Local Government TV

Monday, May 11, 2015

Zawarski Raises $4,400 in Comm'r Quest

Marty Zawarski, president of Bethlehem Township's Board of Commissioners, has raised $4,400 to keep his job. That's according to papers on file in the election office. He has put in $1,000 of his own money. His son, Attorney Zachary Zawarski, has kicked in $500, too. He also accepted $500 contributions from developers Lewis Ronca, Dino Montes and Karen Wagner as well as $1,000 from colorful entrepreneur Abe Atiyeh.

Most of this money has gone to signs and three mailers sent by political consultants Cheryl Corsa and Kathy Roberts


  1. As objective as a stump.

  2. The old saying about "strange bedfellows" is obviously true.

  3. Remember Fellow Tax Paying Residents - this is the same guy who wants to spend $350K on bathrooms, has cut non union staff employees at the knees, then turned around and used our tax money to give all the UNION employees signing BONUSES!

  4. Remember Fellow Tax Paying Residents- this is the same guy who voted not to give the developers of Madison Farms a BIG Tax break by reducing their recreation fees of almost a $1,000,000. But Paul Weiss voted for this tax break.

    Oh! And not let us forget that Paul Weiss was president when a check for $832,000 was spent for lights we never got. Do you really want 4 more years of Paul Weiss wasting your tax dollars big time.

  5. @11:26,
    1. The tax break was a realistic answer to the calculation of the public usage vs the private usage of the recreational areas.
    2. Paul Weiss was not the only, nor deciding vote, when the street light fiasco occurred. Mr. Murphy, who is a primary candidate also voted for this, and Mr. Hudak abstained (vote was 3-0-1, with Mr. Nolan absent).

  6. 1:27. Really - a realistic answer! Geeze, let's give the developer $1,000,000 free pass just because he is doing something to make HIS community a little bit better. I don't see how this benefits Bethlehem Township. Except line his pockets. Shame on you for such a lame reply.

  7. Bernie, you spelled "as" incorrectly. After you just roasted Birk for his misspelling of commissioner. Seriously? The old adage holds true, "people in glass houses..."

  8. Reference to 8:43; "Dino Monts and Karen Wagner ans well as $1,000 from colorful entrepreneur Abe Atiyeh."

  9. Thank you. I have corrected my typos, and am not running for comissioner. If I had signs printed out that repeat my typos, I'd rip them out myself.

  10. You are a professional who conveys his thoughts and earns benefits by using the English language. Have more pride in your work and you will not need to make excuses for misspellings and grammar errors.

  11. It's election time, so prepare for more typos.

  12. You would never make it in the real world with that attitude. Mistakes, especially those backed by excuses, are never acceptable. Don't get me wrong humans will always err, however we should never lay the ground for missteps.


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