Local Government TV

Monday, April 20, 2015

Ron Angle - The Reluctant Controller Candidate?

Like four Bethlehem Township Commissioner candidates, Controller write-in candidate Anthony Catino was MIA from the candidates' night hosted by Republicans on Thursday. Maybe his driving license is still under suspension. But write-in candidate Ron Angle was there. He decided against mounting a primary campaign because Pam Colton was interested. But she got cold feet and circulated no petitions. The end result is that the Republicans have no candidate, and the party has reached out to Angle.  He was asked to say a few words.

"We have no candidate for controller in Northampton County. No one came forward to put their name in, ... So the party has decided I'm their candidate. They've endorsed me. They want me to run. But the decision will have to be made by at least 250 people.That's what's required to get on the ballot.

"Here's what I will say about that. ... A couple of years ago, I told the people the truth in this County about Gracedale. I took an unpopular stand and told you the truth. I didn't tell you what you wanted to hear because it's not my style to tell you what you want to hear. I believe in telling you the truth.

"The last projection is that [Gracedale] will cost you $12 million in a couple of years instead of $5 million.

"I told you the truth, and people throwed me out of office. What a wonderful way for me to go because i wouldn't want to go any other way....

"Somebody needs to be the financial fiscal watchdog of the county. That;s what that office of Controller needs to be. Not somebody who goes down to the union hall every afternoon. ... I can give you a whole list of things that Steve Barron does. But one thing he does not do - he's not the financial fiscal watchdog of the county. I know Northampton County inside and out, and I can tell you what's right and I can tell you what's wrong. As controller, I can't make anything happen. I can merely point out to the Council, the Executive and the taxpayers what is wrong. And there's things that could be corrected. .

"The party seems to want me to be their candidate. They've endorsed me - I didn't request it by the way. I don't know if I've ever been endorsed. I've been thrown out of a lot of places, but never endorsed. If 250 people are bold enough to write my name in, I can assure you I will run one helluva' campaign in the fall against Steve Barron.


  1. His "truth" varied from argument to argument and even today his "truth" is his opinion. Ron Angle could be a fine fiscal watchdog but his biggest problem is his Napoleon complex, He wants to be King, Emperor and God. Like Napoleon he would take the crown from the Pope and put it on his own head. You may love the guy Bernie but his history is long and very well known in objective circles. He has never shied away from telling people how right he always is and how wrong people are who disagree with him. Even with all of that some would still take him seriously, however, his mean and vindictive way of treating people (basically all who disagree with him) make him less than a public servant and not worthy of holding elective office. Knowledge, temperament and self-analysis are critical leadership skills and Mr. Angle lacks two of those skills.

    Barney the elder

  2. Ron is knowledgable and his self-analysis skills are much better than most pols I know. He is capable of laughing at himself, unlike most of the blowhards. He is not running unless 250 people say he should run. He has never shied away from telling people how right he is bc most of those in power are too unwilling to admit how wrong they are. I happen to know him as a friend. I can't think of a better person to have as a friend and consider that an honor. He is a good husband and a good father, one of the best people I know. He also knows he is unpopular and doesn't really give a shit. So am I, as are most people willing to expose our goofy government. If you think I am swayed by your anonymous condemnation, think again.

  3. Of course you are not swayed, you are two peas in a pod. Critical self-analyses is not a strong suit of yours or his. Laughing at yourself is fine but is far from critical self-evaluation of yourself. Also no one is questioning his husbandry or fatherhood, they are irrelevant to his ability to govern

    By the way, Ron Angle is a veteran politician like all the others and as such has been as much a part of the "goofy government" he attacks, as any other politician.

    If you are already reflecting his extremely thin skinned reaction to very mild criticism, he doesn't stand a chance in the Fall.

    By the way my name is Barney but given the way you and Mr. Angle go after civilians that is all I will give you at this point. You see I don't give a shit what you think either.

  4. Got to wonder if all his personal drama will impact his race in the Fall. In his last race many everyday Republicans didn't vote for him because of his soap opera filled life.

  5. Steve Barron will get his comeupence in the fall. Barron like Angle are not qualified to be the County Controller. Neither should be on the ballot. Barron wants to be County Executive and Angle wants to be the boss so bad he'll do anything to be Executive. Barron shouldn't be in government. Angle would make a good warden at the prison.

  6. Ron Angle will never get the write ins he needs. He has exposed himself for what he is....a tyrant with multitudes of mental health issues. He idea of leadership is to scream, curse and berrate anyone and everyone.

    He has has been a costly drain on every taxpayer in the county, and we dont want or need Ron

    BTW...when was the last time Ron actually held a job...like one that generates a W-2?

  7. Barron is a buffoon, but Angle will lose to him in a county wide general election. His negatives are way too high. Catino, an unknown, actually has a better shot.

  8. Correct me if Im wrong but:
    At least 10 write-in votes can get someone on the fall ballot.
    Not 250

  9. A Barron-Angle matchup in the general election would be comedy gold! Two buffoons with massive egos throwing dirt at each other. Better than the WWE.

  10. @9:04 Ron needs the amount of write-ins that that equals the signatures he would have needed to put him on the ballot. That would mean he needs 250 write-in votes. Some offices do need 10 like borough council etc...

  11. That's correct. 250 minimum write-ins are needed for a county seat.

  12. Ron is not interested in good government. Ron is interested in grandstanding and putting on a show...thats all he has ever done, which is why the voters gave him a pink slip.

    As small faction of the NCRC "endorsed " him, and of course he spins that to mean everyone.

    90% of the Rs in Norco would vote for a dog before voting for Angle...he is that bad.

  13. More like a yappy Chihuahua.

  14. I like his campaign so far. Boldly looking backward.

  15. I don't doubt that Ron Angle will get at least 250 write-in votes. Probably quite a bit more. The Snover/Angle wing of the party will endure that. I am also pretty sure the Gracedale Guardians will review all those write-ins for mistakes as painstakingly as Angle checked out their petitions for mistakes.

    I hope he is the candidate since a Barron-Angle match in the Fall would be a scream. Can you imagine these two blowhards going at each other, wow, just oh wow!


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