Local Government TV

Monday, September 21, 2015

Is Pornography an Evil in Our Society?

Cupid's Treasure, a Stefko Boulevard sex shop, has been receiving unwanted attention from a group intent on forcing the business to close. The King's Men, a Catholic pro-life group promoting "masculine spirituality," has been picketing the adult book store. Founder Mark Houck credits his group with shutting down 12 sexually oriented businesses.

"We've had patrons come to us and thank us for doing this," said Houck. "They are grateful." Calling pornography an "evil in our society," Houck was particularly upset that a sexually-oriented business is located across the street from Valley Farm Market, where it can be seen by children. "This brings sexual deviance to the community," he insisted.

The King's Men was sued by Adult World, another sexually-oriented business in the Quakertown area, following a similar protest in which it was alleged that protesters sprinkled holy water and buried miraculous medals on the property. A federal court dismissed the lawsuit.


  1. Jim Gregory was known to have strong opinions about this subject. The swarthy man of steel was once an artists model, or so the story goes. He posed naked for students who marveled at his perfect muscular form.

    There were rumors that photos of those session exist and may be part of some collections of both men and women. Jim Gregory was for decency and while he was the perfect male subject, he was not in favor of the pornographic use of his awe inspiring physical visage.

    1. Jim Gregory molests collies! Broaden your horizons and search for new role models who aren't thieves!!!
      Earl, Sis & Mom

  2. It's not healthy to stay at home and jerk off all the time. And, these businesses stimulate the economy!

  3. holier than thou asses

  4. Instead of protesting sex shops. Why not protest , chief cupcake,Deputy Dogg,and Mayor DinklePussy 's home. After all these dick heads walk around where kids see them. Don't tell me that's not offensive to kids eyes,and kids minds . Three lies,three steals,three are assholes. You figure out which ones are the ones that do all this . Tick tock tick tock tick tock,you guessed it all 3of them. FT FT FT , FD FD FD, FT FT FT. FDD FDD FDD FT FT FT ‼

  5. Until these people started picketing this business, and Bernie wrote this article about their picketing, I had no idea the place even existed. Could well-meaning control freaks and moralists be the best advertising this business has had, and for free, too?

  6. The loser sticker goons at 8:37 can't control themselves. Typical of those with childish personalities.

  7. I am more concerned about what goes on in Planned Parenthood ...Not these joints.

  8. These people are ridiculous, picketing outside a perfectly legitimate business! Stop forcing your puritanical views on everyone else. Some adults enjoy sex, and even (gasp!) porn. As far as kids seeing these establishments from the outside, these businesses are clearly labeled as "adult" bookstores, and responsible, mature parents have no trouble explaining the nature of them in age-appropriate terms.

  9. "evil" or just not healthy?

    I would suppose pornographers and pornography is protected under the first amendment.

    That being said they should have to be compliant with OSHA worker rights and laws like any legitimate business.

    Are they following OSHA guidelines regarding blood and bodily fluids?

    If not, I believe that material should be secured as evidence of a OSHA violations and I think OSHA should enforce worker health and safety laws.

  10. anon 7:20

    Your jealousy is showing.

    1. Jim Gregory is a THIEF! UNITY PAC was never registered and he took money!! Look up the definition if you can get your head out of your ass.


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