Local Government TV

Thursday, July 02, 2015

She Did Say Molon Labe

She said "Molon Labe" and that's what NorCo Deputy Sheriffs did. I have a judgment against Tricia Mezzacappa for $72,000, but she has thumbed her nose at it. She hid her car after levy and refused to produce it at the Sheriff's Sale, where I bought it. She even refused to produce it after being charged criminally with defrauding secured creditors, saying she'd rather go to jail.

Her wish may come true.

NorCo Deputy Sheriffs never stopped looking. They found the car Tuesday night, after spotting her sneak it out of a garage near her house. They claim they just got lucky, but the truth is they take their jobs seriously, and deserve a great deal of credit for this, as well as District Attorney John Morganelli, Assistant DA Travis Weber and Detective Frank Jordan.  The car has been turned over to me, and I am storing it in a safe location pending the transfer of title and instructions from Attorney Rick Orloski.  She still has a set of keys. Amazingly, she called the DA this morning and asked if she could borrow the car to get to work.

And that brings up another question. How is someone who works full time as a registered nurse entitled to a public defender? Papers I found in her car tell me she is working full time, yet taxpayers are paying for her lawyer. This seems like fraud, too.

The young man you see in one of these pictures is Maximilian Vladimir Angle, one of Ron's sons. He is a natural body builder, and bench-pressed the car, which has 75,000 miles and a few dings. But he was unable to get me up in the air.

We found all kinds of ratty old clothing, which I put in a bag for the sheriff to give back to her. She had called the Sheriffs to complain about jumper cables. I found them, too and turned them over although I have no idea what she's going to do with them.

Ron Angle found a clipboard showing that she still offers massages for $1 per minute. We found no guns.


  1. It seems odd that you received special treatment from the county sheriffs. How is it they provide a 24 hour sting for you? Can real taxpayers expect the same?

    Also how is it that Ron Angle got involved? Word on the street is he helped you abscond with the car and is providing a hiding place on one of his properties.

    This entire situation still seems strange. It is as though this car was practically stolen since you only paid a dollar and no one else knew about it to bid. Can anyone spell insider deal??

  2. sadly for you, cars cant buy happiness. Now that you scored a free car, you can add that to your long list of wrong doings. Something tells me, this isnt over yet, and a few judges happen to agree.

    Eternity is a long time. Maybe Ron should use the clipboard for his campaign. He has to buy votes, because no sane person will vote for him.

  3. I would hope that you wear a warning sign on your back for the next lady that dares to show you some attention, then renegs for obvious reasons.

    How sick, and radioactive you are to all human beings...just another trophy in your large collection, D. Steward, Bachik, Crivarello, Dolan, Gregory, and the list continues.

  4. The courthouse must be issuing docket numbers in bulk special for these two goons pictured in the photos. Team O'Hare/Angle are the two biggest customers. I see poor Max is learning from Dad how to work the system and steal. Ron should be arrested for child abuse.

    Reliable sources say an incentive phone call played a role in her "molon labe" stance, and she turned it in voluntarily last week, to aide prosecution in another case. A sophisticated move on her part.

  5. You're a Dirtbag

  6. Al Davis was a terrific victim, until Al Davis became one...

    its the old adage of....be careful what you wish for...Karma has a way of rearing its ugly head, when its least expected

  7. This maniacal shit show probably wont ever end. Trish, hang tight, your stock goes up everytime he writes a hate blog.

    He turned down the cash offer because he still cant shake that you dumped his ass...he'd rather sit inside a used dinged up car with a jar of vaseline, polishing his tic tac, as he fantasizes about the love affair that never existed to begin with.

    It must be nice to have free legal from Sick-o-Rick-o, be able to practice law without a license, and an endless line of credit from Ron Angle.

  8. "Norco Sheriff's never stopped looking"

    And herein lies the insider deal. Once a car is sold at sheriff sale, the sheriffs wash their hands, as collection then moves to the owner. I have never seen this amount of government time given to one person to aide collection of a civil debt.

    Must be so nice to have so many courthouse cronies bending over backwards for you. Something stinks, and its not the sludge field where Ron is holding the car.

  9. so you'd rather sniff around this woman's used car than take a cash offer?

    If what I read is true, then you really need to get some help. This whacko obsession of yours is frightening

  10. I guess this puts a ding in your bullshiited Federal complaint against the mother, hiding the car in Jersey. Lying in a Federal pleading has consequences too. Looks like rule 11 sanctions are coming soon. Maybe Rick can sell it quick before a federal judge yanks his law license.

  11. Looks like the same person wrote all the comments above. Someone is upset to be walking to her destinations.

  12. Mezzalunny, time to get some sleep! Take your meds and lay down for awhile. Clear some of those cobwebs and rethink this case. YOUR MOUTH AND LUNNY ACTIONS caused this situation, and now your Tea Party nuts are foaming at the mouth because their Mezzalunny friend got pinched as evading the legal system. Do you really want a cell next time you go to court for Bullshit reasons? Take your MEDS!

  13. so now we know whose been financing ohares wounded ego for the last three years. maybe ron needs another 1.3 million judgement

  14. toyotas and docket numbers do little to combat micropenis syndrome. You could try those pill packages available on the internet, that come with a money back guarantee....oops, I see another lawsuit in the works

  15. Well, the photos worked, Bernie. You got the West Easton nut worked up to a later. Looks like she posted like 10 posts in a row using her multiple personalities. Tricia "Sybil" Mezzahag - maybe her gun nut friends can chip together and buy her a bicycle.

  16. Good for you! It's about time that some of these nut bags pay for the chaos and mayhem that they create! Congrats on your victory!

  17. Congratulations Bernie! This post made my week. 70k miles is nothing for a Toyota. They hold tremendous resale value. Happy Indepence Day.

  18. "Indepence" Spell much?

  19. the "tricia diary" is a bit old now. you claimed your prize, but i happen to think the obsession will continue..any bets he cant keep her name off his blog for a week straight?

  20. Typo aside, enjoy walking! It's good for you!

    Moron Labia!

  21. Nice wheels, Bernie! Hope she changed the oil and the brakes have been serviced. Now she just needs to pony up the remainder of what she owes for defaming you.

    That MOLON LABE crap doesn't work - I warned her about that, but she didn't listen. If she uses those keys, it's theft - but she's lawless, so that means nothing to her.

    Looks like it's time to borrow mommy's Mercedes again. Only a total fool would have been driving that car, under the circumstances. Now the court will know that she had it all the time.

