Local Government TV

Monday, June 08, 2015

Stockertown Rod and Gun Club Offers Field Day For 200 Kids

Stockertown Rod and Gun Club was quite busy on Saturday. Over 200 kids were there to shoot rifles, muzzle loaders, pistols, cross bows and bows. As the smell of cordite wafted in the air, accompanied by the pop of gunfire, other kids were canoeing. Still others learned how to cast with a fly fishing rod, something most adults have never mastered. They even learned a bit about trapping.

"You're going the wrong way," shouts one kid to another.

"No, it's the wind," the other answers, as a breeze makes it difficult for this duo to paddle their way to shore.

From time to time, the Pa. Water Rescue Team would give a few helpful hints, and the young men eventually conquered the seas.

Or at least a pond. .

This was Northampton County Youth Field Day, something that the Stockertown Rod and Gun Club hosts every year. Kids who register are taught about conservation of natural resources, safety, sportsmanship and the hours of fun available in the outdoors. Trained volunteers in each sport give the kids and the adults instruction and hands-on experience in fishing, shooting a bow and arrow, boating safety, PA wildlife, and target shooting.

All those willing to try are given a chance to shoot BB guns, 22 cal. rifles, shotguns, and black powder rifles with over 75 experienced sportsmen volunteers watching over their safety.

The money for this comes from numerous sources. The biggest of these is the Whitetail Deer Classic Banquet, held every February since 1992. It's Jerry Seyfried's idea. All kinds of guns, bows and dishing equipment are raffled off as politicians walk up and down the aisles, introducing themselves, and acting like they're one of the guys, even if that guy is Lisa Boscola. Charlie Dent is a frequent guest. So is Ron Angle, who drives everyone nuts because he always wins at least one of the prizes. I've gone twice myself. It's where I met Birdman Paul, who happens to know the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow. People have a blast. But Jerry Seyfried came up with this annual shindig for more than the camaraderie. He and several other sportsmen have used the money raised - over $1 million - to help fund Northampton County Youth Field Day.

Officer Fred Lahovski gives firearms safety tips. 
The fellows teaching firearms safety are police officers. Nazareth and Stockertown police officers. So the first thing I did on Saturday morning was check my own name to see if there were any outstanding warrants.I was clear. I have two outstanding parking tickets that were strangely penned by Chief Trachta, but no citation has been issued.

So I put on my "Shackled for Stickers" T-Shirt, and went to the Rod and Gin Club. I taunted Officers Steve Schleig, Freddy Lahovski and Eric Schwab that there wasn't a damn thing they could do to me because they had no warrants. I was having a good laugh until, behind me, another voice cried out.

"I can change that." ..

It was Judge Zito! I genuflected, but it was too late. He issued a warrant. So I am writing this story from a padded cell.

From L to R: Nazareth Officers Stephen Schleig, Fred Lahovski, Judge Leonard Zito,
Nazareth and Stockertown Officer Eric Schwab, Sockertown Officer Alex Soloe and
Officer Phil Cohen from Tatamy .  
Judge Zito brought his grandson, who is already an avid outdoorsman and was even wearing a camouflaged baseball cap, to the Field Day.

A lot of these kids are more familiar with the outdoors than I. At the trapping station, they were able to name every fur shown to them. I only recognized the skunk, an animal that some say I resemble.

There was also a weasel fur. You need about a million of them for a tissue.


  1. One of the primary sponsors in getting the Youth Field Day Program Started was Rudy's Car Washes whose owner Rudy Marmelo gave a donation of $1,000.00 and Northampton County who gave a grant of $1,000.00. Thanks to all those early sponsors (including the Charles Chrin Companies)for their support which provided the opportunity for more than four thousand kids from all walks of life to attend this annual event. Three people joined together to start the Youth Field Day Program. They were Clay Ott (a deputy game warden), Marty Bortz (President of the Stockertown Rod and Gun Club, and Jerry Seyfried. However, Thanks must go to the present chairman Richard Tobias and his countless volunteers for their service of more than twenty years. Without them, this event would have collapsed years ago. So Thanks Rudy, Thanks Clay, Thanks Jerry, Thank you Marty (now deceased) Thanks Rich and all your countless volunteers for making this event the finest of its kind in the state of Pennsylvania, and thank you Bernie for recognizing the efforts of all these dedicated people.

  2. The Cheesey Cheeto looks great!@

  3. Mezzacappa, You are digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself. if your buddy ther Blog mentor is helping you by injecting these comments, he's helping send you to jail.

  4. That Tatamy Officer is Sergeant Phil Cohen.

  5. Thanks. I will add his name. Sorry, Officer Cohen.


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