Local Government TV

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Glazier Defends Eichenwald Reform Delay

Thanks to a bad back that occasionally flares up, I was unable to attend the Allentown City Council Committee that has decided to delay taking any action on Jeanette Eichenwald's bill to provide for more oversight over city contracts. Fortunately, activist Lou Schupe videotaped the lengthy hearing. The fireworks begin near the end, when Eichenwald confronts Jeff Glazier. He's the council member who unilaterally decided to delay her bill.

Eichenwald approached at the end of the meeting. She noted that once a bill has been introduced and seconded, it is customarily reviewed by a committee. But Glazier wants her reform measure reviewed by an "ad hoc" committee that includes citizens. She found it ironic that Glazier, who ordinarily wants nothing but silence from the public at meetings, would suddenly want to reach out. She indicated Council has had ample opportunity to research good government reforms in the six weeks since the FBI raid. "The citizens of Allentown are looking for good government, and it is the responsibility of members of City Council to do what is in their utmost capability to provide that. I am extraordinarily upset about this decision and I find it inappropriate and certainly not in the interest of good government."

Glazier defended his decision, calling himself a "most astute observer of things on Council." He stated that Eichenwald has herself delayed placing a gun bill that has been introduced by the administration.

"We were told by the law department, our own Solicitor, that we should not have that particular legislation here, that it would open us up to be sued.

Glazier then stated he wanted "to take a few moments" to understand the "ramifications of the bill" and then actually seemed to complain that the bill is too much like a similar contract oversight law in Bethlehem and that his agenda was too full that night.

Sticking to her guns, the Iron Lady accused Glazier of delaying the bill, calling it a "disservice to the citizens of Allentown."

In an exchange with reform activist Robert Trotner, Glazier stated he supports the bill.

Daryl Hendricks justified dragging his feet, and complained about "new legislation." He supports a delay of six to eight weeks and said it is "very unfair" to accuse him of being part of the problem because he was a cop.

The bill is scheduled for review on September 10.


  1. Can Allentown ever recover from this mess , without having rules that prevent this type of action from happening again .
    Hard to be understand that the defenders of this action , Have to wait till the trial is over to make rules to prevent this Itype
    of action . What deal will be made to save the leaders of this city from prosecution . Pay to play is good for Allentown or not
    Send your votes in for or against. Thanks for voting

    1. You are correct, sir!! Not good. You encapsulated the meeting perfectly. Thank you.

  2. Capt. Hendricks is responsible for the Mayors absence at City Council meeting.
    It seems that the Mayor was tired of getting his expensive suits wrinkled by Hendricks sitting in his
    lap. The Mayor has put out the word, he won't stand for this, and if it means skipping council sessions, well the Mayor has his limits, even if the city doesn't.

  3. @ 4:31
    That was very unfair to Councilman Hendricks.
    He only sat in Ed's lap on special occasions.
    Everyone knows that.

  4. Thank you, Bernie, for getting word on this growing scandal out.

  5. Remember, the stooge Glazier who destroyed Allentown schools as board president by hiring Zahorchak is up for reelection this November. Bananas the chimp would be better than this clown. Vote!

  6. Glazer can rationalize his behavior all he wants. Where was he when this land deal was transacted? Whether in office or out, he's a lifelong businessman and he knew about the Basin Street terrain as his business is a minute down the road.

  7. Bernie,
    You mention a very important issue whose time hopefully has come. "Glazier, who ordinarily wants nothing but silence from the public at meetings." The city now demands taxpayers only speak so many minutes. When did the taxpayer allow this rule to take place?

  8. Democrats ruling with an iron fist in a one-party town.

  9. Sleepy Jeff Glazier honed his skills as a hack fronting for Queen Karen the super autocratic who bullied the ASD in fine style.
    He is a disgrace to public service, a prick beneath contempt.
    Hendricks by contrast is simply a junior league stooge just learning the ropes.
    Both harbor secret desires to be mayor.

  10. " The city now demands taxpayers only speak so many minutes. When did the taxpayer allow this rule to take place?"

    Under the Sunshine Act, reasonable limits can be placed on pubic comment to keep meetings moving. But Allentown clearly does not want the public speaking at all. The egg timer on multiple screens, refusal to engage in dialogue and admonishments comments from Glazier to a person who merely asks a rhetorical question, are all designed to stifle discussion.

  11. Officer Hendricks should quietly, and quickly,
    slide back into his private life where he can enjoy his fat public pension.
    Think of him (and Juilo) next time you pay your water bill...and you'd better damned well not be late or it WILL be shut off.
    That you can count on.

  12. Mr OHARE, what is the legal consequence for overstaying the three minutes? Is it a fine, a ticket, forcible removal? Are the consequences clean to the voting public and citizens of Allentown?

  13. Correction:.... Are the consequences clear.
    Thank you, sir.

  14. The consequences are unclear. Forcible removal has been done at least once.

  15. Appalling.
    A town that does not work!!!!

  16. Oooo Bernie
    By the way what kind of poisons are we drinking from the mayors untested waterway land deal and can this also be RE pealed because of this non disclosure of public lands perpatrated to be safe and free from harmful substance¿!($ Was there a clause in said land deal from original said owner for the superfund REmoval of hazardous soil infected¿!($ Or is this a done deal that has become the reel flopp of Allentown pa and said realators allowable under palumpas chastiseing of LVRA as a Hole administrational tool, hence whats in the flopp quoted RePete Swyer in chambers after the accounting miscalculation of the misappropreated of the found 5mill

    patent pending

  17. It's going to get worse.
    I know it's hard to believe, but it's going to get even worse.

  18. As the conversation goes on obout the Glaizer committee , who are the people he pick , need there names plus connection to council or Mayor ' can we have a consultant first ,than a committee so the committee knows how to vote . At the next meeting , we know the public is wrong before the meeting starte , but let's use the same procidure as all the other mistakes made by council . Never trust the public .

  19. Sleepy Jeff is his own punch line.

  20. Please join Let's Build the New Allentown for a rally and press conference at Allentown City Hall on Wednesday, September 2 at 6:30, right before the city council meeting. Largely thanks to Bernie campaign finance and ethical reform has become a signature issue for many politicians in the Lehigh Valley, and maybe we can even persuade the Pawlowski-Koval-Fleck team in Allentown City Council to take action before the election.

  21. Please join Let's Build the New Allentown for a rally and press conference at Allentown City Hall on Wednesday, September 2 at 6:30, right before the city council meeting. Largely thanks to Bernie campaign finance and ethical reform has become a signature issue for many politicians in the Lehigh Valley, and maybe we can even persuade the Pawlowski-Koval-Fleck team in Allentown City Council to take action before the election.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.