Local Government TV

Saturday, August 15, 2015

NIZ Squad Arrests Man Singing Outside Shula's

Sarah Varjassy, a bartender at Bethlehem's Bayou, shot the video you see above, of Allentown police, accompanied by either Mormons or the Men in Black, arresting a man who was singing outside Shula's on Friday. On the bright side, he was not tased.

He's collateral damage in FedEd's war on Allentown's poor and homeless.

The Men in Black are actually security guards for the Strata Condos above Shula's. The fellow who was hauled away apparently walks by there everyday, singing. He is regarded as harmless and is the kind of phenomenon who makes urban life interesting.

But the MIZ (Millionaire Improvement Zone) was never intended to create a vibrant downtown. It is just another artificial Promenade.

It is certainly possible police had a reason to arrest this man, but nothing he was doing in that video is a justification for what happened, or the force used.

Varjassy's video surfaced at Lehigh Valley With Love. Blogger Michael Molovinsky comments, "mr. reilly's business interests must be protected at all costs. perhaps the art's walk should be renamed, taser alley."

Scott, the restaurant manager at Shula's, denied that he made a call to complain. But he added, "It's not right that he does what he does. The police asked him to leave and he resisted," Scott claims, though the video seems to tell a different tale. He added that this man interferes with the "dining experience."

I could imagine patrons looking out Shula's window with their mouths full of dead cows and blurting, "Ugh, poor people!"

"I think the police do a very good job down here," Scott concluded.

August 16, 2015

Updated 10:40 am: - The crooner who appears to have been assaulted by Allentown police is James Ochse. In February 2014, he was arrested by Allentown police after a disturbance inside their 10th Street station in which re reportedly yelled obscenities and then ran off. Officers followed him and pushed him into a snpow bank, where a struggle ensued and he allegedly bit an officer's finger. His attorney filed a motion to preserve the video of that incident, but Ochse ultimately entered a guilty plea to resisting arrest. Other charges were dropped. Judge Kelly Banach imposed a sentence of six months probation.

In 2013, he was charged with trespass after breaking into his ex-wife's house while she was away and sleeping in the house. He spent some time in jail after that incident.

So he has a history, but that's no justification for a police assault.

Updated 5:10 pm.: - A second video shot by restaurant patron Louisa Rans Soos shows pretty much the same thing as Varjassy's video. This one is a bit closer and you can see that the officer is not wearing gloves, as I originally thought, and that his sunglasses are perched. According to Soos, "Beautiful night and a nice serenade until the cops show up at minute 2:15. The guards said he touched the officer but I don't see that on my video and neither did the other 15 or so witnesses. Was it really necessary to throw him to the ground especially since he was walking away?! Some heard his head hit the pavement. 3 cop cars, 1 police van, and a bike cop later, he was taken away. Apparently a grumpy elder called the cops because he didn't like the noise of his singing. Seriously?


  1. So exactly what law did he break?

  2. "He is a pretty lousy singer.".....LOL Umm BUT..that's NOT against the law!

  3. So far as I can determine, he broke no law. It's possible there was an outstanding warrant, but I doubt it. They just had to brush him out of the way.

    1. Bernie,
      This is the shit sandwich served to the indigent innocent souls of allentowns grant grab get to give pension process proCured¿!($ This all made possible by a ACT of allentowns circus¿!($

      So sad that this man was not informed circus acts not participating in the local democratical campaign donations to the king and court jesters, undercover under colur of local circus law put to print behind closed doors¿!($

      Hey Bernie, wasn't the dime bank part of the rev that was pilphering said church in catasaqua in the herion helping hands hamilton hanna handjob herpie hookup hotspot for future use by team giggles and jiggles at the local strip club platinuim for the plus sized

      patent pending

  4. JB should offer him a permanent spot as Shula's in house crooner, in order to make amends.

  5. No threat to any person or persons yet the roid rage of a cop had the need to manhandle him and throw him to the ground? Did he warn the guy? Did the guy call him a faggot?

    This so called police officer need to have remedial training and sure that others on the a-town force are assholes like this dickhead!