  22. It seems odd that you received special treatment from the county sheriffs. How is it they provide a 24 hour sting for you? Can real taxpayers expect the same?

    Also how is it that Ron Angle got involved? Word on the street is he helped you abscond with the car and is providing a hiding place on one of his properties.

    This entire situation still seems strange. It is as though this car was practically stolen since you only paid a dollar and no one else knew about it to bid. Can anyone spell insider deal?

    Have you not paid attention? Bernie didn't "pay" $1 for the car. He paid the value it will be assessed at. It comes off his judgment. Wake the fuck up.

    The car was stolen - by TM. You have some nerve talking about taxpayer dollars. You have wasted tens of thousands of $$$ of West Easton taxpayer dollars defending frivolous RTK lawsuits of yours. And now thousands on prosecuting you for libeling Bernie and refusing to pay the judgment.

    It wouldn't matter if Ron Angle was providing a place to store the car - it belongs to Bernie. Drink some yummy vegan cocoa and have nice day. Read em and weep (:

  23. "the "tricia diary" is a bit old now. you claimed your prize, but i happen to think the obsession will continue..any bets he cant keep her name off his blog for a week straight?"

    Since you are a candidate for a public office, and on trial for a criminal offense, you are fair game for a news article. You dragged her mother into the mess, and that is in federal court. If something happens in one of these cases, we deserve to know.

  24. the rantings of a dysfunctional lunatic who cant deal with being dumped. theres nothing more to see here.

  25. Every single post from 4:11AM through 8:13AM was made my MezzaLoony. Here are the tipoffs:

    ~ can't use apostrophes to save her life
    ~ she's the only one who would mention "Al Davis"
    ~ uses the word "obsession", which she is the queen of
    ~ claims she turned the car in voluntarily, always trying to twist facts in her favor
    ~ makes reference to events in federal case that only she would know
    ~ makes repeated reference to alleged "cash offer," which never happened
    ~ uses phrase "tic tac" which means ???
    ~ makes repeated absurd allegation this is over a failed romance interest, when in fact it is over the fact she defamed Bernie, and was convicted of it.
    ~ disparages Ron Angle whenever his name appears, and when it doesn't

    Man, Bernie and his associated rent some SERIOUS space in that head of yours. You evidently have a job - why not concentrate on paying off your debt to him instead of crapping all over his blog? Maybe create your own blog and shit in your own house?

    Take some responsibility for your actions.

  26. something tells me the bleeding wounds of a fat man scorned will never be healed. not with a toyota, and not with any $$$

  27. "the rantings of a dysfunctional lunatic who cant deal with being dumped. theres nothing more to see here."

    What you mean is there is nothing to see in the garage. Look in the mirror for the dysfunctional lunatic in denial.

  28. @9:59 Are you going to post here all day, Sweetie? Is this the way to spend a day off from working to pay your debt? That's a lot of bed pan cleaning. No wonder you're fascinated by body parts. Enjoy!

  29. just in case the disbarred lawyer hasn't figured it out, pacer is a public website, and the Federal complaint against mother can be viewed by anyone. As I said before, flat out lying in a Federal pleading also has consequences. O'hare falsely accused mother of hiding the car at her NJ home, under penalties of perjury

    If anyone cares to see it...go to www.pacer.gov

    create an account if you do not have one

    log in, and search for docket number 5:15-1625

    its all right there, lets see what the penalties of perjury are...lets see how fast this comment is deleted


    Interested citizen against government hoaxes

  30. There is no doubt in my mind that the mother actively assisted the daughter in hiding the car and other assets, and the car was stored at times at the mother's home.

  31. Well, the photos worked, Bernie. You got the West Easton nut worked up to a later."

    She's blowin' oil.

  32. Man, Trish went into fits after this post. Does she not realize that anyone, especially DA's can sort out IP addresses, even when you use an IP masker thing?

    Its almost sad seeing this lady come un hinged, then I think about if for 10 seconds, and realize its equally as funny.

  33. Jim Gregory here: I will perform oral sex on you just to take me for a ride in your new Toyota.

  34. you are real POS . if the sheriff told you she was seen near the house leaving a garage, then its impossible for the car to be hidden in NJ. you will be facing the fact that you flat out lied in a federal pleading, and now your adding your usual spin to suit your agenda. actions have consequences, and my guess is you will find out the hard way what they are. check out the criminal penalties for lying under oath...just because you do this religiously in norco, doesnt mean a federal judge is going to sit back and grin.


    Interested citizen against government hoaxes

  35. Can't she just fire up her broom and fly to work? She should take all overtime hours and pay her debts.

  36. " if the sheriff told you she was seen near the house leaving a garage, then its impossible for the car to be hidden in NJ."

    This has gone on for some time. As I stated before, there is no doubt in my mind that she used her mother's home to hide the car for a period of time. I believe she is using the mother's home to hide other assets as well. There would be weeks at a time when others spotted her driving other cars with NJ plates. She was obviously using her mother's car and hiding her car there.

    In addition, it's pretty clear that she obtained a public defender under false pretenses.

    Finally, the evidence now shows that she is a thief.

  37. It isn't surprising that this person is selling services for a buck a minute.

  38. "you will be facing the fact that you flat out lied in a federal pleading, and now your adding your usual spin to suit your agenda."

    Come off it, Tricia. You are the one trying to spin something for your own agenda. A moron can see you have been hiding your car for many months. There is zero chance that your mother will win an argument that Bernie "lied". Lying is your specialty - don't throw stones. "Yeah, I'll bring the car right over..."

  39. Bernie happy you're getting results. Question: she was hiding the car in a neighbor's garage at the time the Sheriff spotted it - does this open that neighbor to charge of aiding/abetting? There certainly was enough publicity on this matter to negate a claim of lack of knowledge.

  40. its not going to matter much whats going on in your mind. since your are disbarred, its no surprise that you think cases are decided based on imagination and suspicion. no one cares what you "suspect." when the facts are revealed, all that matters is what goes on in the jurys' mind. When you plead outright lies, there are consequences. The fact is, the car was in a garage near her PA residence, according to what you say the sheriff told you

    enjoy your "victory" for the moment, because you will find out the consequences of lying under oath

    case dismissed!

  41. @10:53AM "its all right there, lets see what the penalties of perjury are...lets see how fast this comment is deleted"

    I've read it, Tricia (why are you even posting here?). Here is a quote:
    It is believed, and therefore averred, that Defendant Joann Mezzacappa, is actively hiding her daughter’s levied vehicle in New Jersey and is using the levied car or allowing her daughter to use the vehicle with actual knowledge of the judicial sale and levy.

