Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Can Incarcerated Jim Gregory Challenge Ken Kraft?

Ken Kraft filed his nomination papers for Northampton County Council yesterday. He's running in District One, which includes Bethlehem, Hellertown, Freemansburg and Hanover Tp. This is generally considered a safe district for Democrats. But according to Kraft, he's got company. He tells me that Jim Gregory wants to stage a write-in campaign to get on the Republican ticket. What's unusual about this is that Gregory is doing this as an inmate from the State Correctional Institute at Pittsburgh. He may also seek to get on the Republican ballot in the Bethlehem City Council races.

In order to run for office, you have to be a resident of the district in which you're running. Can Gregory make that claim when he's been living in state prisons for the last 18 months? According to The Election Code, he does not lose his residency in Bethlehem by virtue of being incarcerated outside of the district.

The State Constitution bars anyone from office who has been convicted of an "infamous crime." “[A] crime is infamous for purposes of Article II, Section 7, if its underlying facts establish a felony, a crimen falsi offense, or a like offense involving the charge of falsehood that affects the public administration of justice.”

Whether Gregory's multiple convictions of indirect criminal contempt rise to the level of "infamous crime" is unclear to me. But I seriously doubt that he could get enough write-in votes to qualify as a candidate for City or County Council. When he tried to stage a write-in campaign against Bob Donchez for Bethlehem Mayor, he got a grand total of four votes.

If the standard were "nutty crime," Gregory would be disqualified. This is a guy who used to meditate, on the roof of his car and in his underwear, before softball games.

The dude has issues.


  1. Kraft, Barron and all Democrats should be kissing Jim Gregory's ass and help him. if by some miracle a Republican, any Republican, is on a ballot in Bethlehem this Fall it is a plus for Democrats.

    The big problem in 2013 and even this year is the Republican's Bethlehem strategy. They make sure no Republicans run in the city in order to suppress the overwhelming Democratic registration edge. If a Republican is on the ballot this fall, Dem's have a better chance to gin up interest and voter turnout.

    Hail Jim Gregory. Even as a Republican, he is the savior of the Democratic Party.

    I would expect nothing less than the 21st century messenger of God.

  2. yes, please. we need more of this.

  3. Gregory should focus on getting Unity PAC back in the mix, his electability has been compromised by the constant bashing
    Both here and in bill whites barrel of bile.

    John Brown didn't have a chance according to many of the local pundits, Gregory has the Midas touch and a silver tongue, both of which are very appealing to this power bottom.

  4. Not even worth your time writing about this guy. He's finished - a woman beating, Jesus-freak, ex-con? I don't think so.

    HOWEVER, Repubs have been known to elect some real winners over the years.

  5. The county could use a few gays to get it back on track.

  6. @2:36,
    You made me laugh so hard, I pissed myself.

  7. Anyone who thinks Mr. Gregory has any molecule of electability is most certainly in need of medication.

  8. and hilarity ensued...

  9. his electability has been compromised by the constant bashing

    So his elect-ability was solid after being sent to State PITA Prison, and it is only bad press that decreased his appeal? Good one!

    Gregory has the Midas touch and a silver tongue, both of which are very appealing to this power bottom.

    Gregory has been hanging with "power bottoms" for a few years now, and his tongue is probably a shade of brown, not silver.

  10. I don't know what makes me laugh more, the post itself or the insane comments. Maybe afyer the Zombie Apocalypse, Jim can appoint himself Governor and make Tricia M his first Lady. For the Inaugural they can have a PORK Roast!

  11. What's the big deal. Republicans love wack jobs. He can just blame Obama for people not picking up after their pets, frozen pipes what ever. He'll do fine.

  12. Republican? The hilarity continues. Jimbo was a LV Democrat poster boy for his entire life. You dopes elected him several times. You couldn't get enough of his hunky bad self. You can't keep rejected wingnuts from joining your party - not even wingnuts who were admired and championed by Democrats for decades. Jim is a complete ass. That means he's a Democrat. Just look at the secure email thread from Jimbo to hillaryclinton@cankles.com. It's all there.

