Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

NorCo Gaming Board: $1.6 Million Expected, $1.6 Million Sought

Darlene Heller (L) and Alicia Karner (R)
Northampton County's nine-member Gaming Board doles out the slots revenue from the Sands Casino every year. This year, their work might be finished early. Applications for this year's grants stand at about $1.6 million, and that's about all that the Board expects to get.

Karen Collis out it succinctly when the Board met on March 23. "As of now, there's $88." she said, referring to the amount of money in the restricted fund used for the first and possibly only round off grants.

"Thanks for coming!" John Dally wisecracked to the applicants in the audience.

By law, the first round of grants must go to Bethlehem, Northampton County and the five municipalities surrounding Bethlehem. These are Hanover Township, Bethlehem Township, Lower Saucon Township and Freemansburg and Hellertown. To be awarded a grant, they must show they've been impacted by gambling. If any money is left over, it can be awarded to other municipalities.

This year's grant applications are as follows

Bethlehem. - The Christmas City is seeking nearly half of the $1.6 million expected this year. It also is impacted more heavily than any other municipality. It wants $400,000 for a $1.2 million 95' aerial bucket truck. This vehicle will be able to respond to the casino within four minutes if called into service. It is asking for $130,000 to rechassis an aging 2007 ambulance. EMT Tom Decker told the Board that 7.5% of the ambulance call volume is for the casino. Finally, Planning Director Darlene Heller and DCED Director Alicia Karner pitched a $250,000 proposal for improvements to the South Bethlehem greenway. Karner called this a positive impact of the casino because many casino employees are using the greenway,located between 3rd and 4th streets, to walk to work.

Tom Nolan was dubious, stating that it is "difficult" for him to see what connection the greenway has to the casino. "I find it difficult to connect the dots," he groused. Karner connected them,noting that people who live in South Bethlehem neighborhoods use the greenway to get to their job at the casino. "When the Bethlehem Steel was there, they all walked," added Jerry Yob,

Bethlehem Tp. - Three grants are being sought for the purchase of two police vehicles ($101,528), 15 new defibrillators ($23,514) and replacement of a 2007 ambulance ($120,200). Capt. Greg Gottschall explained that the new cruisers will replace the oldest vehicles, which are seven years old. He added that the defibrillators need to be replaced because of changes in the software.Finally, ambulance officials told the Board that they responded to 842 calls in Bethlehem last year, most of them on the South Side.

Freemansburg. - Chief Todd Pantuso did the talking, and is asking for $102,988 for an enhancement to operational technology. Freemansburg's Main Street is taken as a short cut to the casino, the Chief explained. He's seen the traffic triple since his arrival 1 1/2 years ago. DUI and drug arrests have increased as well. While dealing with increased crime and traffic, his computer system has frozen several times. No data has been lost.

Hanover Tp. - Director of Administration Ryan Kish wants $42,000 for a Chevy Tahoe to be driven by one of the Township's three emergency management professionals. He also is asking for $8,800 for crash and crime scene software.

Kish's proposal is just a fraction of the cost for a similar software program sought and obtained by Palmer Tp Police last year. Kish explained he was trying to find an inexpensive program. "The way it looks, you found it," noted John Dally.

Less complimentary was Tom Nolan. He questioned whether this software can legally be purchased for Colonial Regional Police when two of the municipalities that it serves are not impacted communities. He also questioned the need for an emergency management official to drive around in a Chevy Tahoe.

Hellertown.- Nobody needs a traffic study to know that traffic is congested in Hellertown, especially coming from South Bethlehem, where the casino is located. Chief Robert Shupp told the Board that there;'s now prostitution, daytime DUIs and he even seized an illegal poker machine from a local business. He's seeking funding for two police officers at $207,034.

Lower Saucon. - Chief Guy Lesser would like to fund a police officer ($101,897) and wants to replace a Ford Interceptor Van ($30,294) that is 2 1/2 years old and has more than 100,000 miles.

