Local Government TV

Monday, March 09, 2015

Who Are the Real Republicans?

That's a question that has been asked, amazingly, by a lot of Republicans lately. Are they the extremists who are willing to shut down the government completely if they don't get their way on every issue? Is there no room left in what was once called a "big tent" for the views of centrists like Charlie Dent?  Lehigh County Executive Tom Muller changed his party because he's disgusted by what he calls "cliffsmanship" that he has seen brought down to the County level. I know one municipal official who has switched parties for much the same reason. Here's how Dent out it. In Dent's view, this brinksmanship "will damage us as we move into a presidential year and damage our likely presidential nominees.”

In the last election cycle, Northampton County voters elected a former tea party chair - Mat Benol - to Council. They also voted for Hayden Phillips who stated recently he is "proud" to be viewed as a tea party member.

But I've seen no evidence that they are intent on bringing County government to its knees, which was a big concern of mine after watching what was going on in Lehigh County. Quite the opposite. It is Phillips, of all people, who proposed a two mill tax hike last year. The Republicans on Council went along with a tax hike, but kept it at one mill. Politically popular or not, that was the right thing to do, especially in a County that expects to spend $45 million over the next five years.

Though I believe the tea party faction led by Phillips has acted responsibly and even courageously at times, it definitely is a faction. On the other side are the more mainstream Republicans. These are people like Peg Ferraro and Glenn Geissinger.

In Northampton County, it appears that there is a proxy war going on in the race for the Slate Belt seat held by Democrat Scott Parsons. Two Republicans are fighting for the right to take him out.

One of them, Nazareth School Board President Lorin Bradley, is being promoted by Glenn Geissinger. In fact, Geissinger chairs his campaign committee.

The other candidate, Wind Gap pilot Matt Dietz, is being promoted by Phillips. Diets has just filed his nomination petitions. As of Friday, he had 326 signatures. That's more than the  250 needed to get on the ballot, but is no indication of overwhelming support. .


  1. The Republican brand is in quandary, they are stuck in either country club mode or teaparty mode. Neither group really trusts the other.

    Problem with the local teaparty group is they don't understand local government and are driven solely by their hatred of the federal government, meaning Democrats in general and Obama in particular. Their local stances seem to reflect that more than the realities of the local governments responsibilities.

  2. Thank God Democrats do not have separate factions and always act inclusive of everybody's opinion.

    With the exception of course of small matters like the ACA/Immigration/Gun Control/EPA regs etc.

  3. The green slime coming out of Brown's ass will determine the fate of the Republican domination in the county this election cycle. Do the taxpayers want to clean it up or continue with the STENCH! County workers will turn out for this primary.

  4. I hope so, but am concerned at the number of them who aren't even registered to vote.

  5. Charlie Dent should be ashamed that he took part in purposefully inviting a foreign head of state to speak to Congress with the purpose of embarrassing the President of the United States. I don't know what happened to the Republican party and their total lack of respect for the office. It's heart breaking that this is seen now as normal and ok.

  6. Lorin Bradley never saw a school tax hike he didn't like. His school board has raised taxes at least 12 years in a row. It may be more than that. If Geissinger thinks he's pushing a fiscal conservative, it proves he doesn't know a thing about tax-raising Lorin. Seriously - 12 consecutive years of tax increases! I never knew Lorin was an R. I always thought he was a loyal D. He sort of is. Is this Glenn's kind of guy?

  7. "http://www.politico.com/story/2015/03/nancy-pelosi-empowered-by-gop-dissension-115733.html#ixzz3TYR26Jhq

    You know ol' Clem would never say "I told you so."

    Now, the question: Was Chuck duped or was he complicit?


    11:12 PM"

    From an older thread that had run its course. Obviously, Chuck is complicit.

    By REAL Republicans, you mean those who will continually sell out the base, the platform and what is right, in their own selfish interests. Those who will continually lay down and give Ds everything THEY want, to keep their beaks whetted and hopefully retain power for their vision of big government run the right way.

    "Are they the extremists who are willing to shut down the government completely if they don't get their way on every issue?"

    Every issue? Really?

