Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Bobby Gunther Walsh Plays Defamation Game Again.

WAEB's Bobby Gunther Walsh is currently facing a defamation lawsuit as a result of a series of libelous radio shows in which he attempted to tarnish the good name and reputation of Lehigh County DA Jim Martin. Walsh was pursuing a personal vendetta against Martin, whose office once prosecuted him for assaulting his daughter. The charges were ultimately dropped, but Walsh became bitter.

In the face of such a lawsuit, you might think that Walsh would be more careful with his accusations. Instead, on his April 21 show, he lashed out at a new target, Ron Angle. Walsh appears to have a hot nut for Angle, too.

Angle is the Northampton County Republican Party's write-in candidate for Controller. But he's been somewhat reluctant, and won't mount a campaign unless 250 Republicans want him to run. There are several Republicans who don't, like tea party chair Ronnie del Bacco. They're known as the RATs. These folks are near and dear to Gunther's heart, and are his usual guests.

The moment that Republicans decided that Angle was their man, the RATs went to Anthony Catino, and duped him into running. Gunther hosted Catino as his guest, and in his very first question, made this defamatory defamatory statements, innuendo and implication about Angle.

"This is an interesting question - I have no idea what this means - do you have any civil judgments or have you been arrested for theft like the other Northampton County Republican write-in candidate has? I have no idea who he means or who he's talking about there."

Gunther knows exactly what the question means. He knows exactly who is being discussed. This is a smear on Angle, against whom there are no judgments and who has never been arrested or convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude.

The deceit and dishonesty come from Walsh and his fellow RATs. I plan to alert Angle about this defamation, and hope he sues. Part of that suit should require Walsh to divulge the identity of the question that Walsh posed, knowing it would damage Angle.


  1. I think Walsh is protected. That is what Rush Limburger does all the time. He says that there is a rumor out there or word on the street has it, etc.

    I doubt Angle can get any traction out of that one.

  2. He's not protected at all. It is very clear that he knows exactly who he is talking about and is disingenuously pleading ignorance. But if he is so poorly informed, why does he have a write-in controller candidate at all? It's an obvious lie by a man who has already been called ob=n to account for other obvious lies.

  3. At one time you called him out on his abuse of his daughter, then you covered for him saying it was a mistake and he is a loving father and grandfather, now you mention it again.

    What gives?? Is it because this time he is going after Ron Angle?

  4. I have been consistent concerning Walsh. I never denied he had been charged with beating his daughter, but pointed out that all charges were dismissed. In other words, I was being honest. You are obviously Henry Schaadt, and insisted on posting false comments that Walsh beat up his daughter, which I had to delete. You are a troll. Go send some pictures of dead Nazis to someone.

  5. Jim Gregory will no doubt be a guest on the Walsh show when he returns form his leave of absence. JG knows all the political insider information. He will shine a light on all things Lehigh Valley.

    Should make for great informative radio.

  6. well at least you are picking on a man this time (maybe)

  7. Bobby Gunther Walsh is a sick person. When WAEB lost their identity and became part of FOX Broadcasting, Gunther thought this was his passport for saying anything he wanted about anyone. Especially Democrats or Democratic candidates. If he didn't like you he would distort his view to make you look bad. WAEB would be better off without him. I stopped listening to WAEB several years ago and never watch FOX NEWS on television. They are prejudiced and biased in their reporting and encourage bashing of anyone with a different view from themselves. I say go after Walsh and bring up his past as much as humanly possible. He should have been prosecuted with assault charges but they were dropped because he would lose his job and played on those sympathy's with his family. He is a disgrace to talk radio.I would sign my name but then I would be at the mercy of this sadistic Broadcaster.

  8. Thin skin. Nothing here. Yawn.

  9. You lie about Angle. Again. He was arrested for theft (stupid stuff like dish towels and socks) and he does owe a judegement (millios of $ to Dr Cotturo).

  10. It's not defamation if its true.

    Are you saying that Ron Angle was not arrested for shoplifting in 2007?

    Are saying that Ron Angle has never lost a civil case in court? The case with Dr. Cotturo never happened?

