Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Fraud Charges Against W Easton Boro Council Candidate Held For Court

Following a preliminary hearing on Monday afternoon, Magisterial District Judge Richard Yetter ruled there is sufficient evidence to send West Easton Boro Council candidate Tricia Mezzacappa to county court on charges of defrauding a secured creditor. She will be formally arraigned on May 14, If convicted, she faces a fine of up to $5,000, along with imprisonment for up to two years.

Judge Yetter's ruling followed the testimony of three witnesses, including NorCo Detective Frank Jordan, Northampton County Deputy Sheriff SGT Michael Orchulli and myself. The testimony established that I have a judgment against Mezzacappa and started execution proceedings against her personal property. SGT Orchulli observed her 2008 Toyota RAV4 parked near her home, and levied on it. While there, he was approached by Mezacappa, and he asked her to wait with him while the levy papers were brought to the scene. He instructed her she could not hide or dispose of the vehicle. Mezzacappa promised she would meet Sheriffs at the courthouse, and accept all paperwork there. She never showed, and disappeared with the car. SGT Orchulli posted the notice of levy at her house and photographed what he had done. I testified to purchasing the vehicle at a Sheriff's Sale and that Mezzacappa never appeared or produced the car. Detective Jordan presented paperwork from PennDOT showing that Mezzacappa owns the car. He also stated that Mezzacappa refuses to produce or reveal the car's location because the matter is in litigation.

Prominent defense attorney Jim Connell established on cross-examination that the writ of execution had erroneously listed a 2007 Toyota RAV4, and not 2008. That was actually Mezzacappa's mistake. In a previous attempt to have taxpayers foot the bill for her numerous and sundry lawsuits, she had described the vehicle as a 2007 model.

He also established that Mezzacappa had filed a claim for exemption. Because she refused to pay the required filing fee, that claim was rejected by the Sheriff.

Mezzacappa is under $5,000 unsecured bail.


  1. This illustrates how whacky this woman is. She didn't pay a fee to file a form that she hoped would keep her car from being sold? What was it, like $10 or $15?

    Sounds like the public defender was grasping at straws, which is all he had to work with. She's wasting our tax dollars on this nonsense, instead of paying what she owes.

    Looks like the RAV4 won't be getting a spring cleaning.

  2. according to the rules of criminal procedure, credibility issues , ie, being disbarred for fraud, are not allowed to be raised at a preliminary hearing.

    Sleep tight, because you're getting pulverized at trial

  3. Actually, under Pa. Rules of Evidence, a witness generally can't be cross-examined on specific instances of misconduct from the past unless there is a criminal conviction. In many instances, however, the court allows it and that's not really a problem with me. My testimony is mostly unremarkable. I simply testified that i have a judgment and bought the car at a Sheriff's sale. If you want to establish that I'm a no good SOB, that's OK. The witnesses who damaged Mezzacappa, and badly, were Orchulli and Jordan. Orchulli recounted how Mezzacappa promised him she would meet him at the courthouse to get her levy papers, and then she stiffed him and broke her word. That won't play well.Nor will her remarks to Frank Jordan help her.

  4. O'Hare correct me if I'm wrong, but doesnt there have to be some form of criminal intent?

    As I saw your rants, time and again, there was money on the table for you, and you refused it? And you gloated about refusing it....

    As mom said, dont puke in writing. Your screeds are a matter of record, and fact.

  5. Credibility issues? You keep harping on that, but you are the one who has them - beginning with defaming Bernie. Being disbarred isn't related at all to this matter, but you can't get that through your head.

    How about telling an officer of the law that you'll be right over to his office, and instead concealing the vehicle he levied and not showing up?

    You're screwed. And what about the house you illegally transferred to your mother? That's next. How could you insert your 72 year old mother into your legal troubles???

    Credibility issues - lol Put some yummy vegan cocoa on the stove, and work on your brief for April 1. Have a great night.

  6. Did Mezzacappa show up for the hearing?

  7. It must be nice to have officers of the county at your beck and call. Being a courthouse insider has its perks.

    Hopefully this young woman requests a jury trial so all the evidence and facts can be heard by a jury of her peers and she gets a fair shake.