    An averrment is an allegation of fact that is to be proven. If the river rat can prove perjury in this case, he's a far better lawyer than he has shown thus far.

    Speaking of perjury, what about claiming IFP status? In your legal mind, that would be a slam dunk.

    Try again. Fail.

  42. Lying under oath? Come on, sweetie, are you going to ride that broom all day? You, or should I say your mother, isn't going to prevail if you attempt to go that route. Besides, the issue in the federal case is the fraudulent transfer of your house to your mother. "Case dismissed" my arse.

    People make all kinds of statements in legal briefs. For example, anyone can see a bushel full of bizarre accusations by going to the NorCo courthouse and looking at the tripe you have submitted in your endless supply of legal battles.

  43. Federal Perjury= Federal crime

    enjoy your freedom for now

  44. "Bernie happy you're getting results. Question: she was hiding the car in a neighbor's garage at the time the Sheriff spotted it - does this open that neighbor to charge of aiding/abetting? There certainly was enough publicity on this matter to negate a claim of lack of knowledge."

    I believe the garage ownerhad no idea, but will find out.

  45. "case dismissed!"

    She has been saying that since the defamation suit began,and has lost at every step along the way.

  46. "its not going to matter much whats going on in your mind. since your are disbarred, its no surprise that you think cases are decided based on imagination and suspicion. no one cares what you "suspect." when the facts are revealed, all that matters is what goes on in the jurys' mind. When you plead outright lies, there are consequences. The fact is, the car was in a garage near her PA residence, according to what you say the sheriff told you"

    So based on your like 0-500 record in court proceedings, from criminal cases to civil, you still think you know a winning case when you see one Trish?

  47. Even if mommy were to pursue a charge of "perjury", which is absurd in this case, she would have to prove the car was never on her premises in NJ. Just because it was found in PA, it could have been in NJ for months. Joann would be ill-advised to tread these waters, because all it will do it expose more details of her clearly fraudulent behavior.

    Give us a break, Mezzacappa. You're hallucinating, as usual. Perjury. Ha Ha!

    Did you get a cat nap before the last 8 hours of posting here? Better rest up - you don't want to lose your job and not be able to pay your debts.

  48. "'case dismissed!'

    She has been saying that since the defamation suit began,and has lost at every step along the way"

    She's also said that re: Multiple Jim Greg proceeding and numerous criminal complaints.

    Good thing she isn't an attorney.

  49. you better hurry up and amend that pleading....its sounds like

    "...err, umm, I thought mom was hiding the car, err...umm, I had no proof, err, umm, I grabbed the car in PA...err, umm, forgive my lies because I am a serial liar and fraud

    lets see how that works for you

  50. 12:18PM her "daughter's" clearly fraudulent activity, is what I intended.

  51. "lets see how that works for you"

    So far its worked to the tune of a 70k judgment against you, a new car, your complete mental implosion, and you repeatedly embarrassing yourself in public.

    Based on that track record, it will probably work out pretty well for him.

  52. @12:19PM There is no need to amend the pleading. There is no perjury. Give it a rest. You're screwed.

  53. and grasping at straws.

  54. Tricia - please update here when PACER reflects a charge of perjury is being levied against Bernie. We'll be very interested. It isn't going to happen, except for in your convoluted and twisted mind, but by all means, keep us informed of this imaginary event.


  55. OOPSIE.....looks like rick-o better get to work......

    Rule 11(b) provides that,”[b]y presenting to the court a pleading, written motion, or other paper--whether by signing, filing, submitting, or later advocating it--an attorney or unrepresented party certifies that to the best of the person's knowledge, information, and belief, formed after an inquiry reasonable under the circumstances” that the material presented is not filed for an improper purpose and has the requisite degree of evidentiary and legal support./12/ This language raises two interpretive questions: what "later advocating" means and what "a reasonable inquiry under the circumstances" entails.

    The “later advocating” requirement was added to Rule 11(b) in 1993 to emphasize that Rule 11 obligations continue throughout the litigation process./13/ This amendment “subjects litigants to potential sanctions for insisting upon a position after it is no longer tenable.”/14/ Although an attorney must discontinue advocating a position that the attorney later learns is invalid, Rule 11 does not require a formal amendment or withdrawal of the initial filing./15/ Nor does Rule 11 cover contentions made before the court at oral argument regarding matters not previously raised because attorneys may have lacked time to research their validity./16/ However, oral statements that repeat baseless assertions earlier made in writing are sanctionable./17/

    get crackin liar, the clock is ticking

  56. Please, Tricia, get yourself some mental help. You can't prove the car was never concealed in NJ, there is plenty of evidence you have been concealing it and you are in cahoots with your mother, so it isn't a "baseless assertion".

    You've got nothing. But here is a more important question - you are the one who has committed a crime, and aren't living up to your obligations. Why aren't you cleaning your own house, instead of always seeking to make allegations against others?

  57. whomever said that Mezzacappa has wasted west easton taxpayer funds is GROSSLY mistaken. As an informed citizen, I am aware that West Easton filed suit against Mezzacappa, in a non-stop fashion, to obstruct the release of public records. To my knowledge, they lost every case they filed. I could be mistaken because she closed her blog, but while it was visible, she posted all of the judicial decisions...all in favor of Mezzacappa. Also, to my knowledge, she was forced to defend pro se, and received 3 affirmations from Commonwealth court. While I do think Mezzacappa should settle down a bit and stay out of the court system, the allegation that she loses all of her cases is contradicted by several wins , at least in the never ending West Easton lawsuits.

    just my two cents. I have no dog in the O'hare / Mezzacappa battle, but she has done a decent job for transparency in public info, and at least should not be admonished for it. The antics of West Easton Borough and its habit for obstructing the RTK law, received a rather loud disapproval rating this past primary, as the ringleader was forced off the ballot.

    Just my opinion.

    West Easton resident

  58. Bummer that Mezzacappy chose to conceal this vehicle after levy, instead of surrendering it.

    Now she not only loses it, but will be convicted of a criminal charge. A real legal genius, that one. And she's sucking the teet of our county resources even further by using a public defender, even though she has a job. Those teets are bleeding. When will this insanity end? What a menace to taxpayers.

    Anyone with eyeballs could see this trainwreck many months ago. Doesn't make it any prettier. I can't believe she is vaporizing my tax dollars so selfishly. If this POS makes it to county office, there is something seriously wrong with the system, or voters.

