Local Government TV

Friday, March 20, 2015

West Easton: Dees to Drop Bid For Four-Year Seat

Updated 7:10 pm to make more clear

Matt Dees, who has an informative hyperlocal blog about West Easton, is dropping his bid for a four-year seat on Borough Council. He and Ron Nixon were both running for four-year and two-year seats, and both believed this could create confusion among voters and allow someone else to slip in. So Dees will seek the two-year seat, and Nixon will seek the four-year seat. Here's how he explains it.
Our main goal is to ensure that Tricia Mezzacappa never sits on the West Easton Council and that might well happen if voters are confused by only one of us appearing twice in the general election. It is possible that voters might assume they can only vote once (either the 2- or 4-year seat), thus reducing the total votes received for each seat, or one seat garnering significantly more votes than the other, allowing Mezzacappa to slip in with her usual low vote total.

Both of us know that Mezzacappa doesn’t have the best interests of our borough in mind by running for West Easton Council. Her political party membership plays no role in our decision, but rather, it is her past history as a resident in our community.

Who would want a council member that wrote a letter to Wilson Borough urging they not consider providing police coverage for her own community and thinks a conspiracy against her was conducted with the help of Easton police? Who would want a council member that wrote a letter to the editor of The Express-Times that supports Rockne Newell, facing trial for ambushing and murdering elected representatives in Ross Township, in addition to writing that the survivors should resign?

We don’t.


  1. Isn't this the guy who was capturing neighbors house cats and sending them to the SPCA, all in the name of his vegetable garden!

    A well documented bleeding heart lib who's bread and butter is shilling for anything and anyone who will give him a few cents is not right for west easton and quite frankly should be on a short leash when driving the short bus.

  2. Gregory will not be happy about this chain of events.

  3. Oh my word....

    another example of conspiracy against the hot young pistol packing high heel wearing sizzling specimen of womanhood that turned down Bernie and lead to his attempts to break into her house naked destroy her and she had a pig that he poisoned and he's trying to take her car and her mother's house and of course she didn't convey the house illegally and if the damn judges around here would only learn the law and morganelli stop granting bernie favors and orloski should just shut up and go away he doens't know anything the blog mentor told her t do all this stuff it's worked so well for him so it'll all be great once people realize all the conspiracies around here.

    Oh and the meditteranian manslab is her real boyfriend and he's god's gift to women except those he abuses.

    1. Listen up you fucking loon, you are neither young nor hot. You are a washed up horrendous 50 year old moron.

  4. Dees fancies himself an IT specialist of sorts but if you look at his website it appears to have been designed by a baboon on barbiturate laced beer.

    The only seat Dees is capable of winning would be the seat of a colonial era ducking stool.

  5. The hateful anonymous comments about Dees, which obviously come from Mezzacappa,,prove his point.. Next she will make up a few stories about him and make comments about his penis size.

  6. Bernie,
    You forgot to mention that Ron Nixon is giving up his primary position for the 2-year seat.

  7. @ 1:07

    It was actually one of my million chimps I have banging out coding. He was fired when he failed a random drug test. I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to my workforce, but he is doing much better since entering rehab.
    I'll tell him you still love him.
    Matthew A. Dees

  8. That makes good sense. It is good that they anticipated this issue arising when voters see the ballot.

    Voters need to know what they are voting for. Thanks to you and Matt, WE stands a chance of not electing a "radioactive piece of dog crap" onto council, as this person described herself at a December 23, 2013 council meeting.

  9. What would you rather be - a bottom feeding blogger or a radioactive piece of dog crap?

    Ding ding ding! Bottom feeding blogger. You get to drive places and report on stories of local interest, and rub shoulders with luminaries like Ron Angle.

    If you choose the other option, you have to walk wherever you go, because your neighbor will call the Sheriff and your car will be towed away.

  10. 4:58
    You are right. Mezzalooney is running to destroy Mayor Gross, Kelly Gross, and West Easton. It is obvious she doesn't want to serve her own community just her own interests. Her hate has no limit and her hit list is pages long. She hides her blog from the public and hopes people will forget everything she ever wrote.

  11. 5:31pm living in Wilson and watching Dee's video on the Dec. 23 2014 meeting, he pointed out and ask where's the roll over money in the 2015 budget left over from 2014, the Gross's had no answer, sounds like they are the problem, can be one of many reasons he's running for office.

  12. @6:02 You won't be a new part of the problem, if Dees and Nixon have their way.

    Not only the subject but your grammar tells use who you are. There is no such thing as "Dee's". It is either Dees or Dees' for possessive use. In this case it is simply the "Dees video".

    And it isn't "Gross's" - once again there is no need for the possessive case. It is the plural of Gross. The Grosses. Besides, the possessive form of the plural of Gross is Grosses'.

    When you randomly throw around apostrophes, you might as well sign your name - Tricia Mezzacappa. It's like randomly applying the law.

  13. Mezzadipshit evidently can not handle simple grammar lol. I would rather have a schizophrenic meth head on a city council instead of this air thief. Mezzafucktard, go play in traffic already

  14. I have heard it said that "bad publicity is better than no publicity at all".

    The ironic part about this is that Tricia is developing improved name recognition through all these negative posts. Bernie might actually be helping her to get elected.

    Stranger things have happened in politics!

  15. schizophrenic meth heads elected to public office are sadly becoming the norm now. Good people dont throw their hats into the ring anymore

    This blog is a prime example of why they dont

  16. word on the street is that there will be a write in campaign on both sides of the ticket in the primary

    the ballot choices in this election cycle are putrid from top to bottom

    Gross will be re-elected, and Moore and James will be back in their seats in no time.

