Local Government TV

Thursday, July 02, 2015

NorCo Council Advances Commissar Ordinance

As I warned you yesterday, Northampton County Council was set to consider an ordinance authorizing a referendum to change their name from Council members to Commissioners, like the big boys. Though President Peg Ferraro nearly burst out laughing when she came to that item on the agenda, she was able to get it out there. This was introduced by Seth Vaughn and Ken Kraft, although even he couldn't stop smiling.

Yesterday, someone suggested that if Council really wants to be taken seriously, they should become Commissars. You gotta' admit, that has a nice ring. Maybe they can be provided uniforms and a Beaver hat, too. I think Scott Parsons is going to suggest that as a friendly amendment.

Another amendment they may want to consider is changing the title of Executive to something more dramatic, like Shogun. Especially if they give John Brown one of those battle helmets with horns. That's totally bad ass.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict this ordinance has zero chance of passing. If it does, I will commit seppuku at once.


  1. They may have been laughing and joking around but they still put it on the table. Not fooling anyone. go for it.

  2. They may have been laughing and joking around but they still put it on the table. Not fooling anyone. go for it.

  3. you may have just guaranteed it's passage Bern...

  4. I hope it [passes. I find the names confusing. There is no reason they can't change the name. Who the Hell cares what Jerry Seyfried thinks. He is a legend in his own mind. The Home Rule Charter has been wrong on many things Lehigh County did it right.


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