Local Government TV

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Where Is Pawlowski's Quarterly Senate Report?

Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski may have suspended his U.S. Senate campaign, but his July quarterly report was still due yesterday. According to his campaign treasurer Lisa Pawlowski, a timely report has been filed. When I locate it, I'll tell you about it.

Noon Update: The Morning Call is reporting that Hillary Clinton has returned a $1,000 donation from Pawlowski.

2 pm update: PoliticsPA reports that Senator Toomey has raised $2.2 million, and has $8.3 million cash on hand. Challenger Joe Sestak has $1.7 million.


  1. Edwin had best cop a plea sooner rather than later or they both go off to Camp Fed.

  2. What is the definition of "timely"????

  3. It's a family affair.

  4. According to Lisa, who seemed shocked to receive a phone call from me, the report was filed "last night." I was not invading her privacy. She is the campaign treasurer of a candidate for the U.S. Senate, her number is listed on the statement of organization and I felt I had a right to call it bc the report is due.

  5. When she asked me who I was, I considered answering that I am Edward Snowden. But I don't think she likes my sense of humor.

  6. Good Question!! I hope King Edwin and Lady MacBeth aren't using the money for babysitting, eating out and luxury vacations to donor beach houses. Luckily for those of us still living in Allentown, we have a credible and diligent member of the press to look into real stories in our City and avoid the patronizing fluff pieces. Darned glad to see you getting well deserved recognition by the Philadelphia media good job.

  7. Queen Lisa was just shocked that a commoner like you had the nerve to address the royal throne. One must do that in person with numerous bows and gestures of honor. The Queen of Hearts will now call for the removal of your noggin.

  8. You, Sir, ARE the free press in the Lehigh Valley.
    I thank you and salute you!

  9. Maybe the report had to be FedEx'd from Georgia

  10. Why has there not been one column written from Bill White on any of this? Did I miss it?

  11. I don.t tell Bill what to write about and he does not tell me.

  12. Mcall just reported that Hillary returned Ed's $1000 campaign contribution... Not a good sign in our "innocent until proven guilty" culture. Guess Hillary decided to not wait for the verdict. The rats are abandoning ship

  13. Hillary returned the money? That is the epitome of the ultimate bitch slap.

  14. Don't think she was ever a passenger on the SS Pawlowski.

  15. 2:12 update, The Express-Times is just reporting now that Pawlowski was re-elected Mayor of Allentown for a third term.

  16. Rumor Mill,

    The Grand Jury handed out subpoenas to the parties called out on the Grand Jury Warrant. They are supposed to come to the Federal Court House in Philadelphia.

    The Ear on the Allentown Street.

  17. Hilary Clinton tosses up Ed's lil' donation...

    Apparently his reputation so rotten, it's enough to gag a maggot.

  18. What was the date of the FBI raid on City Hall, and what was the date of the return of the donation from Pawlowski? Any chance private citizen Hillary Clinton received "insider information."

  19. The Call article on the Clinton refund notes:

    "Pawlowski media consultant Dane Strother said he did not know why the money was returned."

    Pawlowski media consultant? Why would someone with such charm and charisma even need a media consultant (sorry, I couldn't resist)? So who is this guy and who's paying for him?

    I thought Ed's Senate campaign was suspended, so I'm assuming it's not coming from there. I'm hoping it's not the Allentown Taxpayers picking up the tab.

  20. 2:38, The money was returned after the riad.

  21. And in this late-breaking story, "Latinos for a New Lehigh Valley" reporting still un-filed. In other news, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.

  22. Strother is a high profile Democratic candidate communications consultant. He must still be on a retainer from the Senate race and is helping out since Pawlowski won't speak to the press and Moore probably has been told by Wild not to act as Pawlowski's personal spokesperson. Just my guess.

  23. Best part is it was returned to the rat Fleck and not shit for brains!

  24. "When she asked me who I was, I considered answering that I am Edward Snowden. But I don't think she likes my sense of humor."


  25. The Clintons returned a campaign contribution from Ed Pawlowski? That is amazing, The Clintons would have accepted 30 pieces of Silver from Judas Iscariot! Same difference?

  26. Hillary is less trusted than Fauxcohontas Warren and Benire "cervical cancer is a result of too few orgasms" Sanders. And Hill has raised far more wampum. Bear Stearns loves Hillary. Fed Ed Pawlowski did too, apparently. And whose money was he donating? I'll bet Miked Fleck knows.

