Local Government TV

Monday, April 13, 2015

Will Kane Ruin Hillary's Prospects in Pa?

The wait is over. Hillary Clinton has finally said Yes. She announced her Presidential bid yesterday. "The deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top," she declared, in an obvious populist appeal. According to one pundit, she's the presumptive favorite. And he has all kinds of pretty graphs to prove his point. I have no graphs, but know that Hillary was the presumptive favorite in 2008, too. She won in Pennsylvania, and I voted for her. But can she win again? Or will her ties to Kathleen Kane doom her bid in the Keystone State.

It's pretty clear that Kane is a disaster. In addition to the Friday afternoon search warrants served on her office, a Montgomery County judge is convening a three-judge panel to determine whether her firing of a top prosecutor last week was in contempt of a court order. It's increasingly likely that she is going to face criminal prosecution. Public confidence in her office is already in shambles. She's been in denial and is being enabled by top Democrats like Governor Tom Wolf and Ed Rendell.

Charges, if filed, will no doubt drag out until some time next year, and during that time, it's anybody's guess how many more shoes will drop.

In the meantime, she just happens to be using Lanny Davis as her spin meister, which is exactly the role he once performed for the Clintons.

If the Clintons have proved anything during their decades in the public eye, it's that they are perfectly capable of creating scandals on their own. They need no help from Kane.

At the current pace, Kane has all but assured that the next Attorney General will be a Republican. She can't win, and unless she resigns and lets someone like John Morganelli take control, a Republican will be elected.

Even worse, Kane's scandal is going to send shockwaves, not ripples, into Hillary's Presidential bid. On the comment boards, I have already seen numerous Hillary-Kane comparisons. Though they have little in common other than the fact that both are women, that will be enough for many in a state that is still incredibly sexist.

Kane needs to resign now.


  1. Does your hatred of young women have no bounds???

    I'm just screwing around, Bernie. Thought I would beat your troll to the punch with an inane statement, and top it off with extraneous punctuation marks. Kane should step down immediately, and let someone be it female or male take her place.

  2. You are really reaching to attack Hillary. What is your problem with strong women. I guess you are just pandering to your right-wing audience.

  3. Did you even read what I wrote? I voted for Hillary before and will likely do so again. That is not the point. The point is that Kane is going to poison her.

  4. I hope people don't vote for her simply because she's a woman. One president named Clinton is good enough.

  5. Hillary has a ton of nerve to even run for president. She should be embarrassed of her record and her "accomplishments". There will be plenty of loons lining up to vote for this failed former lawyer and SOS.

  6. Answer: No. Pennsylvania now votes reliably Democrat in presidential elections and Kane will not be on the ballot.

  7. Lanny Davis is still the Clinton's spin meister. The nightmare continues.

  8. Hillary Tweeted her announcement. Then, out of habit, she immediately deleted the Tweet.

  9. With Hillary announcing her next presidential run, I am sitting here trying to remember how much money her last campaign stole from local business and local government. I remember she left behind A LOT of UNPAID Bills.

    Just a question.....and a thought.

  10. The big bill was to BASD, which took her two years to pay. But she did pay it.

  11. Likely to vote for Hillary again.

    Ha ha.

    Monica Lewinsky should be pleased to get her old job back!

  12. When Clinton was President, everybody was making money. As far as I'm concerned, we could have ten Monica Lewisnkys. That changed with Bush and got even worse with Obama.

  13. I think Clinton has bigger problems than Kane, and they go nationwide.

    A campaign van named Scooby-Doo?


  14. I can't wait to vote for Hillary. I want to be part of history and be able to say I cast a vote for the first woman president.
    It doen't matter to me that no one can name a single accomplishment that she has achieved.
    Just like my historic vote for Obama as the first balck president, I intend to vote for Hillary just bacuse of her gender.

  15. Bill Clinton is what the country needs, a moderate/conservative democrat, not an ideologue from the left or the right.

    Unfortunately, that is what we will get in the next election

  16. According to the book'H.R.C.' by Jonathan Allen Bill Clinton made robo-calls for Ms. Kane.What troubles Me is the damage Kane is doing to sink The Admirals campaign. Thought it was extremely reckless for Mr. Wolf to offer total support for Kane during Her apparent meltdown. Probably time for a 'Kane Mutiny' among loyal democrats

  17. Bill Clinton via Deputy AG Jamie Garelick, created the wall of separation that prevented the CIA from talking to the FBI about Islamic terrorists. The result was 9/11. Read the 9/11 report. You brag that everyone was making money (in the dot com bubble, perhaps?). My niece was making money on the 88th floor of the WTC until 9/11. Her remains were never recovered. Bill Clinton ignored the warnings of the first WTC attack and it resulted in 3,000 preventable deaths. It's incredible that his molesting the help is his legacy. I guess it's better than 3,000 deaths.

