
but don't forget about the major award winning pet of the week and eating yourself thru musicmess. the mc is so bad my parakeet refuses to waste its poop on it
ReplyDeleteMy assessment is that the paper's coverage of Bethlehem is excellent. It's coverage of elections, especially campaign finance, is abysmal. Bill noted stories written long after the contributions were made. They need to be at the elections office, on the due date, making copies of every report. There was s time when they did that. There was a time when Tracy Jordan had a spread sheet showing who was spending and the connections. The coverage of Aklentown is worst of all. It's portrayal of some sort of Shangrila in the downtown is "misleading" and "hogwash." It's attempt to provide cover for the crony capitalists is appalling. Instead of writing Schlissberg snippets about how tragic everything is, why not ask him what the hell he was doing getting $ from the same people who gave to Fed Ed? Why not ask him about Miked Fleck? Worried about access? Isn't the truth a little more important?
ReplyDeleteI do not care for Bill's grammar columns or the fairs and things of that sort. But many people do and probably don't like when he gets involved in politics. I don't fault his topic choices. That's his call. I do like the columns by Mushick and like Groller's sports coverage. He and Wilson at the ET are the two best writers in the Lehigh Valley. I love the way both tell sports stories. After that it is Kraft at WFMZ (great detail) and then Bill (great humor). I get him being defensive about his paper. I have certainly not called the writers lazy or corrupt. I am concerned about the editorial direction.
ReplyDeleteHard to take Bill White seriously amid the regular photos of him cuddling kittens. Writing an insightful column twice a week is hard. I believe those tired, formulaic stories about kittens, fairs, and Christmas lights make his life a lot easier.
Agree with you and MM that the MC should have kept a closer eye throughout. Also believe that they didn't completely abdicate their responsibility. When was the MC story about Pawlowski's fundraising practices with City contractors? If I remember correctly it was quite a while ago. My reaction to that story, and Pawlowski's defensive quotes, was that the MC caught the cat with a parakeet in its mouth.
8:27 -
ReplyDeleteYou're correct about the catching the cat with a parakeet in its mouth, but the follow-up on that story was non-existent.
One very simple, very clear example of how the Call covers for Pawlowski:
ReplyDeleteFor a long time, the Call runs a daily online poll on the most banal topics imaginable. Why couldn't they run one about whether Pawlowski should resign? Why couldn't they run one about whether City Council should do more to eliminate the possibility of Pay-to-Play? There's an endless supply of questions that COULD be asked.
They don't ask those types of questions in these polls because they don't want to risk embarrassing Pawlowski.
WHY don't they do it is the bigger question. I truly believe they give him a pass because Pawlowski brokered a sweetheart deal for the Call on the 6th and Linden parking deck, and Pawlowski somehow managed to include the Call building in the NIZ.
Renshaw was excellent---before him Elliot Grossman was great. There have been other fine writers. Arts and music was strong.
ReplyDeleteThe garden column was excellent.
Now it is a complete waste of time.
It's just simply pathetic and Bill knows it.
"Print is dead." - Egon Spengler
ReplyDeleteMolovinsky and you deserve awards for covering and exposing the Allentown NIZ scandals.
Bill White is a shadow of his former self. He used to write important columns that mattered, and that were also interesting and funny. Now he spends most of his time being a Grammar Nazi, writing about junk food, and wishing Bobo the Clown was back at the Great Allentown Fair.
ReplyDeleteThere is a scene in the Woody Allen movie Stardust Memories where aliens come to Earth and talk to Woody Allen. He is surprised to find out that they have seen all of his movies. The alien says "We especially liked the early funny ones."
The Call got what they needed.
ReplyDeleteThey're following through with their half of the arrangement.
We are still waiting for the write up on how much revenue the digital billboards generated for the City in the first year. This deal did not sit well with some on council. Maybe a transfer if funds were part of the agreement of sale. Given the fact that the Morning call became exclusive agent, I suspect hat story will be filed in the archives. Maybe the digital billboards will be on the Christmas lights tour consider lights in the Parkway will not happen this year.
ReplyDeleteString the lights in the NIZ.
ReplyDeleteTo your point, Mr. O'Hare, it seems rather odd that the Morning Call never followed-up on your groundbreaking reporting on "Latinos for a New Lehigh Valley." You'd think, if nothing else, an intrepid reporter would want to know whether the organization -- if it wasn't on the up-and-up -- was using -- indeed slurring -- the good name of the Lehigh Valley's Latino community. That would be grossly unfair and something you'd think a news organization operating without fear or favor would want to bring to light.
ReplyDeleteThey've certainly got a lot to learn from you when it comes to old-fashioned reportorial digging and follow-up...
Jeffrey Anthony
Obsessed a little Anthony?
ReplyDeleteFind another pony to flog.
@3:38. Hey Hans, how ya doin'?
ReplyDeleteJeffrey Anthony
I guess the MC is not angry enough to suit the usual blogmongers. You guys do realize you are uberconservative haters. You should form a comedy troupe.
ReplyDeleteAs to Bernie's award for News, that should wait. He, like the MC picks and chooses his articles. he has scrubbed the stories about Allentown of the relationship between Jennings and a former Stoffa cabinet member. He also, much like the MC, covered for Stoffa and Angle in Northampton County for years. You could light a bonfire with the buried stories that he either deleted or never wrote about the questionable goings on during that period. Instead we read about Lamont McClure's attendance records.
It is true that I delete anonymous and hate-filled rants like yours.
ReplyDelete^Or the inconvenient truths!
ReplyDeleteJim reilley choked out fleck's bother in law! Classic.
You're right to delete anonymous ranters, Bernie, but it makes your readers curious. Can you paraphrase?
ReplyDeleteJeffrey Anthony
No, Jeffrey. That would defeat the purpose.
ReplyDeleteJeffrey Anthony nice pen name, how about getting off Bernice's nutsack word on the street is there are lots of crustaceans inhabiting that nether region of space.
ReplyDeleteI suppose you're right.
ReplyDeleteSome of the regular ranters, if read in the short time before you delete them, are pretty funny in spite of (or perhaps because of) how seriously they take themselves. None have quite ascended to the peaks of hilarious idiocy we saw in the heyday of Lagata8484, but a good ranting idiot can be pretty amusing.
But you're right.
Jeffrey Anthony
Actually Jeffery, Bernie has only one real reason he deletes entry's. He will not tolerate any discussion that casts aspersions on his mancrushes, true or untrue. If you want to rant and attack Pawlowski, Brown or those on his shit list go for it. If you bring up something about one of his "boys", you will disappear faster than the last nacho at a pot party.
ReplyDeleteDo you now se what I mean?
@4:41 So why do you need to be anonymous?
ReplyDeleteLosers with superior attitudes tend to be anonymous because they don't want the reality of their failed lives contrasted with their big talk.
Is that you?
Jeffrey Anthony