    Where is your respect for the Constitution now? Congress has the power of the purse. Always has, hopefully always will. Conservatives in the House would give President-Illegal-Alien-Vote-Buyer all the money he wanted except that which would fund his illegal action to change existing immigration law.

    Of course, the REAL Republicans like McConnellwhore, crybaby Boner and Chuckie Teh Pawn would have none of it. Because...forget the Constitution, the economy, the rule of law and the safety of legitimate citizens. More important is that they've got a chamber of commerce to protect and a misguided fantasy that they can somehow change the minds of a group that votes lockstep D no matter no matter how many times they cave.

    Only in Gimmecrat wonderland can rejection of 99% of what you ask for be interpreted as the the other side demanding EVERYTHING.


  8. Lorin's a REAL Republican, dontcha know.

    Just like the the taxmonger Rs he served with on the NASD Board. Pennington was one Bernie liked as well.

    REAL Republicans. More than ever, the party of Lincoln. For those who know...


  9. Obama had a political donor hack with no foreign service background negotiate the quickly crumbling Cuba agreement. Kerry and the State Department were completely clueless and embarrassed when the announcement was made. Nobody vetted this donor and he made no report to Congress. This was unprecedented and nearly unbelievable. Rs are getting involved in foreign policy because the executive branch is winging it with amateurs who are politically connected. They're not to be trusted and they won't report to Congress, as has always been the case regardless of which party controls what branch. Congress is doing its duty of oversight. Obama and his Chicago thugs asked for it. He's not behaved presidentially and hasn't earned any respect for his disastrous foreign policy. I remember when Ds passed the Boland Amendment to clip Reagan's foreign policy wings in the 80s. That's what happens when one side goes too far. Suck it up, cupcake. Respect is earned.

  10. So much for not speaking poorly of your fellow Rs, eh Clem? I think your approach is actually childish. Like a little kid who holds his breath when he does not get his way, you are willing to bring government to a halt unless people cave. That is not democracy. It is extremism.I will say that, to your credit, you are not beheading anyone yet. But the only difference between your kind and ISIS is how far you're willing to go.

  11. Gotta be a Godwin's Law for invoking the throatslitters in a discussion about what makes a REAL Republican.

    No, President StompyFeet is willing to bring the government to a halt to government, deny DHS its dough, over his ideology that the CURRENT LAW is just wrong and racist and he will just undo them with his dictatorial pen.

    Unfortunately the spineless don't want to be called throatslitting extremists, so they cave. That, and they have interests, other than those of law-abiding citizens, to tend to.


  12. you talk about spineless Republicans yet you won't say who you are what does that say about you

  13. It says I have not the power or protections they have.

    But I get the message.



  14. President Reagan signed the undocumented Alien Act giving amnesty to over three million illegal aliens.

    President Regan, a Conservative icon.

  15. So much misinformation in one post. Where do I start:

    "Is there no room left in what was once called the big tent..."

    It would seem that the only party with any tent at all is the Republicans. Where are the conservative Democrats in Washington who are willing to stand up for the Constitution or who will help rein in out-of-control spending? You might as well be looking for a unicorn, as the Democrats make sure everyone is in lockstep with party leadership.

    "Tom Muller switched parties because of "cliffsmanship"."

    Yes, I'm sure the switch had nothing to do with political opportunism and it being his only shot to win the Executive seat.

    "...bringing county government to its knees, which was a big concern of mine after watching what was going on in Lehigh County."

    Did I miss Lehigh County government being brought to its knees? Last I checked, they've had two tax cuts in three years and no decrease in county services. NorCo should be so lucky!

    (Republicans are) "...the extremists who are willing to shut down government completely..."

    The latest debate was about whether to fund DHS (not the entire government) to include the President's ILLEGAL immigration scheme. It seems to me that the Democrats, and likely the President, are the ones who would have been shutting down the DHS, not the Republicans. The Republicans offered numerous bills that would have funded all the programs in DHS that have been funded for the past six years. It was only the funding for the ILLEGAL immigration scheme that was in jeopardy, yet the Democrats would have happily shut DHS down for it.

  16. anon 4:35, put down the remote control and step away from the Hannity. You need to take an aspirin.

  17. 4:35, If you want to accuse me of posting misinformation, but won't say who you are, I don't think anyone should take you seriously. You're a coward.

