Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

NorCo Council Wants More Time To Review Cabinet Appointments

Northampton County has some serious issues. It has no rainy day fund to speak of, but looming capital needs are going to require at least $44 million over the next five years. Because he has refused to fill vacancies as they occur, Executive John Brown has an under-staffed and stressed workforce, most of whom are working without a contract. Long lines in the Civil Division. Corrections officers forced to pull doubles. Amazingly, in this climate, Council's meeting for Wednesday night has just one item on the agenda.

Perhaps Brown's biggest problem is his top-approach. instead of getting ideas from the workforce, the people who best know how to make things work more efficiently, Brown engages in government by consultant. Guys like Matt Deibert, who carry a brief case with a cell phone in it, tell him what to do. Principles like CI or LEAN manufacturing, which ideally rely on the workforce, are ignored

With all these problems, the only item that Council President Peg Ferraro thinks they have time for is a new ordinance that will require the Executive to give them seven working days notice of a cabinet appointment.

Because they're so busy.

In case they haven't noticed, Brown has already filled his cabinet.

A meeting like this is an insult to both the workforce and the taxpayer.


  1. I agree with the need for more time to consider Brown's cabinet picks. You yourself, Bernie has criticized several of his appointees, and in most cases they were shoved down council's throat at the last hour. The cause for this action is distrust of Brown and general dismay at his appointees. Even though it is not substantive in the grand scheme of things, it is a bold statement by council that they accept their duties to conduct due diligence with these appointees and need more time to thoroughly vet their backgrounds and qualifications.

  2. Council needs to do more than cover one item of business. It is an insult.

  3. Also, Brown has found the time and money to hire several new staff at DCED while ignoring more urgent staffing vacancies. What has DCED accomplished in over a year under this administration? Has it created any new jobs? Any improvements in infrastructure? DOUBTFUL. But Donaher gets whatever she wants in staff and is gobbling up divisions rightfully under Administration. The economic development aspect of that department is a duplication of effort to satisfy the parochial resentment of council. But it has been a farce since Donaher took over. She wants power but has no plan. And no jobs created, so far.

  4. They cannot cancel the meeting, it is mandatory under the HRC. And often when the agenda is light, there is more open debate on other emerging issues of importance. One can only hope...

  5. Is meeting tonight? Thought it is scheduled for 3/5? I see 6 things on the Agenda but mind as well say one since the committees and other reports never seem to give one. All reps from commitees, Brown, liaison, clerk, solicitor all should be able to give reports at all meetings. Tax Payers should demand this. It's March and when was the last reports given during a council meeting from the commitees, etc....

  6. Why? County Council is under no obligation to approve a cabinet pick when asked to by the Executive. If he brings in a pick a day before a meeting, you tell him it will be addressed at the next meeting.

    The pick can do the job and even get paid in the meantime, in the capacity of acting so and so.
    Would be nice if some of these jokers actually knew what they can and can't do.

    Of course passing an unnecessary ordinance is like a boner pill for a legislative body.

  7. @1:57 Unfortunately boner pills arent covered under Browwn's new healthcare plan:(

  8. Why put an incompetent in an acting role to cover up laziness on the part of the CE to provide council with information on a timely basis? Council has final approval of cabinet picks. They should be allowed sufficient time to review that person's qualifications and background before they vote, in good conscious, up or down.

  9. The meeting is 3/5. If it were tonight, I'd want ot to last 30 seconds.

  10. Get good ideas from the workforce? You must be kidding. They've hated him from Day 1. As viciously as they hated Stoffa, Brown was going to be hated even more - and even before he took office. This is a workforce that threatened and insulted and maligned one of their own in Stoffa. They eat their young and brag about it. The only ideas they have is how to express unadulterated hatred for county Executive (fill in the blank).

  11. @2:42. The workforce has plenty of good ideas. The AIC should try asking and listening. Dont think anyone hated him prior to he was elected king.

  12. A lot of people in that workforce liked him and voted for him. He was not what he pretended to be.

  13. Don't forget to mention Ms Allen who thinks she's a Jail expert now.


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