Local Government TV

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Campos Minimizes Staffing Shortages in Row Offices

NorCo Director of Administration Luis Campos minimized the staffing shortages in the row offices at a Council Committee hearing yesterday. There are three vacancies in the Criminal Division, but Campis claims he has been told by Chief Clerk Leigh Ann Fisher that they can keep up. He admitted there are eight vacancies in the Civil Division,

After stating there's no "hold" on those vacancies, Campos first stated that the Administration is attempting to "stagger" in new hires so they can be trained. But a few sentences later, Campos stated they have still to decide whether they intend to fill the clerical positions.

Campos went on to say that the Civil Division will soon roll out an online component that will reduce calls by 30% and foot traffic by 10%. Where he got these numbers from is hard to say. I suspect they come out of thin air.

Implementation of new software, when done without consulting the end users, is usually a disaster.

Campos also indicated that if there is a shortage in the Criminal Division, employees elsewhere can be used to pick up the slack. That's bullshit, too, because absolutely no effort has been made to cross-train employees. I know this because I have advocated it for years.

Because no member of Council is familiar with the row offices and has ever set foot in one, none of them questioned Campos about the overworked employees in the Civil Division who were working overtime as the meeting went on.  Instead, they discussed eliminating the positions completely. They also joked about the time that deputies in the Civil Division waste by rolling quarters. Campos, stated that one Deputy spends three hours every week rolling quarters, which is complete nonsense. He added that the quarter machine will soon be replaced with a credit card machine.


  1. So why didn't voters elect the very highly qualified and experienced county council candidates that ran in 2013?

  2. Because it rained and those who did turn out were duped.

  3. Good to see that the administration is holding the line on these unseeded and over paid positions

  4. Campos is Brown's hand puppet. He is clueless about the day to day operations of the civil division. Now, with his inflated salary, Campos will be losing five divisions under his supervision to DCED. That is a dumb idea, but raises the question of exactly what is this guy going to be responsible for to justify his pay? We all know that Allen calls the shots in that department. Campos is like the Hudsucker Proxy. Only not talented enough to invent the hula hoop.

  5. Campos and Brown are experts at mealy mouthing everything for one or two sentences. After that, the truth that they are clueless or are stonewalling becomes apparent. That's why they usually just sit there like useless bumps on a log and keep their mouths shut - they excel at that.

  6. Slash and burn bean counters have over run the county halls of power. sickening..

  7. The county is a service provider..not a corporation!

  8. @9:01 You mean the same administration that held the line on your taxes? Oh wait that's right they didn't hold the line on your taxes! It's hard to argue with someone who's clueless but I'll give it a shot........the people in those "over paid" (just for the record overpaid is one word genius) positions make 1/3 of what that useless tool Campos makes and they work 10 times harder! Those "unseeded" (I'm guessing you mean unneeded) people provide a much needed service to the taxpayers of this county. I'm sure you are more of the service taker type rather than the service provider type!

  9. I wonder if he is aware that the County Public Works Director is resigning his post after 1 year on 3/28/15. This should tell you something about this adimistration when his hand picked cabinenent appointees are already leaving.

  10. anon 9:01, I only wanted 'seeded" positions foiled. They have a better chance at the championship.

  11. ??? Bernie did you know Young was leaving? What's the scoop? He seemed like one of Brown's more competent picks.

  12. Just like most businesses! The people that do the work are never asked for ideas, and too much money being paid to the higher ups that don't know a damn thing!


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