  17. Tricia has my vote. She proudly put herself out there to stick up for the prison inmates when they were being asked to cough up DUI center impact fees....they now get free room and board.

    she loves prisoners and may soon be one

    West Easton will have to allow DOC conference calls so she can attend by phone.

  18. mezzyscissorhands is planning a BIG surprise for you all

    its coming, wait and see

  19. do you think Rockne Newell sends Mezzy love letters from the clink?

    I think thats why her blog is down...she doesnt discriminate on free press for inmates

  20. tricia is not hillary cuomo or christie she lives in a bafoon style 1 square mile dandalion

    a kind and compassionate person I have known for years. She deprived herself of basic necessities to care for ailing piglets that were rescued from a local ranch

    she also took her neighbors kids to school when the Mom had no transport and was the only person who showed compassion to another woman in town who had fallen hardTricia does not allow hateful sociopathic people to make her decisions for herand I think the courts have deprived her of the protection she needs from this pompous asshole who writes this destructive blog.and as for westeaston it beyond help and nothing will change anyway

    on the ballot off the ballot, this asshole never stops harassing her hang in trish we support you

  21. "Tricia can always run for an office in the future, but if she does not drop out now, then she is cutting her own financial & political throat."

    Yeah - she can always try to be a rock star, and that isn't going to happen either. Google her name - all of the offenses she has been found guilty of inflicting on others others pops up.

    You are sadly mistaken if you believe any court or legal action related to her defamation of BOH hinges on whether she runs for council. Don't try to start spinning a yarn about how she was forced out of running for office - that's nonsense. She shouldn't be running in the first place, because her only interest is herself, not the taxpayers of WE.

  22. "on the ballot off the ballot, this asshole never stops harassing her hang in trish we support you"

    Sounds like someone needs some yummy vegan hot choco and to hang out in the pig pen.

    Bernie, unlike TM, actually believes in free speech. Maybe he'll leave this post here to let you embarrass yourself, or since it is a major violation of the site TOS he may delete it.

    Either way, it is you who is the asshole. This post just reports on political news announced by another candidate. Open you mind - it's wonderful on the other side.

  23. "Dees is a loose cannon"

    Where is the evidence to support this? The guy writes extremely well, has a broad view of issues instead of a singular focus, and is a zoning board member who actually does the job right.

    Please explain.

  24. "You are sadly mistaken if you believe any court or legal action related to her defamation of BOH hinges on whether she runs for council. Don't try to start spinning a yarn about how she was forced out of running for office"

    Tricia is obviously not getting good legal council here. A good attorney would spin this one right around, and twist it into knots.

    He would claim that she has been constantly harassed by a jilted former relationship. Had an unfair, vindictive judgment against her that was manipulated by a court insider. And was finally run out of politics by a barrage of slander. Finally the women's rights card would be played. A good attorney knows that perception is 9/10 of reality to a Jury.

  25. "He would claim that she has been constantly harassed by a jilted former relationship. Had an unfair, vindictive judgment against her that was manipulated by a court insider. And was finally run out of politics by a barrage of slander. Finally the women's rights card would be played. A good attorney knows that perception is 9/10 of reality to a Jury."

    You've posted this nonsense multiple times here in the last few days. Give it a rest. She ran herself out of contention for public office by harassing town employees and officials and the Solicitor AND the RTK officer. Then she defamed a blogger.

    Your "jury" will have to hear about all that. Bummer, dude. FAIL. Keep the knitting needles moving - you'll have to do better than women's rights and rewriting and concealing history to create your false "reality".

  26. And there in no evidence to support this has anything to do with a "jilted relationship".

    Who the hell would care if they "missed out" on this crazy old woman? Are you f*#Eg insane? Yeah, the jury is going to buy that one. Keep putting it in your briefs though, cause who knows, a judge may be fooled by the smokescreen too. Su-rrrre.

    Who knows? This whacked woman asked Corbett to intervene in a case. Through a pile of crap at the wall and see what happens. Pile of shit on the floor and a dirty wall.

  27. There is ample evidence that BOH blogs about all sorts of public figures. A lie about a fantasy crush isn't going to win in any court.

  28. You can still get the truth at WestEastonPa.com, watch 12/22/2014, the 2015 Budget (Show me the Money). Why is he running for Borough Council? Watch the Video!

  29. she is one sick person, should be locked up!!!

  30. no one else could get away with what she is doing, she is out to destroy West Easton

  31. why doesn't she go back under the rock she crawled out from, to NJ

  32. Mezz has a few more days to withdrawal her name from non-contention. She stands no chance of winning unless another candidate dies, and keeping her name in public will only make things worse for her. But she seems to thrive on lost causes, exhibiting embarrassing behavior, and losing legal fights.

    Staying in the race is the only way to reach the rock bottom low that is inexorably beckoning her. Grab some popcorn - this will be entertaining in a 1960's horror movie sort of way.

  33. I believe that you just might be right about this one. Pass the popcorn please! LOL!

  34. More hate from this blog, stalking and harassing the young woman form West Easton.

  35. You must be crazy,she is nut case and she does all the harassing!

  36. "More hate from this blog, stalking and harassing the young woman form West Easton."

    She is not young - please stop suggesting that she is. That ship sailed about 25 years ago. Saying green is orange doesn't make it true.

    There is no stalking here, no hate, no harassing. Just a consensus that this person has absolutely no place in government.

  37. Love Dees' campaign slogan, "Vote for sanity not calamity".
    I would have just used "Because Mezzacappa is a nutjob who has no job, no house, hides her car from from the sheriff, has been found guilty of harassment, disorderly conduct, defamation, and supports the ambushing murderer Rockne Newell".
    Or is that too long?

  38. Too long. Hiow about, "If you like Rockne Newell, you'll love Tricia Mezzacappa."


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