Local Government TV

Thursday, April 16, 2015

NorCo EMS Director Bob Mateff Going to PEMA

If you were to ask former Executive John Stoffa to name his MVP, it would be a toss up between Budget Administrator Doran J. Hamann and EMS Director Bob Mateff. Unfortunately, Northampton County is losing Mateff. He's been selected by Governor Wolf's office for a new role at the Pa. Emergency management Agency.

Amazingly, Director of Administration Luis Campos called Mateff's departure "a great opportunity for the County," as his nose grew yet another inch. Mateff will be sorely missed, not simply because of his knowledge of EMS, bit because of his knowledge of County government.

It is at this point unclear who will replace Mateff, but Executive John Brown is reportedly looking st someone from Venezuela.


  1. Bob is one of the best in the Commonwealth, yet Brownie lets him go to the State. He will be very difficult to replace and this is a major hit to Northampton County losing his talents and experience. Remember, we as taxpayers paid for his training and experience and now will lose that to the State. Too bad Brownie did not counter him hard to keep him.

  2. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ No one is irreplaceable. No real story here - move on

  3. Can't blame this on Brown (not that I wouldn't like to).

    County is like TripleA ball, and Mateff just got called up to the bigs. The County couldn't possibly compete on salary or sex-appeal of the new gig.

    "Luis Campos called Mateff's departure "a great opportunity for the County," "

    It's like Campos is just a random word algorithm.

  4. Brownie lets him go to the State.

    You are an ass. This is a promotion and a great opportunity for Bob. He will be missed but can be replaced.

  5. Bob got his job because of political patronage with a corrupt Northampton County administration. He was a former deputy sheriff that served legal papers and he knew nothing about Emergency management and got "on the job" training while receiving a big salary. He was at the head of controversy because of his in-experience and at the time was a very poor choice for that position. I say "good luck Bob". You almost screwed up a county 911 system and now that we trained you, you are screwing the taxpayers by leaving.

  6. "Bob got his job because of political patronage with a corrupt Northampton County administration."

    you're welcome.

  7. "He was at the head of controversy because of his in-experience and at the time was a very poor choice for that position."


  8. Norco's loss is PA's gain. Good luck, Bob!

  9. Having worked in the EMA world Mr. Mateff has done a fantastic job with EMA and the 911 Center. He has a competent staff and works well with the municipalities. Going to PEMA is a great opportunity and moving up a job ladder is normal.

    Northampton County is better off because of Bob's leadership.

  10. This is certainly a loss for the county. It's frightful to think about the potential that Brownie will choose some inexperienced ass clown to be Bob's successor. Hopefully, in-house talent will be considered first. Or, maybe he'll follow suit and just leave the position vacant.

  11. Unfortunate. A true loss for county emergency prep. The guy knew his stuff and was approachable on any and all issues. I have no confidence Brown will find another individual with Bob's expertise. We are in trouble..again and again..

  12. This is a loss for all of NORCO. I hope Council gets more than 3 days to approve his replacement!

  13. Worked with Bob many times and he is one of the nicest and most knowledgeable people I know. Good Luck, Bob!

  14. Bob's knowledge of the county, home rule charter, admin code and hr policies is unmatched. Huge loss for the county. Have to wonder if Brown had hired him for Director of Administration if he would be staying. He is better off going.

  15. Knew Bob for years.He was a knowledgeable straight shooter Who will be missed.

  16. Hopefully they will get someone with a brain. Then just maybe emergency management will run like it should. PEMA good luck!

  17. I hope this is a start to cleaning the 911 center out of the useles idiots it has in there.

  18. Sorry to see Bob go. He has been a strong leader who turned Northampton County 911 and EMA into a first class operation. Best of luck, Bob!

  19. Bad for Norco, good for PA.


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