Northampton County. - Drug and Alcohol Administrator Tiffany Rossanese is seeking $143,765 this year for gambling addiction treatment and support services. She believes the county needs to do more to identify problem gamblers and provide more education to the community. In addition to transitional housing, the county supports three recovery centers, and assists addicts with job placement and even interviews.

These grants could be awarded in April. It will be up to Joe Kelly (Bethlehem), Tom Nolan (Bethlehem Tp), Gerald Yob (Freemansburg), Jay Finnigan (Hanover), Dave Heintzelman (Hellertown), Dave Willard (Lower Saucon), Tony Pristash (Northampton), John Dally (Pen Argyl) and James Pennington (Lower Nazareth).


  1. There are multiple state grants that could fund the greenway. Seems a bit greedy, but if you don't ask you'll never know.

  2. Attending last night's meeting for the first time I was shocked in the manner that Mr. Nolan of Bethlehem Township treated representatives of the City of Bethlehem, Northampton County and Hanover Township. Yet when Bethlehem Township presented their projects he sat idly by. Talk about a hypocrite.

    He questioned the City's project, claiming it wasn't near the casino. Across the street mustn't count. Talk about geographically challenged.

    His municipality asked for two police vehicles that have more bells and whistle than most, he questioned Hanover's who was willing to totally pay for everything except the vehicle itself.

    His municipality is even asking for AED' for municipal facilities. Heart attack patients must leave the casino and enter their facilities after their losses.

    Finally, he criticizes an application from the County for assistance for gaming addicts.

    Is this guy for real. I understand he's up for reelection as a commissioner in Bethlehem Township. Residents beware, you get what you ask for. Vote for anyone else.

  3. Whore$.

    The only communities who should receive the funds are Bethlehem and maybe Hellertown. All others a joke, and not a funny one.


  4. The greenway is a real stretch

  5. And here I thought casino revenue was supposed to reduce my property taxes.

  6. Scott, if you live in the City of Bethlehem your tax exposure was reduce by almost $10MM in fiscal year 2013-2014, which was the City's take from gaming proceeds..

  7. If Bethlehem Township wants to buy a new ambulance for $120k, why does the re-chassis of an ambulance for the city of Bethlehem cost $130k? Sounds like it would be less expensive to replace, rather than re-chassis.

  8. Bethlehem's request for financing emergency vehicles is likely a valid use of casino funding but there is no way such funds should be used for the greenway. Bethlehem in fact should put the entire greenway project on hold until it first finds funds to do far more important maintenance on it's streets and other basic infrastructure. The greenway is a nice luxury for the city but it should never come at the price of ignoring the basic responsibilities a local government is supposed to provide.

  9. Nolan has a point. Hasn't the greenway project already received large sums of state and county open space funding? Now on top of that they also want casino impact money?

  10. I view the greenway as infrastructure just like those streets.

  11. 7:02, Nolan probably does hurt BT by trashing all these other projects. Yes, Bethlehem had numerous grant requests, but that's where the casino is located. unlike others, I believe the greenway project IS city infrastructure. the fact that YOU don't barrel down it at 90 mph does not mean it is not used. It is, and is used heavily by people on the South Side. Nolan's opposition to sharing money with the county to help treat gaming is absolutely ridiculous.

    Last year, despite an excellent presentation, the Gaming Board denied the funding for a firetruck to BT. I think I now know why.

  12. "If Bethlehem Township wants to buy a new ambulance for $120k, why does the re-chassis of an ambulance for the city of Bethlehem cost $130k? Sounds like it would be less expensive to replace, rather than re-chassis. "

    It sounds that way, but it is not that way according to Bethlehem. Bethlehem likes to rechassis and believes it would spend $170k if it went new.

  13. Bernie @11:12,
    A new ambulance can cost up to $170k when you buy a high-end type. The re-chassis process merely replaces the vehicle, not the box that is mounted to it. The box ages as well, and can present leakage and electrical problems the older it gets, making maintenance more costly. It's more fiscally responsible to replace at a saving that could be used elsewhere.