    1. Hey mezzadumbass, you are not young. You are a freaking fossil. A hideous one at that

  8. Bernie can drive his car anywhere he wants.

    You can't let your car be seen on the street.

    Who is living a life, and who is living in a self-made prison, looking over her shoulder constantly? Your next WE Council member, that's who!

  9. "Did Mezzacappa show up for the hearing?"


  10. "Hopefully this young woman requests a jury trial so all the evidence and facts can be heard by a jury of her peers and she gets a fair shake."

    You're too funny. Here is the evidence:

    1. Mezzacappa was fined $67,140 for defamation of Bernie.
    2. Her car was levied, and she was notified it would be sold.
    3. She concealed the car.
    4. The car was sold at auction.
    5. She has never produced the car, and her public defender as much as implied it has vaporized or never existed after it was levied.
    6. Under PA law, she has defrauded a secured creditor.

    The intent to conceal the vehicle is the element in question - and she told the detective she intended to not produce the vehicle.

    Let's see, how about we meet for an hour to make it look like we worked hard on it, and then deliver our verdict? How bout those Phillies?

    This case doesn't need a jury. A judge can figure this out in 10 minutes.

    She isn't young. She's 50. Stop casting her as some defenseless person. She's a menace - she has harassed multiple people in her own town government and defamed Bernie. She dug her own hole, and quite proudly.

  11. "doesnt there have to be some form of criminal intent?"

    There has to be an intent to hinder enforcement of the levy or the judgment, and that is established beyond a reasonable doubt by SGT Orchulli's testimony. He let her go, and with the car, based on her promise to meet him at the courthouse and get the paperwork. She broke her word and hid the asset. It is also established by her "Keep lookin'" response to an email I sent her before charges were filed. The intent is there, and it's beyond a reasonable doubt.

  12. "It must be nice to have officers of the county at your beck and call. Being a courthouse insider has its perks.

    Hopefully this young woman requests a jury trial so all the evidence and facts can be heard by a jury of her peers and she gets a fair shake."

    I am far from a courthouse insider and have no perks that are not available to the public at large. The reason this prosecution was brought has nothing to do with me. Our sheriffs do not like it when people thumb their noses at judicial process. if that is tolerated, they won't be able to do anything in time.

    If it were up to me, Mezzacappa would have been in jail in 2013. But professionals make this call. And yes, she is entitled to a jury trial and is presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. She will get a fair trial and is represented by a very capable defense attorney who will leave no stone unturned, represent her zealously, and give me more grey hair. She lucked out in that regard.

  13. "As I saw your rants, time and again, there was money on the table for you, and you refused it? And you gloated about refusing it...."

    This is nonsense. I have never received one offer to settle this matter from Mezzacappa involving money. She offered to give Leighton Cohen free massages, but never once mentioned money. Right now the meter is at $70k plus and growing.

    There was a time when you could have settled this matter for $35k. That train has left. There was a time you could have settled this for $50k. That train has left, too. If you want to settle it, you need to get your lawyer on the phone with Orloski and make an offer. Not free massages. No insulting offers. Right now, we stand to collect everything by selling your house and then going after your mother, who participated in a fraudulent conveyance with you.

    If you want to settle, you better have someone call Orloski. If you want me to accept one penny less than the full $70k, you are going to have to make other concessions as well.

    In the meantime, your brief and record are due April 1. You will have to prepare copies of a record as well as a brief, which should cost you a lot of money.

    Also, I have no control over the criminal charges against you. That is a separate matter brought by a DA who does not like to see sheriffs given the run around when attempting to effect judicial process. You will not get ARD if you refuse to settle or turn over the car. If you roll the dice and are convicted, which seems highly likely, you will go to jail. If you plead guilty and refuse to cooperate, you will likely go to jail. If you seek ARD and refuse yo cooperate, your application will likely be denied.

    Your options are very limited at this point.

  14. "Judge, I have stuff in my evidence box that is...um... related to this case...

    I have blog posts, an opinion from 1986, a used Starbucks coffee cup, a bill from my former lawyer...

