Local Government TV

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Hudak Offended By Apology

Tom Coombs complained about weekly paper,
now gets two of them. 
In July, when Sean Delonas asked Bethlehem Townships's Board of Commissioners to do something about invasive bamboo, he was repeatedly interrupted by Michael Hudak. He disputed nearly every point made before declaring, "I'm done," and leaving. At their next meeting, in the absence of Hudak, the other four commissioners voted to prepare and advertise an ordinance that restricts this fast-growing grass. President Marty Zawarski did something else, too. He apologized to Delonas for the way he had been treated by Hudak, calling it "inappropriate on so many levels." But not to Hudak.

At the August 17 meeting, Hudak justified his repeated interruptions, followed by walking out, as "good government." He indicated he "takes offense" to Zawarski's apology and accused him of "stifling opinions."

Commissioners made no response to Hudak.

Without interruption, resident Thomas Coombs complained to Commissioners about a weekly paper being delivered to his property by courier Morning Call vans. Despite getting up early and talking to the van's driver between five and 11 times, a weekly paper is still dropped off. In fact, he now gets two of them.

"Why can't I package my garbage in little bags and take them out and throw them on the lawns?" he asked. Commissioners had no solution.

In other business, Commissioners voted 4-0 in favor of assigning a school resource officer to the Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School. The school will pay half of the officer's salary and benefits, or $40,724.92.

Commissioners also decided to accept the Planning Commission's July recommendation that the Township call in deferrals for streetscape improvements previously granted to CVS and St. Luke's along Freemansburg Avenue. These will include sidewalks, brick piers, decorative streetlights, wrought iron fences and landscaping. A third business, Wolfe Dental will be spared because if its location at the corner of Freemansburg Avenue and  Farmersville Road. Solicitor Jim Broughal warned Commissioners that this intersection is slated for improvements.

In Manager Melissa Shafer's report, she advised that the consultant hired by the Township to study the PennEast Pipeline will reveal his findings at a meeting in September. The Township has forwarded an access agreement to PennEast, demanding $15,000 as an entry fee upon township-owned land, along with and additional $5,000 to be held in escrow.

Township police report that they are doing background checks on the final candidates for a new patrol officer. One new hire has already arrived. K-9 Hugo is training with his partner, Officer Bryan Tollinger.

Police investigated 72 accidents involving 145 vehicles and 169 injuries in July. They issued 113 traffic citations, 164 warnings and 29 parking tickets. There were 16 misdemeanor and felony arrests, as well as 11 summary charges. There were also three DUI cases filed.


  1. Do you have a hot tub time machine? The meeting was yesterday, the 17th.

  2. i do happen to have a hot tub time machine, and must have broken my eatch in it. The date on it is wrong. ... I think.

  3. Mr. Hudak has some very large cajones to insist that storming out of a public meeting is "good government". He wouldn't know good government if it bit him in the ass.

  4. Mr. Coombs I salute you, but I am happy I never bothered to go out early when the "Morning Call Van" came around and pulled the same crap they pulled on you. I finally succeeded in getting them to stop by repeated emails to customer support. It took like 8 tries. Jackasses. What is the point in delivering to people who don't read them?

    Hudak is proud to be an idiot.

  5. Bernie , Mr Coombs has a point 'and I for one would side with him ===I don't get the ad's on my stoop any more . I too had a conversation with a driver that is connected to Express Times . I told him a second time with finger pointing and everything, that I would file related littering charges and make him defend it.

  6. Bravo Mr. Coombs! The township needs to enforce the littering laws on the books. It took numerous phone calls and a two conversations with drivers for me as well. These little garbage bags are a nuisance that has gone on for years. This needs to stop!

  7. As a resident I am also mildly annoyed by the weekly trash that the Morning Call deposits on my lawn. It's like a weekly ritual, pick up their little trash bag and deposit it in my bigger trash bag. The township can solve this easily with a new ordinance, such as: Any periodical that is delivered to the property of a resident without their consent by means other than the US Mail is considered a littering offense and subject to the fines/penalties thereof.