  6. This is so sad. I walk pass this man every day at work. He is clearly mentally handicapped. This is awful. Why don't they actually go break up gangs instead. Great job Ichabod!

  7. disturbing people, he walks up to you and starts singing in your face at the top of his lungs and he makes people very uncomfortable. he needed to be removed, he is there every day of the week walking back and forth between hamilton and two blocks north and back again.

  8. its called disturbing the peace who cares what is wrong with him he chases people away from tax paying businesses

  9. There is no crime called "disturbing the peace" in Pa.

  10. I see this guy around. He gets very close to you and it's difficult to tell if he is yelling at you or singing. I'm not sure if the guy is within his rights but he certainly pushes the boundries.

  11. In a vibrant downtown, this kind of thing is common. Allentown is obviously not a vibrant downtown.

  12. Too bad he wasn't singing that Billy Joel song.

  13. I was enjoying his rendition of Barbara Anne, that cop is a real jerk off for slamming him they need to implement a Zero tolerance policy for this type of over use of force. When Jim Gregory is released he should get back into police work and clean up the force.

  14. That section of the arts walk is private property. That's how they got him.

  15. "...I could imagine patrons looking out Shula's window with their mouths full of dead cows and blurting, "Ugh, poor people!"...."

    You mean people actually go in Shula's for $100 steak dinners ? Can't be all that many.

  16. He should sue. Even Bernie could win this case.

  17. Well we are living here in allentown
    Where the homeless catch a beat down

  18. This sends a message to the indigenous inhabitants of inner-city Allentown:

    Stay Out. You are Not Wanted Do not cross Linden Street and trespass into Reilleytown. We will send out the goon squad and remove you from the area.

    Only those with disposable incomes are welcome here.

  19. that section of the arts walk is public property. there was an alley there, unless it was officially vacated with proper notice, (including approval by city council) it's still public property.

  20. Even if it was turned over to Reilly, the public is obviously invited to make use of that walk. There is no sign warning against trespassing. Police may have had a valid reason to confront the singer, especially if there was a warrant. But it sure looks like they over-reacted.

  21. This nut job kept yelling that he had the right to be doing what he was doing. What, annoying the shit out of people just trying to enjoy a meal downtown? If this clown was just pacing back and forth singing with that horrible loud voice in the middle of the Lehigh Valley Mall don't you think the mall security or Whitehall Police would force him out. Part of living in society is acting civilly. That means not deliberately disturbing others peace and quiet. This guy needs mental treatment and until then he needs to be removed from the public. Unless of course Bernie you would like to relocate him to your lilly white Marberry called Nazareth where he can howl in front of your house.

  22. He broke no law that I could see, and even if he did, the officer used too much force. Last time I checked, the Constitution protects everyone, even lousy singers and those you find annoying. This sort of thing is quite common in urban environments, and is tolerated. In Nazareth, which you disparage, there are few people who do strange and sometimes annoying things. They are harmless and are tolerated. Gentrified Allentown is actually less tolerant than lilly white Nazareth.

  23. @12:27 You have never been in San Fransisco. I suggest you visit Union Square to see the friek show.

    He had every right to be on a public street as you do. If you don't like it, then wear earplugs.

    I presume you have never been disturbed by a crying baby or unruly children while in a restaurant as well. You sound like a typical spoiled brat. Grow up.

    1. Well 3:18 I have been to San Francisco many times including Union Square and you are a moron to make such a comparison. This guy was not a talented street performers in one spot where people walk by and choose whether or not they want to stop and listen or observe and pay accordingly. He was just a nuisance pacing by people trying to enjoy a meal and shouting out songs with no talent. In SF you do not see that at any al fresco restaurants. They wouldn't tolerate it. You sound like a person who never goes out to eat at a decent restaurant but if you did you would not want this hideous noise ruining a good meal. So enjoy your Big Mac with unruly children at your favorite Mickey D's.