  59. "West Easton Resident," She has won some RTKs, but has lost many more. She failed in her bid to have criminal charges lodged against various of her West Easton enemies, and has lost at every step along the way in her litigation with me.

  60. @12:52 - You ARE mistaken. You are shooting your mouth off, and don't even know the facts. She LOST the majority of the RTK cases. Not all, but the majority.

    On her blog, she claimed that she won cases that she lost. In one memorable case, she lost on two of three counts, and wrote "I'm soaking this victory in and am exhausted, I will update my readers later." Later never came, after on this website it was made clear in a dialog that she participated in anon what the facts were and that she lost.

    The records are at the RTK website. Please educate yourself, instead of writing what you assume to be true, or your vague ramblings of what you recall was once on her website.

  61. O'hare falsified his pleading in Federal Court against the mother because he tried to punish Timmer for joining Trica and Jim Gregory in the radio show lawsuit, where O'hare is demanding damages in excess of 100K after damages were already assessed at $67K for his "loss of reputation." After the Commonwealth of PA revised joint and several part of tort law, the provision that allowed a 1% culpable defendant to be liable for 100% of damages was removed. Now, a defendant who is 100% liable, can be held to 100% of liability, regardless of ability to pay. Therefore, O'hares attempt at extorting Timmer failed.

    Seems like he is trying to hit the lottery again, and his lies are coming back to haunt him. Lying in a Federal pleading is a Federal crime, and shortly he will find out what the consequences are.

    Who is the fraud here? Never mind, its obvious

  62. Criminal charges should have been filed against the West Easton Ringleader who stole classified firearm documents from a sheriff. Instead, the ringleader was happy to destroy the lives of 3 law enforcement officers, so that she could avoid being criminally charged. I believe Karma came back in her face, as we have been relieved of her services. It may be a token compared to the lives she ruined, but at least she will no longer be serving in a public role.

    The blog owner should take heed about what types of Karma come back to haunt you. Based upon the comments so far, he made off the a $12K car for a dollar, and is joyfully celebrating. The issue about the Federal Complaint against the mother is disturbing, if its true. Perhaps the king of offensive speech should grow a set, and accept some push back from people he offends daily, instead of using taxpayer resources to fight his petty battles. Seems like "someone" needs to have some thicker skin.

    West Easton Resident

  63. A tow truck driver said the car was in a garage in Easton, how is that by her house?

  64. How many posts on this thread are Mezzacappa? Can we just consolidate them all into one, nice long, epic rant?

    Someone get her a youtube channel.

  65. I'd like to know where it was found and how it was taken...a tow truck got involved in this? Then it had to have a tow tag on it, and how does this happen if it was in a garage? Something doesn't add up here...where did they tow it to, Ron Angle? I'm pretty sure tow tags have to be issued by police

    No one can tow a car with a person sitting inside...so I guess they broke into the garage and took it? More info please...

  66. You were caught red-handed leaving the garage or returning the car to the garage. Sheriffs called for the truck from the scene, as they have a right to do. You know this bc you are Mezzacappa. After the car was surrendered to me, I had it towed somewhere else far away from your extra set of keys. It is secure. As to where the car was taken, that is none of your business. Molon labe.

  67. @1:20PM West Easton Resident:

    Do you believe everything you read? Nobody got a car for $1. The car will be assessed, and that value deducted from the judgment owed to Bernie.

    Wake the hell up. You're posting nonsense. If you believe what Mezzacrappy posted on her website, or in more than half the posts here, you're a bigger fool than she is.

    Don't you think Bernie has the right to celebrate finally getting a small portion of what this convicted defamer owes him? Not $1. More like $12,000, wherever you got that number from. She dragged Bernie's name through the mud, then the court, and now KARMAis coming to her door. You're all twisted in knots. She broke the law, and the bill is finally beginning to be paid. It isn't over yet - she owes $60,000 more, by your accounting. Read em and weep.

  68. The blog owner scores a free car, that had personal employment papers inside, yet no one involved even bothered to remove them. ? Obviously she had no knowledge the car was seized. Based upon the volume of rants from this blogger spanning years, and his obsession with this woman, I would fear for my personal safety , and ask some questions why sensitive info was left in the car for this monster to find. So if he now knows where she is working, what is the psycho going to do next? Stake her out at her job?

    Instead of being satisfied that he got a free car, he now wants to stir the pot with her PD, and accuses her of fraud again. This woman has been defamed endlessly by this jackass

  69. You were caught red-handed leaving the garage or returning the car to the garage
    I would love to see the dash cam video of that - lol. She must have blown her head gasket and taken it out on the poor deputies.

  70. 2:28, The papers you failed to clean out of your car indicate that you lied on your application for a public defender.

  71. @2:28PM Give it a FUCKING BREAK. The car's value is what will be deducted from what you own Bernie, for defaming him.

    If Bernie defamed you, please explain why he now owns your car, and this is only a small fraction of what you owe him.


    You bill is now approximately $72,000 - 12,000 = $60,000.

  72. "She broke the law, and the bill is finally beginning to be paid. It isn't over yet - she owes $60,000 more, by your accounting"

    She owes much more than that. The car at auction is going to bring in a low price. Maybe $5,000. It is damaged in the front and has 75,000 miles on it. On top of that, costs associated with getting the car are astronomical. When damages are ultimately re-assessed, she will still owe close to $67,000. When we sell her house for about $50,000, she will have a deficiency and I will assess that on the mother.

  73. "If you believe what Mezzacrappy posted on her website, you're a bigger fool than she is"

    Last time I checked, she posted dozens of Open Record cases and judicial orders that ruled in her favor....are you suggesting she impersonated state attorney's and judges, by making them up, and forging signatures? That is a pretty hefty accusation

    It looks like the poison posse can't accept that the facts are the facts. The only person who wasted west easton tax money was west easton, who lost every case they filed. Your hatred of this woman is blind and never ending.

    West Easton resident

  74. word on the street is she tackled the deputy. I would have loved to be that deputy. Please keep adding more to the story...i'm ashamed to admit that the drama in all of this is fascinating

  75. @2:28PM Since you owe Bernie $72K+ it would benefit you to find out how the system works, instead of attempting to mislead readers here, while you speak in the third person about yourself.

    Bernie did not get a free car. Don't you think he would rather have $12K cash than your POS car? He will lose whatever its value is off the judgement.

    Maybe you think he got a "free car," because in your crazed mind you don't think you owe him anything. The court disagrees, and fined you $72K.

