Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Is Jenn Mann Really "For the People"?

I've heard former State Representative Jenn Mann's name mentioned yesterday as a possible successor to Mayor Ed Pawlowski. As one of the NIZ architects, the urban growth regime that really is control would probably love to see her named. The mainstream media love her, too. But for those interested in helping Allentown's working poor, her appointment would be a disaster. She's never really been in their corner. But since leaving office, she started a PAC so she can continue to snag contributions and blow money, kinda' like Ed Pawlowski has done himself for years. She hypocritically calls it "For the People."

I first realized what she's all about when she ignored Allentown's minority kids, who really could use a few more basketball courts, in favor of a $10,000 state DCED grant for the Parkland Trojan Ice Hockey Club. As someone who believes in $54 million corporate welfare handouts to J.B. Reilly, this is a no-brainer.

In the state house, any lobbyist could tell you, off the record, that she always had her hand out. If you needed to talk to her, you could get her tickets to the latest baseball, basketball or football game, like the Superbowl. She though there was nothing improper with moonlighting as a consultant with a company doing all kinds of business with the state. No conflict there, she insisted.

It's always been about her, as evidenced by her dual campaigns for her own office as well as State Auditor in 2004 and State Treasurer in 2008. In the state house, any lobbyist could tell you, off the record, that she always had her hand out. If you needed to talk to her, you could get her tickets to the latest baseball, basketball or football game, like the Superbowl. She had an affair with one lobbyist, and thought there was nothing improper with moonlighting as a consultant with a company doing all kinds of business with the state. No conflict there, she insisted.

When her career as a State Representative ended in 2012, she became a business consultant, using all the contacts she had developed in the state house. What did she do with her own campaign funds? Did she donate it to the Democratic party,or better yet, to the people in her district? Nah. In January 2013, she quietly formed a PAC called "For the People." That way she can continue hitting people up for money and spending it.

I wonder why the state police never investigate this kind of prostitution.

Mann funded her PAC with the $57,768.60 left in her own campaign treasury, and added another $5,000 she got from Matthew McTish (McTish, Kunkel and Assoc.), who is one of her business clients. She has gone on to pick up $6,000 from Susan Biggica, who lives in Hershey. She got $2,000 from Ramzi Haddad, a former Abe Atiyeh partner. And Mike Schlossbuerg, who represents her old district, is giving her $250 a year. Maybe it's dues.

She has used some of her campaign cash to help candidates seeking office. especially people in Allentown who can return the favor down the road.

But some of her expenditures are just plain goofy. On one report, she claimed $400 in "event expenses," without bothering to identify the event in question or itemize the expenses. She spent $561 for a "dinner meeting" at the Lehigh Country Club on 7/16/14. A few months later, she spent $221.05 for a PAC dinner meeting, but does not bother to tell us where. The whopper is $8,127.00 for "PAC expenses" on 7/8/14, with no itemization of just what those expenses are. Given that the whole point of campaign finance reports is to enable the public to follow the money, it's safe to say she failed.

That's because Jenn Mann is not really "For the People." She's for Jenn Mann.


  1. "I wonder why the state police never investigate this kind of prostitution"

    You just called this woman a prostitute!!! Shame on you! No matter your political opinion, you just crossed a huge line. You are now allegeding that she took contributions for sexual favors!!! You sir have hit that bottom feeding level.

  2. That;s not what I alleged. You just don't know how to read.

  3. Woman hater! Jenn is a strong, intelligent woman. You are intimidated by women who have testosterone than you. Just butcher another woman's character, you weasel.

  4. @1:20AM Did someone have a case of diarrhea in your cocoa?

    @12:19AM Are you out of your mind? What the hell is "allegeding"? If you're illiterate, it's hard to interpret sentences correctly.

    Gosh Bernie, you have some real trolls following you around. I particularly love the ridiculous "woman hater" misnomer. Is Pawlowski a woman? Fleck? These morons take cheap shots at you with the most moronic accusations. Keep up the excellent reporting.

  5. @12:19AM Buy a frigging dictionary if you don't know basic definitions.

    "Prostitute: A person who does, or offers to do, an activity for money, despite personal dislike or dishonour."

    The mind is a terrible thing to waste.

  6. Sadly Bernie demeans women, it is his hobby. In fairness to Bernie, he learned form the best Ron boy Angle.

  7. wow, county employees at their best ounce again lol

  8. Oh please tell me what definition of prostitution I am using?

    noun: prostitution
    the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment.
    synonyms: the sex trade, the sex industry, whoring, streetwalking, sex tourism; More
    informalthe oldest profession, hooking, hustling;
    "they claim that the casino industry only encourages prostitution in the area"
    the unworthy or corrupt use of one's talents for the sake of personal or financial gain.

  9. At this point I'm routing for Pawlowski!!! Sam Bennett?, Jennifer Mann? Who next Julio Guridy? bring back Roy Afflerbach? These replacements would be much, much worse!

  10. Ce Ce would do a good job because she has the most important quality this city needs at this particular moment: honesty. She can establish a citizen cabinet of residents from all quarters of the city: They would weekly meet and discuss issues: police, vandalism, recreation, health, safety. All she needs is to surround herself with honest caring people: none of whom would receive a cent or financially benefit from their public service. None of the current "players" would be permitted to join.

