Local Government TV

Friday, April 17, 2015

It's Official! Penguin Running For U.S. Senate

Edwin Pawloski, who starred as The Penguin in Batman Returns and reportedly also performed in Mall Cop, is running for the U.S. Senate. He created a special tax zone for rich guys, just for Allentown, that is subsidized by taking state tax money from everyone else. If he had his way, he'd be sucking away the EIT of surrounding municipalities, too.

And he thinks people throughout the state will elect him.

Good luck with that!


  1. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  2. You're kidding right, I thought Danny DiVito was the Penguin and Pee Wee Herman was the Penguin Father.

  3. King Edwin would tower over DiVito. But same general physique.

  4. Is that Gru?


  5. Bernie is jealous of the Mayor. he is successful and has accomplished great things. the exact opposite of Bernie O'Hare.

  6. Funniest headline this week!

    FYI 203pm, the Mayor is an idiot.

    The Banker

  7. I haven't laughed this hard in a couple of weeks!If I looked like this guy, I wouldn't leave the house- let alone run for public office. But then again, he has another winner as his adviser- Fleck. Pawlowski and Fleck are two morons- a couple weeks ago, I saw Fleck on Business matters- Angle made swiss cheese out of him. Pawlowski's only support statewide will come from "Robbery" McCord.

  8. @2:03 Does your fascination, obsession and hatred of BOH really extend so far that you'll feign support for this Bozo? Bummer, dude. You're gone.

  9. Pawlowski has two chances of winning the Democrat primary for senator. None and none. His ego has to be enormous to face such a beat down at the state level. The penguins at the Lehigh Valley Zoo have more sense than Fast Eddie.

  10. He can not be serious! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  11. Sestak and Hockey Puck? It's sacrificial lamb time. Ds must not feel confident about defeating Toomey.

  12. Bernie,
    With this story, were you at or nere allentowns demacratical demenstation of the powerpoint prompter introduced by allentowns own giggles and jiggles¿
    Personally with all this hipe I have not redd of one life sustaining job produced let alone a familia living wage by this proclaimation of humptydumpty nor the moronic gag¿ The circus must go on at a cost to human life and uncomprehencible monies pilliaged from our childrens children not yet even born¿

    patent pending

  13. Proud Allentown Democrat...NEVER have voted Pawlowski...Never will....will be voting Sestak. This has to be some sort of joke...

  14. I don't think he will have any trouble beating Sestak in the primary. The question is how well will he do against Pat Toomey and can he raise the money. It is all about the MONEY - not how good or bad he looks

    JOHN M

  15. I doubt very much that he and Sestak will be the only ones running in the primary. Also, his poorly conceived gubernatorial race proves the opposite of what you say. He CAN'T raise money outside of his little fief.

  16. Toomey already has $7million.

  17. Will Rob McCord have a part in the Pawlowski campaign?

  18. What about Reading Mayor Seth Vaughn? Did Kathleen Kane ever finish her investigation into alleged campaign finance issues.

  19. The reading Mayor is Vaughn Spencer. The investigation was not started by Kane, but by a partisan Berks County Board of Commissioners. It is bullshit.

  20. So sorry! Please romove or correct my post. Thank you for correcting. My regrets.

  21. I'll leave it. We all get names wrong.

  22. Built like a bowling pin, what a dashing figure he'll cut!

  23. Shitforbrains had very little to do with the niz. He just happened to fool enough people to vote for him as mayor as brownie was taking care of his bud Reiley.

  24. More like a Weeble, or the Schmoo from Li'l Abner.

  25. Word on the street is McCord will be using the services of political superstar and agent Jim Gregory.

    Check out JG's, work during musikfescht at Greggyplatz.

  26. It will be interesting to see how much a big "R" donated like Reilly donates to King Edwin. Without his honor supporting the NIZ JB would be without his empire. Oh wait, JB is fighting his tax assessments. Could there be trouble in Atown.

  27. Accually Sesteck has the best chance to beat toomey it was close last time and since then people have smartened up

  28. Anyone who wears the uniform should be thanked and applauded. If you think someone should be elected after his service solely because he was in the service, you should move to a banana republic where there's no distinction between military and civilian leaders and many continue to wear their uniforms in civil office. That's not the kind of government guys like Admiral Sestak fought for.

  29. * retired Admiral

  30. I am no longer going to tolerate sexually charged names for different ideologies.

  31. Speaking of ineffective mayors, Sal Panto was thrilling crowds with stem winding bullshit at a jobs something or other in Easton. I think he's recommending people move out of Easton and apply for county jobs and pay his commuter troll tax. He autographed a few parking tickets also.

  32. Adm. Sestak needs to keep reminding people of his military service. That is the thing the tea party goes nuts over. He should also remind them that the only service to the nation Toomey provided was to Wall Street bankers and E street lobbyists.

    Toomey is a waste of a senator for regular people. Lets vote for an American hero.

    That is of course if the tea party is as bi-partisan as they claim and will vote for a Democrat.

    Also it is fair to point out Adm. Sestak is a retired Admiral. Just as Pat Toomey is a retired international financier and retired Washing E street lobbyist.

    So that is important to acknowledge.


  33. Sestak will defeat Toomey. Sorry but Pawloski doesn't stand a chance in that General Election. Brown will not support "BIG ED". He will go with Toomey. Brown will have to campaign against BIG ED because BIG ED is taking credit for Brown's tax project.

  34. Pawlowski has done well downtown, I'm impressed. I'm sure these local rich guys that host $500 dinner parties for guys like Charlie Thiel are stoking Pawlowski's ego. He's not US Senate worthy. I thought his Governer campaign was a silly waste of money. I'm sure he's thinking he might have a shot to pull an upset in a weak D field and then ride the Democrat Party voter advantage to victory. What's the risk? He'll keep his 100,000+ K job as a dignitary Mayor in case he is unsuccessful and then he'll gain some more attention for himself and maybe run for Pat Browne's PA Senate seat with Pat's support.

  35. Bernie
    Next time you stop by Allentown to have coffee with The Penguin, take Front Street and turn left onto Linden. This road's surface is so horrendous you too will need to fly.

  36. Penguins can't fly.

  37. What is going on with the TM Drama story?

  38. Update on the saga?


  39. @3:13PM You can update yourself. TM's mother is now involved in a federal lawsuit for the fraudulent house transfer, in the Eastern District of PA. You can sign up for PACER and see the first several pages free, IIRC.

    In two days, the Superior Court will consider one or more motions in TM's appeal - you can check that on PA docket sheets. Motion to strike, motion to proceed as a pauper (for the second time), etc.

    Then there is the Timmer matter and oh yeah that pesky criminal thing. It's four of a kind for this council hopeful!

  40. Pawslowski seems like an idiot.

    The downtown NIZ thing is great and is great for Allentown.

    He's better than Toomey but just about anyone is better than Toomey.

  41. The downtown NIZ is a house of cards that will collapse once the state money well runs dry. It is sucking away from other areas of the LV. It is not :"grat" for Allentown in the ling run nor is it a good thing for the rest of the LV, despite the cheerleading that goes on for it.

  42. Is that wishful thinking on your part?

  43. It is not wishful thinking. It is the reality.


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