    This is a miscarriage of justice, your Honor. Are you going to go by the law, or what I am telling you is right? You've cited the wrong article, your Honor. I had this same problem with Koury."

  15. 12:38AM is Mezzacappa, talking about herself in her typical disembodied way.

    The lie that she made a bonafide offer to settle is well documented in the record. She wrote a letter to Orloski saying she had no money other than maybe some costs. That was her offer. You can find it by going through the case folder. $500 to settle a $67,140 judgment doesn't cut it.

    But she writes in current filings such as Timmer that there was a legitimate settlement offer. She also wrote there that Bernie dragged her mother into his judgment against her, which is untrue - she dragged her mother in by transferring her house to her the day after the judgment was rendered. That is not legal. But what didn't she mention in her reply to Timmer? Nothing at all about hiding her car. Look at the big bad things Bernie did, an he also farted while we took walks, but I'm not going to tell you what I did.

    People find the law uncomfortable when they break it and are held accountable. Suddenly they are innocent and the system is "stacked" against them - which is BS. Read em and weep, cupcake. Real life sucks when you screw around with the wrong person.

  16. Want more evidence of intent to conceal? Here's an email she sent to Orloski today, after being held for court.

    "On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 4:54 PM, Tricia Mezzacappa wrote:
    Please see the enclosed. The clock starts today if your client wishes to assert his defenses. 20 days. I'll be driving waiting.


    Tricia Mezzacappa"

    Incidentally, she still hasn't served him, but has filed a bogus certificate of service claiming she has. She is still playing games, and this is no game.

  17. So much for that "battered by the truth" and "falsely criminalized" crap. She swung the bat and it bounced back and whacked her in the head.

    That's karma for you.

  18. Had Pistol Pete done the levy, that car never would have vanished.

  19. The poison posse and the gross one have been pounding this young woman for years. Very shameful. Once a jury hears all the evidence and sees the constant harassment and public attacks on her, thing swill be pout right.

    Now the threats against her mother are also at play. The mothers attorney will swat them aside.

    Allegedly this vehicle and house were in the bloggers hands a year ago, they still are not.

    Juries are not into vengeance and insider justice. Still a long road ahead. All the facts and information is yet to be heard by an unbiased jury., not just a poison posse withy an axe to grind against this woman.

  20. Now threats from those who are there to enforce laws not selectively go after people on behalf of others?

    This is getting worse.

  21. Bernie I used to own a 2008 RAV4 they are great cars shame you missed out on getting that opportunity. Best thing I can recommend to move on would be maybe renting one from AVIS and taking little Sick O' Rick O' out for a cone of soft serve as payment for all his hard work.

  22. A candidate to be arraigned on fraud only a week before the primary and LVL remains silent. Maybe the Morning Call will have a pair.

  23. all of the people that would love to see this woman burn at the stake are having their fun now.
    She is innocent until proven guilty. Its not the job of any magistrate to decide the case at a preliminary, or decide if Sheriff errors or plaintiff errors will invalidate a charge. That burden is for a jury...and whomever wrote the remark about credibility is correct.

    while O'Hare was at the hearing it is unlikely he got his story right because he is motivated by so much rage, hurt and embarassment he has blinded himself.

    Ms. Mezzacappa will have her day in what was probably an inside deal from the very beginning. Its really a shame that the courts are being used for revenge because "someone" cant move on with his life, or accept a drop of criticism from anyone.

    Sal said it best on his facebook rant...everytime ohare opens his mouth, he is making his cyber victims look better.

  24. No one wants her burned at the stake.
    She has stunk up the Lehigh Valley enough.

  25. Has anyone seen the Timmer file? Just asking because I see its getting quite large with multiple filings and multiple defendants.

    Its astonishing to see the time and effort that must be endured for a perpetually aggreived Plaintiff who lives in the courts.

    Unfortuantely our PA Rules of Civil procedure do not have a bulletin to address this...in the criminal code, its opposite is called "Habitual Offender."

    Word on the street is, it will be the trial of the century with learned attorneys posted at every chair in the courtroom and witnesses galore.

    In the world of Al Davis, I mean Bernie O'Hare, when you play victim enough, you become one.