    6:49 AM

  11. Jennifer Mann is not a good candidate for Allentown's city hall for the many reasons Bernie and others have highlighted.

  12. Jennifer Mann has too many ties to some of the same corporate background players who took advantage of Allentown citizen tax dollars before, with some of those SAME operatives active in today's NIZ. She just seems too "here we go again." I'd be looking for a fresh face when the need arises.

  13. Bernie,

    When she retired from the house she was treated like a departing hero by the ASD board. They stood with the teachers union people who routinely fill the chairs at our meetings and gave her a standing O. I remained seated and applauded just enough to be polite. One only had to know what was really going on to see what she was all about.

    Scott Armstrong

  14. Well, we know what happens to most people who slight ohare, ignore him, laugh at him, or poke fun of his horrendous looks and qualities. They become cyberbullied victims who are constantly libeled on this hate blog, in a disturbing frequency. ohare has written some terrible hate blogs about Jen before, but then subsided when he found some new female victims to cyberstalk and harass. Refresh my memory, what was it that Jen did to deserve the beating? Did she offer ohare some breath freshners, or was that the other victim whose car was stolen?

  15. BULLETIN: To all attractive successful women who partake in any form of politics, activism or partisan activity, if you spot an angry disbarred troll who has a grotesque appearance inside and out, dont walk in the other direction, run. He can usually be seen on the arm (or in the bed) of a suspender wearing, cigar smoking serial fraud...or combing kiddie events and snapping photos.


  16. I still remember when Mr. Ritter was on way out of Congress,It really griped my soul to see him walk away with about $300,000 -tax free, if I remember.and he was an R .--Sleazy actions are why most of us on here don't trust most politicians. Now--- not all, Bob Freeman has been straight with us here locally--and himself . No midnight votes and fancy trips didn't even take the briefcase! , .

  17. Yesterday you wrote that this is all smoke, and he is entitled to a presumption of innocence. Today you have his successor picked out...which is it? Or is it that unchecked and uncontrolled hate thing again?

  18. From 2006 to present this disgusting blog has been a manifesto of hate, revenge jealousy , lies and spin. I would imagine after 10 years of this, it may be time to find a job and go to work. If you cant make money, maybe you should donate some time to the allentown homeless people you love so much. So much anger in such a small person. How shameful.

  19. Somebody doesn't like that Bernie finally got his RAV4 owed to him.
    TM needs to use some new descriptive language when posting her personal attacks.

  20. If you want a consummate party hack as mayor, she's your gal.

  21. "Yesterday you wrote that this is all smoke, and he is entitled to a presumption of innocence."

    It's still all smoke, and there is a presumption of innocence, but it is a lot of smoke. It can't be ignored or pushed under the rug, as you would like to do.

  22. From the looks of the posts above, someone spit on MezzacWAzy's toast this morning, peed in her Cheerios, and then she got whacked in the face with the truth. She legally lost her car as a debt for libeling BOH, and now is crying foul in Bernie's own yard. And when someone points this out, they are called "cyberbullies".

    Pathetic. Keep using the 3 foot long wrench to bend the facts to fit your yarn.

  23. @8:53 What is shameful is that you are spending time here, instead of out working so you can pay for lawyers and pay the debt you owe to Bernie. You are leaching our tax dollars for a public defender you aren't eligible for, and senseless legal battles.

    Why do you care about how Bernie makes money? He doesn't owe you squat. You are the one consumed by anger and hate - clearly evidenced by your posts here. Bernie is out reporting. What are you doing for society?

    Here is an idea - create a blog and post under your own name.

  24. boh parents must be so proud

  25. "...or combing kiddie events and snapping photos."

    Somebody lost a car and still owes tens of thousands to O'Hare for the same type of defamation. Still haven't learned anything?

  26. She obviously has not. She is also violating her bail conditions.

  27. Allentown is healthy happy and booming-----it's the City Without Limits!

  28. anon 12:46. Stating something that occurs is not a crime. You need to give up your obsession with this young woman. Maybe Jim Gregory will throw you his bone when he returns.

  29. What happens if the mayor resigns? Would city council appoint the next one?

  30. If the Mayor resigns, Council President O'Connell would be acting mayor until Council appoints a successor. They have 30 days. Since Council are mostly Pawlowski toadies, my guess is they will give it to someone who can give them cover.

  31. If Council fails to make an appointment, it goes to the courts.

  32. She should go back to selling pagers...

  33. The VEHICLE in possession is to assessed and sold to the highest bidder that goes toward the dept owed. Mileage and dings are a decrease . The Plaintiff still has a major interest in other assets. I will bet Plaintiff will get them. This should have been settled by her homeowners policy she paid for,but she is stupid! You can't fix that.

  34. Wow Bernie - you have some very interesting readers on here who seem to struggle with your style and instead focus on finding one element with which to find fault and completely disregard the overall messaging or information provided. I feel sorry for them.... such small minds struggle mightily in this big world.

    7:19 AM has it right. While I don't know Jennifer Mann personally, Allentown is filled with too many entrenched individuals which spells inherent danger. It would almost better for the state to take the city over for several years to clean this mess out. Allentown was once a great city. The downgrade through the years has been the result of politicians and self-interests which would be repeated yet again were the city to not bring in a fresh face.

  35. ---------------------NO STIFF IS TOO DEAD----------------and I personally have proved it!---


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