Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Tatum Wilson to Lead NorCo Sex Crimes Unit

From Northampton County District Attorney John M. Morganelli: Assistant District Attorney Tatum Wilson will be assuming the position of Chief Prosecutor of the Sexual Assault /Abuse Unit effective the end of 2015. This position was previously held by Assistant District Attorney Patricia Broscius for the past 25 years. Ms. Broscius will assume the position of Magisterial District Judge at the end of the year.

Tatum Wilson has been with the District Attorney’s Office since 2013. After graduating Summa Cum Laude from the University of Pennsylvania, she studied abroad at the University of Limerick, Ireland and graduated in the top third of her class, receiving her Juris Doctorate degree from Villanova University School of Law.

Attorney Wilson was a Judicial Law Clerk Intern for the Honorable Richard B. Klein in the Superior Court of Pennsylvania Office in 2007 and in the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office. In the years following, Ms. Wilson was a Judicial Law Clerk for the Late Honorable Richard J. Hodgson, President Judge Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas before becoming an Assistant Public Defender of the Defender Association of Philadelphia in 2010.

Morganelli stated: “Tatum Wilson has tried numerous cases involving drugs and violent crime. With Tatum Wilson’s experience working in the District Attorney’s Office of Northampton County and her proven strong qualifications, I believe she is well qualified to represent and take on the difficult position of the Chief Prosecutor for the Sexual Assault/Abuse Unit in the Northampton County District Attorney’s Office and fill the big shoes left by the departure of Patricia Broscius.”


  1. Pat Broscius is a remarkable woman, one of the few to be strong enough to resist the dashing charm of Jim Gregory. This woman is no Pat Broscius and would be swept off her feet in short order if allowed in a 10 foot radius of the slab.

  2. Give it a rest, Mezzacrazy. Gregory is rotting in state prison with no remorse for his crime, and has nothing at all to do with this story.

    Your off topic rants are really old. This is a real woman with a real job, in comparison with the freak show you have become, with no car and cleaning up slop to pay off a debt for defaming a hard working blogger.

  3. perhaps Tatum will remind morganelli that resources should be utilized for real crime victims and not personal axe grinding.

  4. anon 3:43 your obsession with Mezzacappa notwithstanding. Not everything is by and for her. Try some humor in your humorless life.

  5. you have no business showboating for the DA or anyone he employs. you're a complete drain on the entire system. you consume resources like water and demand more. we have innocent people getting killed and raped, yet you proudly brag what a soldier you are in the sheriffs dept, like they deserve a badge of honor for bending over and getting fucked by ohares toys...next tiem you blame john brown for low morale, just look in the mirror but i doubt you own one. it would break juice

  6. Since nobody wants to be serious, I'd like to wish Ms.Wilson good luck in her new position. Hopefully, she will serve with the same passion as Ms. Broscius.

  7. Ot, but did JG lose the house he stole from that deceased woman? Did anybody ever investigate this transaction? Very alarming how somebody could do this and not be investigated by the county. This smells bad

  8. It smelled very bad to me, and I disclosed it to Human Services. What happened from there is unknown to me. I believe his house will be sold in August.

  9. @8:23 the slanderous comment you made has been archived and will be forwarded to Gregory. It is up to him if he wants to pursue a legal remedy I know what course of action I would take.

    Tatum be careful of the company you keep, O'Hare has a reputation for turning on people he pretends to befriend.

  10. An accomplished young lady! Fantastic overview of her distinguished background, Bernie.

  11. That's bc I got it straight from the DA"s office. She is a very accomplished attorney who takes time out of her day to meet with children's groups when they visit the courthouse.

  12. Awesome, got to love it when a new young face appears on the scene..we need the good energy! Congrats to her and kudos for her attention to the kids.

  13. This woman is cute, in addition to being extremely well qualified. Good for her.

  14. I deleted a vulgar comment from a vulgar person.

  15. Hmm... What's this I heard on this morning's WAEB news at the top of the hour that DA Morganelli appeared on with Gunther yesterday? Funny how Mr. O'Hare vilified Attorney Kassis for doing the very same thing! And for the District Attorney to appear on Gunther's show in an election year no less, is totally shocking. Isn't this very hypocritical for Mr. O'Hare not to assail Mr. Morganelli for the same exact action? And of course there was no retort from Mr. O'Hare when Mr. Morganelli was the featured speaker at an LVTP monthly meeting last fall.

  16. I believe any person from this area who appears on his program is exercising poor judgment. It makes no difference to me whether that person is Abe Kassis or John Morganelli. Judge Panella is scheduled to be there today, and I would tell him he is exercising poor judgment. When MM appeared on that crackpot's show, I told him he was exercising poor judgment. I do not quarrel so much with Morganelli as a features speaker at the LVTP. Though DelBacco, Eichfeld and Campione are over the top, the group despite them tries to have educational meetings. I've gone to a few myself over the years. By the way, your comment is OT.

  17. Still waiting on my sexual assault case to be taken seriously ESPECIALLY now with more victims. When is someone going to listen to us.

  18. You have done nothing for my case. Not only was I sexually assaulted but so were other women from the same guy and you just are allowing him to walk FREE. No contact from you since I called NOTHING! And your response from when I told you the hospital didn’t have anyone to do my r@pe kit was “yea unfortunately that’s happened allot” that’s sad! And needs to change! Who’s job is it to protect people from being sexually assaulted because I would love to speak to them. Not you. Do better. And you wonder why people don’t don’t forward when it happens to them, because nothing gets done.


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