  24. The people you see in urban environments are not all talented street performers. Many of them have ... issues. There is no evidence visible in that video that his gentleman was interfering with diners. In fact, it appears that there were diners across the street and this fellow stayed away from them. Had he been interfering with diners at their tables, police would have reason to ask him to move along, so long as those tables in thei public right-of-way were permitted. If he refused, they would have reason to cite him for harassment. But they would have no reason to arrest him, as they did. This is the United States of America, where people have the right to express themselves in public. The Constitution applies, even in Reillyville, and no dark-suited thug or Allentown cop has a right to interfere with the very foundation of our government. This gentleman should sue. An easy target is the City, but since the City is allowing Reilly to act as a quasi government in the downtown with his own security force, he should be sued as well.

  25. What if the dude was black? Would he have tased or shot him?

  26. That's a "what if" with all kinds of negative possibilities. As it is, I believe it's time for APD to be retrained. The way this officer approached this gentleman alone tells me he had made up his mind to take this guy down. He was wearing sunglasses, which does give the officer a slight tactical advantage. But seasoned police officers tell me is a no no because many people have difficulty understanding an officer if unable to make eye contact with him. He also was wearing rubber gloves, which sends a message that everyone around him is dirty and beneath him. The gloves are on bc he is about to touch someone he considers a dirt bag. While there are times to don gloves when processing evidence or a drug suspect, this is becoming all too common and is in my view an aggressive act on what police officers call the "continuum of force."

    When the gentleman had his back turned to the officer and moved away, he was attacked. He posed no physical threat to anyone. This was an assault.

    1. Assault are commonly over ruled by proSICUREital discreation in the land of OZ¿!($ This all ACTing there official capaCITY under cover under colur of local law by the higher authorities in this multifaceted land of milk and honey for the soul sale sectors collectors¿!($

      patent pending

  27. Where is Jennings fight for the poor and less fortunate today?

  28. This video is awful. What has happened to Allentown?

  29. I'm sure the officers both lied on the police report. This is a common practice with the apd. I have been a victim of a falsified police report with three apd officers. Also evidence collected that would have proven my innocence was never documented but garbage canned.

  30. Looks like it's time for another 1983 suit for APD!! Maybe them and Nazareth can get a package deal on legal representation?

  31. I have sent the victim a private message, urging him to seek an attorney.

  32. Bernie
    You're right about the sunglasses. Intimidation.

  33. Is this how we want Allentown to be represented. Two blocks away babies live in poverty, but downtown Hamilton is the lap of luxury with private police forces
    reigning fear on city dwellers?

  34. It really makes no difference wether or not its public or private property. He is a loud disruptive nuisance. The cops had every right to chase him away from there. Am I allowed to stand outside a restaurant on a sidewalk with an electric guitar, strumming loudly and badly? ...and then stand there indignantly when asked to leave? Um, no. When you resist, you face force, period.

    As an aside, your "message" to the guy confirms what most people thought...a set up, with cameras ready, 3, 2, 1 ACTION. Is the Whitehall clown running out of criminals to represent? His attempt to replace the King of Police Brutality has been the laughing stock in the tri state area, ....hows his track record so far?

  35. Lil Sick'0 Rick'0 is good at two things, losing elections and his cases.

  36. 10;57 and Dandy Lion are Tricia Mezzacappa, who has experience in being disruptive. She was convicted of disorderly conduct after threatening to drag West Easton's Bori Council President to the river and drown her. She was convicted of harassment after the verbal and internet abuse she visited on a hapless borough clerk. She wants to see this guy nailed bc I support his right to express himself. It has nothing to do with facts.

  37. @10:57 A persons first amendment rights are not overruled by you not liking what they are saying, or acting or singing in a public place. Sorry.

  38. Were those Allentown police officers wearing those newfangled body cameras?

  39. Wonder if Sarah and this guy are in cahoots to fleece the city of a few bucks. Just plan a disturbance, wait for the cops to show up, turn on your cell camera and CA-CHING! Odds are the vulture Orloski swoops in for some quick settlement cash. And Bernie is egging it on, so throw him some ducats as well. This is the society we live in. Cause a disturbance, resist arrest, cry injustce while the video rolls and CASH IN! Of course it doesn't matter that you are a deadbeat and Allentown's hard working taxpayers in the end must pay. Just play out a Jerry Springer brawl with the law and get your welfare cash courtesy of our greedy legal system.