    You managed (amazingly) a one to one trial last year without cross, but from what you are writing, it seems you will be under oath for much of 2015...you love courtrooms so much and so often that you will have your wish

  26. So dissointed that The judge did not throw her in jail. She is going to drag this on so long that the RAV4 will be only worth pennies by the time you get it and the NORCO people get justice against this menace

  27. whatever pull you have with Morganelli can and should come to a screeching hault after seeing that you are actively destroying his commonwealth case.

    your personal vendetta against this woman has been obvious in that you havent kept her name out of your shithole blog for a week, hellbent on revenge at any cost. You have cost the courts time in a civil case, now in appellate court, and now one in criminal, and now a second in civil again, with a counter claim, and a separate libel suit from her. Not including the PFAs...three of them

    Count'em, thats 9 cases the court has had to hear, all because poor Bernie cannot accept he was dumped. If the judges just granted her PFA the first time, we would all be spared the expense, hate, vitrol, and reems of paper. What a disgusting self important asshole you are

    9 cases because a dirty old fart twice her age cant handle rejection...9 of 'em. 30 year marriages dont end up anywhere near the insanity of this one.

    You remind me of the family court jug heads who file suit over a custody visit on Christmas.

    you've worn out your welcome mat.

  28. twice her age? Bernie's over 100 years old???

  29. desperation is a stinky cologne, tricia

  30. Hey Mezzalunatic! Ever hear of a deficiency judgment? If not, you will. Ha-ha-ha-ha...

  31. I gather she filed an appeal of your judgment in the Superior Court. But did post the security necessary to obtain a stay?

  32. Are you going to give any money you receive to the poor victims of your representation who suffered from your deceit that lead to your disbarment?

    Might me a good start to expiate the demons that inhabit your interior mind.

  33. "You crossed me , therefore you die" is the malicious undertaking of a sociopath with a long documented history of viscious rage directed at.....you got it.....anyone who "crossed" him. His excessive rage has been documented in dozens of court proceedings, transcripts and right here on his hate fueled weapon he calls a blog.

    But what the disbarred self professed drunkard AA attendee never manages to grasp is that one is not entitled to strip another of life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness just because of his self told insecurities about a crumbled reputation.

    The more that is written here, the better Mezzacappa will appear. Rant on posion posse, because you helping the person you hate so much.

    I was jilted by 3 women in my past, and one now. I moved on. Its obvious O'Hare cannot be helped because he refuses to help himself

    Change the channel O'Hare...no one gives a shit , your wildly deceptive 4 year tantrum is ending badly.

  34. "I gather she filed an appeal of your judgment in the Superior Court. But did post the security necessary to obtain a stay?
    9:20 AM "


  35. Car inspection expiredMarch 17, 2015 at 11:16 AM

    Wow - looks like Tricia and her two supporters are off the rails today, and badly confused.

    The subject at hand is what she did to Bernie, and the charge against her for criminal behavior in concealing assets, not anything Bernie has done. Bernie has no charges against him for anything - he is the victim.

    Go back and read this post. It is objective. He complimented her attorney. It just presents the facts of what happened yesterday.

    The claim a few days ago was Yetter was going to pay attention to irrelevant information. That didn't happen, and now the claim is the COCP will do the same. Fortunately, these entities are sworn to uphold the law, not cater to ignorant fools who have their own self-serving concept of right and wrong.

  36. Why is this old crow anonymously beating a dead horse? Tell it to the courts.

  37. At what point do the courts ever put a lid on what appears to be a seriously perverted grudge held by a fat man scorned?

    Is it unlimited entitlement to consume 50% of the available space in the prothonatory files? Would you be happy if the County built a separate file room for you?

    The Federal tobacco lawsuits and the lawsuit after lawsuit filed by the NRA in Circuit courts all over the country may be the only runner's up

    A fat man scorned is a terrible time consuming thing.

  38. "Count'em, thats 9 cases the court has had to hear, all because poor Bernie cannot accept he was dumped. If the judges just granted her PFA the first time, we would all be spared the expense, hate, vitrol, and reems of paper. What a disgusting self important asshole you are"

    My, how far up your ass is your head?

    Her PFA application was fraudulent - a pack of lies. There was no PFA, because it was never approved.