  11. I am saying he was never arrested and charged with theft. I am saying he has no judgments. The on air allegation that he has been arrested for theft and that he has judgments is libel.

  12. You are correct about the moral turpitude. It is Bernard Ohare 3 who has committed that crime. And got throwed out of the lawyer proffession for it. Thats why he is jealous of good people who care about others. Thats why he surrounds himself with fellow low-lifes.

  13. You lie about Angle. Again. He was arrested for theft (stupid stuff like dish towels and socks) and he does owe a judegement (millios of $ to Dr Cotturo)"

    See the statement above. There are no judgments against Angle. Once the case against him was decided in Superior Court, Dr. Cotturo was paid every penny immediately. Angle was never "arrested" for theft. He once was charged, i.e. cited, for shoplifting as a summary offense, and those summary charges were dismissed. He should sue, and people like you, who irresponsibly pass along false information without any sort of investigation, are just as bad. as Gunther. The Decency Communications Act may protect me from being liable for your defamation, but we know it does not protect you. I will capture the IPs and ISPs of all comments made here today and they will be preserved for defamatory remarks. By all means, speak. Tell me you hate Angle. But if you libel someone, expect to be held accountable.

  14. Why is Angle a "write-in candidate"? No serious person runs as a write-in.

    Angle was not involved in any sort of theft then? What was the guest's answer?

  15. Look at the question. It is not directed at Angle, but at catino. Angle was never involved in any sort of theft, and the allegation that he was is libel.

  16. At 8:26 you said he was cited for theft. I think that's the point of the question and something you are using semantics to get around.

  17. I think the question was directed at Mezzacappa. Shes been frantically running all over west easton mounting her own write in for controller

  18. Walsh worships at the altar of Rush, is a climate change denier, a birther and once had a series of guests who claimed there was no moon landing. I once called the Station Manager to complain about his chronic anti-gay, snarky remarks. Hard to believe this creep keeps his job.

  19. hius is far from semantics. There is a very big difference between being arrested and charged with theft, a crimens falsi, and being cited and later acquitted of a summary offense of shoplifting, which is the equivalent of a parking ticket and not a crime. There is a big difference between saying "he has judgments", which creates the implication that someone is financially irresponsible, and having a bond posted that pays off a claim immediately after the matter is decided. That difference is libel.

  20. How can one be certain he was speaking about Angle? Any dummy can run as a write-in. This juror would not side with the plaintiff.

  21. "I think the question was directed at Mezzacappa. Shes been frantically running all over west easton mounting her own write in for controller"

    I would not be surprised. Actually, if she could get some help to deal with her issues and blind, unthinking hatred, she could do some good in this world.

  22. "How can one be certain he was speaking about Angle? Any dummy can run as a write-in. This juror would not side with the plaintiff."

    Anyone who makes even a half-assed effort to follow what is going on would know. Gunther was hosting Catino precisely bc he is running against Angle and knows very well what was meant by that question. That could easily and more clearly be determined in discovery, after which the person who fed this question to Gunther can be joined as a Defendant as well.

  23. Since you and angle roll all over the floor when one word is uttered about you, then why not big bucks angle buy his own radio station, or host his own program??

    Thats right, no one cares or listens, or will allow that blowhard on the air.

  24. Actually, when Angle had his own show, it was making Timmer quite a bit of money. It was also taking away from Walsh's listeners. I believe you have just established why Walsh took the shot he did. He defamed Angle bc he is afraid that Angle might just do exactly what you suggest.

  25. I've heard of two other potential write-ins. I don't know if any of them have been arrested or not.

  26. Stop picking on Ron Angle. He is perfect. So is Joe Brennan, and Clinton Oxford

  27. A couple of comments from someone who tolerates and sometimes agrees with both Angle and Walsh...

    From the Morning Call:

    "According to media reports, Angle was arrested at a Monmouth County, N.J., outlet mall and charged with taking $125 in merchandise, and then fleeing in his vehicle. He paid $1,060 in fines."


    Your Clintonesque quibble about whether that's the same as "charged with theft" would be a real hoot in front of a jury. Given that Angle is a public figure and there's a public report in the "legitimate" media, he'd be a fool to sue.

