Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Never Again: Allentown JCC to Commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day

To commemorate Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Remembrance Day – on Wednesday, April 15, at 7:00 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center of Allentown, the Holocaust Resource Center of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley will host Julie Kohner, the CEO of Voices of the Generations, Inc., who will share her mother Hanna’s Holocaust story.

Hanna was the first Holocaust survivor living in the U.S. whose story became widely known after being featured on an episode of Ralph Edwards’s “This is Your Life.”

After Hanna passed away in 1990, Julie felt responsible to share her mother’s Holocaust story with a new generation. She hopes that by sharing this story and educating a new generation about the Holocaust, people can learn how to overcome hardship, racism, deprivation and the pain of war.


  1. As Iran gets nuclear weapons and Russian missiles, Holocaust Remembrance Day takes on greater significance. Thank you for posting this. Shalom.

  2. I won't say it was my pleasure. It is a sad commentary on humanity that we have atrocities like the Holocaust. Unfortunately, anti-semitism and other forms of hatred for different groups, be they black or Hispanic or Christian or Jewish, are alive and well. I see it on this blog and in the comment boards of daily newspapers.

  3. .....and to think there are some a**holes out there that still deny that the Holocaust ever happened.

  4. get over it already, negro's are still being murdered by law enforcement everyday in America!

  5. 12:35 PM
    Yeah, but during the Holocaust the Jews weren't robbing, dealing in drugs, running away because they had warrants out for their arrest for non support, along with a list of other crimes against society. I know that sounds racist, but just look at the facts surrounding some of these police brutality cases.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I don't know that is Schlossberg's wife. But from what I understand, the teacher in question was trying to make a point. After these kids had called certain people Nazis, she asked them how they would feel if she called them a derogatory name. I believe the ASD lacks diversity among its teachers, but I honestly don't think this teacher, whoever she is, was wrong to attempt to impart the lesson she did. Perhaps I am being insensitive myself.

  8. "Perhaps I am being insensitive myself."

    well, not in this instance. In this instance, you're spot on.

  9. "Perhaps I am being insensitive myself."

    I believe you are. It served no "lesson" or purpose to drop the N-bomb on a child of color. Stop using the evil of 300 years of slavery to further your agenda of self-pity for something that has no impact on your life today. Unlike the stigma of Slavery and racism in the US.

    The News reported it was his wife. She should have known better if she is going to teach.

  10. You provide no link to substantiate your anonymous accusation, made at 3:15 am.

  11. Bernie he/she should provide a link. However, I did see it on Channel 69 News. I don't know how to link, just passing it on to you.

  12. I highly doubt that Ch 69 went out of its way to identify this teacher's hisband.


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