Local Government TV

Friday, March 06, 2015

Linda Zembo Appointed Council Clerk

After a lengthy search to find someone who could succeed the irreplaceable Frank Flisser as NorCo Council Clerk, Council voted last night to stick with the person they already know. Unanimously, they voted to appoint Linda Zembo, who has been Council's Executive secretary for the past 15 years. She will be paid around $87,000, though no one knew the exact figure last night.

Zembo will be just the second person to hold this position. Unflappable Flisser was able to hold on to this at-will position for 37 years before he retired in December. Though Flisser was known for his poker face, Zembo managed a brief smile when Council appointed her. Flisser, who trained her, is undoubtedly smiling, too.


  1. Congratulations Linda! Good choice council.

  2. Jerry Seyfried says
    excellent choice. Congrats Linda. You are deserving and I have all the confidence that you will do a good job.

  3. Great pick... but salary for the positions seems a bit high. What is her highest level of education and what other work experience does she have, beyond being a County Secretary?

  4. Maybe she has years of under study experience like the article says.

  5. No one knows what the salary is. Ah duh. Congrats, linda

  6. Another idiot comment from bozo ohare. Irreplaceable. But obviously he was replaceable as he was replaced. What a drama queen you are

  7. 7:10 is full of hatred. Just turn over my car already, Mezzacrappa.

  8. Nice lady, will do a good job, but 87K is more than the County Executive makes.

  9. @7:10 Speak for yourself, Sweetie. Slippery roads out there - better take the RAV4, and 0.50 to call someone for a ride when you get pulled over and the tow truck hauls it away.

    O'Hare didn't make a "comment," he wrote a blog post. Like you used to do before narcissism took over your life.

  10. Agree the 87 k is way over the top.You have casework supervisors that don't make that much. You have clerks that make barley more than min. wage. Correction officers at less thsn 1/2.

  11. Remember seeing this position in the local paper, not too long ago and even gave Peg F's address in the add as to where to send resumes. The qualifications were quite specific. Was a job description changed? You got to be kidding they didn't know the specific salary right? Is Peg and other council that clueless? I think not, they just play dumb because they can. Maybe the new HR Director (if she's still around) needs to do some salary audits of all county positions. I bet council controls this position and salary.

  12. Yes the $87 K is outrageous! 15 years as a clerical assistant now making more than the CE or some cabinet level positions? With a HS education? Only in the Republic of Northampton County.

  13. Linda is really the only qualified person for this position. You have to understand that Frank Flisser held this position or 37 years. Linda, like Frank, will be managing a governmental body which holds 9 individual personalities. I can only imagine how difficult this job will be for Linda. She has the experience in aiding Frank manage this body. It seems as though the issue of the salary is bothersome. Is it a bit high...yes, but is Linda deserving of it? Mostly definitely.

  14. Look at the duties and responsibilities that come with the position. She, not the solicitor, will write the ordinances. She is responsible for getting the information to the Council. She is responsible for doing the research work. Do you think the Councilmen do it. She is responsible for tracking the expenses of the Administration and keeping Council informed on a daily basis. She is the second ,most important person in the County. She will serve as the check on the administration. She is worth every damn penny she will be getting paid.

  15. It is and should be a high salary. Council recognizes that you get what you pay for. I hope that message translates into higher wages for other experienced county workers who are good at what they do and should be recognized. Don't begrudge the high salary. Use it as a basis to demand one for others.


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