    The one who was jilted is Mezzacappa - by the voters in 2011. And she has blamed Bernie ever since.

    The court cases are all her fault - did Bernie defame himself? Call himself a pedophile? No - she did that. He had to defend himself and the court agreed he was wronged. She is the one wasting taxpayer dollars. She has appealed convictions and lost. She hid her car instead of turning it over. As a result the hearing yesterday took place, and now another one. Her fault, not his.

    Who is the one who filed 40+ RTK appeals to the OOR, costing WE taxpayers $10's of thousands? Sued the Mayor, costing another $5000? She did.

    Please extract your head ASAP. You'll need to take a crap and you don't want to eat that stuff. Maybe that is what resulted in your faulty logic and what you spewed out here, because it's fucked up man.

    This woman is a menace to taxpayers, and reporters.

    WTF are a "reem" and "vitrol"? Go back to school or get a frigging spell checker. Your lousy spelling and poor use of apostrophes reflect you are Mezzacappa. You know that you are a lot closer to Bernie's age than half. Your youth is a distant memory. Acting 30 is not becoming. Nor is acting like a victim when you are the perp.

  39. At what point do the courts ever put a lid on what appears to be a seriously perverted grudge held by a fat man scorned?

    Boy, you sure are pissed about what happened yesterday, aren't you? The truth hurts sometimes. Have a serving of bacon to soothe yourself. Being battered by the truth and criminalized can't be pleasant.

    This is just the beginning for you - so get used to that "I fucked up so badly on this one that I can't show my face" feeling that was plastered all over you yesterday.

    What happened yesterday was the wheels of justice - and your face was just run over. Read em and weep. The courts will "put a lid" on this when you pay the $71,000 you now owe Bernie, but refuse to pay.

  40. "You will not get ARD if you refuse to settle or turn over the car. If you roll the dice and are convicted, which seems highly likely, you will go to jail. If you plead guilty and refuse to cooperate, you will likely go to jail. If you seek ARD and refuse yo cooperate, your application will likely be denied. "

    SO these are the newest set of threats outlined by a disbarred lawyer with no job.

    The last set of threats included bail conditions, bail revocation, and incarceration that were to take place yesterday.

    I see none of that took place.

    Now threats to sue this woman's mother? Please keep writing these passionate diabolical screeds...

    ARD decisions, incarceration and fines are not determined by alleged victims. They are determined by judges and licensed attorneys of the Commonwealth. You are not among them

    Other than eating, farting , breathing and shitting, you are not among the human race, either.

    Your a serial fraud who should have been jailed long ago.

  41. Because she did not go to jail yesterday, that's a victory? I did not request the detective to go into bail, and decided as the victim, I might be less than objective. The Commonwealth will decide, not me.

  42. After years of serial lawsuits, both Ron Angle and O'Hare have been given every single opportunity to consume the time of the courts, create excessive administrative burdens on a court that is strained to meet deadlines, and have had ample time in front of judges to air their greivances. They are insatiable expensive messes for the taxpayers, and reek more havoc on the taxpayer than any union ever could.

    Not long ago the suspender wearing cigar smoker and his minion O'Hare both faced the excruciating consequence of the bond lawsuits, COAF lawsuits, the golf course disaster, and ultimately, the firing by way of the election process.

    Now, one sits , unelected, with a $1.3 million black eye, and the other is rolling on the floor and foaming at the mouth over a car he cant find, but wants. He has proliferated his tantrum into a cesspool of litigation, now being fought by a presigious lawfirm in the City of Brotherly love.

    Keep taking cold cock sucker punches at the same woman day in and day out, and see how fast karma walks through the door. Skilled boxers are now in the ring. As someone once said, " A Spade for a Spade."

  43. LAST DAY TO FILE AN Objection to this witches paperwork is today. She should not be on ANY BALLOT. who lives in west Easton?

  44. It appears this woman is constantly attempting to create a narrative that you are obsessed with her, which is preposterous based on the facts.

    She won't pay you damages she owes you. And every step that is made in an attempt to satisfy that judgment, she comes here and claims you are obsessed with you, and goes back to square one and claims she did nothing wrong - as if people don't know the facts and will believe this.