  40. Bernie,
    I know you don't comment on legal questions but perhaps someone will. What right did these two suits have to go on a public sidewalk and intimidate anyone or was the man standing on private property?

  41. Bernie...not taking sides, however you are wrong about the gloves and glasses. The officer does not appear to be wearing any type of gloves. Also, if you look closely, especially at a stopped frame of the video, the officer's sunglasses are actually perched on his brow, not covering his eyes. It's neither here nor there, I thought he had them on as well, however when you look closely, he isn't wearing them on his nose.

  42. Not Dandy Lion says,

    To be factual the West Easton Council Pres sunk her own ship for being the tyrant she always has been , as evidenced by the embarassing ousting from the ballot this May, along with a wide array of videos which display her habit of cursing people down in public, screaming, and totally losing her cool...but as I see whats good for the goose isnt good for the gander, yet Karma comes in all shapes and sizes. In a few more months the gavel will be retired and will have no ability to silence those who speak up

    back to the topic...when you are a disruptive nuisance to the public on any property, you are asked to leave. When you do not, you face force, period....no story here, next1

    1. Take your own advice and leave. Go post on your own blog that couldn't take the heat. What a wuss

  43. @1:23 PM. Sorry, the Occupy Allentown people were not asked to leave. If a guy wants to sing Pavarotti on a public street, and he's not obstructing anyone, he has a right to be Pavarotti.

    That's what the First Amendment is all about.

    1. They were forcefully removed.

  44. We lost our rights after 911

  45. Funny how none of the local snooze papers are covering this story.

  46. Please through mezzacappa in jail....please. Thank you

  47. Funny how this staged screen play just coincidentally happened days after the slam dump of Vasquez v Allentown in Federal Court. Rick should stop being such a sore loser.

  48. Sara Var-jackass, the skilled mediator of drooling drunks, and expert police brutality commentator needs a few days on the streets of Allentown, in uniform, where their lives are on the line each time they clock in. She best attend police academy, in which education and training are vigorously re-enforced on what to do, and what not to do during a confrontation with suspects. Until Sara Var-jackass earns the skills, experience and qualifications to be a police officer, she can take her cell phone and stuff it. The all-knowing chief expert on brutality, Sara Var-jackass should have taken the cell phone video at the scene instead of 40 feet away.

    Sara Var-Jackass would not last 10 minutes in a police job.

  49. I just read the MC article (and just now your update)

    I briefly knew Jim Ochse socially a few years ago. He seemed personable enough. He is a fairly well-known distance runner - he actually won the Empire State Building Run-Up twice in the 80s and I think he ran it again last year.

    I'm not sure what has gone on in his life since I knew him but I hope he is OK.

  50. Who was the attorney that was with Var-jackass when she was playing Steven Speilberg for the whole world? She best be saving up her tip money to afford the retainer she will need when sued for libel.

    Cops save lives every day, but get no tips. Just remember that, haters....and to the cocksucker author of this blog

    1. Takes one to blow one, u must be like the cheesefries forsale dowmtown¿!($ Most intellegent human males would pass¿ !($

      That pulled pork must have been good!!!!!

      patent pending

  51. Hey, Bernie, I agree with you. And the 3:29 comment was disgusting.

  52. The anonymous comments deriding Sara Varjassy are defamatory bc they are false and made with reckless disregard of their truth. My conclusion is that she is being defamed bc she is young and attractive, not a washed up old hag. Funny how the author of this defamation is afraid to ID herself.

  53. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  54. Much as I would like to, I cannot allow that comment. Then we become just like her.

  55. 1:01, I just saw a second video shot by another patron, and you are correct.The officer was not wearing gloves, and his sunglasses were perched. So I withdraw my statement about the sunglasses and gloves.

