Local Government TV

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Fed'l Judge Orders NorCo to Pay Fired Solicitor's $186,000 Legal Fee

In January of this year, former Assistant NorCo Solicitor Jill Mancini was awarded $94,000 for due process violations that occurred when she was fired by incoming Solicitor Vic Scomillio. Civil rights lawyer Pat Reilly had argued that she was a career service employee and was therefore entitled to due process.

Now, in addition to the $94,000 jury verdict, Northampton County is on the hook for Reilly's $186,018.60 attorney fee. District Court Judge Juan R. Sánchez has ordered the County to pay Reilly for his time spent advocating on behalf of Mancini before the Personnel Appeals Board, too.

In this case, Northampton County had argued that Mancini's termination was the result of a reorganization, and thus there was no reason to afford her due process. The jury disagreed. So did Judge Sánchez, in an order denying the County's motion for a new trial.
"Scomillio, then incoming-County Solicitor, made the decision to reorganize the Solicitor’s Office within several weeks of John Brown’s election as County Executive. ... Scomillio made his decision based on “know[ing] who was on the staff there,” even though he was not yet familiar with the scope and extent of work in the Solicitor’s Office. ... [H]e indicated he “had no interest in keeping [Mancini] on the staff[] based upon her reaction to [his] suggestion of reorganization.” ... [D]espite Executiver John Brown’s announced intention to reduce costs across the County after his November 2013 election, he continued to spend money by entering into new contracts with outside vendors. For instance, Brown hired Sahl Communications in July 2014, despite not knowing if anyone at the County was responsible for doing the work for which Sahl was hired. ... He also hired Deana Zosky, a financial consultant, despite campaigning on the strength of his business background. ... Brown further created a new job, 'Deputy Director of Public Works,' for Steve DeSalva. ... DeSalva was previously the Director of Public Works in the prior County administration. Id. And while Brown believed the elimination of the full-time Assistant Solicitor positions saved the County money, he could not specify how much. See id. at 60. Finally, Mancini produced evidence indicating the eliminated positions were substantially recreated as part-time positions with largely similar responsibilities."


  1. The only ones that expected a different outcome were Scomillio and Brown. How much more damage can they do in the time left?

  2. 4:03,

    The guy who has Gracedale operating as its most efficient level in its history can't do nearly as much damage as sleepy Reibmannnnn. We're still paying for his debts and corruption. You'd probably prefer another crook like Fed Ed.

  3. The whole point to beings judge is to provide due process to one and all. Every person has the right to feel he or she was heard, regardless of outcome. According to both a federal judge and jury, Vic Scomillio has already failed a pretty basic test of fairness. thiugh there are those who will vote for him bc of his party affiliation, Sam Murray is a much better choice.

  4. Thanks Scomillio and Brown. Nice job flaming my tax dollars. Incompetent bums.


  5. Isn't Northampton County supposed to be the client? The only benefit in this unwarranted litigation goes to Scomillio, Brown and the defense lawyers.

    Scomillio is about as far from judicial material as you can get. Brown, is as far from leadership as you can get. They are a disgrace. It happens that a human being on the other side suffered not only unjust dismissal, but also the burden of continued litigation. It happens that taxpayers have more of their hard earned money flushed down the toilet.

    Somebody stop this nonsense.

  6. You'd probably prefer another crook like Fed Ed.
    As opposed to the inept leadership of Brown? That is a difficult choice.

  7. anon 4:30, Since Bernie is OK with going there, let us do it. First the last time Gracedale made money was during the Reibman Admisntration since his team was determined to make it work and not dump it. Second the attorney job in question was changed and made more complicated than it should have been because Mr. Stoffa allowed office ie romance to prevail.

    So yes someone can do A lot more damage than Reibman and even stay on the sofaaa

  8. Let us not forget that the very same crony capitalists who support Fed Ed poured tons of money into John Brown's campaign. So the reality is that Fed Ed and Brown are both very much servants of the urban growth regime. Political party is meaningless. It's all about money.

  9. Victor wins in November

  10. Murray is a very poor candidate and would make a lousy judge, regardless of his opponent. Voters have already lost this one.

  11. Whether he wins is irrelevant. The fact remains that a judicial candidate engaged in a blatant violation of due process. That is the most basic role of a judge. The same people supporting Victor and Brown are protecting a business interest. Though the race will be close, my guess is the people will see through the bullshit this time.

  12. I explained why I will not be voting for Victor. You just make an anonymous slur with no facts. Do you honestly believe anyone cares what some anonymous coward thinks?

  13. Victor is the best judge candidate in the field, has Tea party, Repub GOP and Democratic support. He slaughters Murray in November 60-40

    Go Vic!

  14. Due Process? Name one judge on the bench who cares about it? NONE

  15. "Victor is the best judge candidate in the field,"

    There are only two candidates, so that's not saying much. But anyone who thinks a person who blatantly violates the due process rights of another would be a good judge, is obviously a partisan hack.

  16. again, which judge on the bench even thinks about due process?? Give me one...

  17. murray loses badly!

  18. They all do. Northampton County's bench is historically exceptional in that regard. If you despise the judges, that likely has more to do with you than any of them. That's why you won't ID yourself and let the world see your agenda.

  19. ask angle how much due process they care about...I betcha, he says none

  20. Ron and I have discussed this many times. He has a very high opinion of Northampton County's bench, even though they ruled against him. And he speaks for himself. He does not hide behind the curtain like you.

  21. he has trashed them all, relentlessly and constantly, and publically...you hypocrite

  22. Speaking of due process, or lack of it, they will soon be breaking out the checkbook for Lt. Rosati. Brown, Keen, all clueless.

  23. 9:39, I think the case against Lt. Rosati has to be one of the worst and most vindictive matters I've seen. If the County has any sense, it needs to settle that matter now.


  25. Bad lawyering to please mr. Corporate efficiency brown. If scomillio wants to apply his questionable legal skill in the private sector so be it but his Incompetence has already cost county tax payers nearly half a million dollars. Now he wants to be a judge. Egad.

  26. Insurance will have to pay the tab after a deductible. Which means rates will go up. The gift that keeps on giving! Brown's asinine insistence on hiring useless consultants then cutting personnel costs has come back to bite him. Mancini was a waste of space but she ends up sticking her thumb in Brownstain's eye.

  27. thanks for posting Bernie. this is really the best news source in the valley, for the most part very neutral and I appreciate that. I really enjoy the stories about your father, would really like you to write a lengthier post/story/book? about him as he was truly one of a kind.

    Glenn Smith

  28. This isn't over by a long shot. If the Administration appeals Sanchez ruling it could be another 100 grand or more. If Mancini is going to sue....it could be additional hundreds of thousands of dollars. Scomillio and Brown should resolve this matter immediately. Admit they were wrong. Beg forgiveness. Make whole the Mancini debacle and move on.


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