Local Government TV

Monday, April 27, 2015

Nazareth PD Has No Patrol Officers Today

From 6 am to 4 pm, no patrol officers will be covering Nazareth today. This means that Chief Trachta and Deputy Chief Miller will have to respond to calls.


  1. The tractor may be riding solo but Deputy Dogg is always on speed dial, this does present a perfect opportunity for T Squared to post up in front of the Army Navy and snag his White Whale whose blubber is now reaching record levels.

    If TT can survive the mean streets of NYC Naz is Childs play, hes like a modern day serpico smooth operator with a thick accent and a fat pension.

  2. Which way did he go George, which way did he go?

  3. I just sped down Broad St. at 80 mph. How liberating!

  4. I'm heading out to put up FT stickers.

  5. Why post this and put the officers and civilians in jeopardy?

  6. The public has every right to know if public safety coverage is not being provided. Making the public aware encourages them to take precautions.

  7. I agree they should be made aware but I don't agree on broadcasting it until afterwards. You are also making the criminals aware.

  8. Two cops to cover the entire borough during daylight hours is probably one too many.

  9. People Tweet and location stamp their Facebook post's all day long so the criminal element can always find a place to rob...

    BO's post is a good thing for all!

  10. Were you get that info at midnight you must have a friend
    You jeopardize everyone in nazareth

  11. I'm sure the criminals are fans of this blog and are seeing this post...shame on you Bernie! LOL

  12. So what?

    Cops just want to kill all minorities these days, anyway.

    I heard all about it on CNN!

  13. Bernie in Trachta's cuffs in the drunk tank would be a sight worth paying to see, better stay away from your little band of twinks the sticker goons BO otherwise you might wind up getting a shower from deputy dogg!


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