  13. First of all, what is this about him meditating on the roof of his car in his underwear before softball games....that gave me a good laugh! Seriously, all J.G. wants is attention regardless of how he can get it. Does he really believe that he can run for anything ever again, much less from a state prison? If so, this appears to make him delusional at best. It should be interesting to see when or if he ever gets released. I don't think anyone really cares what he does as long as his victims remain safe from him.

  14. So Gregory relayed his intention to Ken Kraft? Bernie I know you have the inside scoop on all things "Greggy" but have been unable to spot any of his LTE's to either daily. Any chance you could alert his loyal fans to the screeds when they get published?

  15. This blog is an ,"infamous crime".

    Free Greggy!!!

  16. 3:30, although I don't know whether Gregory wrote to Kraft, it would not surprise me as he has written to everyone else.

  17. No venue` and he can prove it. You LIVE where your underwear and toothbrush are ,if you have teeth, or brush! This is non-sense.

  18. The preliminary NorCo ballot was published. Mezzacappa is running on the Convict ticket for West Easton council.

    Now, when will she open her FB page and her blogs so people can see what she stands for? Narcissism and defiance of the law. Tragic. The Wicked Witch of West Easton takes flight.

  19. Vote her in . This will force her to show someplace,and then Bernie can get a vehicle that he can accually wash on Sundays and a new S and W MP-40.

  20. I thought Mezzacrappa would spend the summer commuting back and forth to SCI PITA Prison, hand-carrying materials for Greggo as campaign manager. Looks like she is looking out for #1, and planning her own "I am NOT a criminal" platform. Lots of luck with that. It's hard enough to find R votes in the first place in WE.

    Greggo stands less chance of winning anything than that Lyndon LaDouche guy who ran for president from prison.

  21. Being accused of something is not a crime. Jimmy is not a criminal. He can run for office.. He has lots of his own money from his county monthly pension checks that he hasn't cashed. He also gets 'social security" checks. He has plenty of money. When you are incarcerated you can vote anywhere you choose like a college student. He is a resident of the Pittsburgh area so he can run out there or he can run back here. That's one of the benefits of being in prison or being a college student. God, isn't America just great.

  22. @6:45 and all the other myopic poison posse sadists, remember when Nader ran in 2000? Think he really believed there was any chance of winning? Of course not but sometimes people stand up for what they believe despite overwhelming odds due to depth of character, a sense of duty and the desire to impact a community.

    It takes courage to put oneself out there and ask for votes from neighbors, and the community at large especially when the local version of The Sun spews more toxic material than Krakatoa once did.

    Gregory won't get a lot of votes but he has won the hearts of many, and he's a REAL man not some two bit blueberry balled lackey hell bent on gotcha politics and shaming those who oppose him.

  23. *:324, Gregory was not just accused of something. He has been convicted seven times of indirect criminal contempt./

  24. @8:24,
    Vote wherever?...fire up another spliff. College students cannot vote wherever they please, they must file absentee ballots for their home counties. Also, I don't think that you are permitted to vote if you are incarcerated. If you are, it must be via absentee ballot in your home county.

  25. If you are convicted of a felony, you may not vote while you are incarcerated. But just about everyone else may vote. And yes, they can pretty much vote wherever they please. I read a handbook about it today. The thinking is that the incarcerated person is there involuntarily, and his home is wherever he chooses to be when he gets out. I do not have a link to it now, but can get it if you are interesterd.

  26. Mr. Gregory is not in prison for a felony. There was a problem regarding his girlfriend and a misunderstanding in the court between him and the judge. He is hardly an ordinary criminal.

    He has always been a public servant in one form or another. He is well known in political circles and was instrumental in the John Brown campaign early on. Many public figures owe their success to his help. he has even teamed up with Ron Angle.