    You threatened Bernie all morning with nonsense allegations of "perjury", and when he makes a valid observation that you obtaining a PD is fraudulent, given that you have a job, you call it "stirring the pot". I'm a taxpayer, and I'm sick of your fucking disregard for and waste of my tax dollars. I hope they throw you in jail in your criminal case.

  76. What happened Bernie, you were riding your bike and running 5K's not too long ago??

  77. based upon the photos you posted, there is no front end damage. Would you care to explain that, or are you damaging it yourself to bring down its value? You may be surprised by what costs are not allowed, and the value of the car with verified mileage . You don't get to devalue a car because you feel like it. If the car has $75K on it, a simple kelly blue book value is assigned between $11 and $12 K. I'm not sure where you get $5K from...unless she removed parts prior to seizure, which I gather she did not, its a $12K car.

  78. @2:40PM I am suggesting that you are an fool. I spent the time going through all the cases on the OOR website. She lost the majority of them or they were dismissed. She only posted what was favorable to her - shocking, I know. Funny how the last one she claimed that she won - she never posted that one. So maybe you are remembering her bullshit instead of facts. Ya think?

    If your recollection is she posted "dozens" of cases - you are either 1) mistaken or 2) both mistaken and Mezzacappa.

    You can't win, because the facts do not support your position. Instead of trying to remember what was on her website, go straight to the source - the OOR.

  79. "The papers you failed to clean out of your car indicate that you lied on your application for a public defender."

    Information obtained in an illegal search. This entire situation is sad. Still why the county helped so much is a good question? Why did the Sheriffs spend so much time on this?

  80. 2:44 "she tackled the deputy"

    she put him in a half nelson until the EPD arrived, then surrendered, when outnumbered. Its a good thing the EPD didn't go ballistic, pulling a Richard Sheurrman . Word has it, they were laughing. Can you post the police report?

    She bartered some free massages to avoid an aggravated assault charge. I would love the dash cam on this . Please get it...I just have to see this.

  81. @2:51 "based upon the photos you posted, there is no front end damage. "

    Clearly seen in the picture is damage to the RF fender. That is one of the pictures.

    The argument has quickly gone from Bernie got a car for free to Bernie got a car for $5K. Which one is it? Or throw crap at the wall and hope something sticks? Nothing on the wall yet.

    Don't you think Bernie is smart enough to have verified that Sheriff's have pictorial evidence of the condition of the car, to fight any dispute after it is has been appraised? I do.

  82. "Why did the Sheriffs spend so much time on this?"

    Maybe because she lied to Sheriff's deputies, embarrassing them by violating the trust they put in her to live up to her word, when she absconded with the car instead of surrendering it?

    Thanks for wasting public resources on your insanity, Tricia.

  83. The suspender wearing moron together with the hardest working cyberstalker is just missing something....its the 5 ft 3 gimp with shoe lifts and a bad toupe...why wasn't Rick-o in the photo? I would imagine the dim bulb will convert the car to cash asap, to keep funding all the contingency cases he filed against the APD.

  84. @2:55PM What evidence is there of an "illegal search". Bernie isn't an officer of the law.

    Heavens, no wonder you lose so often in court.

  85. @2:55 Maybe when you made one the fool by trusting you to turn over the car months ago like you promised, but never did, they took it personally. You could have cost him his job, but that didn't concern you.

    For someone who constantly wrote about Karma, you can't recognize that everything you've said about and done to others has now come back to kick your own boney ass.

  86. 3:05PM You always resort to insults, when it is clear no facts are in your favor.

  87. She has superior court on auto dial. Better hope they don't reverse...just sayin

  88. since you are such a pro at appraisals and title searches, you may want to see the ridge street houses flying off the market for $75-125K. You may be able to bullshit "damages" but actual numbers do not lie. Didn't you write a post saying she converted the house to apartments?

  89. Why the long face Trish? Call me at Wilbur's place. We'll both hoof it to a bar and I'll buy you a beer to cry in.

    Warmest regards,
    Mr. Ed.

  90. As a county home owning taxpayer I am still concerned over the amount of effort given to this matter by the Sheriff's office. I would hope that any other citizen would get the same focused amount of time for a largely civil matter. It is irrelevant as to whether she lied to them or not. They are not paid to salve their egos, they are paid to do their jobs.Tjhey are not a private detective agency.
    Mr. Brown should have the Sheriff conduct an investigation into the activates around this incident. From the gun permit fiasco to this "stakeout" there are many unanswered questions.

    (Please west Easton official don't reply with six or seven comments, we know who you are and your relationship to the woman)

  91. To the best of my research, on the civil database online, I located 4 lawsuits filed by West Easton Borough against Mezzacappa. By order of court, in all cases, West Easton lost. Judges Beltrami, Barrata, Zito and Koury ruled in favor of defendant Mezzacappa. They then filed 3 appeals to commonwealth court. On pacourts website, the court affirmed the trial court on all 3. Is there something I am missing here, or are you just concocting lies to suit your agenda again? West Easton is serially unsuccessful in court actions involving the RTK law. Thats is what the facts are. Can you produce any lawsuits they filed and won?

    West Easton Resident

  92. so glad this pat is over, about time the law starts working. She got away with to many things!!! Way to go Bernie

  93. apparently the sheriffs' dept has too much free time on their hands to persecute someone who wounded O'Hares ego. instead of staking out hundreds of known drug lords, they conduct a 24/7 sting on this shit. Thanks Norco, I feel so much more safe, knowing your priorities are in order.

    What a joke this county is

  94. OK update....I am confined to complete confidence with the deputy who took the car away, so I cant mention his name. I'm off today, and not in the sheriff's dept. She put up a huge fight, kicking and scratching and punching....until her buddy pig jumped out and tore his uniform to shreds. The pig is in custody...all caught on dash cam...lets get the dash cam where it will go viral for a pig on pig attack. EPD responded with a dog, and the dog lost. That was one wild pig protecting his mom. $100,000 monetary set for the pig, now confined in F-Block with fellow pigs. They gave him an all you can eat option, so hes pretty happy as of now. Hatfield is making a bid, to be deducted from judgement and costs.

    Deputy expected to make a full recovery with free bacon for a year.

  95. So now you are claiming it was a 24/7 sting? You are delusional.
    Did you think you could just start driving it around town and not be noticed? The sheriffs know you and the car you failed to turn over as promised. You were spotted and caught. End of story.

  96. I think this Sheriff's department takes being ignored and double-crossed by lawbreakers very seriously. I pay plenty in county taxes. I'm glad to see this. Good work NorCo sheriffs. Flouting the law hurts all of us and you folks deserve kudos.

