Local Government TV

Monday, May 18, 2015

Express Times Publishes One NorCo Election Story

There are several wide-open races in Northampton County. On the county level alone, there are two council districts up for grabs. There is also a judgeship very much in dispute. Yet The Express Times has written nothing about these races, leaving readers to run to The Morning Call or elsewhere for information.

But on election eve, it has published a story about the Controller's race, even though no Republican is on the ballot. The article notes Ron Angle's write-in bid, but fails to mention another Republican write-in hopeful.

Ron won't be the Republican's candidate unless 250 of them write in his name. If he really wanted this, he would have circulated. What his candidacy does do is make it more difficult for Barron to wage his own write-in race. Yet The Express Times has placed him on equal footing with another candidate who actually is on the ballot, incumbent Steve Barron.

I have no problem with informing people about this race. but why nothing about other races where the candidate names actually appear on the ballot?


  1. Angle is playing the coy bride./ her will help the Democrats in the
    Fall by being on the ballot. he is an anchor on Republicans in the county. His self-promoting, insane clown show is no longer desired.

  2. Reminds me of when the Globe Times was on the ropes and Al Recker carried the paper on his back with 6 or 7 articles per day. When they lost Shortell they lost their Al Recker. Maybe Sara Cassie should go back.

  3. Bernie
    Keep up this good work.

  4. Express getting canceled today!

  5. Ron is among my best friends, but the ET insults its readers. It tells them nothing about the judge race, nothing about two disputed County Council seats, has provided no Bethlehem election coverage and then publishes a story about a race in which only one person is on the ballot.

    I support Ron 1000% but am not going to attack Barron for the job he has done over the past two years.

  6. of course you support Ron 1000%...the Bangor School Board member who threatened to break open the personnel files with a power drill, if he wasn't given access.

    This is exactly what you want, so a few more ass drippings can roll from the county each week, and into this disgusting blog. Thats all

    next please

  7. Barron should hope Ron gets the 250. The Dem nominee for county judge will be cheering as well. Angle on the ballot motivates Democrats to turnout in places like Bethlehem and Easton where there were no competitive races and assures wins for the Democrats running in November. Ron lost the most Republican Council seat in the county and now thinks he can win a county wide race? The Northampton County Republican party must be stupid.

  8. With so few people left at the E-T, everyone really should be cranking out multiple stories per day. There are several people you see next-to-nothing stories from.

    Others you see mainly police report rewrites that are a week old and some folks write nothing but vapid stories on the weather.

    It is sad to watch a once really good outfit crumble.

  9. How do we write Ron in? Ronald Angle, Ron Angle? Bull Dog?

    If you are off by one letter, it doesn't count.

  10. @9:03 You'll know all about ass dripping after the courts get done with it.

  11. 11:28, typically, the candidate will advise the elections office, in writing, of name variations. I don't think they'd recognize Bulldog.

  12. Thanks Bernie. I just confirmed with a past write-in candidate that they advise the office of alternate spellings. Even though Ron didn't file a petition, he's smart enough to do that. Angle, Angel also. They may only allow four, and they need to be similar, so Bull Dog may not count.

  13. How about Ron Mamon or Beezlebub or Avarice or Fraud or minion of Satan. Voter registration may aleady have those variations.

  14. Beez-le-bub? Come on, you can do better than that. Bee-elz-eh-bub is phonetic. The l can't come after the z. Details are important in life - and in court filings (-:

  15. Hey guys, I think when Bernie did his Write in for Dem Committee person, he used either Beelzebub or Satan's little helper as alternates. If Mezzacappa did a write in, I think she has "The Ditz", "Mrs Bin Laden", and "Sleeps with Pig" as her alternate names. But I wouldn't know for sure, you would have to check with Voter reg!

  16. "Mrs. Bin Laden" - perfect!

  17. "The Northampton County Republican party must be stupid"

    NMot stupid but terrified. Since Angle and his loyal sidekick/mouthpiece Snover took control many Republicans are lost. As wild as the tea party can be at least it is not the egomaniac Angle wing of the Party.

    After such a great win we are now divided because of Ron Angle . He only brings disaster but his ego won't let him juts go away.

  18. Please write in Jim Gregory for Controller. Allowable variations are, "manslab","Mediterranean manslab","Power top", "Long Dong Gregory".

    Since he is a Lehigh Valley legend, more variations may be allowed.


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