Local Government TV

Monday, August 24, 2015

Allentown Needs More, Not Less, of the First Amendment

A large crowd was on hand for last Wednesday's City Council meeting
Allentown is a crony capitalist economy and government. Its success depends on a close relationship among politicians, businesses and even the media. A recent illustration of this is Upward Allentown, a consortium of eight local Neighborhood Millionaire Improvement Zone (NIZ) developers and beneficiaries intent on creating the false impression that the ripple effect is underway. This requires propaganda, not truth or free speech. And the Morning Call obliged.

In a weekend story about Upward Allentown, a Morning Call headline (Activists: Neighborhood Improvement Zone has helped improve neighborhoods) actually depicts six banks, Butz and J.B. Reilly) as "activists."

That's like saying all the natural gas companies that make up the PennEast Pipeline are activists.

The Upward Allentown article was pure propaganda. It was like living in Moscow, circa 1975, reading Pravda or Izvestia and hearing how great things were as we all struggled to find enough money to live on. We are not supposed to believe what we "see" but rather, what we are "told." It was rather frightening and showed just what a shameless promoter Commissar Alan Jennings has become for his corporate overseers. A perfect yes man who does what he's told. They in turn throw a few coins at him and then go to church on Sunday.

This misrepresentation from the area's largest newspaper is intended to mislead you. In reality, the NIZ has destroyed many small and minority-owned businesses along Hamilton Street. Mosser Family Village, which has lost funding for its food bank and after-school programs, is in danger of closing.

City oligarchs have balked at a community benefits agreement, the one thing that might make a difference in the third world country that Allentown has become outside of the NIZ. This has been advocated both by former City Council member Michael Donovan and Allentown School Director Ce Ce Gerlach.They've been ignored.

Here's two more myths that The Morning Call (exclusive sale agent for Abe Atiyeh's billboards from its offices in the heart of the NIZ, as well as advertiser for many of the NIZ developers and beneficiaries) is covertly pushing:
  1. The federal investigation into Allentown's pay-to-play practices begins and ends with former political consultant Miked Fleck, and not the $54 million in state taxes that have been poured into the NIZ board coffers.
  2. The Allentown crooner who was recently bodyslamned by a police officer is a nuisance (suggested in a headline) who has no right to exercise free speech inside the NIZ, where it might interfere with the "dining experience."
While spreading misinformation and propaganda, Allentown's urban growth regime hates free speech.

Nowhere is that more evident than in Allentown City Hall chambers.

Before last week's meeting, a nervous Julio Guridy whispered to President Ray O'Connell that he better address the unwashed masses who had come to speak.

After a bullshit holier-than-thou prayer from Julio Guridy, the people were warned that no signs were permitted and even hats would have to be removed.

The signs, in particular, are core political speech. Nobody removed a sign. Fortunately, no one was bodyslammed, but I can see that day coming.

After three minutes, a microwave oven warned when each speaker that he was done, like a three-minute egg.

Allentown's Richard Fegley
One property owner complaining about the tax farmers who now collect in Allentown asked a rhetorical question of the audience, and Jeff Glazier immediately shut him up.  "Sir, your comments are to be directed to the President." Glazier than audibly sighed several times as though listening to the people speak is a real waste of his time.

When Council come to a public hearing on the Elias market expansion, Assistant City Solicitor Shawn M Dethleson actually advised them they could skip letting the public speak, despite of Home Rule Charter provision that specifically gives the public such a right.

That brought Rich Fegley, a real activist, to his feet. Council members tried to shout Fegley down until Council Clerk Mike Hanlon admitted that a mistake had been made.

"I'm glad I spoke out of place and spoke loudly," remarked Fegley. The rest of them would have preferred to keep the public silent. Certainly nobody thanked the brewmaster.

The first amendment is first for a reason. In a democracy, it is our most fundamental right. If that is to be restored in Allentown, we need more Shula singers, sign carriers and Richard Fegleys. And The Morning Call needs to decide whether it exists to perform the public service of providing the news or is just a paid content provider.


  1. Allentown doesn't need loud mouth bearded barbarians like Rich Fugly to disrupt public meetings, he is better suited to pushing his toxic swill on the alcoholic masses.

