Local Government TV

Friday, May 08, 2015

Elections Office Could use Some TLC

There are many advantages to being at the courthouse nearly every day, especially for a blogger. It's the best way to find out what's happening. But sometimes a fresh set of eyes will see something that's been going on.That's what happened today, when i received a call from someone who had just left the Elections Office. She was appalled at its miserable state of disrepair. Though I am over there frequently, I never noticed until it was brought specifically to my attention.

This is a heavily used office. Not only is it where elections activities are conducted, but it's probably visited by about 4,000 people every year who need a voter registration card for their gun permit. The office itself is well maintained, but the outside is pretty much a mess. The shrubbery surrounding the building likes like a wasteland. Masonry in the parking lot is broken into pieces.

Although this is hardly an emergency, maintenance definitely needs to be scheduled or there will soon be a need for major capital repairs.


  1. still better than the lehigh County Elections Office, basement of the government building on 7th street in Allentown, catty corner from the PPL Center... no parking, and when you get inside you get frisked and scanned by the sheriff deputy, head to the elevators and go to the basement, no windows (of course) they do have a nice bench to sit on waiting for informantion and a US Flag that flew over the capital thanks to charlie dent...

  2. Typical government inefficiency. Spend millions to build something. Let it deteriorate. Call it a crisis and demand more money to fix the problem of its own creation. The circle jerk never stops. But hey, it's only money.

  3. The best solution to these various problems would be to have a freshly paroled JG tackle them one by one.

    His glistening visage would draw onlookers and papparazzi from all over to observe his poetry in motion. He has long been a humble servant of NorCo and despite the putrid treatment lavished upon him his commitment towards a better government has never waivered.

    Bernie I hope you get front row seats for his debut at courtesy of the floor, it will be a packed house.

  4. I do not want to hear republicans say this is about cutting spending. No this is a mess. I say that county council should have a work party over there and clean it up. They use that office. This could be cleaned up in about 10 days. That building used to be beautiful when privately owned. Lets take some pride in the county and get that looking good again.

  5. Great job for work release prisoners from west Easton.

  6. Surprized? Not at all. Hope no one falls over those pavers returning ballot results in another week. Now that you pointed that out, Brown will get his staff on that right away because Scomillio his Mentor is running for Judge!

  7. Austerity in action. The whole country is starting to look like this. No one wants to pay taxes, the Republicans don't want to raise taxes. The country decays.

  8. typical union cry baby work

  9. The person who complained to me is a die-hard Republican, not a unin member or even an employee.

  10. That building looked fine and was well kept before Brownstain took office. A gaggle of maintenance workers retired, and Brownie began reorganizing staff supposedly to improve efficiencies. He hired a shitload of useless staff for DCED while letting parks & maintenance vacancies languish. So nothing is getting done, and a formally decent looking building like Milides is beginning to resemble a cafe in Beirut. But Dee Rumsey shouldn't care. It was her brainstorm that resulted in parks workers being used to deliver voting machines instead of keeping up with property maintenance.

  11. This is typical Norco thinking. Instead of one building holding all non-court related business we have many buildings scattered allover the place.

    That is really dumb. Of course executives love their personal monuments to themselves. Only a smart county council can stop such nonsense. So we are doomed to more of the same.

  12. DHS building does too. All it has is clover patches, crab grass, and dirt around building. Also has a line of weeds that seperate the property line to the south. Sad looking as this shows how the county feels about its workers and consumers.

  13. Not to mention the sunken and cracked concrete paths that handicap people cannot navigate through.

  14. What makes this not only sad and neglectful is that if a homeowner tried this the "authorities" would be at their door!

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    still better than the lehigh County Elections Office, basement of the government building on 7th street in Allentown, catty corner from the PPL Center... no parking, and when you get inside you get frisked and scanned by the sheriff deputy, head to the elevators and go to the basement, no windows (of course) they do have a nice bench to sit on waiting for informantion and a US Flag that flew over the capital thanks to charlie dent...

    2:22 AM

    this is so true. no where at all to park. why can't voter registration and absentee ballots be done online! Very difficult process and time consuming to even get a ballot.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. As often as you post your OT crap, it will be deleted. Start your own blog for your lies.

  18. Is the walkway crumbling? That is the question.

  19. Elections are supposed be the lifeblood of our democracy, but who knows in this county? Northampton's Sequoia Advantage voting machines are totally outdated, no longer being manufactured, and pretty much at the end of their useful lives. Is anyone paying attention?? In 2006 Northampton wasted its federal Help America Vote Act grant money on the horribly poor choice of the WINvote touchscreens. When WINvote finally got decertified by the state in 2008, the county could have gotten a state-of-the-art paper ballot and scanner system (like 75% of the rest of the USA) and might have been good to go for another 15-20 years, but noooo... again Northampton officials made the horribly poor choice to spend taxpayer dollars for a pushbutton Sequoia machine that was designed in the 1980s. Now Montgomery County, the only other county in Pennsylvania that uses these old junkers, is making plans and budgeting to get rid of them. Northampton should be doing this too, and soon... AND fix up the elections office.

  20. The concrete pathway is NOT cracked or sunken as alleged by the DHS building hater. However, the ground cover around the building is pretty much weeds and clover. Not sure what can b done about that.


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