  97. lawbreakers? who gives away someone's property for $12K less than its value? Its not too hard to see who the lawbreaker is

  98. Did you have sex with yourself yet in the new Toyota? #100

  99. Bernie, Ron, Sick-0-Rick-0, Deesgrace, Gross, Noodlebrain, Lucifer Lou Nikko, Mickey Mouse, the list is so much longer. It is scary and I am glad her 2nd amendment rights are in tact.

  100. Bernie, I'm ashamed to say how entertaining I found this very sad story. The neverending drama between you and Ms. Mezzacappa reminds me of a cartoon.

    Some might say the photos accompanying this post are unfair gloating, but I say it was very sporting of you not to run the clothing items up a flagpole.

  101. This is just another one of your implied threats. After being found liable for defamation and after criminal convictions for harassment and threatening to kill someone, you are still making reckless statements. I believe you are going to be sent away in about a month, and this is why.

  102. "who gives away someone's property for $12K less than its value? Its not too hard to see who the lawbreaker is"

    You're an idiot and misinformed. Or more likely you are an idiot and intentionally putting up a smoke screen.

    Let's make this very simple for a simpleton. Bernie will have to have the car appraised, and whatever it is worth comes off the $72K judgment owed to him.

    Is that clear, or do you need it explained at a 3rd grade reading level?

  103. My police scanner just announced that Surburban Rescue was responding to a report for a female who is bleeding excessively from the fingers and brain in West Easton due to excessive strain on the computer keyboard. They were cancelled when it became apparent that this is a regular occurrence due to R.A.V. disorder (Repossession Allowed for Vindication).

  104. A little OT, but does anybody know whats going on with the feds in allentown? I heard they escorted ed and lisa into the courthouse with some boxes

  105. It is no surprise this thing ended up in one of Ron Angle's shitfields. This entire affair has his smell all over it. I find the gloating distasteful. The actions of the two of you are shameful. You and the official form Easton take too much pleasure in the pain of others.

  106. 7:37....


  107. so, let me get this straight, she hides the car from you, the sheriffs take it, give to you, now you hide the car from her, because she has keys. If this went down legally, then you own the car, and if she happened to "find" it, and takes off by using spare keys, isnt that Grand Theft Auto? What am I not getting here...either you own it or you dont. Spare keys should not matter and are irrelevant , no? Unless the entire mess was unlawful.....

  108. It's not complicated. I lawfully own the vehicle. I purchased it at a Sheriff's sale. The vehicle is now rightfully in my possession. But Mezzacappa has demonstrated a complete disregard for the law and judicial process, having lied to sheriffs once or more already, to say nothing of the numerous lies in her pleadings. She has a spare set of keys, and there is no doubt in anyone's mind what she will do if she knows where the car is located. After her trial, I will get her set of keys. Until then, it will be kept away from her and from you.

  109. Bernie has been kicking hornets nests all his life, remember Steve Irwin?

  110. something doesnt sound right here. you have been braying for the last 6 months that shes going to jail. you obviously want her to go to jail. you obviously dont give a shit about "collecting" anything, only existing to cause the most havoc you can in her life. Therefore, why bother hiding "your car"....if she has no regard for the law, as you say, and steals "your car" with her keys, then its auto theft, and probably a long time in jail. It seems that you would be happier with that outcome, so why hide the car?

    by hiding the car, I'm guessing you dont have legal ownership of it. People sell cars all the time, and spare keys are not always exchanged. They are irrevelevant once title passes from one to another. My guess is you dont have title, and cant get title, because you stole the car.

  111. @9:50PM Good grief Tricia, you have been up since 4:00 this morning writing nonsense here, and the judge ordered no indirect contact with Bernie. But here you are. The law never applies to you, right?

    You are just throwing out shit like usual. Bernie never said he wanted to see you go to jail. He said that based on how you've acted, you're going to jail. Same thing with your manflab in state prison. Bernie predicted, that based on his actions (writing letters you gleefully and foolishly published) that he would serve out his entire sentence. And Bernie was right about that. Bernie's never expressed an interest in anyone serving prison time.

    Bernie is hiding the car for safe keeping. So nothing happens to it, and so that it can be appraised and fully made legal in his name. He isn't saying that you will steal it. But why wouldn't he be afraid that you will? You've earned yourself criminal charges, by your own intentional and defiant actions.

    Your premise is nonsense. Bernie doesn't want to see you in jail. But everyone except you can see that is where you are headed. You are pathetic. I don't feel sorry for you one bit - you have earned everything you're getting, and more.

    Please get some mental help - you're head is shoved so far up your butt it has dragged your anus out to where your mouth is.

  112. "My guess is you dont have title, and cant get title, because you stole the car."

    That ridiculous guess is because you're a moron. Bernie testified during a criminal hearing of yours during which he provided proof that he bought it at Sheriff's sale.

    You were staring down at the table - maybe you missed the testimony? Too much yummy cocoa that morning?

    Are you going to stay up all night plastering this board with ramblings? It sucks to be held accountable for your actions, evidently. The rest of us pull our big girl jumpers on and solder on.

    I'm going to the PD's office tomorrow and registering a complaint. The PD's office provides services to people who can't afford them. You're working as a nurse, evidently. And driving mommy's Mercedes when necessary. The Superior Court kicked your IFP petition out like yesterday's garbage. Something stinks.

  113. Bernie - it might be well worth it to have the car re-keyed. This cracked woman is crazy enough to pull all kinds of shit. You may get in to drive to the pizzeria, and suddenly there is a barrel of steel shoved in the back of your neck.

    I'm not kidding. This woman is flipping scary. She's above the law, and is convicted of harassment in addition to other things. She comes on here and suggests the *she* has reason to fear you - which is the exact opposite of the truth anyone can see. All you have waited for is for her to pay you what she's owed. Now that she has been forced to begin to pay, and she still doesn't admit she owes the bill, there is no telling what the hell she'll resort to.

    Not to mention she's now totally ruined her dream of becoming council member of the metropolis of West Easton, and she'll blame that failure on you as in 2011. A whole new raft of shit may be headed your way. Be safe, Bernie.

  114. Enough of this mezzacrazy shit, where's the story about the feds raiding Allentown City Hall today?

  115. "Bernie - it might be well worth it to have the car re-keyed."

    My attorney and i have yet to discuss what we want to do with the damn thing, but my guess is we will sell it for the highest price we can get and deduct the numerous expenses involved in securing the vehicle.

