Local Government TV

Monday, March 23, 2015

The ISIS Hit List

Those cRaZy knuckleheads at ISIS have published a hit list of 100 members of the US military, including their personal identification information.

"Kill them in their own lands, behead them in their own homes, stab them to death as they walk their streets thinking that they are safe."

Alrighty then.

See, the difference between members of the U.S. military and the usual victims of ISIS atrocities is that the military tends to shoot back.Come to think of it, with 300 million guns in this country, so do everyone else.

But not the sheep.

CNN is calling this an "unknown group."


  1. Malik Shabazz OombookweyeleMarch 23, 2015 at 1:39 AM

    It's IS Boonie, and your hateful screed has been noted.

    Allahu Akbar

  2. Bernie,The term is DAESH-General John Allen ,USMC uses this term from his -get go. ,and now recently,months later, The Secretary of State. Early as November 12 This subject of targeting U.S. Military people and or families of ,came up in conversation with no other than one of my heroes- General James Mattis ,USMC-then Central Command -in relationship to social media with military folks posting . This can be terrifyingly dangerous. ISIS is an insult, term to the Muslim populations that are not trying to tear the world up,but want to live in peace,like the Kurd s in North Iraq and Turkey,as well as others.

  3. Dont worry Bernie, the president assures us ISIS is only a JV team.

    they should be defeated by next week

  4. ISIS is JV and al Qaeda is on the run, except where they just took over Yemen, one of Obama's self-proclaimed success stories. Barry was attending a basketball game as our Marines bugged out. It's a step up from attending fundraisers while troops are being shot at. What difference at this point does it make, right? At least John Kerry and his new face can declare "peace in our time." Good stuff.

  5. Let's do nothing and hide our head in the sand, right?

  6. ah yes, the fox news insult, cant be liberal without it.

    I am just restating what our President said, that ISIS is nothing more than a JV team and we should not worry about it.

    Are you saying he is wrong?

  7. Hey 8:34. I think you've made a step up. At least now you're infatuated with masturbation instead of tea-bagging.

    Finally made the move to safe-sex?

  8. It's so refreshing to have an adult like Barack Obama in the White House.

  9. Let's do nothing and hide our head in the sand, right?

    So you are for dropping 200K troops over there? Unprecedented drone strikes and support of local forces is not sticking your head in the sand. It is dealing with an issue appropriately instead of overreacting on ISIL fear tactics. You fall right into their hands.

  10. 8:41 - You rubes acquired the rep of being Fox stooges. Live with it. A bastion of low information and low IQ voters (most of whom don't vote) who simultaneously live off the government teat while demanding others (usually minorities) stop suckling the government teat. They buy gold from Willam Devane, send 5 bucks to Wounded Warriors, and actually consider Oliver North a hero. Talk about fucked up people?

  11. @9:38 Very well said!

  12. If you're a hater.

  13. Jon Stewart Brilliantly Shreds Fox News Over Its Benghazi 'Rage-gasm'

  14. And you are changing the topic. I am sick of this left v. right crap. Can it already.

  15. Obama has waged a brutal and completely ineffective drone war during which Cindy Sheehan and Code Pink NEVER showed up on Pennsylvania Avenue to protest. When he started bombing Syria (how's that going?), just 10 protestors staggered around the Ellipse. Remember when liberals were anti-war? And Jon Stewart, a hack comedian is their gravitas-filled commenter. He's Ted Nugent with a phony name. Outstanding.

  16. This picture reminds me of a local infidel whose briefs are also falling down.

  17. Bernie, in the picture there is an ISIS creaton just out of view with his fishing hip waiters on¿

    patent pending

  18. 4;29 MacDonald Jr. The White house is probably feeding your ducks right now. Your statement is ludicrous and your illusion . These characters were not invented by the CIA. This is the kind of crap that was generated after Vietnam.Get a hold of yourself tonight and go to work and pay your taxes on time. This is a dangerous situation for the world and unless you have had a rifle in your shoulder in the past, I suggest you take up BINGO to help yourself find peace.

  19. "At this point, what difference does it make?" says Hillary Clinton, the next President of the United States.

  20. "What difference does it make " Well Hillary somebody hug those people out to dry ,to cover doing business with subversive groups known to have kill our people! Lets tell the truth and then move on .

  21. Sorry meant HUNG out to dry . They allowed these brave young men to fend for themselves -outnumbered and uncovered by indirect fire . This is the LIE,and she wants to be our Commander in Chief and the President. no one should trust her ,not even Vince Foster.

  22. So once again we hear the self-praiser claim only soldiers have a right to an opinion. I guess that means Ted Cruz, should take a hike, right?

  23. Bingo!

    Just another excuse for the extremist teabagers to attack the President and Hillary Clinton. They are as predictable as they are crazy.

  24. 3:15 AM and 4:03 AM,

    How did you all sleep last night?

    Or didn't you?

    What was that you were saying about hate and crazy???

  25. "teabagers"


    How civil, just like ISIS (the CIA creation).


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