Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Brown Proposes Payhike For 14 Different Clerical Jobs

When Northampton County Council last met, Executive John Brown was criticized heavily for the large number of vacancies, especially in Human Services. A low starting salary was blamed as part of the reason. Brown has now submitted a proposal that will "result in a more fair and equitable pay rate" for 14 differnt job titles. This affects 228 county workers, and is expected to cost $307,000. I will have more details later.


  1. ooh, keep us posted. I might be interested in applying for a better paying job. So might many others.

  2. Oh my, as a County worker please keep us posted. Do you realize what kind of pay raise any of us must have in order to make up for the "PANTO TAX" and the "Reduction in medical payments" imposed by Executive Brown.
    I now qualify for food stamps thanks to Panto and Brown.

  3. What about the rest of the employees getting a raise? They work just as hard. How could he get away with being selective as to who gets raises?

  4. I just don't understand this administration. Why doesn't this news get filtered through Department heads and supervisors? Why do employees have to learn things from 3rd party media? Why is it so difficult for the Administration to communicate to it's own employees? Why is BO the only one to communicate directly to the employee through a blog? This information is what should be pushed out through "Northampton County News", instead of obscure news such as the latest award to the Sheriff's Department for having nice uniforms!

    1. Employees were told at the union meeting last night

    2. Yeah let's have supervisors and department heads who haven't seen a raise spread the word. Considering they learn their information from this blog as well.

  5. Figures. Worthless crybaby union pukes, who laughingly called themselves workers, are now complaining that they are getting a raise. Woe is me, the sky is falling

  6. 7:31, The ET has failed to cover the county or the courts for the past six weeks, but it ran a pic of the pretty uniforms.

  7. Somehow this is meant to reward Brown cronies. Several must be in the job classifications targeted for upgrades. Follow the $$!!

  8. @7:51 Spoken like the jobless troll that you expose yourself to be on a daily basis.

  9. And the employees who are not in a Union, were told when???....

    1. I don't believe any clerical position is nonunion.

    2. No need to tell them that there is no raise in sight for them. Just another kick in the ass.

  10. There are a number of nonunion clerical positions, many of whom are employed by the courts.


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