    I'm tempted to go to the next meeting to pitch this and have Hudak call me a piece of crap so I can call him a f*cking asshole in return. That would be neat.

  8. Although it is of some use to me (I refuse to subscribe to a newspaper that even my dog won't crap on; he says it's redundant.), the person delivering them doesn't know what day they're supposed to be delivered. The main section shows Friday's date, but I haven't gotten one before Sunday yet.

  9. Meanwhile, Commissioner Zawarski is having repairs done at his rental properties on Hecktown & Margate Rd, with no permits? The new roof requires a permit, not sure about the window replacement but no permits displayed on the rental unit.

    I'm sure it's not his fault.

  10. If that is true, I am sure he has already been turned in by he sensai or one of his allies.

  11. I gave up trying to get the trash from ET stopped, by calling them. I finally caught the driver one mornibng and was nice to her (knowing these people are paid peanuts to use their own vehicle and told to litter every residence). I haven't seen the garbage bag since May.

  12. Bethlehem Twsp is not alone. Salisbury is covered in those "Weekly Morning Call". Most if not all of the neighbors leave them lie until they are one mushy pile after a good rain. Same goes with the telephone books. Who uses telephone books any more?

  13. Here is why this sort of thing should be illegal. I live in Lower Nazareth Township and get these papers thrown in my driveway every week. When they lie there for several days it becomes a clear message to burglars that I am not home and in the winter time I have gotten these damn papers caught in my snowblower because they were covered with snow.It is very dangerous and hazardous to remove these papers from your snowblower. It should be illegal to have these papers thrown in your driveway. Many neighbors just throw them in the street and they wind up in the storm sewers. Someone should take on the Morning Call and the Express times with a legitimate law suit.

  14. They 'distribute 'these AD oriented papers via junk car with plastic rap that does not decay for 40 years . They will sit in roadways for ever on Berwick Street in Easton because almost no one will pick up any trash in front or their residence with little exception. The correspondent litter then finds it's way to our sewer drains /street water run off is now blocked and it looks like hell. I would collect them and send them to a deposit,but I think now I will get re-active and drop them at the home of the CEO or close 'officer' of the Express next. I will also charge driver with littering the roadways next time he is found on Cattell Street throwing paper out the window.Others should follow and it will stop.

  15. Lilliam F. Zawarski, license no. RS162771A, of Easton, Northampton County, was ordered to pay a civil penalty of $5,000 and was suspended for a period of at least three (3) years, with the ability to stay the suspension in favor of probation subject to the board's terms and conditions after six (6) months, because she was convicted in a court of competent jurisdiction in this or any other state, or federal court, of
    forgery, embezzlement, obtaining money under false pretenses, bribery, larceny, extortion, conspiracy to defraud, or any similar offense, or offenses, or any felony or pleading guilty or nolo contendere to any such offense or offenses and has been convicted of any felony. (07/22/15)


  16. Hudak is a gentleman of the old school. He has delicate sensibilities and is easily offended.

  17. 4:01, can you explain what point you are trying to make? Are you trying to divert attention away from Hudak's bizarre behavior by attacking Zawarski on the basis of his aunt's well publicized misdeeds? Is a nephew responsible for his aunt's sins? What point are you anonymously trying to make?

  18. I hate that stupid paper. I put some new landscaping in along the walk to my front door and these idiots made sure to get that dam paper on top of the new flowers I put in. I called their customer support number to complain and asked that I be removed. They argued with me, but I refused to hang up. They finally gave in when they realized I wasn't going anywhere. I should have said I was going to send Bernie over to their call center to make things right.


  19. Agreed with the old guy about those papers. No one wants them and they end up on top of the drainage grates because no one ever picks them up.

    And Hudak? What a tool. It's always embarrassing when you are the last one to realize what a jackass you are.

  20. @8:34 - you speaking from experience? How old were you when you found out you were an asshole?

  21. Hey look, Hudak himself chimed in with yet another crass comment.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. This has already been linked to once, even though it is off topic. I am not going to allow you to do it again.


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