  14. you may be right. I am no expert and am merely repeating what the guys from Bethlehem said.

  15. @1:18,
    The city is greedy. They are allowed to double-dip the funds generated by the casino. They receive a host fee (9.6 million), plus are eligible for the grants.

  16. Bernie @12:01,
    I understand, but most public sector folks have little regard for financial responsibility. They are constantly seen with their hands in the taxpayers' pockets.

  17. this isn't tax-payer revenue, it's a profit share

  18. Please correct me if I am wrong, however, it is my understanding that Bethlehem already receives a dedicated unrestricted portion of gaming revenue.

  19. It does as the host city. The Gaming Law also permits the city to participate in impact grants. It is one of the advantages of being the host city.

  20. Matt M. This is a tax on total revenue. Why would you liken gaming revenue as profit share and not a tax? Just curious. Gaming revenue going to the state is a percentage on total take. Some would suggest it is no different than sales tax on gross receipts. Is business privilege a tax or profit share? Is Marcellus impact fee a tax or profit share? Gaming funds would still be paid if the casino takes a loss.

  21. Matt, the gaming fee is on total revenue, not profit. No different than a Marcellus impact fee, business privilege tax or state sales on gross receipts. Not sure the definition makes a difference. If it were profit share, would the casinos be writing it off and taking federal tax credits?

  22. Bethlehem Township never showed an impact to get all the new cars that the police force currently has. Drive by the station one day, there is a fleet of cars parked on the side, its amazing. This Board is a Joke and should be disbanded as soon as possible. Nolan and the rest should resign for not doing the job they were installed to do. they are supposed to grand the awards by the Proven Impact, thats why its called and impact grant. why bethlehem township thinks they have any impact at all and why Nolan is on the board is a mystery. The State should be looking into this corrupt group and the grants that they have been awarding as "impact". I think i will call

  23. Lets be exact. Gaming benefit to date:
    Bethlehem $42,791,964
    Allentown $16,846,588
    Easton $2,555,963
    Northampton Cnt $15,718,860
    Lehigh County $5,388,330

  24. Gaming benefit = backroom deal cut in Harrisburg by Pat Browne (just like the NIZ)

  25. Beth twnship has a slew of vehicles that never seem to be doing anything. Never at the problem intersections or enforcing speed laws. And they want more cars? I think the township should let the ambulances get the money with over 800 calls a year into Bethlehwm alone.

  26. @2:38 "we had morons running the county".........um we have the biggest moron in history running the county now.

  27. @2:38,
    The situation here is actually better than the rest of the State, where there is no Gaming Board. The local board tries to keep the funds local. In the other areas, grant revenue is even available to municipalities who are located in counties adjacent to the casino's county. The Commonwealth divides up the money, and everyone gets some. This can be seen in the fact that Bethlehem Township received money from the Mount Airy Casino taxes. Every municipality in Northampton County can apply for grants from Monroe and Bucks casinos' taxes.

  28. So what! It was a mistake to sign a document that gave over half the casino money away. Northampton County sure could use the money that was unilaterally signed away by a clueless executive. Even the county council at the time slammed him for that move.

    This board was another good in that it hands money out to any community when it should be dedicated to "impact".
    Sorry Johnny but it was a big mistake.

  29. Pat Browne needs to be voted out. Period

  30. Has Alicia been away from the Board for more than a year? If so, ok. If not... there could be a possible PA Ethics Code violation. As past employee of the County supporting that Board, the Ethics Code might prohibit her from coming back in front of that Board looking for funding.

  31. I have watched this board for a while and I can't figure out why Joe Kelly is on it. Huge upgrade for the City with Alicia. It is the county's loss.

  32. 9:12, You are out of your mind. Karner was never employed by that Board. She was employed by the County. She has been gone for over a year, and was not pitching for herself, but the City that employs her. There is no conflict of interest as a matter of law, and to even suggest that indicates that you have some sort of personal animus. Hence your anonymity.


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