    Incredible - and all the while she's accruing 6% on the debt. In this environment, that's an astonishing rate of return. Who has bats in the belfry? It's to BOH's benefit to let this ride as long as she wants to be inflexible and foot the bill. The only downside is we taxpayers are paying for all her appeals and hearings.

  45. classic- hides her car from the law, but aspires to be a politician... is this the quality of people we have in this country? disgusting.

  46. In the 1875 St. Nicholas tale, a childless old woman bakes a gingerbread man who leaps from her oven and runs away. The woman and her husband give chase but fail to catch him. The gingerbread man then outruns several farm workers and farm animals while taunting them with the phrase:

    I've run away from a little old woman,
    A little old man,
    And I can run away from you, I can!
    The tale ends with a fox catching and eating the gingerbread man who cries as he's devoured, "I'm quarter gone...I'm half gone...I'm three-quarters gone...I'm all gone!"

    Seemingly O'hare the taunter balks at all, wants it all, and nearly gets it, until he crashes and burns at his own hand.

    Seeing that there was money on the table for O'Hare, but doing what he does, and wanting it all, got him nothing and nowhere. Be careful what you wish for.

  47. @1:28PM babble babble babble. Too much vegan hot cocoa last night? Get a clue.

  48. " Bernie's over 100 years old???"

    Bernie's exact age is unknown, but scholarly estimates place him around 600 years of age. There are actually woodcarvings of Bernie chasing lost children through the Carpathian's. Local lore provides that he bathed in their blood.

  49. But it had to be fermented first.

  50. @5:03 Correct. Whoever is posting the nonsense that she is young/attractive needs do nothing more than check this link:

    Thankfully, Bernie just leaves her picture out now (THANK YOU, BERNIE). He should do the same with Gregory posts.

  51. It might be pertinent for Bernie to quote Orchulli's testimony in TM's appeal in Superior Court - it reflects on her lack of character.

  52. Those state court matters are expensive - like thousands of dollars if you bring an attorney.

    She should have opened that certified mail and shown up in court last winter, instead of making excuses. Bummer.

  53. Believe it or not. A jury will through this crazy suit and award out. The constant harassment an degradation will prove malicious intent. A woman's rights lawyer of some repute will show what has been behind all of this.

    Insider courthouse games won't sway a jury.

  54. @4:45 A jury will "through" what suit out? Which suit is going to see a jury? Do have any idea what you are talking about, or just blathering nonsense at 4:45 in the morning?

    You're always trying to make this a gender thing. Libel is not related to gender.

    This is not harassment. Bernie wrote a blog on a legal proceeding involving a candidate. Period.

    The truth appears to be battering this woman and her two supporters. This is not a "suit", it is a criminal charge. Why would a judge or jury "through" it out? It's black and white - she told authorities she was not going to turn over her levied car, and she concealed it. Guilty. Please explain grounds on why it will be "throughn" out, Clarence Darrow.

  55. When will you gross animals leave this poor young woman alone? You attack like wild dogs. She has been harassed non-stop for years.

  56. Mezz has golden locks, a golden mind and a silver tongue. Her skin is the finest alabaster lips a crimson pool sitting on finely crafted features that are compelling evidence for a loving god.

    When the hobgoblin from Naz and his lilliputian esquire from Whitehall are battered by the truth her political ambitions will come to fruition then teh haters will slowly be silenced or brought on board.


  57. Crazy is back. Taking a break from her briefs no doubt.

    The truth has rolled this defamer over and left deep tracks in her face. That's a shame. Looks like she was off a tad bit with the assumption nobody would enforce a judgment against her - like she is special or something.

    Wait until the hearing at the COOP when the detective testifies that she stated she would be right over to the Sheriff's department, but flew the coop and hid her car. The judge will throw the book at her - which she deserves.

  58. Did Ms. Mezzacappa offer any explanation for what happened to the car that caused it to disappear?

    Whoever wrote 2:52pm may have a future as a supermarket novelist.

  59. Tricia is going about this one all wrong. First off she needs to 100% drop out of politics, thus giving Bernie no legitimate reason to blog about her.