    1. 12:07 am
      At least this man provides his posionless fermented blue juice to the innocent indigent populous for there help¿!($ It may not be my drink of choice but there is no poision in it to keep the masses stirle and also it has a better smell and the human waste mixture has been removed by the boil¿!($

      This is a better whistel wetter than the water supply that spreads its infection onless one has many Hole house filters before drinking it¿!($
      What we drinkin, I am very sure if the FED tested water at taps in various parts of the city the dinking water like many housing units would be conside unfit for human consumption¿!($
      Like the public being sold a false sack of goods the county has also been sold the same by the king and the bobbleheads on counsil with the vote to go being made via phone under sadation from soil not of America¿!($ This vote should and can be repealed and also said monies not only was misappreated as capitol to move foward on the palumpadome but now we see the reel conection between these shell trix played with the Z for a all nue circus twist¿!($

      patent pending

  2. Well at least Champion of the Little Guy and Friend of the People, Mr. Alan Jennings had the courage to standup for the taxpayers of Allentown on the front page of Sunday's MCall and tell the powers that be the downtown hockey palace "has to have more events",

  3. Dead Horse to Bernie O'Hare,

    You can stop beating me now. Especially with the same stick over and over again.

    Get a new hobby.

  4. @ 4:16
    Are fools like you what the apologists have been reduced to?
    Pathetic. Thanks for the reminder,

  5. "The Upward Allentown article was pure propaganda. It was like living in Moscow, circa 1975, reading Pravda or Izvestia and hearing how great things were as we all struggled to find enough money to live on. We are not supposed to believe what we "see" but rather, what we are "told."

    Relay Bernie?! You are comparing Allentown to the Soviet Union? Nice try, no one but a small group of people is buying that comparison!

    "This misrepresentation from the area's largest newspaper is intended to mislead you. In reality, the NIZ has destroyed many small and minority-owned businesses along Hamilton Street."

    What a completely false statement. Most of the business that were on block that arena was built on have been more profitable then they were ever. Including the largest private business New York Fashion. Who did an article on the business a year+ after they moved to 7th street and the owners Sam Hong stated that they are doing better now at their new location compared to the location on Hamilton.

    "City oligarchs have balked at a community benefits agreement, the one thing that might make a difference in "the third world country that Allentown has become outside of the NIZ.""

    You have zero idea of what a third world country looks like... you threw this line to be sensationalist. Shame on you!

    "Here's two more myths that The Morning Call (exclusive sale agent for Abe Atiyeh's billboards from its offices in the heart of the NIZ, as well as advertiser for many of the NIZ developers and beneficiaries) is covertly pushing:
    The federal investigation into Allentown's pay-to-play practices begins and ends with former political consultant Miked Fleck, and not the $54 million in state taxes that have been poured into the NIZ board coffers."

    You have zero proof to prove otherwise... all you have is questions. Questions that you create under the umbrella of conspiracy like atmosphere. So your work before making such a claim.

    "The Allentown crooner who was recently bodyslamned by a police officer is a nuisance (suggested in a headline) who has no right to exercise free speech inside the NIZ, where it might interfere with the "dining experience." While spreading misinformation and propaganda, Allentown's urban growth regime hates free speech."

    "Crooner"!! That is a joke right? The guy is in top physical shape for his age and who also has a history of assaulting police officers. He was on private property and was asked to leave. He tensed up and physically removed himself from the grasp of a police officer.

    "Before last week's meeting, a nervous Julio Guridy whispered to President Ray O'Connell that he better address the unwashed masses who had come to speak"

    If he was nervous and whispered how could you hear it? Once again a presumption on your part with zero facts.

    The rest of your blog post is just filler to make some type of connection that there is zero first amendment rights in the city of Allentown. What is funny is that several if not a dozen people stood up at the courtesy of the floor and exercised that right. But you like to select a few instances in which you disagree with and blanket the whole city with restricting the citizens of their rights. Nice try. No body buys it.

  6. Dissect* of course.

  7. @5:40, nice try, but nobody buys you, that's why you must troll late at night and early in the morning. btw, you're correct that one owner of ny fashion did say that, but only because a good business man always says that they're doing well. 7th street has always been a second tier business venue. your expertise on differentiating fact and opinion is questionable. didn't your protege lose her car on your advise?

  8. Good government REQUIRES an underlying system of checks and balances. News media, both national and local, was once a big part of that mechanism. It brought resources to the discussion of events and proposals that no average citizen could match. It's role was as guardian of the public interest. It had leverage in securing accuracy and moderation. Most, not all, news agencies valued the public's trust.

    In today's America, citizens are being deprived that same protection. They are often purposely misled by an owner/publisher who answers to another 'Master.'

    The NIZ concept was, in some ways, a certain failure from the very beginning. The crossover point making it a net positive, by producing NEW dollars above and beyond the dollars spent to establish the program, are impossible to reach. Many experts nationwide warned of this high probability. Their advice was ignored.

    All one needs to do is engage in simple math to find where we stand as citizen investors. There is NO monetary gain for us, collectively. Just toys.

