Local Government TV

Thursday, August 20, 2015

A Homeless Woman Wants to Help Allentown's Homeless Women

Michelle Collazo
Two weeks ago, Allentown City Council was approached by a woman and her two children.  She needed a place to stay for the night. She and a Good Samaritan had spent the day looking for something, but there are far fewer facilities available for women and children than for men. Fortunately for her, the citizens of Allentown opened up their hearts and their wallets. Last night, another homeless woman visited city Council. But instead of looking for a hand out, she is looking for a hand up.

Her name is Michelle Collazo. You'd never guess that this well-spoken and polite young lady has a felony record, or that she has spent much of her short life in jail  She never had a chance. At age 7, she began using drugs and alcohol. By he time she was 12, she was dealing. At age 14, she advanced into heavier drugs and bigger problems. Prostitution. Gangs. A mule. She had been through 25 rehabs, but nothing worked. She finally was sent to state prison, where she got some help, and has been clean for two years. She works for a temp agency and is paid $8 an hour.

Collazo is part of the Helping Hands Ministry, which recently acquired a property on Utica Street for single women who are homeless. This is sorely needed. There are only two programs for homeless women in Allentown, compared to 25 for men.

Her organization is planning a fundraiser in October, and is also looking for volunteers and donations. I have asked her to provide me with more information about a banquet being planned, and when I get it, I'll pass it along.

This strong woman has no education, but is planning on getting a college degree and getting certified as a drug counselor.


  1. awesome and inspiring!

    - Chris Cocca

  2. Bernie, I'm so glad to see that you shared this. This is something I will try to support. Amen to her! You go girl!!!!

  3. oh, cry me a river

    1. how about an ocean since thats whete u lack of concern is

  4. Bernie,
    Thiz is a job the MIZ has to offer in its creation of the two dementional boxes built for a billion¿!($ We all just redd it was created by a church and about to become just another rooming house for a subsect of the notorious hamilton street gang o thugs¿!($ Will palumpas party favor consessionairs be suppling the vegtable party products to these girls¿!($ There are many homes allready subdevided in this family name suppling this type of products through out the city with protection from officials acting in the official capaCITY uder FedEds granted hostel takover tactiks employed and acting for the BROWN HOLE circus downtown¿!($

    Did you notice mr kleen stepped in late to observe for team martin and it was very funny that sidekick hamilton hanna hadent joined familia for the relitive circle jerk at a county level to RE:place Rossi¿!($

    No multigenerational collsional dillusional circus acts here in counsil chambers¿!($ We who attend will not have to go to the fair this year as the human soul stench hangs over the entire city these days¿!($

    At least we have metalica and that is huge!!!

    patent pending

  5. I thought her message was very inspirational. She was very humble, yet very dignified.

    1. Yea Bernie,
      Just like the speach prepaired put to print and redd aloud by counsil prez current¿!($

      Just a qwick mention as to her current profiiteer who or what entity¿ !($

      Who sang do da twiZt with a Z, I just can' t seem to get over all those in chambers becoming people of GOD or even Christganity or whatever while there¿!($ Do they all belong to the same church as FedEd, church on the run or recidivism r us¿!($

      patent pending

  6. Thanks for posting Bernie. I will gladly make a donation to this shelter.

  7. Michelle, when you have a date for your fundraiser, please let me know.

  8. This was a nice post you did Bernie for Michelle.I met Michelle many years ago as a police officer. Michelle was always a pleasant [erson to talk to. I want to also donate to your cause. You are a true success story and a role model for all young women. You came from the bottom and have risen to the top. I am very proud of you. I wasn't the least bit surprised when I saw it was you. The homeless are very fortunate to have you as their spokeswoman. Again, congratulations and let me know where to donate.

  9. Ed, If you were the officer speaking to Michelle before I interrupted you, I apologize. She was speaking to an officer who obviously cared very much. When I saw that, I realized how ridiculous most of the claims about Allentown police really are. If you are not that officer, it is nice to know that people in law enforcement take such an interest. I commend you for your interest and thank you for your comment. I'm sure Michelle will like your kind words.

  10. Somebody has to do something, and it may as well be a Sister.

    I'll be watching for info on that fundraiser.

  11. Little did i know that ppl in allentown see what goes on n want to help n it took some one like myself to step up n say what i feel would make a difference i will be having information soon n let you know all about it Berni i thank you again for your support and article that has touched ppl in regards of the homelessness in our town. That is something. that needs to be addressed. Once again I thank you very much .


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