Local Government TV

Friday, March 27, 2015

Should "Admiral" Sestak Be Pulling Rank?

Apparently, when "Admiral" Sestak refers to himself on the campaign trail, he's violating military ethics because he fails to make clear he is retired.

From TribLive:

At an event in Latrobe on Tuesday, titled “Admiral Sestak for Senior Citizens and People with Alzheimer's Disease,” Sestak refused to address questions about why his campaign literature doesn't prominently indicate he retired as a two-star rear admiral.

“I don't know what you are talking about,” said Sestak, who rose to the rank of three-star admiral but wasn't in that position long enough to retire as such. He said he could not answer the question and referred it to campaign spokeswoman Danielle Lynch, who refused comment.

Reminded of the Pentagon's military code of ethics regarding the use of titles, Sestak said: “Mmmm. Send us something on that, would you?”


  1. I prefer to call him Capt. Crunch. He's void of anything good for humans, but full of sweet surprises.

  2. What a bullshitter.If there is one thing entrenched in military life, it is protocol. He surely knows that he must refer to himself as "Admiral-Retired." Sestak will become the admiral of a fleet of sinking ships in the fall.

  3. The guy is a phony and a stuffed shirt. With his wimpy feminine voice and his obvious deficiencies in the brains department, it's beyond understanding how he ever became an admiral.

  4. I like Navy men and I think most Pennsylvanians like the Admiral.


  5. "I prefer to call him Capt. Crunch. He's void of anything good for humans, but full of sweet surprises."

    you win the internet today.

  6. Well, in an effort to change the line of comments thusfar, I would like to see/hear how Seth Williams would campaign. He has gotten his name out there beyond Philly as DA. However, is Sestak so hungry for it that he'll damage any primary opponent to the end benefit of Toomey, regardless of who wins the Dem nod? I hope not.

    I could never vote for Toomey again (had early in his career). Despite his persona, he is part of the dysfunction of DC. He was president of Club for Growth, the group who famously targeted fellow GOP who were too centrist. Thus, he was part architect helping to create today's hyper-partisan dysfunction in DC. He also voted for the shutdown. He voted against ending the shutdown. He supports privatizing Social Security. And, he signed off on freshman Cotton's letter to Iran. Anybody but Toomey.

    However, PA can vote for Obama and Casey, yet also vote for Santorum and Toomey. It should be interesting next year, especially with a Presidential race at the top of the ticket.

  7. Agree. These loons attack and destroy a retried Admiral because he is a Democrat. It shows how hypocritical thy are with all their veteran praising, flag waving bullshit.

    You have Toomey who served himself as a financial boy running around the orient. He is a waste of a Senator. Yet he is their boy.

    We have a decorated Navy veteran and he is attacked by the right wing loons over his politics.

    They love veterans, they honor veterans, if of course they are the right kind of veterans with the right kind of political beliefs.

    This was pointed out earlier and this blog allows vicious personal attacks on Adm. Sestak but won't allow any defense of the man, how screwed up is that?

    Thank you for your service Adm. Sestak and we appreciate your service to our country as much any serviceman that has opposing political views.

    Sad state of affairs in Post-Fox News America.

  8. "right wing loons"

    Sleep much 4:05?

  9. 4:05 is just another one of those bitter, arrogant left-wingers who will allow their candidates all kinds of illegal and improper leeway while jumping on the first conservative who makes a politically incorrect statement. Most veterans deserve our respect and admiration for their service, but it doesn't mean they are saints. In Sestak's case he clearly violated military protocol by referring to himself as "Admiral" when in fact he is long retired. He know this, but claims ignorance. That makes him untrustworthy, and as full of himself as most libs.

  10. "4:05is just another one of those bitter, arrogant left-wingers who will allow their candidates all kinds of illegal and improper leeway while jumping on the first conservative who makes a politically incorrect statement."

    4:05 is just another one of those bitter right-wingers who will allow their Fox approved candidates all kind so illegal and improper leeway while jumping on the first real Democrat that makes a politically incorrect statement.

    You make sense, now I get it.

  11. Adm. Sestak is a quality man and American hero and not the POS puppet Toomey is for the Club for Growth.

  12. Rooney invented the club for growth and is credited with the T-Party movement in this country. Can't believe that PA would have him as a senator. Just another reason to move to another state, but where?

  13. He should not continuously us his rank ,although it is an asset ,but if I remember correctly he retired less one rank for some reason , I'm not being critical of him personally ,that happens to many fine people at retirement. His problem is that his opponent the incumbent is UNIMPEACHABLE, he is squeaky clean , so why would the tax payer, American citizen want to change representation?

  14. 12;05 anon -As a point of reference-All flag officers are re- callable until death.Ask, General MacArthur!

  15. Rooney did not create the Club for Growth. He was a Dem.

  16. Peter, I'm pretty sure TJ would prefer to be referred to in the present tense. He is still very much alive.

  17. Bernie - your up ! Will leave message for you in office of mutual friend Tuesday. Also I can't wait to see your Ethic Declaration posted on some candidate shortly! May be IMPEACHMENT for somebody.-----Was in Bradford County -over weekend and this morning on the way to the outhouse it was 8 degrees out there. What a place.

  18. Let me know, Peter. I will alert our mutual friend to be on the lookout for a Marine on a mission.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. If you want to post a comment that insults half the world you're going to have to sign your name like I do.

  21. I notice you allow many hateful comments aimed at some groups but go after mine. I am happy to oblige. I am retired US Navy and was once a Republican. I left the party after the disgusting deceit of the Bush/Cheney years and the war in Iraq. It was a total fraud perpetrated on the American people. Also I have noticed that any military men who happen to oppose the right wing are somehow lesser military men in this groups eyes. Another major issue I have is that my former party and the party of my family has more and more been hijacked by "right-wing" loons. If you have a more descriptive term, please enlighten me. Therefore, I repeat my statement and will identify myself as I have nothing to fear from these people.

    "his opponent the incumbent is UNIMPEACHABLE"

    He is no friend of the middle class and in the opinion of many he should be very impeachable. Of course we love to have right -wing military types scream about their service non-stop. We have draft dodgers like Dickless Cheney play big chicken hawk sending men to go to war, a place were he fought hard to stay out of in his youth. Bullshit artists, all of you!
    More of the typical right-wing loon mentality.

    J. Oswald

  22. BOH, why not write a blog piece about the actual governing (or lack thereof) of Pat Toomey instead of ridiculous stories such as this?

  23. Dear Comrade Oswald,I respect your opinion more than someone that does not have skin in the game. Remember ,if we have three people that always agree ,we don't need two of them . Your U.S.Navy travels have given you incite that territorial domestic types can't have. Thank you for your incite --that was in fact very good. I use 'comrade' because you are my comrade as a service member. You of all people have a right to express your opinion .


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.