  116. Is Orclownski working "pro-boner"?

  117. Let the drama live on and sell it back to her and call it even. No hard feelings right?

  118. "Let the drama live on and sell it back to her and call it even. No hard feelings right?"

    Before that happens, there is the matter of $60,000+/- that she still owes Bernie. This isn't about "hard feelings" - it's about a debt she has refused to pay. I'm sure that resolving the debt will only increase the hard feelings on her part. Just look at what transpired today - in paying off only about 1/6 what she owes, she split 5 gaskets and blew oil and coolant all over the place.

  119. Sell it back to her? Only at market value. How can someone who needs a public defender afford to buy a 7 year old car with only 73,000 miles on it? She's a pauper, remember?

  120. Christ, if it weren't for this blog, what would that Gross woman do? She is on this thing non-stop day and night. Does she even have a job?

  121. I'll be happy to sell it back to her for the $12,000 she claims it is worth. Then I will levy on it again and sell it back to her again until every cent she owes us paid.

  122. "Moron Labe"


  123. @11:42PM said by someone who would know what it is like. You've been posting here for 20 hours straight. A small number of people and cartoon characters seem to have space permanently rented in your brain. Bernie, Ron, Kelly, Gerry, Stoffa, Morganelli, Mickey Mouse. You agonize over these individuals all day and night? What evidence is there that Kelly is here? Did the mention of "harassment" hit a sore spot? I said that, not Kelly - but you instantly thought of what you did to her. Your conviction record is very well known.

    If it weren't for this blog, your hatred of this short list of characters would go completely unnoticed. The only person using this blog for hate is you, but it is a lot less effective than when you did it in your own space. You brought your clown show here and have been battered by the truth.

  124. I'd pay that young stud Max $1/hr to massage my prostate.

  125. He looks like a power top!

  126. The only real power top is Jim manslab Gregory. He will be home soon, He will go to the airwaves and make sure justice is finally served. People like O'Hare and Angle will hear his words. We will get the truth behind all this activity.

  127. Gregory will not be coming home soon. He is maxing out and will not be released until February. When he does get out, there will be no radio show anywhere.

  128. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  129. "We will get the truth behind all this activity."

    You can't handle the truth. The truth has bowled you right over, and you don't realize it.

    The truth is you defamed Bernie in response to him doing an article that outlined how unfit you were in your candidacy for public office. And your behavior in the 4 years since has affirmed Bernie was right.

    You've pulled all kinds of stunts to avoid paying the damages awarded Bernie, including criminal activity, and dragging your mother into fraudulent concealment of assets.

    You're violating a judge's order to this day, by posting on this blog.

    That's the truth of this matter. Do you need help getting up?

    Karma is a bitch, isn't she?

  130. Karma's Janitor posted an off topic vulgar comment concerning the Blog Mentor. It was so sick and disgusting I figure he posted it himself, especially since it comes tat the time of day when he statrts hs messages of madness. The comment is deleted, Blog Mentor. See a shrink, and take MezzacRaZy with you.

  131. Disgusting individuals deserve disgusting comments. I understand the deletion. I stand by my disgusting comment about Blog Mentor. Evil is best bested by evil. I'm admittedly evil. He won't admit he is.

  132. Is the constant attack on this poor young woman ever going to end? She should contact a woman's right's organization for legal assistance. Something is fishy in Northampton County.

  133. The comment is question was disgraceful. If the Lehigh Valley Nobody would actually stoop that low to disgrace the memory of his deceased relative - well, that would be newsworthy.

  134. "Is the constant attack on this poor young woman ever going to end? She should contact a woman's right's organization for legal assistance. Something is fishy in Northampton County."

    Please review this entire thread. You have no clue that you're sending crap out your pie hole. Something is fishy in Mezzacappa's brain, not NorCo. You posted this "woman's rights" nonsense a few months ago. She has lawyers - one paid for with our tax dollars. She has gotten herself in a real bind, by her own hand and mouth. Please educate yourself - ignorance will get you nowhere.

    What this woman needs is to keep her mouth shut, and a lawyer to give her advice that she accepts. She's finally being held accountable for an old debt. What the hell is a "woman's rights" group going to do for that? She has the right to pay her damned bill - that's the only right she has. And she has the right to go to jail for breaking the law - she'll be eligible for that soon.

    Woman's rights group - lol. What a joke.

  135. Prove she's a woman first.

  136. Gregory already proved it, I've seen the video.

    Jimmy S

  137. Glad to see that comment re the BM was removed. Way over the top and probably put there to provide a basis for a harrassment suit, or to support a defense in an upcoming trial.

  138. This woman's playbook runs as follows:

    1. Break the law, because the law doesn't apply to her.
    2. Claim the courts, lawyers, the DA etc are corrupt, and that is the only reason she is being held accountable.
    3. Mention Jim Gregory, because... well, just because.
    4. Blame BOH for her causing her problems, stalking her, posing a threat to her, being obsessed with her, etc etc.
    5. Blame Ron Angle for being on county council in the past.
    6. Blame the Grosses and any solicitor in West Easton for everything she doesn't like about the government.
    7. Deny she did anything wrong after being found guilty.
    8. Don't pay any fines or judgments, because see #7.
    9. Claim she deserves representation by a woman's rights group.
    10. Claim that a disbarment in 1986 is relevant to her case, if it involves BOH.
    11. Yummy cocoa break.

    Return to step 1 for the next crime or civil infraction, and repeat all steps.

    Insanity is repeating the same steps over and over. Maybe now that she is finally having to pony up some cash where her mouth was, she'll begin to change.

  139. Intell says, a few Patterson, NJ grease monkeys are stopping in to crash Ronnie's big splash today...

  140. @1:41

    You and your "grease monkeys" don't possess the IQ of a bucket of said grease all together.

  141. And now the anonymous threats begin. And she wonders why she's a criminal defendant.

  142. take a load off and enjoy the fireworks.....no worries, they are gentlemen, and totally harmless

  143. That's a threat, too/. It has been logged, along with the IP and ISP.

  144. Read more here:


    I heard they love to picket, and seemingly, they share in Ronnie's belief system. They could have a terrific conversation with Ronnie about his bogus mortgage scams. They'll be having coffee at Ronnie's table in no time flat.

  145. Mezzacappa, you are engaging in witness intimidation. There is nothing that ties the sovereign citizen movement to Paterson, N.J. What is tied to Paterson is the mob. You were implying the mob, and now are trying to weave in another attack at Ron. The person who is associated with these hate groups is you. You joined Kessler's goofy militia movement, and now are tied in to AFX Northampton County, which seems intent on destroying the rule of law.