    Also, regarding the "faked moon-landing" (8:42), that was Craig Stevens, and Gunther-Walsh was all over him for years on that. I've seen that claim in the comments several times on this blog, and frankly, that's more libelous than the comments about Angle.

  28. What part of the following is untrue?
    A judgment was entered against Angle for 1.6 million. The judgment was entered after the Court found Angle to have engaged in fraudulent conduct. Angle paid the Plaintiff a substantial portion if not all of the amount of the money owed for his cupidity. The fact that the judgment was satisfied doesn't change the fact that a judgment (which now may be marked satisfied) was entered against him.

    Secondly, did the conspiracy against your hero extend to the shore when police who presumably didn't know him from Adam found a factual basis to cite him for the theft of socks?

    You should remind your viewers of the $80,000 paid to Elmer Gates for having been slandered by the one you as usual go to such great lengths to support. You manage the impossible making Fox News look fair and balanced by comparison.

  29. Did Angle really steal socks? This has to be a joke.

  30. Angle was once sued by Elmer Gates. Angle attacked Gates once and thought his money would bully him into having to take it like he did with so many others. To Angles surprise, Gates had more money than him took him to court and won a judgment.

    It was said that Angle claimed he didn't pay a dime. Some say his insurance company paid. However somebody paid.
    Ron Angle likes to weave around the truth like that.

  31. Bernie, to be clear you are trying to scare people by playing all NSA and recording comments. You are threatening that your pal Ron Angle will file his "slap suits" to deter comments unless they are complimentary.

    Are you really helping your pal? This is exactly one of the big reasons people are tried of him and all the drama.

    "Man of the people," except those he sues?

  32. 11:13, I have already addressed exactly how the statement is defamatory. The implication and innuendo of the stateent is that Angle is an irresponsible person who has unpaid judgments. That is a lie. The one matter that was entered was funded by a bond, which was paid in full the moment the court ruled against Angle. So the statement is a lie. So is the accusation that he was arrested for theft. It's simply a bald-faced lie.

    As for the $80,000 paid to Gates, that was paid by Angle's insurance company, not Angle.

  33. Arrested, charged, and convicted are different things. Walsh implied he was arrested. This seems to be true. He was apparently arrested and charged but not convicted.

    He did plead guilty and pay a fine for reckless driving and disorderly conduct for his actions while fleeing the store.

    "...do you have any civil judgments ..?" implies present tense. Angle has had civil judgments against him. He may not, currently. But Walsh is not a lawyer and his improper use of tense is a rather weak argument on a grammatical transgression.

    The overall intent seems to have been to paint Ron Angle as a guy with a history of ethical problems. And he is.

    As for Ron pursuing defamation, I highly doubt he wants to revisit these embarrassing chapters in his life over a case with almost no chance of being successful. As Ron said at the time in his own mangled grammar, "You can't get out of line. I had got out of line."

    I wonder how happy he is that you brought all this back up for discussion?

    P.S. I've voted for Ron several times; usually as the lesser evil. That shows you how evil NorCo politics is.

  34. 11:42, I am sayint that anonymous trolls like you, who make irresponsible and defamatory comments, can be held accountable. I am periodically making screeen shots of my visitors today to make a suit against defamers possible.

  35. "Arrested, charged, and convicted are different things. Walsh implied he was arrested. This seems to be true"

    It is a lie. Angle was never arrested. Nor was he ever charged with theft. He was charged with a summary offense, which was subsequently dismissed.

  36. 11:08, Angle was never arrested. He was cited with summary offenses, nearly all of which were dismissed. He has been accused of theft, anf that is defamatory per se.

  37. I could read posts about Ron's crazy past every day. Thank you for a great post.

  38. Bernie,

    It sounds like he should have sued the Morning Call years ago then. Can you cite a public reference that Gunther Walsh "should have known"?