    Hopefully, people will get off his back and give him a fair chance.

  27. "It takes courage to put oneself out there and ask for votes from neighbors, and the community at large"

    You're quite the braniac. His neighbors are Geraldo, Bubba, and Jamal, and the other rats on cell block D. His "community at large" is prison. lol

    It takes GALL to ask people to vote for you when you are a woman beater.

  28. Mr. Gregory is not in prison for a felony. There was a problem regarding his girlfriend and a misunderstanding in the court between him and the judge. He is hardly an ordinary criminal.

    OK, he is an extraordinary criminal. Big difference.

    He beat his women. That is not a misunderstanding. Just like you have not had misunderstandings in all the cases you lost. You simply lost them. Read em and weep.

  29. @8:24 "Being accused of something is not a crime."

    Pull your head out - otherwise you won't be able to go to the bathroom.

  30. Mezzacappa, Every time you comment here, you violate the no contact provisions of your bail conditions.

  31. This all stems from the hit blog Bernie wrote two years ago when Jim stood up for his client and Dachau survivor Eugenia at courtesy of the floor in front of NorCo council, he was also lampooned by the gluttonous simpleton Bill White.

    Eugenia and other recipients of NorCo mental health were having their services cut while Stoffa stood by and played his fiddle, or built birdhouses.

    Jim was willing to sacrifice his career in order to preserve the last source of support for an elderly woman with PTSD, pile on poison posse thats what you do.

  32. Mezzacappa, you are thumbing your nose at the bail conditions set by Judge Yetter.

  33. "This all stems from the hit blog Bernie wrote two years ago when Jim stood up for his client and Dachau survivor Eugenia at courtesy of the floor in front of NorCo council, he was also lampooned by the gluttonous simpleton Bill White.

    Eugenia and other recipients of NorCo mental health were having their services cut while Stoffa stood by and played his fiddle, or built birdhouses.

    Jim was willing to sacrifice his career in order to preserve the last source of support for an elderly woman with PTSD, pile on poison posse thats what you do."

    Yes, and what you do is screw up apostrophes constantly and give yourself away. Your obsession with Bernie all stems from the expose he wrote on you in 2011. You've been convicted of defamation and now have a criminal charge against you and you've been ordered no direct or indirect contact with Bernie.

    Why are you commenting here? Are you trying to have your withered ass tossed in jail? Then cry that you were mistreated after it happens? Maybe the judge will sentence you to mandatory treatment. You need it.

  34. MezzaCRaZY and Greggo will both be running for office from behind bars at this rate.

  35. The Mediterranean manslab is the real dark horse in any race. That said, he is a miracle worker. A Mensa and Kung Fu Master, he has shown himself to be up for any challenge. He is probably the team leader in his cellblock.

    He is not only a man but a legend in the Lehigh Valley. Why do the powers that be fear him? Why does Ken Kraft fear him. The bronze man god will create a new party when released.

    He will resurrect the unity PAC and work to get good and decent people in government. Many folks have forgotten all the work he did for them and his efforts that got them elected.
    When he returns all his prison experience swill have made him an even stronger force. Word is the inmates in the cellblock are all lined up behind him 100%.

    The man men fear and women desire will soon be home.

  36. "Word is the inmates in the cellblock are all lined up behind him 100%."

    that, I believe.

  37. She's out on bail? I missed something.

    He is hardly an ordinary criminal.

    I'd say if you are sitting in a state prison for over a year, you are an ordinary criminal. He is in PRISON. When are you two going to wake up that your lives are fucked because of your own doing? Time to eat some humble pie, get jobs, and live a quiet life together. No one gives a rats ass what you say. There are plenty of right-wing nuts taking up the oxygen already.

  38. LOL "Lined up behind him"!?
    As Greggy himself would say "LOL LOL LOL"

  39. If this convict truly believes he can beat Ken Kraft, hey, go for it. Ain't no way that's going to happen. Even if was not in prison.