  146. someone seems vewy, vewy anxious

  147. Give her enough rope, Bernie; she is busy tying herself a noose.

  148. Looks like AXJ will be covering the case?

  149. @1:33PM Please explain how being the victim of a defamer, as Bernie was, and finally achieving a down payment on the damages, is "unscrupulous".

    The person who is clearly unscrupulous, is the one who concealed a car lawfully levied, and transferred a house to her mother's name.


  150. Greggy will be portrayed by Girth Brooks in his upcoming biopic.

  151. Nobody cares about Greggy - not even his last lawyer. Loser POS and an abuser of women.

  152. She carried the jumper cable to USE ON YOU, Bernie ,if she caught you in the open!~ THIS is not an 'insider deal ' I and other Constabulary have taken vehicles levied on and then come back to new address and levied on tv's and other junk to settle debt . that can happen over and over till every red cent and costs are paid .Remember, 'No Stiff is Too Dead "

  153. Tricia Terracotta - You were bested, sweetheart. Give it up, work out a payment plan, and move on with your life. You are just getting in deeper and deeper with your comments. You really don't want to end up in jail, do you? That would suck. That's the last place I would want to be and if I were you, I'd tone it the fuck down. You were foolish, you tried to bully people, and lost in ignominious fashion. Adults deal with defeat and disappointment maturely. Why not take the high road - then I'm sure you won't have to use a sock-puppet to post "Is the constant attack on this poor young woman ever going to end?" How many times have you posted that now? It will end and can end when you accept defeat and go away silently. No one care about you or your borderline-traitorous politics or your ridiculous holstered weapon. Learn to love yourself and stop trying to masquerade as some wannabe badass right-wing lunatic.

    Just some friendly advice.

  154. @10:16AM She probably won't receive that as friendly advice, but I believe it is. She is headed straight to jail on the course she is on, like her good bud in state prison. Big mouths who don't know when to STH up. I personally hope she does end up in jail, because she hasn't learned anything yet. It would be fun to hear her yelling "molon labe" down the corridor of the prison.

  155. It's not friendly advice at all just more piling on from the pusillanimous & putrid poison posse. The idea that this latest act of aggression towards Mezzacappa will be permitted to stand is laughable, the clock is ticking down there is not infinite time for the safe return of her vehicle. Some people have jobs and cannot get by via patronage and loitering about in the prothonotory.

    If the devious little liberal from Whitehall thinks that he hit pay dirt with the joke of judgement from Kangaroo Kourt then he will be sadly disjointed in 2 years when his scurrilous slob of a client has yet to produce a red cent.

  156. Poor Trish, here on her day off, and getting smacked in the face again and battered by the truth. Reduced to complaining about Bernie's style of reporting, and couldn't resist crapping in this thread while slumming. Pathetic.

    Read em and weep, sweetie. You have mommy's Mercedes to drive to your job cleaning bed pans.

    That vehicle that used to be yours was lawfully levied. It is "judgment" - you have a collection of them against you, so you should know by now.

    The little liberal from Whitehall and the scurrilous slob are wiping your face in it, honey. Where is your campaign for council? Where is your hate blog? Where is your car? Drink some yummy cocoa and sooth yourself. Your pain is just beginning.

  157. Sadly this poor, young woman continues to be slandered by this hate blog and the poison posse. Her Women's legal Center lawyers will flip the script real soon. Change of venue? Oh-oh, no more insider stuff?

  158. If I were TM id let you have the Rav4 but only in exchange for a few rides on the Maximillian express!

  159. Wow, Tricia. You have nothing to do today except cue your endless tape loop.

    What have you hit so far? Callahan, hate blog, BM, JG, Kangaroo Court, Orloski, Jim Martin (via BM), "poor young woman" (aka bull shit), poison posse, "women's defense fund".

    You've left out Stoffa, your dead pig, the Grosses, the DA...

    That about covers it. You have such a tiny life. We can barely see you. You've got it ass backwards - you defamed Bernie, and the $9,500 to $10,000 that your former car was worth is a small down payment on your $72,000 judgment. Must be hard getting around in this wet weather on your saturated broomstick.

    Are you going to try to snow a woman's defense fund into representing you, the same way you tried to lie your way to IFP status? Twice? What do you think they are going to say when they read the docket? Thanks for playing.

  160. @3:12 TM, you tried the "change of venue" crap with that 2A wingnut lawyer. It didn't work for him, and it won't work for you.

    You have no case for a change of venue, except you have a civil record as long as your arm, and all the judges are probably personally sick of seeing your sorry butt in their court room.

  161. The vehicle is worth ONLY what it brings at sale. If this vehicle brings $5,990 .00 then the sale of this vehicle is only about 10 PERCENT OF judgement.The plaintiff -BERNIE- can keep going back for years if unsettled.Take this to the bank. No Stiff is Too Dead!

  162. "No Stiff is Too Dead!"

    Makes no sense as usual. This young woman will be back in court with real high powered women who have reviewed this case. They are no doubt aghast at what has transpired. Word on the street is there is no doubt there will be some major investigations into the little kingdoms of many including sheriffs and constables

  163. @3:04PM Give us a break from your insane ramblings, Mezzacappa.

    You were convicted of defamation, and damages awarded against you. You bragged that you could pay the damages, you had a paid off car and house, and you refused to pay a penny. In fact, within a few days, you fraudulently transferred your house to your mother. Then your car was lawfully levied and you lied to authorities you would turn it in and concealed it.

    Where did you get your alleged "word on the street"? From a drunk or homeless person?

    Are you going to pay for your own lawyer in the criminal case, now that you've wasted our tax dollars on your PD? The river rat has already represented you in superior court - where are these "high powered" women going to represent you? Who did you find - Wonder Woman?

    Word on the street is your a pathetic loser.

  164. You will be giving back her Rav-4 soon enough golem, at the latest in March after Spartacus is released and put on the case.

  165. Did you know that big companies spend more than 1 BILLION dollars on advertising every year?

    Companies are constantly developing and improving ways to advertise their product, and they NEED someone like you to show off their ads on your vehicle.

    Do you know what they need? They need YOU. That's right... and they are willing to pay money for you to drive to work, drive to the grocery store, etc... to advertise their product.


    By advertising this way, companies get their product shown to a core demographic that they are targeting!

    You could make $300 a month by simply driving to work everyday! Imagine making money for something you already do all day long!.

    Easy work and easy pay that could really help with the bills.


    Sarah Johnson


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