  56. " he actually won the Empire State Building Run-Up twice in the 80s"

    That is an INSANE run. Though I don't look it, I have 13 marathons to my credit and some good race times. But that's one I always refused. No question he is heard core. I do think his run in with the law indicate he may need some kind of help. He definitely does NOT need a bidy slam.

  57. Bernie often we share a similar opinion however it differs here. This gentleman would have avoided this situation if he complied with the Police Officer. The gentleman attempts to walk away from the officer and then physically resists the officers attempt to maintain control of him by pulling away. The officer attempted to immediately gain control of this man by taking him to the ground. The man then continues to resist arrest while on the ground. You can even hear the officer telling him to stop. If this gentleman thought he was being falsely arrested he would have his day in court to present his case. This individual and no other individual should physically resist the arrest of a police officer because they do not agree with it. That is what the court system is for. Mentally ill individuals are a high risk factor for police officer because they are unpredictable. This officer I'm sure noticed that and attempted to take control of the situation as fast as he could.

  58. I find myself as anti-NIZ as anybody who has ever posted here. However, I also see the "Broken Windows" theory of policing at play here. If a city let's this crap stand it will be like Times Square 1990....or worse yet, Allentown of the recent past. Mentally disturbed or not a citizenry has a right to civil order.

  59. If you think the singing man is crazy, shouldn't we get him help?

    How does body slamming a crazy singing man help his craziness?

    If police officers feel that every situation they are called to is "threatening" then we should all be ready to be taken down just like this crazy singing man was taken down. I guess this is just like Julio Guridy calling a police officer over to threaten me with force and a tazer.

    I don't think I like this situation. Do you?

  60. Like most cities, borough and townships, I am sure allentown has an ordinance for 'noise'...wether it is loud singing, playing a trumpet, shouting or whatever...I don't think it matters if it was public or private property...and out of all the places to be an annoying jackass, he picks the one area where someone will definately complain....how about if I park a carriage full of screaming 2 year olds outside the restaurant....this has nothing to do with his rights..I agree w. AuH20

  61. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  62. If you want to launch a personal attack at a reader, identify yourself, coward.

  63. B.O.,

    If you live in Center City and are one of the "Urban Dwellers" as I am called, then you know this dude just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. It's common "street knowledge" to stay out of NIZ land because THIS exact situation is expected. Yeah he definitely is mentally disturbed because we "undesirable" folks over here, KNOW this location is nothing to mess around with. I hope it all works out for him. Right now, we in th streets are saying, "If they treat a white harmless elderly dude who was just singing like this, there's no telling what could happen to us." LOL!

    About 5 years ago I had a female friend who was ticketed and threatened with arrest for "busking" on Hamilton Street and others have been similarly booted since then. The sad part is Allentown actually NEEDS street performers that would bring some type of vibe to this NIZ area. Right now it is sterile and charmless. New buildings and eateries stacked on top of each other does not a "destination location" make.

    All I know is JB Riley, Butz, and even Jaindl are probably drinking Pepto and downing Tylenols like candy. The press / reputation Allentown is getting is UNBELIEVABLE. I mean you couldn't make this stuff up in the WORST case scenarios. Actually, it really may be good that they were able to obtain businesses from other spots in PA, because if there were ANY possibilities of any out of state corporations / businesses even giving A-town a possible look, I think they may be pondering hard now....

    I really want Allentown to succeed but I'm not willing to live delusional. The illusion is what got us in this situation in the first place,

    - Alfonso Todd

  64. The NIZ was the best thing to happen to Allentown- period! The previous poster was obviously comfortable with the urban cesspool Allentown was pre-NIZ. Empty store fronts flanked by pawn shops, tatoo parlors and check cashing services. The revitalization of the downtown is something all Allentonians should be proud of. Hundreds of jobs have been created, many staffed by minorities from the community. I agree that street performers WITH TALENT can liven up a downtown. But this guy was just a noise disturbance.