    Media and politicians in position to shape something better for MORE Pennsylvanians looked the other way when we needed them most. Too many examples of this here, and in Washington. Young people, take notice.

    Fred Windish

  9. I choose to stand with The Barbarian Mr. Fegely rather than Mr. Julio Guridy and His band of Mooks.If left on His own Guridy might create another police pension give-away

  10. 5:40, You are being deleted bc of the large space you leave at the end of your comment. My readers should not be forced to wade through blank space.

  11. The second comment at 5:40 am will stay, since at least it does not include dead space. I did compare Allentown and The Morning Call to the Soviet Union, but am actually thinking something more Orwellian. As to the businesses being destroyed, that is fact and I know several of them. As for not knowing what a third world country looks like, you are mistaken. As for the Allentown crooner, anyone who sees that video and talks to the people involved knows he is the victim of excessive force by an Allentown police officer who does need re-training on the continuum of force. As for Julio Guridy, i could see him pretty clearly from my seat in the front row and make out part of what he was mumbling. I could see him look into the audience with concern as he was speaking. I have seen him give admonitions of his own in the past. I am quite comfortable with my observations. The first amendment is not appreciated in Allentown, and Council members hate to see it exercised.

  12. Richie Fegley's chances of becoming mayor are nil, the silver fox ad man who also shreds a mean guitar riff has him pegged and would never allow him to run without a thorough lambasting.

    Fred Windbag

  13. Fegley runs.
    Fegley wins.
    It's quite simple.

    Fuck the "silver fox ad man".

  14. Does anyone really believe that Allentown will ever change? Save the torches and pitchforks for another faux outrage. It's a Democratic Party paradise. What difference, at this point, does it really make?

    Here's the translation for soon-to-be Mayor Guridy:

    ¿Alguien realmente cree que va a cambiar Allentown? Guadar las antorches y horcas para ptro ultraje falso. Es un paraíso Partido Demócrata. ¿Que diferencia, en este punto, ¿realmente tiene?

  15. Many years ago I made my little reported soul of the city speech in one of my unsuccessful campaigns ... What I said then was that in its interest to create a new Allentown , politicians were willing to push around and violate the soul of the City --- its people .... In concert with this speech I talked about the benefits of a City built upon strong foundations that would survive despite the wind and water whose combined effect would interact to weaken these foundations ... Noting that a City not built on strong foundations or would allow its former City built upon strong foundations to crumble into sand has did great disservice to its soul. Its people .. I never was elected or appointed to any important public or governmental position in the City of Allentown or Lehigh County ... But that does not mean I was less qualified to serve ... The reality is that I may have been more qualified to serve but I never spent much money personally or solicited money from others in order to run.... Indeed I had my ideas how government should serve the people but in the end I regarded myself as a public servant who would be a custodian or steward of the public interest first rather the a public servant of politicos and the masterminds of the reconstruction. which many accuse City Council of being now

  16. Jenning seems ready and willing to pontificate at length.
    Perhaps it's time for him to show at a City Council meeting and share his wisdom with the unwashed masses he so vigorously claims to represent.
    He's a media darling as well as The Peoples Friend.

  17. sadly the morning call is one of the larger papers in the area but it hardly reports "news" 90% of the time. The paper is so bias its sad. I have wrote several letters and emails with no response about their need to report from the Big city side and rarely from the side of the people. even when they offered to report on an organization I founded I was reluctant and asked straight up why we should because of an article a few days before blaming a victim of police brutality. I think they are on the payroll in Allentown and several other cities. Could be wrong but they are far from unbiased.

    1. It's because you are a criminal!!! The record reflects that Severin JOHNSON!!!

  18. " I have wrote several letters and emails with no response "

    With grammar like that, it is little wonder. Severin Freeman or Johnson, your interview with James Ochse, which was recommended to me by Michael Molovinsky, was actually pretty good. I think the best way you can be an advocate for your cause is by being totally honest, and not being so quick to conclude the worst. There are bad police officers, and if you cast a spotlight on them,we all benefit. But there are people out there who do taunt and provoke police needlessly, hoping for a reaction. This was discussed at the meeting on Wednesday, and people who are complaining about the brutality frankly admitted this happens. You can't be part of that and must condemn it when you see it. Also, despite my criticism of the papers, I believe they are following their own consciences for the most part. I do not question the integrity of most of them.

  19. Concerned AllentonianAugust 25, 2015 at 9:55 AM

    @11:36 I've written nearly two dozen letters to the editor the past several years and none of them are published. Not sure if it's the vast volume of letters they receive, or if it's because what I write isn't in line with what the paper's viewpoints are.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.