Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Kassis Candidacy Fails (Updated)

Judicial candidate Abe Kassis finished second (7,382 votes) in Tuesday's primary. He finished second among both Democrats and Republicans, but needed to finish first. Republicans, who are very loyal, stayed with Vic Scomilio (4,720 votes), who received his party's endorsement. Democrats went with Sam Murray (5,079 votes).

In his first bid for judge, Abe waited too long to enter the race and fell short. He did not try hard enough. This time, he tried too hard. He outspent everyone 2 to 1, and tried to appear to be all things to all people. He is a man of great personal integrity and charm, and I hope he brushes this off and tries again.

(Blogger's Note: An earlier version of this story incorrectly reported that Kassis was top vote-getter. That error has been corrected.)


  1. Scomilio 7387
    Kassis 7382
    Murray 7375
    Please correct your story as per county records

  2. I just did the math, and it appear Scomillio had 9,799 votes. I am correcting.

  3. Many Rs had no idea whom the registered R or Rs might have been in this race. The same for Ds. I think judicial candidates' party affiliations should be clearly listed at polling places. This bullshit about judges being non-political is ridiculous. As long as there's an election, they are political. As primary election coverage is non-existent, there should be a requirement to show "Victor Scomilio - Republican" on Democrat ballots. Same for Democrats attempting the Republican nomination. There's a sneaky lack of transparency that should be addressed. Why hide anything?

  4. Murray's poor showing by Republicans and Republican loyalty will ensure a
    Scomilio victory in the
    Fall. O'Hare's hate filled rants against Mr. Kassis will result in a Republican sweep in November.

  5. You anonymously stated several times that mny observations about the Kassis campaign meant Sam would lose. You were fuiull of shit then and have been proven to be full of shit, which is why you remain an anoinymous coward. Unless you have a point to make, I am deleting thje hate comments from this point.

  6. Democrats for Scomilio is already formed! No way for Mr Murray with his behavior and his wife DID scream and rant at a woman, totally unnecessary!? Many witnesses, waiting for the video to post! Not Good!

  7. Do people have to really go cut throat. Anybody who runs for this courthouse is going to run to get out. They have absolutely have no idea.

  8. Vote the most qualified in November - SAM MURRAY.

  9. Kassis already has supporters that are poor loosers. Dems for Scomillio will only hurt Kassis if he runs again! Voters remember.

  10. If you like the job John Brown is doing, you will just love the quality of justice scomillio will bring to the bench - ignorance of the law and a napoleonic complex

  11. Karl just can't help himself.

  12. Yes..the Kassis loss has caused a rift in the Dem. party. Time heals all wounds and I see Murray getting nearly total support from those who backed Abe. It will take a while and hopefully he reaches out to the entire party between now and November.

  13. Did you get bullied in high school by Abe? I can't understand why you write such hate towards a great guy. Not just one, but it seems like every other post is about Abe. You claim to be man about facts but not once have you spoken about the other side of the story.

    Why is trying to appeal to everyone a bad thing with you? I think the problem with most politicians is instead of reaching out to please and work with everyone together, they seem they'd rather endorse hateful posts like yours on their facebook pages, twitter, etc.

    Where I come from Bernie, a leader who EVERYONE can work with/accept, gets killed. That's not the case with Northampton County Judge. If you knew Abe personally (that's Mr. Kassis to you), you'd hold back your tongue and see the bigger picture of what a leader really is.

    Keep posting your hate, but what goes around comes around. Trust me

  14. You're not really helping your cause, if you have one, when you liken Abe to a high school bully. He is nothing like that. If he had it to do all over, I doubt he'd be reaching out to Ronnie DelBacco and his crew of nutz, or appear on wing nut radio. That was a mistake borne from wanting it too much, which is understandable. He is a man of great personal integrity, and i will support him if he decides to run again.

  15. Unless someone I like more decides to run.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.