Local Government TV

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Bradley Demonstrates Transparency With Detailed Pre-Primary Report

Matt Dietz and Lorin Bradley are the two candidates seeking the Republican nomination to the slate belt and northern tier seat currently occupied by Scott Parsons. I told you about Dietz' report yesterday.

Bradley's report may have been one day late, but is perhaps the most detailed campaign expense report I've ever seen filed.

He reports $3,711 in contributions. This includes $1,000 from his friend Glenn Geissinger, with the rest of the money coming from his wife. What impresses me is his detailed explanation of expenditures, something I have never seen.
  • $373.12 for 1500 palm cards.
  • $1,597.64 for 500 yard signs.
  • $1,586.00 to political consultant Cheryl Corsa, for the first of what his report claims will be two mailers.
This is transparency.


  1. He's extraordinarily efficient - at raising Nazareth taxes.

  2. It's a point you've made several times.

  3. It's a point worth repeating and I appreciate your forum and forbearance, very much. Thank you.

  4. If you want transparency, look no further than John Brown. If it smells like an AH, looks like an AH, acts like an AH - it's an AH.

  5. Take the last comment and substitute "Stoffa" for "Brown." That's what county employees thought of the last executive, too. They're miserable and will never change until another Riebmann comes along to give away the store to unions. Same shit, different flies.

  6. If Stoffa was regarded as an AH by county employees, then Brownstain is considered to be an elephant's AH and then some.

  7. Corsa + Angle. Now you get Bernie's love of Bradley.


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