    No more Clintons. No more Bushes. They've done enough damage.

  18. I am sorry for your loss, but it is more than a stretcvh to blame that on Clinton or Bush. It should be blamed on the monsters who did it.

  19. I won't vote for either and I vote demo all the time.
    They scare me.

  20. Bernie,
    How about a shoutout for our local high school wrestlers. If it can be pasted on the TowneHouse, it should have some recognition here.

  21. This is all a vast O'Hare conspiracy.

    Does anybody know if JB Reilly is single?

  22. Bernie, you want her to resign for political expediency. Shouldn't she resign because her behavior is disgraceful and the management or her office even worse?

  23. "I am sorry for your loss, but it is more than a stretcvh to blame that on Clinton or Bush. It should be blamed on the monsters who did it."

    Bush was in office for seven and a half months. Clinton had been president for eight years. Jamie Garelick was a Hillary protege'. Clinton's administration took great strides to separate global intelligence and domestic law enforcement. That 60s paranoia ran very deep and was manifest as soon as Bill and Hillary could start constructing walls. The 9/11 Report addresses this in its conclusions. Bill Clinton ignored the lessons of 1993 and brought us 9/11, while telling us he brought all the bad guys to justice. He ignored al Qaeda and their well-documented obsession with taking down a building in NYC. ABC's 20/20 news magazine did an entire story on this in '95, complete with a simulation of a commandeered (by auto-pilot) jet flying up Fifth Avenue into the Empire State building. They didn't just pop up seven months before 9/11.

  24. 9:22,

    Obviously a union puke and fool

  25. "Bernie, you want her to resign for political expediency. Shouldn't she resign because her behavior is disgraceful and the management or her office even worse? "

    All of the above. It just makes no sense for her to remain in office. Every day she stays compromises its integrity.

  26. 1:56, Like I said, it is idiotic to blame this on anyone but the monsters who did it. When you attempt to blame Clinton or Bush, and you originally blamed both, you just look ridiculous.

  27. "A campaign van named Scooby-Doo?"

    Don't you feel just a tad petty when you bring up something like this as a legitimate point of criticism? At some point, the eyes begin to glaze over.

  28. "How about a shoutout for our local high school wrestlers. If it can be pasted on the TowneHouse, it should have some recognition here."

    It should, but I am not much of a wrestling fan. I'd need someone to write it up. Wanna' volunteer?

  29. anon 12:02 and Ted Cruz makes you feel safe?

  30. Both of these politician/candidates are heaped in sleaze and self-made controversy. Where's Martin O'Malley or Jim Webb? Where are the honorable candidates?

  31. anon 1:56 is your typical right-wing Clinton hater. They are still amongst us. I doubt he had any relative in the tower. If you listen to some of these people they use that as some "free pass' to tear into Clinton, Obama or any Democrat.

    These folks are just flat out kooks. This blog entry just encourages their paranoia and hate.

  32. "At some point, the eyes begin to glaze over"

    That's why such an easy target for derision can be so powerful.

    Benghazi? Boh-oh-oh-ring
    Deleted emails? Boh-oh-oh-ring

    A van called Scooby-Doo? That's SNL gold!

  33. "Here's the smell of the blood still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand". - Lady MacBeth

    "What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account?" - Lady MacBeth

    "What's done cannot be undone. To bed, to bed, to bed!" - Lady MacBeth

    "What difference at this point does it make?" - Lady MacClinton

  34. I certainly hope Kane has poisoned Hillary in Pennsylvania. The last thing needed is for Hillary to become the spokesman for the elite.

  35. Look at all the unabashed hatred for women here at this blog.


    Monica Lewinsky will straighten things out quick!