    Maybe he wants to run to get his "message" out about the treatment he's getting in prison. Who cares? It's prison, not the Hilton. Moving on -

  40. She's out on bail? I missed something.

    Yup - you sure did. She is out on bail. Check the records, unless you want to remain in the dark.

    Takes all of about 5 seconds. PA Docket Sheets, Magisterial Courts.

  41. "The Mediterranean manslab is the real dark horse in any race. He is probably the team leader in his cellblock.

    Why does Ken Kraft fear him?

    When he returns all his prison experience swill have made him an even stronger force. Word is the inmates in the cellblock are all lined up behind him 100%."

    This post is too funny, and shows what sleep deprivation causes.

    The only dark horse involved is the brute lined up behind Gregory as the lights go out.

    Who says Kraft "fears" Gregory? Kraft didn't say that - but you get things twisted all around in your head all the time. Insanity is painless.

    Why don't you post this nonsense on your own blog so people can read it there? Oh, because nobody can read your blog. lol

  42. @11:48

    "You're quite the braniac. His neighbors are Geraldo, Bubba, and Jamal, and the other rats on cell block D."


    "The only dark horse involved is the brute lined up behind Gregory as the lights go out."

    Probably written from the same person who seems to be projecting a fantasy of prison rape perpetrated by hung African American males. Perhaps you have experienced things that need to be processed with a licensed mental health clinician, but please stop spewing your racist bile here.

  43. Actually I think many of the Greggy posts are tongue in check. Relax.

  44. What a bunch of haters. You people are sick!

    Stop riding Jim Gregory's ass. He is not here top defend himself. This is sad. You are all sad.

    If he were here you would all be running and hiding. The man is a well known karate master. He will be happy to hear you out

  45. @7:08 Haters? Who "likes" a woman beater? Yup - some people would run and hide, because he's an abuser of women, and they would lead the exodus.

  46. Anyone try to visit Mezzacappa's FB page promoting her 2015 run for WE council? She's deleted it.

  47. Why is Ken Kraft bad mouthing Jim Gregory? If not for Gregory, Kraft probably wouldn't have gotten elected. Many local officials owe much of their success to Jim Gregory.

  48. Gotten elected? Your grade school called.

  49. Jim Gregory hates you Bernie O'Hare. He has no use for you. He will end up closer to Ron Angle than you.

  50. Why is Ken Kraft bad mouthing Jim Gregory?

    Try rereading the post. It doesn't say anything about Kraft badmouthing Gregory. Gregory's getting all the badmouthing he can take in prison. His cellmates agree he has the Midas touch.

  51. "Stop riding Jim Gregory's ass"

    LOL. Hope that is not the case in prison. LOL,LOL!

  52. Jim Gregory will soon return. He will come back with his long black silken hair, his tanned taut and muscular body. He has been working out and staying active. There was word he's working on a law degree while in prison. Can you imagine him when he returns?

    He will come back as handsome as he left, more sculpted and possibly with a law degree. Then all the haters will line up to kiss his ring and get money and an endorsement from his UNITY-PAC.

    I am just concerned about what happened to his house and car. Hopefully, they are still his. Now that Timmer sold hi radio stain is there any chance Jim will get his money back?

  53. Didn't Jim steal the house from a little old lady who was his client? Just sayin, it's really not his to lose. And the car was prob repossessed for failure to pay for it.

    Maybe you get let him move into West Easton. The dynamic-duo! The Batcave can be the Battycave.

  54. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3q5iLy2ciE

    No wonder Bernie is so jealous of Jim, he has a great rapport with earl and mezz

  55. Word on the street is that Jim Gregory put Tricia M. in charge of his affairs while he is away.

  56. You do realize that having sex in prison is not being gay. What you do in prison is not real and has no relationship to the real world. That should be made velar right away.

  57. Above is the wisdom of Henry C. Schaaadt, whose sexual orientation is gay.


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