  39. Did he have to give the socks Back?

  40. What is this AM radio you all seem to be enamored with? I can not find the app on my iPhone.

  41. Bernie,

    A quick Google search reveals that the Morning Call reported that he was in fact arrested:


  42. What kind of socks was he reportedly stealing that cost $125? Was he reportedly stealing compression socks? Was reportedly he stealing all socks? Were other clothing items included? Did he return the reportedly stolen socks? Was that part of the reported $1,000 fine agreement? How far did he drive after the reported sock theft? How did he become disorderly? Did he threaten cops? Did he drive recklessly to the point where other lives were endangered? This story needs to be explained beyond the legal filings. Candidates for public office should be transparent, especially concerning prior law breaking. Ron should come clean on all of this and air it out.

  43. Kevin, And that, in fact, is wrong. Angle was never arrested.

  44. The two nastiest and most outspoken critics of others is the tag team of ohare/angle. yet when one word of negativity is spoken back about either of them, they spiral into an uncontrolled rage and lash out at anyone and everyone who dares to show up their shameful and disturbing qualities.

    The grandiose egos of these two, place them in a false world of "black and white" reason, and then cause further damage because, they cant possibly be wrong or imperfect in any way.

    Their imaginary world lets them live with their false sense of self, that caters to their grandiosity and "unflawed" opinions of their own self worth.

    These destructive traits are found to have started in early childhood that was filled with almost constant punishment, degredation, and negative re-inforcements through daily criticism.

    Tell us Bernie and Ron, how many times a week were you cracked by the whip, the belt and the hammer? so sad. Two peas in a pod.

  45. "Wall Township police Sgt Eric Ertle confirmed the department arrested Angle in July 1997"

    Looks like Sgt Ertle should be sued

  46. Maybe you should. Angle was never arrested. He was cited and released, just like a sppeder is cited and released. There is no arrest.

  47. The Morning Call story doesn't make sense. He was arrested and then he fled in his car and drove recklessly?

    What probably happened was a security person tried to detain ("arrest") him, he said "f u" and took off driving like a maniac, and was pulled over.

  48. Asking because I'm not sure...

    Doesn't NJ allow citation in lieu of arrest? If so, are you not still considered arrested once you've been cited?

    I was once told by my lawyer when I questioned the accuracy of a document from NJ that said I'd been arrested, yet I'd only been cited. He said the state considers it the same thing. Don't know if this helps clear up the argument or not.

  49. I should add that I'd only been cited by mail after the fact because I lived in PA.

  50. Frankly, I had never heard of Angle's run in with the law in New Jersey before today.

    If there's anything this blog entry confirms, it's that the "Streisand Effect" is alive and well.


  51. "Doesn't NJ allow citation in lieu of arrest? If so, are you not still considered arrested once you've been cited?"

    It's not the same thing. An arrest, whether in Pa or NJ, will require the posting of bail. It is a significant deprivation of a citizen's freedom of movement. That did not happen to Angle, and suggesting that it did, and for theft, is a lie.

  52. "Frankly, I had never heard of Angle's run in with the law in New Jersey before today."

    Bullshit. The citation has been disussed numerous times, always inaccurately, here and on the comment boards.

  53. it would be halarious if ron angle did sue, and continues to throw good money after bad. Think of all that fancy discovery on his tax returns?

  54. Tricia Mezzacappa, Among other things, you are known for your complete inability to spell the word "hilarious."

  55. I don't think Walsh beat up his daughter and I don't think Angle stole hosiery. I do think they're both idiots and wouldn't want the judicial system wasting another second on either of them and their personal problems. If I were on the jury, I would want them both sentenced to live with each other until death.

  56. If Ronnie is so pure, why the terror tactics? You know you are splitting hairs regarding "arrest" and "cite"? Why do you want to scare people?

    This is really something you want to dredge up and go after folks over? didn't you bring this topic up?
    Should we go back to the Mr. Johnson case? As well as others?

    You can't call people crooks and say they have committed crimes and then attack others for commenting on your blog, can you?

    All good questions?

  57. 12:06 remember the old Irsih guy the head of voter registration, if Ronny didn't get what he wanted right away he throw a fit and call him name's like " that one eye snake". True it was in the Express.

  58. Ron Angle is a good guy he supports Bernie emotionally, without that support LVR would not exist.

    Will little Riki Orclownski be his attorney in the upcoming litigation?

  59. Ron Angle is a good guy he supports Bernie emotionally, without that support LVR would not exist.

    Will little Riki Orclownski be his attorney in the upcoming litigation?