    1. Than asshole I as well as many more am blind and not seeing what is in your imagination¿!($ Dillusonal very much , do a deed search past and present same old z with a nue twist¿!($

      As for jobs this transiant work force are just temPOORary subcontractors of the same old circus LVHN formally known lacally as The Great Allentown Hospital Circus sideshow of the back midway freeks and geeks of years past with the same old pyrotecniqs crew¡!($

      They too will be just passin through, this year it just so happens to fall in the begining of the month¿!($

      Sackless much to stand up to the Hamilto Street gang o thugs, that have very easily manipulated an active alcoholic into believing he put to print this one of a kind law¿!($

      lmao still rollinn in the same old mudpuddle drinking a shit served glass of water at Allentowns as well as a national nonstop Tap¿!($

      patent peding

  65. Shove the poor out of the way? And who determines talent? That's no downtown. It is an artificial environment, just like a mall or the Promenade.

    1. Two dementional in a three and four dementional world¿!($
      Now if they could take there sorry asses out of the chairs and remove there tinfoil caps entering the reel entertainment world today might be possible but very unlikely for the notorious hamilton street gang o thugs¿!($

      Not to worry Bernie someone more tangible will pick up the ball upon there departure to the gothic bighouse as some crimes may be more SINister than othes¿!($

      Now ya no, what ya gunna do about ¿!($

      patent pending

  66. IMHO... He wanted this to happen: he wanted to be manhandled and arrested with force for the sole purpose of being able to take the police to court and sue them. He is deranged and has a skewed view of what he is doing, and obviously not mentally stable. His replies on LVwLove's posting are terribly misspelled and poor grammar -- no sane person going for a doctorate (as he loves to point out over and over) would be responding as such. He loves the attention. He made a spectacle of himself in order to get cameras rolling. He screamed loudly to get everyone's attention and sympathy. He resisted arrest to get the officer to use force. Afterwards, he brags about how he immediately goes to a lawyer and hospital for CT scans. The sympathy he is getting is exactly what he wants. I'm sure he even wants the comments like mine just so he can whine and claim that he is being treated unfairly. He presents himself in the video and in his responses as an insane person with an agenda to get retribution for his unjust treatment. There is no just treatment for this kind of person no matter what was done, he would not have rested until he got this kind of video -- this is the kind of person that eventually would bring a gun to a public place like this the next time because he didn't get enough attention the first time. Thankfully this cop treated him like a cop should treat anyone who resists arrest. If a cop tells you to do something, do it. That's why/how we live in a civilized society.

  67. Actually, I think you are mentally unstable yourself to reach the conclusions you do based on the evidence out there. If you want to attack a private person personally, you really should identify yourself. That's how we live in a civilized society.

  68. Boy the APD sure know how to keep things tidy in the NIZ! How dare people be exposed to things like this while dining outside in the public.

  69. I've seen him. He confronted me without provocation in Allentown. I was confused at first, and walked away when I realized his aggression was targeted at me. I am anonymous on this blog so you are free to accept the merit of my comment as you wish, but I also think he was looking for trouble. (Previous comment not from me)

  70. Since you are anonymous and your comment is contradicted by the vast majority of the LVWL commenters who say they saw him, I don't believe you.

  71. You don't believe any honest person who does not accept your spin Bernie. This whole incident was a scam to make money. Your buddy Orloski is on the job already.

  72. if you are anonymous and personally attcking others, you are necessarily dishonest.

  73. If things with Rick's law career keep flagging he should consider looking for work on Broadway or in L.A for work as an actor, little people are always highly sought after and well compensated. He would probably have to get new footwear as his current collection all have 5 inch lifts.

  74. Mezzacappa, stay off this blog. I'll bring this comment to his attention so we can execute on your house NOW.

  75. This guy is a public nuisance . You have a right to walk and sing. When you stop and harass people with your "singing" as well as panhandling to the point of aggression, you are out of lki8ne.

    Since O'Hare hates Allentown's NIZ, he will take the side of anything or anyone that he thinks makes it look bad.

    O'Hare as a moral compass is more off tune that this nuts singing.

  76. O'Hare needs victims to stay relevant.

  77. Anonymous said...
    "That section of the arts walk is private property. That's how they got him."

    Missing the point, I'd say. The issue should be "was it entirely necessary for that officer to body slam the man?"