    Secondly she needs to do some damage control, keep quite and look more like the victim. Play up the damsel in distress role. If she has to give up the car, then so be it. The goal is to come out of the criminal charges without doing any time.

    Then she needs to hire a good women's rights attorney and then go after him tooth & nail. There is a terrible bias in our legal system against men, when a woman is claiming to be the victim.

    The first thing the woman's rights attorney will look for is a bigger fish to fry. There might be one in the court system, or municipality? That car would be chump change compared to what she could end up with.

    She could turn this one right around on him, if she played it smart.

  60. 7:55 Not so...Tricia's safety is #1, beyond anything else. This shit blog and its author has such a seething deep hatred, that he has written more garbage about her than anyone else he regularly attacks.

    If I were her I'd go right to trial, and not care less about what comes of it. She has no criminal record, and even if she were found guilty, shes not doing time. But, as it looks, she has every right to fear for her safety, and jail may be the safest place to keep this moron away.

  61. You make a very good point about her personal safety. I am viewing it as a man, and not as a 110 lb. woman like Tricia is.

  62. Tricia is not a mentally stable woman and this is just a shame to see this.

  63. "You make a very good point about her personal safety. I am viewing it as a man, and not as a 110 lb. woman like Tricia is."

    No it isn't a good point. You have no idea what you are talking about. Bernie has been seeking restitution for "Tricia" defaming him for 3 years. He is the victim. He never threatened her once in any way. You need to go buy some brains.

  64. "If I were her I'd go right to trial, and not care less about what comes of it. She has no criminal record, and even if she were found guilty, shes not doing time."

    That's great advice. Then she gets to pay a fine of $5000, and she still owes Bernie $71,000. For someone with no job and won't be finding a job, that's a real win-win. Strange thinking. Let's not forget that she fraudulently transferred her house to her mother. A real piece of work, she is. She brought all this on herself with her molon labe garbage. Didn't work out for the first person who used it, and it won't for her either.

  65. "Did Ms. Mezzacappa offer any explanation for what happened to the car that caused it to disappear?"

    Are you kidding? She was all embarrassed when she walked in the door and then ran away like a 10 year old, and only came back when the public defender escorted her in. She didn't say one word. Looked like a frigging statue while her public defender defended the indefensible. He made it sound like the car just vaporized after she hid it, like a fart in the wind.

    Can you imagine if he put her on the stand? "Um, Ms. Mezzacappa, what did you DO with your car?" Yeah, that would go over well.

  66. "Tricia is going about this one all wrong. First off she needs to 100% drop out of politics, thus giving Bernie no legitimate reason to blog about her. "

    This is the first sane thing one of she and her two supporters has said. She can't win anyway - citizens know she is toxic like radioactive dog crap. She isn't even "in" politics in the first place. She got halfway in the door, and opened her mouth. It was all over in an instant

  67. Once all the fats are known by a jury, at most this young woman may offer to reimburse Mr. O'Hare for what he paid for her car at the sheriff's sale. The vehicle appears to have disappeared. As to the house, it is the young woman's mother's home and not Mr. O'Hare's property. The mother's lawyers will find this threat on his client more harassment aimed at an elderly lady.

    The continual harassment and stalking like behavior. The taunts, the threats and all the vile comments allowed on this "blog" will be heard.

    A jury will know the entire history of love gone wrong, mutual attacks and harassment.

    Probably not pretty but people with common sense will be judging this, not the poison pose and gross people.

  68. "As to the house, it is the young woman's mother's home and not Mr. O'Hare's property. "

    Bullshit. You don't know the law - stop trying to practice it. You transferred it to your mother the day after the judgment in favor of Bernie was levied against you. That is a fraudulent transfer. You aren't above the law, as you are finding out.

    She owes Bernie $71,000 - that is the bottom line. He isn't going to settle for $232, and he shouldn't have to. If the car is gone, then she still owes him $71,000 AND she is out the car. She's just losing more and more, and what for? She said months ago she could afford to pay him but won't. Make your bed and lie in it. Have a great night. I'm driving down to the 24 hour store. It's a cold night for walking...

