Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Geissinger Eyeing Congressional Bid

Northampton County Council VP Glenn Geissinger, is reportedly considering a challenge to U.S. Congressman Matt Cartwright in Pa.'s heavily Democratic 17th Congressional District. Geissinger, a Republican. is finishing his second year in office. He is expected to make an announcement on September 8.

Geissinger is a Whitehall HS grad, a Lehigh and Moravian alumnus, has a B.S. in Accounting and is also an Army veteran. He is very active in his church, has served as a cub scout den leader, and has two great children.

Cartwright is a Scranton-area lawyer who graduated from the University of Pa. Law School. Like Geissinger, he is very proud of his two sons.


  1. Wow this guy is flying., He was allegedly the replacement for Brown as Republican executive. Then he was the Republican state senator candidate and now congress?

    Oh my, is the boy is as politically ambitious as they say?

  2. .... like Morganelli, Giordano, Panella, Pawlowski ..... and former Erie mayor, Tom Ridge ......

  3. He has to get by Matt Connolly first

  4. "heavily Democratic 17th Congressional District."

    The 17th has a PVI of D+4 so it's not impossible for a Republican to win. However this is a definitely an uphill battle with Cartwright's popularity in the Wilkes Barre Scranton area. Doubt he or Connolly can raise much money.

  5. I would support his run against that nudge Brown any day of the week and twice on Sundays.

  6. I liked when Cartwright turned and walked away from the Benghazi families who showed up at a hearing of his committee. Very compassionate. Very classy. I'd vote for a pile of dog shit before voting for that political hack.

  7. HMMMMMMMMMM If the Dems lose this November Cartwright is toast and Leadership down the drain. Cartwright better pay attention to Northampton County. Altieri may be correct doing her "OWN" thing as she calls it.

  8. Lets be honest 9:45, fanatics don't need reasons or logic. You would never vote for a Democrat. Now back to Faux News.

  9. And you go back to CNBCrap.

  10. Actually BBC, best honest accounts of the news. Someone like you won['t like it cause it is just the facts.

  11. The only way Cartwright loses that seat is if he is found in bed with a dead chicken and a wet soapy washrag


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