  60. Mezzacappa, you are in violation of bail conditions requiring you to refrain from all contact, direct or indirect.

  61. 5:35, it was in The Express, but you don't have a link. You liars never learn.

  62. Jesus Bernie, give it a rest. You don't have to be Mezzaluney to know the Ron Angle story. You post this nonsense then go on the bully brigade threatening lawsuits, bankruptcies and prison to all who do not kneel at the feet of your idol, am I right?
    So for the next seven months we will endure super idol worship and attacks on all who disagree complete with legal mumbo jumbo any sane judge will toss out the window, am I right? Once he loses we will have to endure at least five months of excuses and blame on God knows who or what for the loss, am I right?

    Isn't this all just kind of crazy, right?? Or am I right??

  63. I believe lawsuits are always appropriate for assholes like you, who lie incessantly.

  64. You are losing your equipoise. Knock yourself out defending this poor excuse for a human being. It takes precious time away from your main occupation of slandering others. Its all quite amusing.

  65. Gunther has long had a wonderful relationship with his daughter. Like many divorced men (even women for that matter) raising kids with a different concept of discipline from 'the ex' often leads to false claims of 'abuse.' His lovely daughter ame to see the error of her ways and embraced him fully as she matured. She is a really terific young woman rasing great kids of her own.
    I only know Gunther professionally but can attest to his loving relationship with his daughter and his ceaseless dedication to good works here in the Lehigh Valley.
    Bill Clinton really did abuse someone else's daughter and gets $500,000 to give a canned speech. Lighten up on Gunther.

  66. More facts on Ronny, after his sister enter the will of her father (was properly executed, witnessed and notarized) giving 4 shares to family members, her brother Ronny 8 days later enter a will with every thing going to him. (His will was not witnessed or notarized), a guy who likes to tell the truth. Ya right!

  67. This shows just how stupid you and the ex-sister-in-law are. You think Ron's father had some megamillion estate. his estate was his house and a checkinh account that Ron replenished periodically. All of Fred's money had already been given to Ron, and long before Fred died. Angle would have no reason to play games with the will and did not. You come out from under a rock to accuse someone and then scurry back under. Your comments is worthless.

  68. Hey Bernie, if you want to look into a real story check out the Bobby Guber Walsh racing team. This guy has top of the line equipment for years for his racing "hobby". Talk to other drivers who own shops and pay their own way. They still win some races. They go nuts over this guy and all his freebies. Walsh has been playing at racing for many years and still sucks.

    Somehow by coincidence? His car sponsors seem to be big advertisers on the radio station. They get a lot of mentions during his air time. Is that kosher? Makes one wonder if the FCC is OK with someone privately benefiting from the regulated airwaves and sponsors who pay for time.

    Just wondering???

  69. Hey Bernie you and
    Angle remind me of the Oprah Winfrey show.

    "And I've got a lawsuit for you, and a lawsuit for you, and a lawsuit for you."


  70. Wow Gunther was on air long enough to defame someone? Every time I turn on WAEB during the Gunther time slot it is commercials, the weather and traffic, or Gunther doing commercials for window wizards. I get more content from Gunther's afternoon commentary that plays during the other programs then his actual program.

  71. Gunther's done more for local charities than a hundred Ron Angles. And to my knowledge, Gunther has never made an anti-Semitic slur. He's also done a demonstrably better job in the parenting department. Google each of their kids' names and you'll see.

  72. Gunther has done more for charities than 100 Rons? So that gives him the right to defame people? Like he did to Jim Martin and now Angle? As for your comment about their parenting, your comment says more about you than either one of them. I'd hate to see one of your kids.

  73. Can't wait for the Gunther Walsh interview of Jim "manslab" Gregory. Gregory will dish all the dirt in the Lehigh Valley political scene.

  74. berney,
    You are the biggest liberal lair since Bill said that I did not have sex with that woman. This is another case of just trying to attack decent Republicans who HELP PEOPLE, and not try to hurt people like liberals do! GROW UP IT IS ABOUT TIME. I don't care if this gets published just so you know the truth about it.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.