  69. "The mother's lawyers will find this threat on his client more harassment aimed at an elderly lady."

    No, the letter you refer to was simply advising your mother that if she was not aware, you had fraudulently transferred your house to her. And it suggested that she transfer it back to you. That's consideration, not harassment. Stop twisting everything into knots in an attempt to fabricate something that isn't there. You've got two weeks - better get cracking.

  70. This whole situation has been going on for years and is way beyond the point of being settled. It will be interesting to see how it unfolds in the legal system.

    Tricia is either getting bad council, or not listening to their advice. Any attorney worth their salt would have her drop out of politics immediately, and never write, nor say a single word about the case.

    Every time Bernie post a blog about Tricia and allows all these comment he is hurting his chances of collecting.

    The only lesson that I can take from this is to never put anything in writing that could come back and bite you.

    I also learned from the Durst case, never talk to yourself in the men's room...LOL!

  71. As a blogger who covers local politics, I have an obligation to make people aware about politicos, regardless of how much people like her or Sal Panto may protest. As for collecting, she already owes me what she owes me, regardless what i write. It is called a judgment. Look it up.

  72. I must say I'm
    LMFAOOOOOO @ everything going on with this woman.
    Reading this Blog is keeping me amused.
    Keep it up!!

  73. Hi. I came upon your blog by doing a search; I'd like to hear both sides of the story - is there a way to access this Mezzacappa's blog site, as I saw in previous posts she has one? Thank you.


  74. "Tricia is either getting bad council, or not listening to their advice. Any attorney worth their salt would have her drop out of politics immediately, and never write, nor say a single word about the case."

    Attorneys, and especially a PD is not a personal life coach. His job is to have a jury return "We find the Defendant not guilty."

    Period. This blog author would like to see nothing less than her tongue cut out and her hands cut off.

    And yes, this insanity is beyond any measure of settllement

  75. I get it that their is a judgment and it is totally up to the courts to decide the final outcome.

    "Attorneys, and especially a PD is not a personal life coach. His job is to have a jury return "We find the Defendant not guilty."

    Interesting point about the PD. A top attorney would tell her:

    "Don't say, nor write a single word about the case to anyone at all. Not a word! If someone asks you about the case tell them you are not allowed to talk about it Lay low, and have no contact at all with the plaintiff. Just go to work, and go home, and don't go anywhere else. When we get in court, let me do all the talking. That is what you are paying me to do."

  76. This blog author would like to see nothing less than her tongue cut out and her hands cut off.

    This is total nonsense from the fear mongering one or two people attempting to vilify Bernie.

    You are suggesting violent behavior, which Bernie has never suggested or condoned, and in fact if it were suggested by anyone here, he would delete such a post.

    Pull your head out - you're walking sideways and bent over.

    And yes, this insanity is beyond any measure of settlement

    More garbage - she never made a settlement offer other than possibly paying some attorney fees. You know very well you didn't make a legitimate offer, but you'll probably put some nonsense in your Superior Court brief claiming you did. Remember to be honest...

  77. "Hi. I came upon your blog by doing a search; I'd like to hear both sides of the story - is there a way to access this Mezzacappa's blog site, as I saw in previous posts she has one? Thank you."

    She shut her blog off to public view weeks ago. Despite the claim that the blog would "batter readers with the truth," what it consisted of in the end was a repository of rambling rants penned by a person in jail for violating protection of abuse orders - someone with a hatred of Bernie similar to hers.

    She probably shut her blog off because this guy's rants could be used against him if he tries to get parole. He mentioned one of the targets of his obsession in the letters, and she mentioned the same person in unflattering terms on her blog as well. The taunts are fun until the law steps in.

    The truth has battered this woman, which is quite ironic given her claims she would use it against others.

  78. Bernie, does the law entitle you to collect attorney fees?

  79. In the criminal case, No. In the civil action we are filing against her and her mother for the fraudulent conveyances, we will seek both punitive damages and attorney fees against her and her mother, whom I believe to be assisting her in shielding assets. Her mother was warned and was given ample opportunity to do the right thing.

  80. 6% a year is as good as attorney fees, in this case. Bernie can do a lot of the footwork himself.


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