  18. Bernie really
    you just did not like what 4:35 posted. Nothing in it warranted your response
    and it is so funny to see you write about being a republican when you know zero about it

  19. When someone makes the claim that I am posting so much misinformation, and does not have the courtesy to ID himself, I call it an anonymous personal attack. It's the work of a coward. As for having to be a Republican to comment about about them, that's the same argument that could be applied to all those attacks at the Dems. At least be logically consistent.

    Now you can go and hold your breath until I change my mind, but I won't.

  20. Each party evolves. The hawkish Democrat Party of Scoop Jackson has been dead for decaeds. Dem have no moderates. Rs are pulled by their extreme, but still are home to a host of moderates who drive conservatives crazy like Charlie Dent and Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins and Lindsay Graham. The hated Koch brothers are fiscally conservative but pro amnesty and pro abortion and pro gay rights. There's a huge tent in the Republican Party. Dems - not so much. Jim Webb and Joe Manchin - maybe. That's it. Remember when Bob Casey Sr. wasn't allowed to speak at the Dem convention because he was staunchly pro-life? That was the beginning of the purge of moderates. Give Ds credit. Their purity requirements are strict and unapologetic.

  21. Both parties are driven by their extremes, but both parties still have moderates. Casey and Dent are both moderates, both centrists, both willing to work with the other side. The rest are holding their breath.

  22. My grandfather was a Republican, a man of United Methodist faith, one who felt we should have a strong defense, but not be at constant war. He felt that there should be oversight and protection, but be encouraging of business development and prosperity without handouts. He felt that some services should be there to help those who need it, but not handed out at will. For those who work hard and pay their fair share, they should be rewarded as such.
    What happened to those Republicans? Well, they either died off, or went Independent. Moderate Dems AND Republicans became a dirty word so everyone who felt they were a moderate went Independent... because the media says you gotta fight for those Independent votes. Too bad our state chokes off registered Independents from voting for those with the power to tax their homes and businesses in Municipal Primaries.

  23. The top Dem and R's belong to the same Country Clubs. We should all be American's. However a strong line has now been drawn because of lack of MODERATES, like Jim Hemstreet ,my father in law ,the Dems helped him beat The Orangeman, P-Burg schoolteacher last time he ran. The 'Coach' was a sore loser, should have displayed or showed better ,but had a nice family though.

  24. Wow! County workers who are not registered to vote! Please county workforce, get registered or quit complaining when you get the Brown benefit package!

  25. Anon 5:34 keep talking to yourself in your own personal echo chamber. Common sense Republicans died with Eisenhower and Nixon. Now the R's are an extremist Christian only party. They speak about a black President who is "just not like real Americans".

    You folks have dug your own latrine, now you can lay in it and tell each other how big your faux tent is(not).

  26. Just as some Rs are extremists, we have polarizing Dems as reflected in the comment above. Always anonymous.

  27. Clem incoherently muttered: Those who will continually lay down and give Ds everything THEY want

    You Repubs really are delusional aren't you? We've gone through a period of UNPRECEDENTED Republican obstructionism and you still see your overlords as liberal sycophants.

    Time to make the donuts.

  28. Guys like Clem are what is wrong with the current Republican party. Fox News and alarmist talk radio personalities like Beck and Rush have brainwashed weak minds like Clem into thinking their harsh, race-baiting, austerity dreams are acceptable in a modern America. Bernie is right, you are extremists except the extremists have taken over the party and have transformed it into this hateful mess. They cannot govern at all. All they can do is stop any sort of progress.

  29. "Common sense Republicans died with Eisenhower and Nixon"

    Nixon? You mean common sense, as in wage and price controls, and an enemies list? Bawhahahahaw!!! Read history before commenting about it, you dope.

  30. I think he meant common sense things everyone wants but somehow the current stooges losing Presidential elections belittle.

    Nixon opened relations with China, negotiated arms control with the USSR, created the EPA (!), expanded food stamps, proposed a national health care plan, and instituted affirmative action programs.

    Now get a book Skippy.

  31. anon 12:16, thank you. I am a Republican who misses those Republicans as opposed to the current crop of maniacs.

  32. 4:43

    Sure you are.


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