    They teach continuum of force policy to recruits which basically says that "appropriate" force is shown by the officer. I fail to understand how it became necessary for a 200+ pound cop to slam an elderly man to a pavement after watching this video. Maybe the officer missed class that day?


  78. This guy is not talented, can not be called a street performer and cannot be compared to cities where street performers perform. Who wants to sit at a higher end restaurant in center city and be disturbed by a guy yelling? answer no one. The cops have to deal with people like this all the time, if he would have listened and not got in the cops face this could have been resolved without incident.


  79. What gives you the right to decide who is talented or not? The first amendment only applies to a singer if he has talent? or only to a speech if you agree with it? Your argument is nonsense.

  80. People are actimg like aince the NIZ that Hamilton obliterated the empty store fronts, tattoo parlors, pawn shops, and check cashing places... propaganda at its best..

    Alfonso Todd

  81. People are actimg like aince the NIZ that Hamilton obliterated the empty store fronts, tattoo parlors, pawn shops, and check cashing places... propaganda at its best..

    Alfonso Todd

  82. Anon 8:37...your version of Allentown must go no further west than 9th Street. Folks there are still waiting for the NIZ trickle down.

  83. Who is to blame for this?
    J.B.Reilly, former head of Lehigh Valley Health Network, and Joe Topper, CEO of Lehigh Gas. The two of them together are the CEO's of City Center Development Corporation, these are the people who were given nearly all of the over one billion in taxpayer backed loans (we pay the loans back, not them) for the NIZ and are being investigated along side the Mayor by the FBI for it.

    Those suits were security guards for Strata, one of the many businesses we the people have bought for them. Keep it spreading. Keep pressure on APD. The Mayors and his buddies have been putting pressure on police to keep the NIZ area looking free of riff raff. There have been 8 police brutality complaints filed against APD since September.

    I got banned for posting spam on facebook for the above comments. Guess some people do not like the truth.

  84. Also Mezzacappa has been making rounds of the video on facebook trying to defend APD's actions. Her statements are rather inflammatory, perhaps even libelous at times. Shame no one has the balls to sue her for that ;)

  85. Elijah, I sued her and won. If you can tell me where she is posting now, i will check.

  86. I know Bernie, was just being a bit sarcastic. If I come across her drivel there again I'll send you some links.

  87. Osche has a history of starting trouble....

    Police: Man causes disturbance in police station, bites officer's finger
    February 18, 2014|By Manuel Gamiz Jr., Of The Morning Call

    A 59-year-old man made demands and yelled profanities Monday in Allentown's 10th Street police station, and bit an officer's finger after trying to run away, according to court records.

    James Ochse of Allentown was charged with aggravated assault, simple assault, harassment, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. He was arraigned by District Judge Rashid Santiago and sent to Lehigh County Prison under $5,000 bail.

    Ochse walked into the patrol station at 11:08 a.m. When officers told him to stop yelling and calm down, he refused, police said.

    Officers told Ochse he was under arrest, but he ran out the door, police said. They followed him and ordered him to stop, but he wouldn't, court records say. Pushed into a snow bank, he wrestled with an officer trying to handcuff him, police said.

    During the struggle, Ochse bit the officer's finger, causing bleeding, according to court records.

    — Manuel Gamiz Jr.


  88. One incident in the recent past does not constitute a "history." It constitutes an incident, and the finger-biting charge was dropped. IThere is actually a second incident that involves him breaking into his ex-wife's home while she was away and spending the night. Both of these matters are relatively recent and tell me he may have an underlying problem. But his problem is not one of violence. Even assuming that is so, the video clearly shows he was complying with the officer and moving on when he was attacked from behind and body-slammed. The evidence clearly shows that he was exercising his right to artistic free speech, and the officer over-reacted. In this country, everyone has the right to exercise free speech, even those with a "history" of "starting trouble."

    Finally, I doubt very much that the Morning Call would permit one of its own reporters to post an editorial comment such as the one that just come from you, and believe you are an impersonator.


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