  36. I'm voting for the Horny Hick's wife. They'll both fight for women. They'll just do it differently.

  37. Vote Hillary - America's Ex-Wife.

  38. The comments on this blog make Jim Gregory look like a champion of woman's rights. What a bunch of woman haters.

  39. Stop it with the phony protestations about women hating. I love Bill Clinton and Bill Clinton LOVES the ladies. No president since JFK has loved women more, or loved more women. His foundation has taken tons of cash from Saudis who also LOVE women and marry lots of them. The whole Saudi thing about stoning women for dressing provocatively or trying crazy things like driving cars is a bit overblown. Clitoradectomies are a local custom and the Clinton Foundation is respectful of Saudi parental and marital privacy. Bill is going on tour. Don't stop dreaming about tomorrow! Round up the girls and let's get on the campaign trail!

  40. All this bashing of women is so unbecoming.

    I'm voting for Hillary as many times as it takes.

    Yes I Can!

  41. The Central ScrutinizerApril 15, 2015 at 9:05 AM

    You put too much faith in PA voters being politically aware enough to 1) know who K. Kane is in the first place and 2) to tie her with Hillary Clinton.

  42. The Central ScrutinizerApril 15, 2015 at 9:09 AM

    That changed with Bush and got even worse with Obama.

    Got even WORSE with Obama? Is that just a poisoned perception because you dislike the man? Here are some facts about how it got worse:

    Unemployment down from 10 to 5.5%
    Dow Industrial Average up from 1000 to 18,000
    GDP up from -5.4 to 2.8%
    Deficit down from 9.8% of GDP to 2.2% of GDP.

    The Obama Presidency ushered a pretty stunning recovery from the Great Bush Recession.

  43. Central, I consider Obama the worst president we have had since Carter. He has weakened this nation terribly. Also, if you think the economy is better now, you are smoking funny stuff. Talk to people who actually work instead of the Jon Geetings of this world.

  44. "You put too much faith in PA voters being politically aware enough to 1) know who K. Kane is in the first place and 2) to tie her with Hillary Clinton."

    Oh I'm pretty sure most know who she is by this point, and Rs will do all the connecting. Kane needs to go now. If she is still around next year, Hillary is toast here and Dems lose ground. They lose the AG seat, lose against Toomey and probably lose the Presidential.

  45. "Unemployment down from 10 to 5.5%"

    Yes. That's what happens when people give up and fall off the charts. The numbers didn't improve until benefits ran out and they stopped counting millions of unemployed. Labor participation is its worst in American history.

    "Dow Industrial Average up from 1000 to 18,000"

    Yes. Presidents have little influence on stock prices. But the Fed spent most of the first six Obama years buying t-bills to prop up the stock market. Most expect a reckoning - as always happens.

    "GDP up from -5.4 to 2.8%"

    We emerged from a recession and you're bragging about an anemic 2.8%? The worst peacetime recovery since WWI? You must be kidding. Stockholm Syndrome is real.

    "Deficit down from 9.8% of GDP to 2.2% of GDP"

    This is the best bullshit line of all. Our national debt has exploded to $18 trillion. Obama piled more debt on the country in six years than the last 30 presidents COMBINED. If his fiscal abuse of our future generations was sexual, Obama would be jailed and released with a provision to register with local authorities everywhere he goes.

    You silly little Gruber. Obama took a bad economy and turned it into a dumpster fire.

  46. "Obama took a bad economy and turned it into a dumpster fire."

    Love to get the "facts" from a fanatic. Don't forget the book burning and white hood party this Friday.

  47. The Central ScrutinizerApril 16, 2015 at 11:03 AM

    Central, I consider Obama the worst president we have had since Carter. He has weakened this nation terribly. Also, if you think the economy is better now, you are smoking funny stuff. Talk to people who actually work instead of the Jon Geetings of this world.

    Oh, I know you do. But, with all due respect, that's your perception. I actually DO work and actually DO know working people. I also know business owners and business is good.

    What you are expressing most likely is stagnant and depressed wages which is the fault of greed not federal economic policy. The numbers do not lie.

  48. The Central ScrutinizerApril 16, 2015 at 11:06 AM

    12:18 - Learn the difference between the deficit and debt and then try and rework your entire response. It sounds eerily close to everything on Fox News and Breitbart. The economic success of Obama is undeniable and is best left aside if you want to attack the President. Stay with foreign policy.

  49. "Learn the difference between the deficit and debt..."

    No dude, you learn. Bragging about one year's deficit ratio reduction is a diversion from the national debt discussion. That's an inconvenient truth for Obamazombies. 11 to 18 trillion is what Obama has saddled us with in just six years. He is a disaster and you are prove Gruber right with each idiotic post.


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