  27. Pawlowski is not a crook?

  28. Lisa prefers to be called The First Lady of Allentown. I know you think I'm probably making this up, but I'm not. You can look it up.

  29. Bernie
    May we ask when is your report on Schweyer?

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Lisa prefers to be called The First Lady of Allentown. I know you think I'm probably making this up, but I'm not. You can look it up.

    1:26 AM

    Agree. This is what others have heard too. That's why her "First Lady" refusal to step in an insist the Cedar Beach Pool be repaired speaks volumes about her priorities...me.

  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And in this late-breaking story, "Latinos for a New Lehigh Valley" reporting still un-filed. In other news, Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.

    3:58 PM

    Keep this issue in the limelight. Why not call on the Feds to investigate.

  32. This ties to Pawlowski's reaction to the Channel 10 reporter the other day. Neither the King nor First Lady are accustomed to the unwashed masses daring to ask questions, they don't know how to react and don't understand why people just don't go away when they are told to do so (like the Call and the Easton Express Times do).

    The Banker

  33. 7:08, I intend to write about Schweyer but there are some big differences between him and Schlossberg. First, he actually had an opponent. Second, though he was a rubber stamp, he was not quite the fawning kiss ass that we have in Schlossberg. Third, he has some sense of humility and is not as arrogant as Schlossberg has been in Harrisburg.

  34. Have you been able to actually find the report?

    I'm starting to doubt it was actually filed.

  35. I have not checked today, but will later. My guess is that it is there.the papers may already have hard copies.

  36. "Apparently his reputation so rotten, it's enough to gag a maggot."

    All this and she will still beat nay of the Republicans on the clown short bus. Amazing

  37. BOHB@ 2:16
    Your assessment has considerable merit.

  38. Don't these fools in the Pawlowski administration realize it's all over for them? Delaying tactics, denials and silence will NOT make this go away! Too late.

    Before there can be healing, there must FIRST be a cleaning. People must go.

  39. Edwin needs the job.

  40. The current solicitor will do everything she can conceivably do with inside the bounds of the law to protect Pawlowski.
    She's not in this for the common good.

  41. If the Mayor doesn't resign before the next municipal election (November), I think that means that residents are then stuck with whoever Council chooses until the 2017 election.

    If so, could that be why Pawlowski is not resigning - to keep the people from having a choice now, and allowing an insider to have an advantage when it finally does come up for election?

    Also, if you're Pawlowski, having an insider interim Mayor help cover things over until 2017 is much better than risking a real reformer digging into things almost immediately after November.

    It's also likely a better option for those on council who might also have things to worry about if an outsider takes the helm at City Hall.

    Let's face it, even with the FBI at their heels they are doing all they can to protect themselves and cheat the people.

  42. It WILL get worse before it gets better.

  43. You should look into how many of these names flying around have nice little houses on the Jersey shore. The favorite hangout for many of them is Long Beach Island. Wonder where the money comes for that life?

  44. "Also, if you're Pawlowski, having an insider interim Mayor help cover things over until 2017 is much better than risking a real reformer digging into things almost immediately after November."

    For 20 years Lou Hershman told various councils how poorly managed city accounting methods were. It may appear these people ignored him.

  45. Pawlowski will not resign until his attorney hammers out a deal in which King Edwin and First Lady Lisa plea down with the condition that they get to keep his City pension. He might even agree to a brief sentence to preserve his pension.

  46. I think pensions are something that are making council members reluctant, too. Could be wrong but I think they get something after just a few years.

  47. Toomey is an elitist. I hope Sestak wins.

  48. Citizens for a Better Allentown is no longer working for me.


    This news article names the names. http://www.mcall.com/news/local/allentown/mc-allentown-fbi-contract-process-20150717-story.html#page=1

  49. Do you mean the website is not working? I wonder why citizensforabetterallentown would shutdown their website??? Seems fishy to me

  50. "Toomey is an elitist"

    But the Democrats poop don't stink, right?

  51. The website doesn't work from here either. Easy to figure - being associated with Pawlowski right now is the equivalent of putting a boat anchor around your neck.

    I'm wondering if he agreed to this easily or put up a fight?

    The Banker

  52. Toomy is busy promoting coal mining in Pennsylvania.

  53. "Toomy is busy promoting coal mining in Pennsylvania"

    And loyal, never-say-die Democrats in Allentown are freaking out right about now.


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